Anatomy and Physiology of Proprioception and ~ e u ~ m u s c u lControl ar M, LEBs%AR"%P9 PbD, A m C. BUZ SWRltBq PhDTa Neuromuscular Research Laboratory University of Pittsburgh Developing or reestablishing proprioception and neur~mu~cular control is a critical component in motor performance and rehabilitation. Proprioception can be defined as a special variation of sensory modality that encompasses the sensation of joint movement (kinesthesia)and joint position. Proprioception involves integrating peripheral sensations from afferent pathways while neuromuscular control helps process these signals into coordinated motor responses through efferent pathways (Figure 1). Both the afferent and efferent pathways comprise the sensorymotor system. Basic science research has provided insight on the sensory and motor characteristics of structures that regulate proprioception and neuromuscular control. This paper gives an overview of the sensory receptors that provide joint motion and position awareness. It addresses the neu- q and TA#BMT BOOMRIOMG, %IlsD 9-Proprioception giv us t he sensle of join -A. rr - m I\-+ I to specyial nerv ings cal led manoreceptors. t ?ptorse' inform; -- - mu;scles and joints Feed-forwe~ r dand feedbac k muscular con can be enhi ctice. pra~ ---- -- ral pathways that integrate peripheral receptors and motor responses, and uses theoretical models to describe the processing of sensory information for neuromuscular control. The other theme articles will discuss practical ways to improve neuromuscular control in injured athletes. Peripheral receptors for proprioception, called mechanoreceptors, are located in articular structures, tendons, muscle, and skin. Mechanoreceptors are special nerve endings that depolarize in response to tissue deformation. Therefore, mechanical deformation of tissue is transduced into neural signals (Grigg, 1994): As tissue deformation increases, so does the frequency of discharge and number of mechanoreceptors stimulated. These signals provide sensory information on intrinsic and extrinsic joint loads. Mechanoreceptors vary in shape, location, and function and can be classified according to their responses to mechanical stimuli. They are either slow-adapting (SA)or quick-adapting (QA),and either low-threshold or highthreshold. QA mechanoreceptors decrease their discharge rate to extinction within millisecondsof the onset of a continuous stimulus, O 1998 Human Kinetics September 1998 Descending pathways Joint receptors (stimuli: noxious Muscle (stimuli: Muscle \/ Muscle tone Static sensitivi Dynamic sensi ivity SECONDARY MUSCLE A FIGURE 1 Afferent and efferent pathways linking peripheral receptors with muscle spindles and motor responses. Reprinted from MedicalHypotheses, Vol. 35, H. Johansson & P. Sojka, "Pathophysiological mechanisms involved in genesis and spread on muscular tension in occupational muscle pain and in chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes: A hypothesis," p p 196-203, 0 1991, by permission of the publisher, churchill ~ivin~stone. while SA mechanoreceptors continue to discharge. QA's are very sensitive to changes in stimulation and are therefore thought to mediate the sensation of joint motion, while SA's are maximally stimulated at specific joint angles and are thought to mediate the sensation of joint position. Articular Mechanoreceptors Four types of mechanoreceptors are found in the knee joint: (a) Pacinian corpuscles; (b) Ruffini endings; (c) Golgi tendon organs; and (d) free nerve endings. Pacinian corpuscles are low-threshold, QA located in the medial meniscus, extra- and intra-articular fat pad, cruciate, September 1998 meniscofemoral, and collateral ligaments. They are thought to mediate the sensation of joint motion. Ruffini endings are lowthreshold, SA found in the superficial layer of the cruciate, meniscofemoral, and collateral ligaments. Ruffini endings mediate the amplitude and velocity of joint rotation and position. Golgi tendon organ-like endings are high-threshold, SA found in cruciate, collateral ligaments, and menisci. These receptors remain silent when the joint is immobile but are stimulated at the extremes of joint motion. Free nerve endings are widely . distributed throughout most ar- ticular structures. During normal conditions they are inactive, but they become active when articular tissues are subjected to damaging mechanical deformation. Free nerve endings are also sensitive to certain chemical by-products of the inflammatory process. Tenomscalar -Mechanorecepl.ovs Muscle spindles, SA mechanoreceptors located in skeletal muscle, are sensitive to length and rate of length