Death Rates Vary Among Cars by More Than 700 Percent Many Cars Performing Better (or Worse) Than Predicted Occupant deaths occur lar more often in some cars than in others. Insurance Institute lor Highway Safety researchers computed death rates lor 1985-87 cars and found that, among the 103 biggest. Actual death rates lor individual car series tell only part of the story (see Death Rates Vary Among Cars by More Than 700 Percent) because they re influenced by the age and sex of the people who drive them. as weU as by the size 01 the cars. So Insurance Institute lor Highway Safety researchers computed for each of 103 popular car series a predicted as well as an actual death rate, with the predicted rate taking into account the three important factors influencing the actual death rate. The researchers developed a regression model relating actual death rates to car size, driver age, and driver sex. Because vehicle registration information cannot be broken down by age and sex, the researchers' model uses information about the drivers in the fatal crashes. Specifically, the researchers estimated a nonlinear relationship between the death rates of individual vehicle series and their wheelbases, proportion of occupant deaths that occurred with drivers under 30 years old, and proportion 01 male drivers. (A detailed explanation of the research methods is available from the Institute on request.) From this model, the researchers coor puted a predicted death rate for each car series using its actual wheelbase, propor· tion of young drivers, and proportion of male drivers. Then the researchers com(See Beffe, or IIbrse, p. 3) selling vehicle series, the one with the lowest death rale is Volvo's lour-door 740/760, a midsize Specially car, with 0.6 deaths for each 10,000 of these cars registered. The series with the highest death rate (5.2) Is the Chevrolet Corvette, a small sports car. The Corvette's death rate is more than eight times as high as the Volvo's (see table on pages 4-5). For each vehicle series, rates were computed from the total number of occu- pant deaths and registrations that occurred in the three calendar years. 198688. (A vehicle series [s a family of cars within a make that has the same wheel- base and a degree of commonality in construction such as body, chassis, etc.) Results for individual 1985-87 series are pre-sented only for those with at least 150,(XXl registrations dUring 198&18 (1988 models aren't included because registrations are counted midyear when new cars are still being sold). Results lor all cars and for each car size/body style group were coor puled from death and registration counts lor all vehicle series, regardless of the numbers registered. Car size is an important influencing (See 700% lllrialion, p. 2) ------- - _. --- - than 75,000 OCCII· died in hi,hway ,., wtrt they traotl· hflher dtGlh ra'n ..8ch higlwr? death rottl? Who' rtfocuaud._ _ e...... buarrarttt do;. IIIe •• POtu 4-S I~DOO"'­ '"'''IN am>n/'" - - - - - --- - - - - ---- - - . -- -- - . - - - _. - _. ~ - .- ._--.. - - . _.. _-------- 2-1IHS Stams Reparl, Val. 24, No. II, November 25, 1989 700% Variation (Canl'd from p. /) factor on death rates. Of the 10 individual vehicle series with the lowest death rates, three are large and six are midsize cars. Only one is a small car. Twelve 01 the 15 cars with the highest death rates are small. The other three are midsize. None are large. Large two-door cars are the size/body style group with the fewest deaths per 10,000 registered cars. The next best group is large specialty cars, followed by large and midsize station wagons. The group with the highest number of deaths per 10.000 registered vehicles is small sports/specialty cars. Death rates vary not only by car size but also within size and body style groups. Among small four.