Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for Employee

Product Disclosure
Statement (PDS) for
Employee Members of
National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A
com per
Issued by the Trustee:
PFS Nominees Pty Ltd
National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A
Plum Financial Services Limited (Plum)
Level 4, 500 Bourke Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
GPO Box 63
Melbourne VIC 3001
ABN 16 082 026 480
AFSL 243 357
ABN 59 929 570 050
ABN 35 081 812 731
AFSL 243356
Telephone 1300 55 7586
1300 99 7586
Preparation date: 18 December 2014
This PDS is a summary of significant information of the National Australia Bank Group
Superannuation Fund A (the “Fund”) and contains references to further important
information in the following information brochures:
• How the Fund works;
• Investing in NABGSF; and
• Insurance Cover & Benefits.
You should consider all information before making a decision to invest in this product.
The information in this PDS is general and does not take into account your personal
financial situation or needs. We recommend you obtain financial advice for your own
personal circumstances.
This offer is made in Australia in accordance with Australian laws and your super
account will be regulated by these laws.
Our website provides information, tools and education to help you
on your journey towards financial security in retirement.
1.Go to
2.Select the ‘Login here’ option.
3.Enter your member number and PIN which is provided to you when you
join the Fund.
4.Select ‘Login’.
About the National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A............................................... 2
How super works................................................................................................................................. 3
enefits of investing with the National Australia Bank Group
Superannuation Fund A...................................................................................................................... 4
Risks of super....................................................................................................................................... 5
How we invest your money................................................................................................................ 6
Fees and costs...................................................................................................................................... 8
How super is taxed............................................................................................................................ 10
Insurance in your super.................................................................................................................... 11
How to open an account.................................................................................................................. 13
1. About the National Australian Bank Group
Superannuation Fund A
Building your savings through your super fund while you work can be a simple and tax
effective way of planning for your retirement. All full time and part time employees of
National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) may choose to become members of the Fund.
The Fund has been selected by NAB to act as the default fund for your super and NAB will
contribute to the Fund on your behalf unless you choose to have your contributions paid
to another fund. NAB contribute 10% of each employee’s Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) to
Spouses of members may also join the Fund, whilst employees leaving the employment of
NAB may also remain in the Fund (subject to a $5,000 minimum). Further information is set
out in the Ex-employees and Spouse Members PDS.
The Fund is one of the oldest and largest corporate funds in the country with approximately
36,000 members and managing approximately $3.9 billion of assets (as at 30 June 2014).
If you are just starting your working life and retirement is a long way off, or if you are getting
closer to retirement we can assist you to develop the savings and investment strategies to
help you reach your retirement goals.
We have developed an information program to help you understand how super works and
the decisions you need to make to achieve your retirement goals. You will have access to an
informative website and receive useful information to understand retirement savings.
The Fund provides competitive fees which are easy to understand. In fact, we are able to
discount the administration and management fees for you because of efficiencies provided
by NAB. NAB also assists you to absorb the cost of fees and insurance by paying 10% of your
OTE to the Fund which is higher than the legislated minimum contribution.
Insurance cover is automatic for all new Employee Members. To ensure you have the cover
to best suit your needs you can apply for a higher level of cover when you join the Fund.
Importantly, joining the Fund is automatic. You don’t have to do anything to take advantage
of these valuable benefits.
If you don’t make an investment choice, your super will be invested
in NABGSF MySuper a diversified investment option. You can also choose
from eight other investment options.
To find out more about NABGSF MySuper and other investment options as
well as other Fund details go to to:
• access product information (dashboard);
• find out more about Trustee directors including remuneration details; and
• access other Fund documents.
The Fund is administered by Plum, which is responsible for more than $24 billion
of funds under management (as at 30 June 2014) invested on behalf of more than 220,000
individuals and employees of many of Australia’s largest organisations.
Plum is part of the MLC group of companies, the wealth management division
of the National Australia Bank.
2. How super works
Investing through super is a tax effective way to save for your retirement.
The Government encourages Australians to use super to build wealth that will generate
income in their retirement, and it’s compulsory for contributions to be made to super for
most working Australians.
