Sharma Management International ! Outline For Project Risk Management 2-Day Workshop Program ! By S harma M anagement I nternational Sharma Management International Sdn Bhd (Co No 767951-x) 25B, Jalan SS15/4B, Subang Jaya, 47500, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Phone: +60356126230 / +60164118610 ; E-mail: ! ! Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! Page!1! Disclaimers! ! This! document! is! the! proprietary! and! exclusive! property! of! Sharma! Management! International! except! as! otherwise! indicated.! No! part! of! this! document,! in! whole! or! in! part,!may!be!reproduced,!stored,!transmitted!or!used!for!design!purposes!without!the! prior!written!permission!of!Sharma!Management!International.! ! The!information!contained!in!this!document!is!subject!to!change!without!notice.! ! The! material! in! this! document! is! for! information! purposes! only.! Sharma! Management! International! disclaims! all! warranties,! express! or! limited,! including! but! not! limited! to,! the!implied!warranties!of!merchantability!and!fitness!for!a!particular!purpose.!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Document!History! Version! Issued!by! 2! Sharma!Management!International! Issue! Revised! date!! date!! Comments! 27/05/12! 12/05/13! ! ! Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! Page!2! 1. Overview! ! This!course!commences!with!introducing!the!concept!of!project!risk!management.!Given! that!all!project!are!subject!to!risk,!project!managers!and!team!members!have!to!be!in!a! position! to! transfer! or! reduce! unacceptable! risk! and! then! set! up! a! monitoring! and! control!system!to!manage!risk!effectively.!! ! The!course!is!based!on!a!case!study!approach!in!which!the!participants!will!be!required! to!practice!risk!management!processes!based!on!issues!listed!in!a!case!that!involves!a! project.! The! project! selected! shall! be! one! that! is! relevant! to! the! industry! that! the! participants!are!involved!in.! ! Through! the! adoption! of! such! an! approach,! the! participants! will! deeper! insights! into! issues! that! relate! to! risk! and! how! these! risks! should! be! controlled! when! undertaking! projects.! In! addition,! the! participants! will! also! be! provided! with! templates! on! risk! management! that! they! will! require! when! planning! for,! identifying,! analyzing! and! responding!to!risks!in!projects.! !!! Terminal!Objective!! ! At!the!end!of!the!program!the!participants!will!be!able!to!! ! Define!risk!and!risk!management!! List!sources!and!types!of!risks!encountered!in!projects!! Describe!the!key!aspects!relating!to!Project!Management!Framework!! Recognize!risk!management!processes!! Identify!risks!associated!with!projects!!!! Analyze!risks!identified!based!on!best!practices!! Select!appropriate!responses!to!risks!!! Develop!and!update!risk!registers! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! Page!3! Details of Program Content DAY 1 Time Activity 9.00 Introduction and Overview 9.05 Pre Test 9.15 Project Management Framework Project Life Cycle Project Management Life Cycle Project Stakeholders 9.30 Overview of project risk management 9.45 Risk Management Process 10.30 TEA BREAK 10.45 Risk Planning Process 11.30 Dealing with risk elements 12.30 Developing a risk register 13.00 LUNCH 14.00 Video clip on project risk management 14.05 Risk Identification Process 14.15 Sources and types of risks in projects 14.30 Group based exercises on risk identification based on case study 15.00 Facilitator feedback on risks identified 15.30 TEA BREAK 15.45 Risk Analysis Process 16.00 Types of risk analysis Qualitative Quantitative 16.15 Group based exercise on risk analysis based on case study 16.30 Facilitator feedback on risks analysis done 17.00 Question and answer and wrap up 17.30 End of Day One Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! Page!4! Details of Program Content DAY 2 Time Activity 9.00 Recap of previous day’s session 9.15 Introduction to the concept of risk prioritization 9.30 Risk prioritization guidelines Internal risk External risk Project risk 9.45 Exercise on risk prioritization based on case study 10.15 Facilitator feedback on risks prioritized 10.30 TEA BREAK 10.45 Risk response planning Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs 13.00 LUNCH 14.00 Risk responses Tolerate it Treat it Transfer it Terminate it 14.30 Exercise on risk responses based on case study 15.15 Facilitator feedback on risks responses 15.30 TEA BREAK 15.45 Monitoring and controlling risks 16.00 Risk reporting process 16.15 Exercises on risk reporting based on case study 17.00 Question and answer and wrap up 17.15 Post Test 17.30 Question and answer and wrap up Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! Page!5! 2. Summary of learning plan for Project Risk Management Focus Tools/ Materials Understanding concepts relating to project risk management Pre and post test √ Understanding relationship between different constructs relating to risk management Exercises on project risk management Mind map √ Exercises based on case study √ 1. 2. 3. 4. Learning dimensions addressed Understanding Retention Application √ √ Risk identification Risk analysis Risk considerations Risk response Awareness on key concepts relating to project risk management Video clip on project risk management Identification of Project Risk Risk identification checklist √ Risk Analysis Sample risk analysis matrix √ √ Project Risk register Templates for risk registers √ √ Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! √ √ Page!6! 3. Summary!of!program!structure!for!Project!Risk!Management!!! Duration! ! 2!days!!(9AM!–!5:30!PM)! ! Medium!of!Instruction! ! English!! ! Topic!covered! ! Introduction!to!project!risk!management! Project!Risk!Planning! Project!Risk!identification! Project!Risk!analysis!! Project!Risk!prioritization! Project!Risk!response! ! Presentation!/!Discussions! Participants!shall!be!encouraged!to!share!and!discuss!the!following! o Project!risks! o Requirements!to!manage!risk! ! Individual!reflection! Each!participants!shall!be!required!to!summarize!how!they!will! o Apply!what!is!learnt!in!the!Project!Risk!Management!Course!! ! ! Exercises!!! ! ! Participants!will!be!required!to!do!exercises!related!to!! o Risk!identification! o Risk!classification!! o Risk!analysis!! o Risk!response!! !Video!clip!presentation!! ! Participants!will!be!given!the!opportunity!to!view!a!video!clip!entitled!! o Fundamentals!of!project!risk!management!! Templates!! ! Participants!will!be!given!the!following!templates!! o Risk!Analysis!! o Risk!Identification!! o Risk!Register!! Outline(for(Project(Risk(Management! Page!7!