<Joor cars, for example, the Volkswagen Jetla has the lowest death rate (1.1). The rate for the lour·door Chevrolet Chevette, another small car, is nearly four times as high (4.1). The mix of occupant deaths between single- and multiple-vehicle crashes varies considerably, too, with small cars usually having a higher proportion of their deaths in single-vehicle crashes, compared to large cars. Chevrolet's Corvette has the highest proportion of single-vehicle crash deaths (83 percent) among all 103 car series, and Oldsmobile's Cutlass Ciera station wagon has the lowest (13 percent). Another important influence on death rates, besides car size, is driver age. Cars with high percentages of fatal-erash-involved drivers who are under 30 years old tend to have higher death rates. The sex of the driver is important, too. Cars with high percentages of female drivers tend to have lower death rates (see table on pages l). 7). These three factors - car size and driv· er age and sex - explain some 01 the dif· ferences in death rates among cars. But they don't explain them all. The Honda Prelude, for example, has a relatively low death rate (1.5), even though it's small and has a relatively high percentage of drivers under 30 (4i percent). Its percentage of male drivers is about average (GO percent). To account for the effects of car size and driver age and sex on death rates, Institute researchers used a regression model with these three variables to compute a predicted death rate for each car series. Then they compared predicted and actual rates (see Many Cars Performing Better (or Worse) Than Predicted, page I). IIHS SlOIUS Repo", 1bI. 24, No. II, Nooember 25, 1989-3 Better or Worse who are in its fatal crashes. Among all 103 vehicle series, (Conl'd /rom p. I) pared predicted death rates the following nine perform far with actual ones. Among 103 vehicle series (1985-87 model years) for which actual and predicted death rates were computed, 58 perfonned better than predicted during calen· dar years 198&88. Thirty-nine performed worse. Six cars have actual occupant death rates that match their predicted rates. What's especially Interesting are the differences that institute researchers found between cars' predicted and actual death rates. This comparison tells us how much better or worse each of the cars is perfonning than we would ex· pect. given the car's size and the age and sex of the drivers Tht Ml400r IflSSQ// Sentro".t (om) tKtutJI. ocrupoll1 dtaIh roJe is 65 perttllJ /ofv InslIture resemt:Mrs predicted from i15 u:hHl~ and dlll:ers· age Dnd sa - be:sI al1lOllg all /(JJ car smes. 7tH> (oor-douOwCrolf'1 CheL't!nes (be!0UJ) octual rote 1$ J/6 perrell1 h~ (lion ptedlCltd - by far the 1COrSI. tr Ilton better than predicted after taking car size and the age and sex 01 drivers inlo account: Nissan Senlra twodoor. Volvo 740/760 lour-<l001, Volkswagen Jetta lour-door, Ford Taurus station wagon. Honda Prelude, Chevrolet Cavalier station wagon. Ford Escort station wagon, Toyola Celica, and Toyota Cressida lour-<l001. The following seven cars perform far worse than predicted: Chevrolet Chevetle four-door, Plymouth Reliant four-door, Chevrolet Celebrity two-door, Dodge Aries lour- door, Chevrolet Corvette, Chrysler leBaron lour-<loor, and Chevrolet Sprint twodoor. ~/H5 Sla"'s Repan, 1bI. 24, No. II, Naaember 25, 1989 Actual and Predicted Deaths per 10,000 Registered Passenger Can AI, 85-87 85-81 85~7 8&07 8&07 _Vor_ Chevrolet Capnce Dodge Caravan Ford Aerostar Chevrolet Astro Van AI, 8&07 8&07 8&07 8&07 8&07 .. .. 