Tax concessions and other government benefits generally make it one of the best longterm
investment vehicles.
Contributing to your super
Generally you, your spouse or your employer can contribute to your super and help it grow
faster. You can also use strategies that include Government co-contributions or arranging
with your employer to contribute some of your pre-tax salary.
Whatever strategy you choose, you can contribute to the Fund through NAB and importantly
other current and future employers to the Fund.
While you can contribute as much as you like, you will incur additional tax if contributions
exceed certain limits. All subsidies made by your employer by way of additional contributions
will count towards your concessional contributions cap.
Consolidating your super
Keeping your super in one place makes sense. This gives you a single view of your money,
helps you keep track of your investments and means you are only paying one set of fees for
your super.
We can help you consolidate your super if you provide us with your TFN and consent to us
searching for your super on your behalf. If you have insurance with another provider, you
have the option to add it to the insurance you have with us.
We recommend that you seek financial advice before consolidating your super as your fees,
insurance cover and other benefits or costs may be different in each account.
Please use the Consolidate your superannuation benefits form available at
Leaving your employer
When you leave NAB, you don’t need to leave the Fund; you may be able to retain your
investments and death and total and permanent disablement insurance in the Fund (note
a $5,000 minimum account balance and a different fee basis will apply). You can generally
request your next employer to contribute to the Fund and keep your super in one place.
Choosing where your super’s invested
You can generally choose which super fund you want NAB to pay your contributions to.
If you don’t make a choice, NAB has chosen to pay your super contributions to this Fund.
The law defines your eligibility, the types of contributions you or others can make on
your behalf, and the maximum amount you can contribute before you pay additional tax.
It also determines whether you are eligible to access your super. To find out
more go to or
You should read the important information about how super works before making a
decision. Go to to read the How the Fund works brochure. The material
relating to how super works may change between the time you read this PDS and the
day the product is acquired.
3. Benefits of Investing with National Australia
Bank Group Superannuation Fund A
We offer a range of features that can help you maximise your retirement savings. Access to
your account is available at, so you’ll always know where your super’s headed.
Our investments
We have selected JANA Investment Advisers one of Australia’s most highly regarded
investment consultants, to develop an investment menu that offers nine different investment
options. Four of the investment options are single sector options that include Australian
Shares, Overseas Shares, Fixed Interest and Cash. The other five investment options are
pre-mixed options (various combinations of asset classes) that cater for risk profiles from
conservative to aggressive.
You can choose one investment option or many, it’s up to you. If you don’t choose an
investment option we’ll invest your super in the NABGSF MySuper investment option.
For more information about the NABGSF MySuper investment option please refer to
Section 5 How we invest your money.
We will automatically provide you with insurance. Insurance in your super can be a cost
effective way to help protect you and your family. You also benefit from group discounts, so
the premiums on group insurance are generally cheaper than if you had insurance separately.
This means you could save money on your cover. It’s also hassle free because we’ll deduct
the premium from your account each month. When your life changes, so do your insurance
needs. That’s why when big events happen, like getting married or having a baby, we’ve made
it really easy for you to increase or decrease your insurance. For more information about
insurance please refer to Section 8 Insurance in your super.
You can access information, tools and calculators on our website. Use our online advice
calculator to model what your retirement savings might look like or learn how to boost your
account balance by contributing more to super. Go to to find out more about
how you can make your money work for you.
Financial advice services
You can call us for help about your super. We can provide you with free online and
phone based advice on a range of super strategies. If you need comprehensive financial
advice, you can access personal face-to-face advice via a licensed financial adviser. To access
these services, call us on 1800 061 790.
You’ll enjoy:
• a range of investment options;
• insurance cover with competitive premiums;
• access to tools and calculators online at;
• our investment and education newsletter;
• six-monthly Member benefit statements;
• access to financial advice services; and
• the option to keep your super benefits in the one place by choosing this account for your
future employer contributions.
You can tailor your membership in many ways to help you take control of your financial
future. If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of investing with us go to our
You should read the important information about the benefits of investing with the
Fund before making a decision. Go to to read the Investing in NABGSF
brochure. The material relating to the benefits of investing with the Fund may change
between the time you read this PDS and the day the product is acquired.
