Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Winter 2015 | Issue 11
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
Ipsley has been very busy preparing for and
celebrating Christmas, from lighting our first
Advent candle on 30th November to Christmas
lunch to the school carol service in the last week of
term. Year 6 particularly enjoyed their Christingle
service at Christ Church which offered some more
peaceful moments at what is such a busy time.
One highlight was the choir singing at the carol
concert held at the beautiful St.Stephen’s church in
the town centre. The choir gave an amazing
performance of ‘Rocking Around the Christmas
Tree’ but their version of ‘Do They Know It’s
Christmas’ brought a tear to the eye and reminded
everyone of the need to think about others during
the Christmas season.
‘And in our world of plenty we can spread
a smile of joy.
Throw your arms around the world at
Christmas time.’
Christmas Card
We ran a competition for Year 5
pupils to design a Christmas card
to be sent to friends and supporters
of the school.
There were some amazing designs
and Ms Beech had the unenviable
task of choosing a winner from the
Congratulations go to Josh White
We loved the way he
included the school logo and
reflected the true meaning of
Christmas in his design.
Message from the Chair of Governors
The Advent Ring
The church divides its year into seasons. The seasons of Lent and Easter
are well known. Presently we are in the season of Advent. This is a time
for waiting for the coming of Christmas, possibly the best known season
of all in the Christian calendar.
Christmas is the celebration of the coming of Jesus to earth as a newly
born baby at Bethlehem about 2000 years ago. In churches, schools and
homes people will be lighting their Advent wreaths, but how many of us
know what it symbolises?
The central white candle is surrounded by four other candles often three are purple and one is
pink. Whereas there can be variation in the naming of the candles and their colour the essential
symbolism is the same. Each candle is lit in turn as the weeks lead up to Christmas.
The first, the candle of hope itself, is known as the Prophecy Candle as it reminds us of the
insight of the prophets and the promise of a future of justice and fairness heralded by a
promised king.
The second candle, the candle of love, is the Bethlehem Candle, reminding us of the
journey of Mary and Joseph and the anticipation of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
The Shepherds Candle, the joy candle, symbolises a time when we pause to rejoice just
as the shepherds did on seeing the baby Jesus. This is the third candle to be lit.
The fourth candle, the Angels Candle, reminds us of the message the angels sang to the
shepherds and to us all, ”Peace on earth. Good will to all.”
The white candle is traditionally lit on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It is known as the
Christ Candle symbolising the birth of Jesus, the incarnation of God on earth. Jesus is
often referred to as the ‘Light of the World”.
In lighting these candles we pray that the virtues of hope, love, joy and peace that Jesus brings
shine light into our hearts and help us to prepare for the wonder that is
Christmas with the Christ-child at its centre.
With my very best wishes for a happy Christmas.
Reverend Will Adams
Admissions Consultation
The schools of the Redditch RSA Academies Trust are consulting on changes to the admission criteria
for 2017-18. This does not involve age range change but simply the order of priority that will be given to
applications. To view the document please visit our website
Comments should be sent to the Redditch Trust by email to or in hard
copy to Ipsley CE RSA Academy, Winyates Way, Winyates, Redditch, B98 0UB to arrive no later than
Friday 15 January 2016.
Page 2 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Message from the Principal
Welcome to our new, shorter newsletter. Please remember that our website
and Twitter feed have the most regular updates on school life at Ipsley.
As ever, this term has been a busy one and I think everyone is ready for the
Christmas break!
There have been many exciting learning experiences, involving all year
groups and staff. We all got to explore society and community during our
first Wonder Day, themed on ‘A Whole New World’. Pupils told us they
enjoyed the day so much that they want more—so we
have added them into the calendar every half term.
Another wonderful moment was the Open Evening for prospective parents. It
gave us the chance to show off our fantastic school and over one hundred pupils
chose to help out for the evening. We had our highest ever number of visitors
and it looks like we will be full (again!) in next year’s Year 5. Reading the feedback slips, filled with compliments about our pupils and staff, made a great end
to a long day.
As part of the RSA family, our Student Council have visited the RSA building in
London as part of Takeover Day, and a group of our Y8 student leaders have
started their RSA8 project which will see them developing their leadership skills
across the year, alongside friends from the other RSA academies. They have
even had a residential training weekend at the University of Warwick.