8&07 8&07 8&07 LARGE 8&07 8&07 8&07 8&07 8&07 Ford Taurus Oldsmobile Cutlass CMlra """"""" """* c_~ Toyota C,esslda' 85-87 85-87 86-87 85-87 85·87 Buick Cenlury Volvo 240 Pontiac Gland Am3 Chrysler LeBaron GTS B6~7 M9fcury Sabje 85-87 B6~7 Pontiac 6000 Ford Taurus 86·87 Oklsmobile Calais3 Oldsmobile Cu~ass CI&fa B6~7 HondaAceord 85·87 85·87 85-87 85·87 85·87 85-87 85-87 85-87 Mmcury Topaz' Oldsmobile Cutlass Chrysler New YOIker Plymouth Caravelle 1.2 12 22 .. ..., ..•. , .. I.'. , L7 •• 15 15 15 1.2 16 " I' '.7 " 12 ..2 ..2 ., .", ...... .. ,, .. ,, ., 1.3 .., " 19 1.9 1.5 L7 2.0 L7 20 ..9 1.7 20 I' ,., Pontiac Sunblrd 25 Plymouth Reliant Dodge Anes 2.' 2.9 2.' 85~7 _C~ ". , I' "" "" "" "" ""' '" "" 30% ,,% "" 20% 2'" 21% ,% 5% ""' .., 1.7 16 ..9 "" "'" 35% 27 ""'" """'" Reoauftomn AIi.a/'loe;Encorl 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.' 25 _ _M 26 26 2.' 2.' 2.5 1.9 - volksWagen GoIl2 Subaru OllGl Sedan _"ool' """"""" """""'" """"""" """""" 32 " 21% 53% 56% """"""" ,.. "" ""'"•. 22 2.0 2.' 2.' """ """', "" '''' "" "" "" "" "" "" 35% ,,% 25 17 "" "" 25" '.4 ., "" "'" "" I" "5 Chrysler LeBaron 85~7 66~7 L7 _.600 Vokswagen JettaJ 8&07 8&07 8&07 20 " 2.0 2.5 ..9 Mazda 6263 Toyota Corona 8&07 8&07 8&07 ...s, 19 2.0 2' 2.' 2.' Ford Tempo! Dodge Lancer Nissan Maxlma3 Chevrolet Cavalier 85~7 85~7 S" .., 85~7 66~7 ..2 2.' '.7 L7 L7 Chevrolet Celebr~y AI, 8&07 ,'''' L7 I' ••• 2.0 .., -.. .. ..... Actu.I DtIf. from P,edlcl*t " ... '.7 85-87 85~7 " " ". , 07 ..2 ....... OlJGL BuidlleSabre' 85~7 15 20 Mercury Grand Marquis Suban.r DtJGl 4WO 86~7 85·87 85·87 85-87 85-87 "2 """'" """"""" 85~7 .. .. .... .., " 2.0 Buick EJectra Ford Crown Vldona C/vysleI New Yor1uIr SIh Ave Oldsmobile Delta 88' OldsmObile Ninety-E'Ohl ChllYl'Olet CapnceJlmpala 85~7 ...... .... ........- 2.1 2.' ,., 2.1 " ""' "" 10% 32% ,.. "" "6% lII/S SlalUS Report, 1bI. 24, Na. II, Naaember 25, 1989-5 1985-87 Models During 1986-88, by car Size and Body Style ...... .... AI AI ....,, .... ..., ......,,, ---,"""'" .........,,, ""'T...... .........,,, 'on! ......,,, ..., ........, ....... ......,, -""'" PonllaC Grand Pm ---- 12 ""'--" 1.' 1., 1., ~"""" 1.' 2.0 r- Chow... """"'" "-' Chow... c..- ChevrolM Morlle Car'cI 87 86·87 "87 85-87 85·87 86·87 85·87 85-87 NlSS8I1 Sertlrl Toyotil Celoca Toyota CofoIIa Nl$S3f1 200SX .. .... ~o 2.' 2' V ....,, Lincoln Town Cal 0.' Cadillac FI'wood/Devllie 40 Cadillac FI'Wood/Devllie 20 U U 85-87 Cadillac Brougham 40 85-87 85-87 85·87 85·87 AI 85-87 "87 85·87 85·87 .., 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.' U 85·87 85·87 85·87 Volvo 7401760 40" Aooi 5000 40 BMW 3·Serles 20 PonTIac Flfebird Ford Mustang Chevrolet Camara Pontaac Fiero Honda CI\Iic CRX NIs5an 300ZX Chevrolet CofvetIe A - . . 'or All c.r. """ "" ,'" 33" "" ,." "" ""'" 2.' 3.' 2.' 2.' 3.' 3.3 2.' 2.9 32 2' 2.6 2.' 3.3 ,. "" "" "" "" "" ." '" ,. " U 3.' 3.' 3.' 3.' 3.' 3. '3 '.2 3.6 ... '.9 3.' 36 3.9 '.2 '.2 '" ,." ,." ." 21% '''' 57% 35% .." '" "" " Note I - aD 1985-87 models 9qUlpped with automatic salery belts Note 2 - some 1985-87 models Note 3 - some 1987 models Bql)Ipp8d with automatIC safety belts Note 4 - some 1987 models equ.pped with air bags Note 5 - smaH number 01 1986-87 models equipped with air bags ~ ." 33" 3.1 2.6 3.' '" "" "" ." "" "" "" ,." 1.2 3.1 06 -- DIft. from P,",*, 2.' 1.' 1.' 1.6 '.3 2.' 25 2.6 30 3' 3.' 3.' Chevrolet Spl'lnt ~ ChargerlShelby - ~ ~, 2.' 85-87 85·87 85-87 1.' 2.' 2.' 1., 2.' 1.' 2.' 2.' 1.5 2.2 2.6 Z1 85-87 .11 85·87 ......" " Renal,lh AlIianeeJEncote3 Ford Esc;:on3 Dodge DaytOl'la s Chevrol&l Chevene P1ymou1tl Tunsmo .11 1.3 2.2 1.2 OIdsmobole Cutlass Ci&ra ........, "'""' Am' Aft •.