4. Risks of super
When making an investment choice, the factors that will affect your decision include:
• your investment goals;
• the savings you’ll need to reach your goals;
• how many years you have to invest;
• the return you may expect from your investments, including investments outside super; and
• how comfortable you are with investment risk.
Investment risk
All investments carry risk. Even the simplest of investments come with a level of risk and
different investments have different levels of risk.
While the idea of investment risk can be confronting, it’s a normal part of investing. Without it
you may not get the returns you need to reach your financial goals. This is known as the risk/
return trade off.
When considering your investment, it’s important to understand that:
• its value will vary over time;
• investments with higher return potential, usually have higher levels of risk;
• returns aren’t guaranteed, and you may lose some of your money;
• previous returns shouldn’t be used to predict future returns;
• your final super balance may not provide for an adequate retirement; and
• laws of overseas jurisdictions can impact returns on international investments.
Accessing the money you put into super
Because super is for your retirement the law is strict about how and when you can
access your money. To find out more go to
Legislative change
Just as the Government makes rules, it can also change them. International law changes
can also impact on your super. We will help keep you informed on changes to laws on super,
tax, social security and other retirement issues.
The significant risks that may apply to the National Australia Bank Group
Superannuation Fund A include:
Market risk
Economic, technological, political or legal conditions, and even market sentiment, can
(and do) change, and this can mean that changes in the value of investment markets can
affect the value of the investments in the option. The Fund invests across numerous markets
to limit the exposure to any one market or sector. Eliminating all market risk is not possible.
Fund risk
These risks include, the Fund terminating (in accordance with the Fund Rules), we could be
replaced as Trustee and our service providers could change, under perform or fail. We aim to
keep Fund risk to a minimum by always acting in Members’ best interests.
Employer sponsor risk
NAB, as the sponsoring employer could withdraw its support of the Fund or replace the
Fund as its default fund. Either of these events could impact the viability of the Fund in the
longer term.
Want to know more?
Your financial future is what matters, so we’ve developed a broad range of
information and tools on super, investment risk and investing for the future.
Just go to to:
• access information about the investment menu;
• find out more about savings and investment strategies; and
• try our tools and calculators.
5. How we Invest your Money
We provide nine investment options and you can choose one investment option or any
combination of the investment options to put your investment plan into action. If you don’t
make a choice, your super will be invested in NABGSF MySuper.
– NABGSF MySuper
Other pre-mixed
Single sector
• provides a diversified
investment that brings
together a range of asset
classes, management
styles and philosophies.
• choose from four premixed
diversified options suited to
a range of risk profiles from
conservative through to
• each option brings together
a range of asset classes,
management styles and
• choose from four single
sector investment
Each of our investment options has a different level of risk and potential level of return.
You should consider the likely return, risk and investment time frame when
choosing to invest in an option.
We may change the allocation in each investment option, and add or remove options at any
stage. Up to date information is available at
You can change your investment strategy or switch between investment options at any time.
To do this, log in to
You should read the important information about our investment options,
understanding risk and ethical investing before making a decision.
Go to to read the Investing in NABGSF brochure. The material relating
to your investment options may change between the time you read this PDS
and the day the product is acquired.
Investor profile tools
For more information about our investment options, such as asset allocations, performance
and investment commentary, simply visit or call 1300 55 7586.
Investment objective:
To earn 3% p.a. above the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
over rolling 10 year periods.
The portfolio may be
suited to you if:
• you want higher returns over the long term; and
• you can accept volatility in investment returns from
year to year.
Neutral asset allocation
(at 30 June 2014):
We may adjust the allocation
within these ranges:
Diversified fixed interest
Defensive total
Australian shares
Overseas shares
Growth total
Defensive 0 – 45%
Growth 45 – 100%
Alternatives 5-25%
Minimum suggested
time to invest:
5 years
Estimated number of
negative annual returns:
High, 4 years in 20
Indicative investment fee (% p.a.):
This includes estimated performance fees. Actual fees may be different.
6. Fees and costs
Did you know?
Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a
substantial impact on your long-term returns.
For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your account balance rather than
1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30 year period (for example,
reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).