Pupils in Year 6 have successfully managed a change in the way their
curriculum is structured. They now have all of their core learning with their class
teacher and they have told us how much better this is than before! It is an
important year for everyone in Year 6 and it is great to see everyone so focused
on the challenges ahead. Staff have been working hard to make the changes as
smooth as possible and, as ever, I am proud of their commitment to helping
pupils fulfil their potential.
Our links with the Oakland Foundation have strengthened during this term and
they have contributed to a number of initiatives and projects across the school,
including paying for Christmas lunch for the entire school. Thank you!
Our core value for this half term has been peace and it has felt like a very apt
focus for us all over recent weeks. We held the first whole school remembrance
service, with each pupil carrying a poppy with the name and information of a
member of the armed services, either from their own family or from Redditch. It
was a very moving moment for us all and reflected the power of taking time
together to think about others. I was also proud of pupils responses to the terror attacks on Paris
that received so much coverage in the news. Pupils showed great compassion and tolerance in their
thoughts about what had happened; it makes me
happier to know that such caring young people will be
leading our community in the future.
The end of term brings with it the departure of Miss
Thompson, a much-respected teacher and Head of
KS2 English. We wish her well for the future and look
forward to welcoming Miss Danckert in her place.
I wish everyone in our school community a happy,
peaceful Christmas and hope that 2016 brings joy to
you all.
Ms N Beech, Principal
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 3
RSA8 Leadership Programme
Day 1 : Monday 28th September : Ten Ipsley Student
Leaders attended RSA Tipton for the first day of their RSA8
Leadership Programme along with other students from schools
within the RSA family. This is a huge project which sees the
pupils take ownership of a project they believe in and run it
themselves. They will eventually present at the RSA
conference which will be held at the end of the year. The day
was aimed at ensuring pupils understood the qualities needed
to be a good leader. They undertook various activities which
helped them understand these qualities. Pupils thought about good leaders they see and people who
inspire them. After lunch, the pupils learnt about blogging so that they can record their progress and
share it with others. At the end of the day they undertook a tour of the school and its amazing facilities.
Day 2 : Wednesday 4th November : This time the pupils went
to Whitley Academy where they embarked upon the next phase
of improving their leadership/presentation skills. In the morning
they were treated to an inspirational and interactive talk on
captivating your audience and engaging with your audience.
The pupils got stuck in and practised speaking clearly in front of
each other as well as learning how to walk, stand and sit in the
‘proper’ way. After a delicious lunch kindly provided by Whitley
Academy the pupils then went to work on their debating skills and how to argue their points in the right
way, dealing with interesting topics such as “money can buy you happiness” and “homework should be
banned in school”!! It was a fantastic day and the pupils learned many valuable tricks and ideas to take
with them.
Day 3 : Thursday 26th November : It was the turn of Ipsley CE RSA
Academy to host the next day of the RSA8 student leadership
programme. and what a day it was. It was an active day with two
instructors from ‘On the Edge’ in school to complete various team
challenges. In the morning pupils had to work together to move from one
place to another as well as put their trust in each other. They also had to
complete a mental challenge which even the teachers found hard!!
Following a delicious lunch they completed more challenges which
included transferring juggling balls through communication, getting
through a hoop in the quickest time possible (an impressive 4 seconds
was recorded), getting from one place to another using a few small mats
and touching a selection of mats in a specified sequence.
Overall it was a highly entertaining day and the pupils are now ready for
their overnight stay at Warwick University.
Mr Kloda
Page 4 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Expectations page
Car Park and Playground
We welcome parents picking up pupils from the playground or
school gate and look forward to seeing you! However, please can
parents ensure that they remember to act appropriately on school
property and if they wish to enter school, they must only do so
through reception.
For safety reasons, we would request that parents do not park on
the school car park.
Pupils abide by our behaviour for learning rules very well, but sometime a reminder is needed. If you
wish to see our behaviour for learning rules please look at the pages in your child’s planner or go to for learning
Parent Pay
Parent pay has been a fantastic success since it has been introduced. Could you please ensure that
your child has enough credit on their account to allow them to purchase lunch on a daily basis if
required,. Funds can be uploaded on Parent Pay as you require.
Staying Safe online.
With yet another online gadget delivered this Christmas make sure you know how to stay safe online at
There is information for every age group including a section for parents with advice and guidance on the latest
apps and games. The site is simple to use and helps answer those essential questions:
How do I report an incident?
How do I talk to my child about online safety?
How can I find out more about my child’s online world?
