Type of site news news advocacy advocate music/talk talk politics news opin politics advocacy advocacy news/views opinion News, issue opinion news/opinion news opinion labor views Issues Issues advocacy investigative environment news video music/views opinion politics tabloid advocacy opinion think tank newspaper documentaries fact check documentaries magazine advocacy advocacy 1/4/2016 Media Updates Rating Name multimedia text current current occ 5 9 2 audio audio current daily 6 5 5 3 3 text text text daily daily daily text multimedia daily news 4 5 6 3 3 3 7 9 text occ occ occasional 5 5 3 text text video audio text occasional daily hourly daily weekly text very current occ 5 5 5 4 6 3 6 2 4 text movie info multimedia daily weekly daily 4 9 6 text text text daily occasional occasional 6 4 4 WEBSITES FOR NEWS AlJazeera America Alternet Amnesty International Anti-War Bellevue Col. – Hartmann, Democracy Now Bill Press, Norman Goldman, and others Bold Progressives Buzz Flash Campaign for Am's Future Center for American Progress Common Cause Common Dreams Consortium News Cosmic Fantasia Counterpunch Crooks and Liars Daily Kos Democracy Now! Democratic Underground Department for Professional Employees Economic Opportunity Institute Economic Policy Institute Green Peace Greg Palast Grist Grit tv Hard Knock Radio – hip hop Hightower Lowdown Howard Dean's org Huffington Post Human Rights Watch In These Times Informed Comment Institute for Policy Studies Los Angeles Times Meaningful Movies Media Matters for America Michael Moore Mother Jones - MOJO Move On Move to Amend Page 1 of 2 Web link america.aljazeera.com alternet.org amnesty.org antiwar.com kbcs.fm chicagosprogressivetalk boldprogressives.org buzzflash.com ourfuture.org americanprogress.org commoncause.org Commondreams.org consortiumnews.org cosmicfantasia.com counterpunch.org crooksandliars.com dailykos.com democracynow.org democraticunderground.com dpeaflcio.org eoionline.org epi.org greenpeace.org Gregpalast.com grist.org grittv.org Hardknockradio.com hightowerlowdown.org DemocracyForAmerica huffingtonpost.com/ HRW.org inthesetimes.com JuanCole.com ips-dc.org latimes.com meaningfulmovies.org mediamatters.org MichaelMoore.com motherjones.com front.moveon.org movetoamend.org/ Notes news links plus original world justice war 91.3 Prog talk politics news/op politics politics prog action news views opinion analysis Selected news/op news/op news/op blog plus, action radio,text,video AFL CIO news, studies WA economics environment investigations links plus original prog video Black news views Jim Hightower, populist politics links plus original world justice news/op opinion peace, justice, envir progressive paper social justice lefty fact check op/news progressive mag dem action money in politics WebSitesForNews2016.xls news opin text daily seniors text weekly news/views politics money/politics News, issue politics, advoc talks video politics news money/politics advocacy news advocacy talk magazine news magazine advocacy advocacy talk/comedy magazine talk investigative talk magazine talk magazine News, issue news opinion news/talk News, issue news views text multimedia text occasional money/politics advocacy politics advocacy 1/4/2016 occasional weekly WEBSITES FOR NEWS 6 3 4 Nation of Change National Resources Defense National Retirees Legislative Net. 4 6 4 5 NPI Advocate occupy.com Open Secrets PBS NOW People for the American Way Pirate TV (still here?) Progressive Democrats of A Progressive Populist Public Campaign Public Citizen Reader Supported News Reclaim the Media Ring of Fire Rolling Stone russian channel-Thom Hartmann Salon Seattle Privacy Coalition Southern Poverty Law Center Stephanie Miller The American Prospect The Ed Show The Intercept The Mike Malloy Show The Nation The Norman Goldman show The Progressive The Smirking Chimp The Stand The Young Turks Thom Hartmann TV Show Tom Dispatch Truthout US state public interest groups Village Voice – NY WashClean/Fix Democracy First Washington Conservation Voters Washington Spectator Znet video archive text text text text text audio text video text weekly occasional occasional current occasional weekly daily current daily 5 4 6 4 4 7 4 4 8 5 5 occ audio daily 4 4 audio text audio text audio daily daily daily daily daily text video video daily daily daily text text hourly occasional text text occasional occasional 3 8 4 7 4 4 3 4 5 8 3 6 3 2 4 3 5 nationofchange.org links plus original NRDC.org environment nrln.org/ retiree issues nwprogressive.org/weblog/ NW Progressive action news WA state progressives occupy.com prog news opensecrets.org National $$ PBS.org/NOW opinion analysis pfaw.org politics Edmaysproductions.net Seattle talks recorded PDAmerica.org politics populist.com populist news PublicCampaign.org election finance citizen.org prog action rsn.org/ links plus original reclaimthemedia.org media justice, Seattle ringoffireradio.com/ Pap, Kennedy, Seder rollingstone.com/politics fearless politics, Taiibi rt.com Russian channel salon.com broad spectrum Www.seattleprivacy.org SEA IT Www.splcenter.com hate monitor stephaniemiller.com/ comedy/politics prospect.org news/op bigeddieradio.com/ Ed Schultz The Intercept investigations/news/op mikemalloy.com/ fiery talk thenation.com progressive mag normangoldman.com/ Norm prog talk progressive.org news/op smirkingchimp.com news/op thestand.org WA state labor Tytnetwork.com Prog news views thomhartmann.com/tv talk tomdispatch.com news/op truthout.org links plus original uspirg.org/ prog action villagevoice.com fixdemocracyfirst.org/ campaign finance wcvoters.org WA environment washingtonspectator.org/ DC politics zcommunications.org news/op international Page 2 of 2 WebSitesForNews2016.xls