You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance
or the provision of better member services justify higher fees and costs.
To find out more
If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of fees for your own circumstances,
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website
has a Superannuation calculator to help you check out different fee options and
calculate the effect of fees and costs on account balances.
All fees shown in the table are inclusive of GST and net of Reduced Input Tax Credits (where
applicable). A tax benefit may apply to fees charged to your super account. We will pass on
the tax benefit arising from the fees you pay, reducing your overall tax or providing your
account with a refund.
You can use the information in this table to compare fees and costs between different
superannuation products. These fees and costs may be deducted from your account, from
the returns on your investment or from the Fund assets as a whole. We may vary some of
our fees or costs in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) without notice
but we’ll give you 30 days notice of other material increases. The only exceptions are for
investment fees which will vary daily with investment costs and Government taxes and
charges. For further details about fee definitions go to
National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A
Type of fee
How and when paid
Investment fee
Administration fee
Administration fee $1.75
per week/$91.00 p.a.1
(discounted to $1.50 per
week/$78.00 p.a1. for
Employee Members), plus
Management fee 0.14%p.a.
(discounted to 0.07% for
Employee Members).
• The Administration fee is
deducted monthly from
your account.
• The Management fee is
deducted monthly from
your account.
Buy/sell spread
There is no Buy/sell spread.
Switching fee
There is no Switching fee.
Exit fee
There is no Exit fee.
Advice fees
Relating to all members
investing in NABGSF MySuper
or other investment option(s).
No advice fees will be
deducted from your account.
Other fees and costs
For details of other fees and costs that may apply please refer to the Additional fees and
costs section of the How Your Fund Works brochure.
Indirect cost ratio
The estimated indirect cost
ratio for NABGSF MySuper is
0.85% p.a.
The estimated indirect cost
ratio for other investment
options range from
0.09%p.a. to 1.54%p.a.
• Reflected in the daily unit
price for each investment
1. This fee may be indexed annually in line with movements in the CPI without notice.
Example of annual fees and costs for NABGSF MySuper
This table gives an example of how the fees and costs in NABGSF MySuper can affect your
superannuation investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this
superannuation product with other superannuation products.
Example –
Balance of $50,000
Investment fees
For every $50,000 you have
in NABGSF MySuper you will
be charged $0.00 each year.
Administration fees
($1.75 per week)
(discounted to
$78.00 p.a./$1.50 per
week for employee
to $78.00 for
And you will be charged
$161.00 in administration
0.14% p.a. x $50,000
(discounted to 0.07%
p.a. for employee
to $35 for
0.85% p.a.² x $50,000
And, indirect costs of
$425.002 each year will
be deducted from your
to $538.00
for employee
If your balance was $50,000,
then for that year you will
be charged fees of $586.00
(discounted to $538.00 for
employee members) for
Indirect costs for
Cost of product
1. T
he fees calculated in this example are based on indicative investment costs,
which may differ from the actual costs.
2. This cost is reflected in the unit price for NABGSF MySuper.
dditional fees may apply: And, if you leave the Fund early, you will be charged an
exit fee of $0.00.
Indirect costs
When investing your money, we may incur costs and expenses that won’t be charged to you as
a fee but will reduce the net return of the investment option. These indirect costs are reflected
in the daily unit price and any reporting on the performance of the investment option.
You should read the important information about fees and costs before making a decision.
Go to to read the PDS for Ex-employees and Spouse Members and the
Investing in NABGSF and How the Fund works brochures. The material relating to fees and
costs may change between the time you read this PDS and the day the product is acquired.
7. How super is taxed
This section isn’t a comprehensive and complete tax guide.
Tax on super is complex. This is general information, and we recommend you seek advice from
a registered tax agent to determine your personal tax obligations. We are not a registered tax
agent. Tax laws change. To keep up to date, please visit
Tax treatments in your account
Tax treatments on payments to you
Lump sum
• Concessional
contributions, such as
employer and salary
sacrifice contributions
– usually taxed at a rate
of 15%, but a higher
rate may apply if you
earn over $300,000
Tax is deducted at the end
of each month or when
you leave the Fund.