Retaining the academy standards in poor weather
We are aware that weather conditions can change rapidly over the winter months and would remind all parents
about the need to dress their child in a sensible winter coat and shoes when traveling to and from the Academy.
These items must not contravene our uniform policy and students must be ready for tutor time in their correct
uniform. You can get further clarity on the Academy’s uniform policy by visiting
Since converting to an Academy attendance has continued to improve and this year is no exception. As a
reward for their amazing efforts we have been able to secure two up and coming pop bands to perform for our
KS3 pupils. So far we have had United 5 and Max Restaino. There are many more rewards and prizes for
attendance so keep up the good work. We all feel tired and lethargic over the winter months but we shouldn’t
confuse this with illness. If your child is feeling under the weather let us know and we will keep a special look
out for them. Attendance has a direct impact on your success at school which impacts on your opportunities
and job choices when you are older.
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 5
Year 5 News
It has been an exciting and fun filled term for Year 5! Since starting in September, the children spent a
short amount of time learning about France before exploring a topic called BOOM! We started in the far
reaches of the galaxy; exploring solar systems, asteroids, comets and planets before moving closer to
earth, looking at satellites and the moon. We then looked at how the Earth was made and natural
disasters. This has created a wide range of writing opportunities, with the children reading a short story
called ‘The Blubble.’ In Maths, we have spent time looking at the four number operations, and in
Learning for Life, we have explored two of our school values — faith and peace. Overall, the term has
been fantastic and it is clear to see that the children have loved their new opportunities at Ipsley.
Mr Scarle— Team Leader Year 5
Here is a sample of what some of the children had to say about their first term at Ipsley Academy:
“Year 5 has the best teachers because they have given us amazing opportunities to learn! We all love
Ipsley because our teachers now teach us a wide variety of subjects; like Art, English, ICT and
Primary.” Noemi Skubala—5SPa
“So far at Ipsley we have done a lot of
science experiments, written exciting
poetry and learnt how to sew pin
cushions. Every teacher makes every
lesson exciting! My favourite lessons
are English because I love writing
and Art because we always make
beautiful things. I cannot wait to find
out what we are learning about after
Christmas!” Liberty Walker—5ATh
“Year 5 has been amazing at Ipsley;
my favourite subject is English because I have a lot of freedom to write about things I enjoy. This year
we have written about the John Lewis advert — ”Man on the Moon.” We’ve also created lots of
descriptive writing pieces which have been great fun.” Josh White —5JMo
“I have really enjoyed the start of Year 5 at Ipsley. The school is great because all of the teachers try
really hard to make every single lesson really fun. For example, we experience being in an earthquake in
Mrs Mogg’s classroom when we were learning about natural disasters. It was amazing!” Jade Bailey —
“Year 5 has been incredible so far! My favourite subjects are ICT and Maths; because I love computers
and numbers. We have been learning about Cyber-Bullying and how to become experts at Microsoft
Excel. In Maths, we have mastered how to use the four methods (addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division). I am looking forward to learning more after Christmas!” Rohan Mangat —
Page 6 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Year 6 News
This has been a busy term in year 6 with lots of changes and hard work. Pupils settled well into their
new classes and began with positive attitudes ready for the year
Wonder day was enjoyed by all in year 6 on Monday 6th October.
The theme was ‘A Whole New World’ which linked in brilliantly
with our topic of settlements. Pupils worked together to create an
island and then choose where would be the best place to settle
on the island. They then worked in groups to consider different
elements that they would need for a comfortable life such as
clothing, food source, housing, laws and punishments.
‘Wonder day was really fun and I enjoyed working in groups on a big project.’ Grace Bishop 6LDA
We have dared the pupils to DREAM which stands for dedication,
responsibility, education, attitude and motivation. These are the most important
traits that they need to use and develop throughout year 6 and for the rest of
their education. Rewards and certificates have been given for showing any of
these qualities.
Pupils have also received certificates for merits with some pupils totalling over
200 merits in the first half term—they have amazing attitude to learning!
Rewards were also given for excellent attitude towards the first set of practise
SATs with the top prize being a cinema voucher which went to Sophie Loach.
Obviously the SATs are a very important part of year 6 and pupils have
already started working really hard in preparation. Pupils are now taught by
their form tutor for English and Maths, which is a big change that happened
after half term to ensure that all pupils are getting the best education and that
there is one teacher who knows them really well and can push them on when
they need it.
‘I really enjoy have one teacher all of the time. It’s more fun and easier to
handle as we don’t have to worry about moving around the school so much.’