changes. They have the distinction of being innervated by gamma motor nerves. Increased signals from the gamma motor nerves do not initiate muscle eontraction but they do heighten the sensitivity of muscle spindles to stretch. When stimulated, muscle spindles convey information about joint motion and position caused by or due to changes in muscle length. They can also elicit a reflex contraction of the agonist muscles. This is the mechanism, known as the stretch reflex, whereby muscle spindles have the capacity to mediate muscle activity. Golgi tendon organs are SA mechanoreceptors found near the musculotendinousjunction; they function by monitoring muscle tension. When stimulated by high muscle tension, they cause reflexive inhibition (relaxation) of the involved muscle. Cutaneous Mechanoreceptors The primary role of skin afferents is to enhance the effects of other proprioceptive inputs. We know, for example, that receptors located in the dorsal skin of the wrist and fingers can provide information on wrist and finger movements. The contribution of cutaneous mechanoreceptors to joint motion and position sense continues to be explored. The ProBesslonalJollranall for ASBhIeSic Tmliners amd Tlhemgplas 7 Sensory information from articular, tenomuscular, and cutaneous receptors is encoded for the central nervous system (CNS) by populations rather than individual mechanoreceptors. This property of peripheral receptors is referred to as ensemble coding (Johansson et al., 1991). Since different types of mechanoreceptors have distinct response profiles to the same type of stimulus (joint motion or forces), this allows more discrete sensory information concerning mechanical stimuli to be transmitted to the CNS. Increases in the number and diversity of receptors that are stimulated enhances the information about mechanical events occurring in muscles and joints (Johansson et al., 1991). These coded signals follow afferent pathways to three levels of motor control: the cerebral cortex, brain stem, and spinal reflexes (Lephart et al., 1997) (see Figure 2). Ascending pathways to the cerebral cortex provide the con- scious appreciation of joint position (proprioception) and joint motion (kinesthesia)that are used for motor programming. Pathways leading to the brain stem are responsible for long-loop reflexes such as postural responses. Reflex pathways in the spinal cord link peripheral receptors with motor nerves and muscle spindles by way of interneurons. The stretch reflex arc directly links muscle spindles with motor nerves. Johansson et al. contend that the afferent pathways from joint receptors do not exert much direct influence on skeletal motor nerves, but they do have more potent effects on muscle spindles through the gamma motor nerves. A relatively small tensile load on the cmciate ligaments significantly heightens gamma motor nerve activity, while it takes loads near ligament failure to elicit activity in larger motor nerves innervating muscle. Therefore, loads placed on articular receptors will modify the sensitivity of the muscle spindle system by way of gamma motor nerves. Cutaneous receptors and GTOs can also influence muscle spindles through gamma motor nerves and have previously been associated with protective reflexes. Muscle spindles in turn regulate muscle activity through the stretch reflex. What is the effect of all this afferent activity? How does it all come together? This sophisticated reflex network between peripheral receptors and muscle spindles is described by the final common input theory which suggests that muscle spindles integrate information from peripheral receptors and transmit a final modified signal to the CNS (Johansson et al., 1991). This feedback loop is responsible for maintaining muscle tone at rest and continuously modifying muscle stiffness during dynamic activities via the stretch reflex. These reflex pathways have also been implicated in the origin and spread of muscle tension that results in chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes (Johansson et al., 1991). MECHANORECEPTORS CONTROL *joint * muscle * skin I MUSCLE I Vestibular receptors balance A FIGURE 2 Neummuscular control pathways and three levels of motor control. Fmm S.M. Lephart and TJ. Henry, "The physiological basis for open and closed kinetic chain rehabilitation for the upper elmemity." Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 5(1), pp. 71-87. @ 1996 by Human Kinetics. 