AP Biology Pre-lab 6.4: pGLO Bacterial Transformation l. What is

AP Biology Pre-lab6.4: pGLO BacterialTransformation
l. What is bacterialtransformation?
2. Explainthe geneticsof bacteria(its genomeand plasmid)
3. What benefitsare plasmids10 prokaryoles?How are plasmidstransferredfrom one
bacleriumto anolher?
4. Explainhow recombinantpGLO plasmidDNA is crealedfrom jellyfish DNA and
5. How-will the pGLO plasmidbe introducedinlo lhe E,coli baclerium?
6 If w.ewere 10put a black light up againslthe recombinantDN,\ will we expecl10see
the DNA glow? Why or why not?
7. Whal is the purposefor putting arabinosesugarinto the agarplate?
8. How will we idenrifyw'hichbacterialcolonieshavetakenup the recombinantplasmid
9. You have four plates. Two plateshavebacteriathat w-erenot introduoedto the
plasmid(- pGLO) andtwo platesareinoculatedwith bactedathal havebeenintroduced
to the plasmid(+pGLO). Make predictionsof whetherthe plaleswill grow bacteriaand
if the bacteriawill glow. Explain your predictions!
-pGLO bacteriaon plalewith ampicillinand no arabinose.
-pGLO bacteriaon platewithoul ampicillinor arabinose
+ pGLO bacteriaon a platewithout arabinosebut with ampicillin
+ pGI-O bacteriaon a plalewith arabinoseand with ampicillin-