(you do not need to answer all the questions, these are possible

Review the lab packet introduction as well as the methods for the pGLO
transformation lab. Write a 1-2 page introduction to this laboratory using
the lab report writing guidelines (see insert below for refresher). The
following focus questions may be helpful when trying to structure and
organize your introduction (you do not need to answer all the questions,
these are possible topics of discussion).
Pre-Lab Focus Questions (consider for Introduction to Laboratory):
What is genetic engineering? Recombinant DNA technology?
What is transformation? How does transformation take place?
Why is transformation useful in biotechnology?
What are some uses of recombinant DNA technology and transformation?
What are plasmids? What is the pGLO plasmid?
What genes are located on the pGLO plasmid?
Why is arabinose present in the LB/amp/ara agar plates?
Would the pGLO plasmid glow green when exposed to UV light? Explain why or why
Predict the appearance of pGLO-transformed bacteria under UV light when growing on
LB/amp agar plates and LB/amp/ara agar plates. Explain your prediction.
On which plate would you expect to find bacteria most like the original non-transformed
E. coli colonies you initially observed? Explain.
If there are any genetically transformed bacterial cells, on which plate(s) would the most
likely by located? Explain.
Which plates should be compared to determine if any genetic transformation has
occurred? Why
How to write an introduction?
General guidelines:
Past tense (use active voice in introduction and
No pronouns
One inch margins
Times New Roman, 12 pt
Double spaced
Each section should be on a separate page and
labeled with the heading placed at the left hand
margin. Except for the title page
Pages should be numbered
Content (15 points):
This should begin on the THIRD page.
Begin with any background research completed.
Describe any information that is needed to fully
understand the experiment. Define the key
concepts illustrated in the experiment. Always
cite your research sources in text.
Then narrow down to your particular study,
explaining why it is of interest. Why is it
important to study this process? What are the
goals of the research?
Specify the objectives of the experiment, and
make your hypotheses clear.
One to three paragraphs are usually sufficient.
Do not regurgitate the lab handout; write your
own introduction.