8 Athletic B$lerapy Today September 1998 The (efferent) motor response of muscles "transforming neural information into physical energy" is termed neuromuscular control (Kandell et al., 1991).Contemporary theories emphasize the significance of preprogramming muscle activity in anticipation of joint movements and loads through practice and repeated movements. Sensory feedback from previous movement experiences is used in advance to preprogram muscle activationpatterns. This is described as feed-forward neuromuscular control. These centrally generated motor commands are responsible for preparatory muscle activity and high-velocity movements. Preparatory muscle activity serves several functions that contribute to muscle performance. Muscle activity increases the stiffness properties of muscle and improves the stretch sensitivity of the muscle spindle system by co-activating the gamma motor nerves that innervate the muscle spindles. Increased muscle stiffness improves the transmission of force between muscle and bone by reducing the time it takes to develop tension (Wilson et al., 1994). Heightened stretch sensitivity improves the reactive capabilities of muscle by providing additional sensory feedback and superimposing stretch reflexes onto descending motor commands. Sensory information about the movement is then used to evaluate the results and help arrange future muscle activation strategies. Feedback neuromuscular control is characterized by numerous reSeptember 1998 flex pathways that continuously adjust ongoing muscle activity.Information from joint, muscle, and skin receptors reflexively coordinates muscle activity to complete a movement. This feedback process results in long conduction delays, however, and is best equipped for maintaining posture and regulating slow movements. The efficacy of reflex-mediated neuromuscular control is therefore related to the level of preparatory muscle stiffness and muscle spindle sensitivity. Both feed-forward and feedback neuromuscular control can be enhanced if the sensory and motor pathways are repeatedly stimulated through practice. Each time a signal passes through a sequence of nerve fibers, the pathways become more capable of transmitting the same signal. When these pathways are "facilitated" regularly, memory of that signal is created and can be recalled to program future movements. Therefore, repetition enhances both the memory of a task for preprogrammed motor control and reflex pathways for reactive neuromuscular control (Lephart et al., 1997). Summary Peripheral mechanoreceptors encode mechanical stimuli into neural signals, providing both conscious and unconscious appreciation of joint motion and position. Ensemble coding refers to transmission of sensory information by populations rather than individual peripheral receptors. Muscle spindles have received special consideration for The hdesslsnal JsurnaB far Aglnlaic Teasiners an their capacity to integrate peripheral afferent information into a "final common input" and reflexively modifying muscle activity. The efferent response to peripheral afferent information is termed neuromuscular control. Feed-forward and feedback neuromuscular control utilize sensory information for preparatory and reactive muscle activity. Repetitive stimulation of sensory pathways forms memories of specific motor tasks that can elicit reflexive muscle activity or be recalled to preprogram muscle activation patterns. Grigg, P. (1994). Peripheral neural mechanisms inproprioception. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 3,l-17. Johansson, H., Sjolander, P., & Sojka, P. (1991). A sensory role for the cruciate ligaments. Clinical Orthopaedics,268,161-178. Kandell, E.R., Schwartz, J.H., & Jessell, T.M. (1991). Principles of neural science (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT:Appleton & Lange. Lephart, S.M., Pincivero, D.M., Giraldo, J.L., & Fu, F.H. (1997). The role of proprioception in the management and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 25,-130-137. Wilson, G.J., Murphy, A.J., & Pryor, J.F. (1994). Musculotendinous stiffness: Its relationship to eccentric, isometric, and concentric performance. Journal of Applied Physiology, 76,2714-2727. rn -& Scoff M. Lephart is an associate professor of education and orthopaedic surgery, and director of the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is the coordinator of graduate sports medicine education. C. Buz Swanik is an associate professor in the School of Education and is graduate athletic training curriculum coordinator at West Virginia University. He received his PhD from the University of Pittsb&gh. Tanarat Boonriong was a research fellow at the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh. He has recently returned to his home in Thailand, where he is a practicing orthopaedic surgeon.