Are Those Your Books? 華山國中 英語教學團隊 Are Those Your Books? Amanda Ted 好心的路人 Are These Your Books? Excuse me! Are these your books? Yes? Oh, yes. They are my books. Thank you. You’re welcome. My name is Ted. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. My name is Amanda. Are These Your Books? Are you from the USA, Amanda? No, I’m from Canada. By the way, are those English books? Yes, they’re English computer books. I’m a computer salesperson. Oh, really? How about you? I’m a computer engineer. Wow! Are These Your Books? Look, what’s that? I don’t know. Is it a bag? Maybe it’s just a lunch box. Maybe it’s money. No, wait. Is it a bomb? How cute! Oh, it’s a puppy. 動動腦 剛才的投影片中有個字母的顏色特 別不一樣… •你有注意到課文中有很多單 字的字尾都長了一個S嗎? The uper Power! Please look at the letter on Superman’s clothes! What’s it? Yes, you are right!!! It’s . The Super Power!! 大部分的名詞要從單數變成複數, 就要Superman一樣,穿上S, 就會立刻有了神奇力量, 把名詞從單數變成複數。 The Super Power!! bag Practice bags baseball baseballs The Super Power!! • 但是,遇到名詞字尾是s,o,x,z,sh,ch時,要 變成複數時,光加s是不夠的,要加 es 才行。 The Super Power!! class classes box Practice boxes coach coaches The Super Power!! • 當單數名詞字尾是子音+y時,變複數時要 去y加ies。 puppy puppyies Practice baby babies The Super Power!! • 這是最後一種啦!!!遇到單數名詞字尾是fe, 要去掉fe加上ves!!!! The Super Power!! wife wives fe Let’s Play A Game! How many __ are there? •There are two babies. How many ___ are there? •There are four books. How many ___ are there? •There are three boxes. How many ___ are there? •There are two wives. How many ___ are there? •There are four bags. Grammar Focus Are they these those _______________ ? Grammar Focus Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Practice Are they puppies? Yes, they are. Practice Are these wives? No, they aren’t. Practice _________ ____________ ______________________? ________, _____________ _____________ . The End Thank you.