• Personal contributions,
generally made by you
or your spouse for which
no personal income
tax deduction will be
– not taxed.
Additional tax may be
payable if you exceed the
contribution limits, go to
Taxed at rate
of up to 15%.
Tax paid or
payable on
earnings is
reflected in
the daily unit
price of each
Tax-free component: Nil
Taxable component:
• If under age 55, tax
is paid up to 22%
(including Medicare
Levy at 2%).
• If aged between 5559, tax free on first
$185,000 (this is a
lifetime limit which
may be increased
periodically), then tax is
paid on the remainder
up to 17% (including
Medicare Levy at 2%).
• From age 60, tax-free.
If applicable, we’ll deduct
the tax from your account
before paying the lump
Your employer will generally provide your tax file number (TFN) on your behalf.
If we don’t have it, we will only be able to accept concessional contributions and
these may be taxed at the highest marginal tax rate plus the Medicare levy,
rather than at the usual tax rate of 15%. You may also miss out on government
co-contributions as a result. For more information visit
8. Insurance in your super
A range of insurance options are available to you depending on your needs and eligibility.
You will automatically receive a level of standard death, total and permanent disablement (TPD)
and temporary disability (income protection) cover when you join NAB, subject to your eligibility.
Standard death cover
Death cover provides a lump sum benefit that may be payable in the event of your death
or upon diagnosis of a terminal illness.
Standard TPD cover
A lump sum TPD benefit will be payable if you meet the definition of total and permanent
disablement and satisfy all other applicable eligibility criteria as set out in the insurance policy.
Standard death and TPD insurance cover is based on the formula:
• 17.5% x Fund salary x years to age 60
Minimum Cover
Death cover to your 70th birthday is provided at a minimum rate of:
• 1 x your Fund Salary.
TPD cover is also provided to your 70th birthday. The cover provided is a minimum 1 x Fund
Salary at age 60, reducing by 10% x Fund Salary p.a and ceasing at age 70.
More details are provided in the Member Information Brochure Insurance Cover and Benefits.
Extra death and TPD cover
Subject to acceptance of satisfactory health evidence by the insurer, you can apply for a fixed
amount of extra insurance cover at any time. Cover must be applied for in units where 1 unit
of cover is equal to $50,000. You can apply for a maximum of $1 million (i.e. 20 units) of cover.
Temporary disablement cover
Standard temporary disablement cover to age 65 will provide a monthly benefit of 75%
of your salary while you are unable to work due to temporary disablement. The benefit is
payable for up to two years when you cease to be gainfully employed or receive any sick leave
or other gain or reward as a consequence of disability. Your temporary disablement benefit
may be reduced by any other disability benefits you may be entitled to claim.
You are also able to apply for extra cover temporary disablement which can provide for
income payments to age 60.
Changing your insurance cover
You can apply for a different level of insurance cover at any time by completing both the
Changing Your Insurance Cover and Application for Insurance Cover forms. You can cancel your
cover at any time; simply complete the Opting Out of Insurance Cover form.
If you cancel or decrease your cover, you can reinstate it subject to you providing satisfactory
evidence of health.
Maximum benefit limits
Insurance type
Maximum cover available
Temporary disablement
Limits apply to death, TPD and temporary disablement Extra cover.
Bringing your insurance together
You can apply to bring your other insurance together from an external arrangement to your
account, including insurance you may have through other super accounts. We recommend
you seek financial advice before consolidating your insurance as your fees and benefits may
be different in each account.
When won’t a benefit be paid?
Payment of an insured benefit is subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions of the
applicable insurance policy. The Insurance Cover and Benefits brochure sets out these terms,
including any terms that may exclude or reduce payment of your insurance benefit.
Your insurance premiums are deducted from your account. Premiums are based on the type
and amount of standard insurance cover and your age. The table below shows the range of
premiums for each $1,000 of cover.
Type of cover
Annual cost of cover for each $1,000 sum insured
Death only
$0.18 – $5.87
Death & TPD
$0.26 – $17.52
Temporary disablement
$1.07 - $28.23
Everybody has different needs and insurance is no exception. The insurance that’s right for you
depends on things like your family and financial commitments, income and lifestyle.