Annalise Dutton 6LDA
‘We are now all treated the same, no top or bottom set, I really like that.’ Rachel Wilkes 6CFE
Attendance has been good this term and rewards have been given out by form tutors who update their
traffic light display weekly. Attendance still needs to improve especially next term in the build up to the
SATs. We are aiming for 100%!!
Top tips for next term: Sleep well, eat well, work hard!
Miss Davies - Year 6 Team Leader
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 7
Year 7 News
The Magnificent Year 7
Year 7 pupils have made a smooth transition from KS2 to KS3. Their transfer Days were highly
successful back in July ensuring that they were familiar with their new teachers, year block and subjects.
Activities included a mixture of independent, paired and collaborative team work. Pupils had great fun
when deciding what they could make a pillow case into!
Tutor Groups
Pupils are in four tutor groups: 7A with Mr Gripton, 7B with Miss Craner, 7C with Miss Davies and 7D
with Mrs Boyce-Parkinson. In tutorials, pupils participate in a mixture of activities including: SMSC
(spiritual, moral, social development), maths, reading and discussing current affairs. A particular pupil
favourite is solving mathematical problems set by Mr Clixby. Each tutor group has a display board in A
Block to share what they have been doing in tutorials
We have some great successes in terms of attendance. A large number of pupils gained 100%
attendance during the first half term and we hope that this is maintained.
Well done to all pupils concerned. Our top attenders received a certificate
in a recent assembly to acknowledgie their fabulous achievement. These
awesome certificates were designed by a year 7 pupil, Harvey Vaughan.
Pupil Progress Evening.
Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our year 7 pupil progress
evening back in October. It was a highly beneficial evening for all those who came along. We have a
similar evening on 26th January 2016.
Page 8 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Year 8 News
Seasons Greetings from Year 8! As a long but fantastic and productive term draws to a close, Year 8
have got lots to be proud of in terms of their successes and achievements. They continue to make
outstanding progress in their lessons and the ‘buzz’ in those lessons is evident. They have stepped up
to the plate in terms of being role-models and representing the school in the correct manner as they are
now at the top of the school. There are several student leaders who have specific roles in school and
they are enjoying the added responsibility and demonstrating excellent leadership skills. As we move
into the new year they will be preparing themselves for high school as well as beginning to look at and
think about, careers. I hope they all have a fantastic and restful Christmas and I look forward to an
equally successful 2016.
8A (pictured above) have had a brilliant start to the school year. During tutorials they have researched
and made posters on road safety, joined in the Anti-Bullying Campaign by discussing how they can
help to stop bullying not only in school but also on social media websites and outside of school. They
took part in and helped to raise money for Children in Need. Each pupil in 8A made a handmade poppy
for Remembrance Day and researched a specific individual that they wished to remember and pay
respect to during the two minutes silence. They also had a fantastic day during our school’s Wonder
Day last half term (see photos of some of the students working together) inventing a whole new world.
In preparation for this they investigated and analysed the importance of laws and democracy, as well
as what services and facilities are essential to a safe and healthy community. They really enjoyed
working in teams to design and present their new worlds and are keen to participate in the next
Wonder Day at school next half term. Miss S James (8A)
8B have had a fantastic autumn term. The students are making brilliant
progress academically and becoming conscientious compassionate young
citizens. In the pictures you can see some members of our class creating
and proudly displaying their Remembrance Day poppies. The poppies
were each dedicated to an individual soldier
from the Redditch war memorial or to a family
member who fought in the war. Also in tutorial time this year we have been keeping up to
date with current affairs, discussing the issues we all face and working on
our critical thinking skills. I am very proud of 8B and they are each growing up to become fantastic, hardworking individuals. Mrs Barker (8B)
8C have settled incredibly well into the year. In tutorial times they are
always eager to get on task and are efficient in getting themselves ready
for our activity. 8C have shown fantastic enthusiasm and produced amazing work during our Faith
follow-up activity sessions. Some of the activities they have been involved in have included; a
storyboard showing the story of Noah and the Ark, a thank you letter to show their appreciation for
everything they have, a persuasive letter that covers all the values of the school and last but not least,
they re-created a real life debate based on a topic in the news during our Press Pause activity that was
absolutely remarkable, complete with spokespeople! They have really bonded as a class and this is
evident in their hard-work, team work and politeness to one another in the classroom. It will be exciting
to see what new and exciting things this form is going to produce in the future.