You should read the important information about insurance eligibility conditions,
exclusions, cancellation, premium rates, level and types of cover available, terms
and definitions before making a decision. Go to to read the Insurance
Cover and Benefits brochure. The material relating to insurance may change between
the time you read this PDS and the day the product is acquired.
9. How to open an account
If you wish to join this Fund or if NAB begins to contribute to this Fund on your behalf
because you have not chosen another fund, you don’t need to do anything. Instead, we
will open an account for you in this Fund upon advice from NAB that you have commenced
employment. We will confirm this to you in writing.
If you choose another fund under the Choice of Fund legislation, NAB will continue to
contribute to this Fund on your behalf until your Choice application has been processed.
This may result in a number of contributions being paid to this Fund prior to NAB processing
your Choice application.
Please note that the Fund does not process Choice applications and any query relating to
Choice applications should be directed to the People Advisory Centre on 1300 662 092.
We encourage you to find out more about your super and tailor your membership. To access
our online advice calculator and further information go to
We will send you a Welcome Kit and a personal identification number (PIN). You can use your
PIN to log into your account at to change your investment strategy or switch
your investments, transfer your super from other funds to your account and update your
personal details.
Product and investment option changes
Changes will be made to the product or investment options from time to time.
Changes that are not materially adverse will be made available on or you can
obtain a paper copy of the changes on request free of charge.
We collect your personal information from you directly wherever we can but in some cases
as relevant to you and your product holding we may collect it from third parties such as your
agent, adviser, employer, or for example a doctor in the case of a claim. We do this for the
purposes of determining your eligibility for and managing and administering the product or
service (for example to pay a benefit to a beneficiary).
If personal information is not provided to us we may not be able to provide to you the product
or service or manage and administer it. We may collect information about you because we
are required or authorised by laws, including those affecting financial institutions such as
company and tax laws, such as to verify your identity under Commonwealth Anti-Money
Laundering law.
We may share your information with other organisations for any purposes for which we use
your information. We may disclose your personal information with other National Australia
Bank Group (Group) members of which we are part, and to parties outside our Group (for
example and as relevant to your product and service, to your agent, adviser or employer; to our
agents and service providers) including for training staff; development and testing of products,
services and systems; risk management, planning, research and analysis. If we need to share
your information with organisations outside Australia (for example a call centre) – a list of those
countries is at
To let you know about the products the Group has on offer we and other Group members may
use your personal information for marketing activities. You can let us know at any time if you
no longer wish to receive direct marketing offers from the Group by contacting us.
More information about how we collect, use, share and handle your personal information is in
our Privacy Policy, including how you may access or correct information we collect about you
and how you may make a complaint about a privacy issue, on Contact us for a
paper copy or if you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy or procedures.
Resolving complaints
We can usually resolve complaints over the phone. If we can’t, or you’re not satisfied with the
outcome, please write to us. We’ll work to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.
If you’re not satisfied with our decision you can get further advice from the Superannuation
Complaints Tribunal (SCT) by calling 1300 884 114, or emailing
More information is available at
How to contact us
If you would like more information or copies of any documents, contact us on 1300 55 7586
8am to 7pm AEST (8pm daylight savings time), Monday to Friday or go to
Important information
An interest in the National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A ABN 59 929 570 050, SPIN NAB0228 AU, SFN 1250 349
44 (Fund) is issued by PFS Nominees Pty Ltd ABN 16 082 026 480 AFSL 243357 (Trustee). The Fund administrator is Plum Financial
Services Limited ABN 35 081 812 731 AFSL 243356 (Administrator). This material has been issued by the Trustee and it contains
information that is general in nature. The information does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Before acting on the information you should consider whether it is appropriate having regard to your personal circumstances and
seek professional advice. The Trustee recommends that you consider this Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before you make any
decisions about your superannuation. Please note that the information contained in this material is current as at 18 December 2014.
Any changes in the law subsequent to this date have not been incorporated.
PFS Nominees Pty Ltd ABN 16 082 026 480 AFSL 243 357. Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies.
An investment with PFS Nominees Pty Ltd is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by NAB.