Mrs Houlton / Miss Gretton (8C)
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 9
Harvest Festival
Once again this year, Ipsley CE RSA
Academy pupils have astounded us
with their overwhelmingly generous
donations to Redditch Foodbank.
Year 5 pupils invited their parents into
school join them in celebrating Harvest. We heard some
beautiful singing, excellent readings and clear explanations
of why we celebrate Harvest and why we donate to the
Foodbank. Reverend Will Adams, our Chair of Governors,
gave us time to reflect on how we should follow Jesus in caring for others.
The bible says, “Every good and perfect gift comes from God”; our pupils showed how we can be
thankful for this and how we can help others in need when so many of us have been blessed with so
much. We would like to extend a massive thank you and well done to all of the children, but particularly
those in Year 5 who did such a wonderful job of presenting and contributing to the service.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will
supply and multiply your seed for sowing and
increase the harvest of your righteousness.
2 Corinthians 9:10
Page 10 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Remembrance Day
Ipsley CE RSA Academy pupils and staff came together to remember the fallen
on 11th November. All pupils carried a poppy and dedicated it to a soldier who
had served our country. Pupils worked on this during lessons and tutorials, undertaking research on soldiers from both WWI and WWII from the local area.
At 11am, pupils paid their respects by gathering on the playground where they
observed the two minutes silence. Ms Beech, the principal, shared a reading
and finished the service with a prayer. Pupils and staff were proud to be able to
show their appreciation to those who have served our country, past and present.
Poem by Callum Williamson, Year 6 (ASH)
Families pray for soldiers each day,
The 11th of November is Remembrance Day,
Helmets and boots is what they must wear,
Of no man’s land they must beware,
The petals are red the centre is black,
Families want their loved ones back,
They fought so bravely and there they lie,
And in our hearts they’ll never die.
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 11
Children in Need
On Friday 13th November 2015, Ipsley CE RSA
Academy raised an amazing £530 for Children
in Need. Students contributed by attending
school in non-uniform with a £1 donation and a large
amount of pupils showed their support by wearing
something yellow. In addition to non-uniform, Ipsley’s charity committee
led small fete stalls in order to raise extra money for this charity. These
included a penalty shootout, guess how many sweets in the jar and
name the teddy. In the picture are two fantastic winners of the stalls;
Callum Lewis and Caydence Motherwell, who you can see is very
attached to Frederick the dog teddy that she won!
Overall the day was a great success and many thanks to all that donated
and participated!
Miss S Gretton
Charity Committee Co-ordinator
Year 7 & 8 students of French. Log on and join your virtual Duolingo classroom. Race
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Page 12 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Wonder Day
On Monday the 5th October, all pupils at Ipsley CE RSA Academy had the experience of our first
Wonder Day! The theme for this was ‘A Whole New World’. Pupils across all year groups were invited
to work in teams to design new countries, lands or even planets using their imagination and creativity
As part of the day, pupils were asked to consider what laws would be appropriate for the smooth running
of their new creations and also consider other factors such as language, landscape and religious beliefs.
Some pupils even knitted their own flags and also baked cakes as the official food of their country.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 enjoyed having the opportunity to work on a creative task for an extended period
of time, particularly relishing the opportunity to use Papier Mache! Key Stage three pupils were later
invited to show some of their work as part of an end of day assembly. As part of this we were introduced
to the final winning team for years 7 and 8 which was the country of Hope. The winning team was made
up of Ashley George, Chloe Tongue, Demi James, Renaldas Gvozdovic and Hubert Karolczak.
On behalf of the staff, we would like to thank all the pupils for their hard work and creativity on that day
and we look forward to planning the next Wonder day in the Spring Term.
Miss Darby
Books and Biscuits
On 12th November 2015 the school library was opened to children and parents/carers
after school. Parents/carers had a chance to chat with Miss Thompson (Head of English) and me,
about books and reading. We love to recommend books that improve each child’s reading level and
suggest ways of broadening their horizons. There was also the opportunity to join in the activities,
creating bookmarks and story stones, whilst enjoying a cup of tea and a biscuit or two.
This was a great opportunity for our students to
choose books together with their parents/carers
and an encouragement to read together at home.
It was the perfect way to end a busy week!
Mrs K Kegel-Duc, Librarian
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 13
Sporting News
Football club – the combination of KS2 and KS3 football club are averaging around 60 children every
week who are attending the club which shows great desire from our children to develop their knowledge
and skill base within the sport.
Year 5 Non-Swimmers group
Our year 5 non swimmers are offered the opportunity to participate in 6 weeks of swimming lessons
which are taught by a group of qualified staff provided by Studley leisure centre. We currently take 14
children every week to the centre giving them the opportunity to develop their confidence and ability in
the water. The selected group attend the pool in 6 week blocks meaning that there is a new group every
6 weeks. This is to ensure the vast majority of our year 5 children have the opportunity to take part in
and be provided with guidance through swimming lessons.
Year 6 Boys football
Well done to the Year 6 boy’s district football team who
were very unlucky to finish runners up after a great
performance throughout the tournament. The selected
team on the day showed great commitment and
determination to be as successful as possible which
rewarded them with a much respected 2nd place. The
selected team were as follows: Eden Haining, Kieron
Collins, Aston Mattison, Freddie White, Jamie Jarvis,
Spenser Burson, Archie Beddard, Toms Zarins and Ben
Year 5 Girls football
Very well done to the year 5 girls football team who were unlucky to finish second best in the Redditch
district tournament. Throughout the day the girls showed brilliant enthusiasm and also first class
determination and skill to overcome the majority of challenges they were faced with. Unfortunately the
final game proved too tough for our girls meaning that second place was their finish. Once again very
well done to everyone involved on the day.
Year 6 Girls football
A huge well done to the year 6 girls football team who
managed to go one better than the boys by winning gold
medals in the Redditch district tournament. The selected
girls played extremely well allowing progression through
the tournament and ultimately finishing in the top spot!
The team on the day were as follows: Bobbie-Lea Birch,
Olivia Hughes, Amie Bedford, Mia Faulkner, Emily
Futrill, Lucy-Mae Young, Kiera Fry, Maeve Robinson
and Shannon Dillon. Once again huge congratulations
to everyone involved on the day.
Page 14 - Issue 11 - Winter 2015
Sporting News - Outstanding Achievements
Louis Lee – Swimming
A huge well done to Louis Lee from
year 6, who has had an
outstanding year in the swimming
pool. Louis has been part of
Redditch swimming club for 3 years
now and has been recognised for
his brilliant achievements in 2015.
Louis has been competing in club
championship competitions
throughout the year and has found
a huge amount of success within
them. Louis has won a gold medal
in the 1500m front crawl, silver in the 200m and 100m back stroke, silver in the 400m front crawl and
bronze medals in the 200m and 100m front crawl. Once again we would like to congratulate Louis on
these outstanding achievements.
Sam Lewis – Aston Villa Football Club
Our Year 5’s have some brilliant talent within them, none greater than
Sam Lewis from Year 5 who has been representing Aston villa football
Club for over 3 years! Sam is the clubs Goalkeeper who has shown
brilliant commitment and desire to be where he is today. During his time at
Aston Villa, Sam has come up against some very strong opposition
including Manchester United FC, Manchester City FC, Arsenal FC and
Everton FC who Sam has identified as the best teams he has competed
against. Huge congratulations on this fine achievement and keep it up!!
Natasha Perrin – Aston Villa Football Club
Another of our stand out performers in relation to football is Natasha Perrin
of year 5. Natasha represents Aston Villa Football Club and has done for
the last 2 years after her jump across town from Birmingham City Football club where she played her
football for 3 years. Some of the great opposition Natasha has faced are Stoke City FC, Arsenal FC and
Chelsea FC. Natasha has been recognised for her ability to score goals having posted 36 goals already
this season! As anyone who knows football would understand, the ability to score goals is a great
attribute to have for any football player and we only hope that Natasha can continue to do so and
progress further into the football world. Once again a huge well done to Natasha, keep up the good
Winter 2015 - Issue 11 - Page 15
Wednesday 6th January 2016
School Open to Pupils
Tuesday 19th January 2016
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Tuesday 26th January 2016
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 28th January 2016
Year 6 SATs Information and Progress Evening
Monday 15th - Friday 19th February 2016
Spring Half Term
Monday 22nd February 2016
School Open to Pupils
Tuesday 22nd March 2016
Pyramid Choir Concert
Friday 25th March - Friday 8th April 2016
Easter Holidays
Monday 11th April 2016
School Open to Pupils
Loving God,
Help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.
Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.
May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake.
Follow us on Twitter for all the latest
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Ipsley CE RSA Academy Winyates Way Redditch B98 0UB
T 01527 525725  W