•••, .... p,edlcItId with automatic safety belts "" "" """ ." 6-IIHS SlaIUS Report, 11>1. 24, No. 11, November 25, 1989 Additional Information About Cars Listed on Pages 4and 5 WIIM'l»M An 15-8' 15-8' 15-" 86-" 15-8, ......, , 85·87 85·87 85·87 85-67 _Vor"" Chevrolet Caprice Dodge Caravan FOfd Aefostar ChevJoIet Astra van FOfd Taurus U16 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera 105 Chevrolet Cavalier Chevrolet Celeb<ity P1 mouth Reliant Subaru DUGl 4WD 86·87 Ford Escon 85-87 Subaru OUGL AI ........,, ...., 15-8, 15-8, U' U9 U' 00' A" 85-87 15-8, 15-8, 15-8, "' '" '" Mercury Grand Marqul$ Buick Eleclra fOld Crown VIdOfia 0wY* New y~ 5Ch Oldsmobile DeIllI 88 0Idsm0bIl8 N.-ty·Eight ~c.o-_ BuOleSabre AI """"'" _'40 ...., .... '" 105 100 " 91 94 91 00' as-87 85-87 Chryslef leBaron GTS 15-" 15-" 85~' 85~' .,.., .... .,..,, 85-87 15-8, AI 15-8' 15-" 15-8, 85~' 86-" 15-8, 15-8' as-81 85-81 85-81 86-87 85-87 85·87 15-" "" Mercury Sable Ponllllc6000 105 Ford Taurus 10' Oldsmobile CalaIs Honda Aceord '03 '02 '00 M8rcury Topaz U16 Oldsmobile Cutlaas 108 Chrysler New Yorker Plymouth Cara'l8lle Chevrolet CeieOnty '03 '03 fordT~ """" """" Nissan Maxtma Chevrole1 Caval..- -T_""""" """" 600 _So."""' "' ""'"'" v_ _ """"...... '" 245795 237391 ""'" 192635 206594 333760 474547 158117 1398753 297623 216394 202298 '" m m "' m PontI3C Grand Am Ok:Ismobile Cutlass CI&f3 86-87 8S-87 85-87 85·87 85-87 85-87 441432 916408 504992 125090 91398' ,,. 104 103 105 103 85-87 86·87 .. ,,, , 5332141 u" ...., ..." Coumo :U71121 424297 ,,. '" m Toyola Cf8$$lOa 15-8' 15-8, 15-8, ""'M6of, 65933' 654103 649393 ._, """ 22863< 1165207 194789 236809 1416518 354129 20<331 858217 572652 152219 711315 324770 351615 343965 222930 -..... -- -' • 10 5 8 3 10 11 311880 . 91 99 96 50 " " 91 66 U 9 4 58 11 64 20 10 4 """ ,." " ", , """ 9 25 29 ", 4 " 27 426045 385292 33 """ _C~ 91 ford Escort Chevrolet Nova 94 96 VobWageo GotI Subaru DLtGL Sedan 91 91 Dodge Omni 99 98 301139 561.12 111.13 2«318 393063 2595<41 64 359094 30 99 29 95 462259 257252 91 235068 Renaun AJlianceJEncore Hyundal Excel Plymoult1 Horizon Chevrolet Spectrum CheVrolet Chevette 400643 53 66 17 T1 63 T1 1311723 '''''' " " 22 " ""25 '00 66 " , ,, , , ,, '46549 '"'00 38 .,27 """ "" . .. 31 50 62 54 45 '"'03 290464 28 8 30 26 '00 "" " 13 9 30 1511862 1136992 257199 949226 10 85 31 .. 8 '" '00 '03 '00 72 60 13 60 .. 26 25 " " 21 31 " 50 14 61 " 18 66 "" 16 62 15 13 50 """ 13 38 25 26 .. 28 30 36 " 29 33 25 33 OJ . " .," .," 33 26 32 " 31 36 " 20 ." ." " ."" "" " . "" 36 24 32 58 40 50 30 64 22 29 64 21 35 54 32 39 . 63 10 n 52 "" .. 62 53 .. 24 31 29 42 36 " 45 21 "" /DIS Status Report, IbI. 24, Na. II, Nooember 25, 1989-7 ...,......,,, Al' Al' ".., ".., ".., ".., ".., ".., ".., ,,~, ,,~, ,,~, ,,~, ".., ,,~, Al, .. 87 ".., ,....,, --- PQflbac Grand Pox Oldsmobile Cullass c ... ~"""'u -- Buick Skytlawll ~""'" Ford Tempo Pon~ Gr.".;I Am Ford 1l'lundlwtMfd o-e-.y ",,"'" ""'0-"""'- Chevrolet Monte Carlo """"" ",,"'" ....... -"'"""" ..... To~ota c.ra 85·87 ".., 85·87 85-87 Chevrolet ClwlYene Nissan 200SX Renau~ Alhance/Encore Plymouth Tuusmo Chevrolet Sprint Dodge Chafg&liShelby LiIlC01r'1 Town Car CadilillC Fl'woodlDevllle 40 Cadillac fl'woodlDeville 20 Cadillac Brougnam 40 .11 ." 85·87 85·87 85-87 85·87 I Aud15000 40 BMW 3·Serles 20 Pontiac; Flrebird Ford Muslang Pontiac Fi&ro HOIlda Clllie CRX NlSsan 300ZX ChsvroIeI. CorYen, 33" " "33 " eo 52 68 57 63 60 50 50 38 256783 500293 360532 .." II ..."" .. .. .. ... . " . . "" ....... . " . . " . . . "''''' . ""'" 32 25 57=- 614476 836119 156198 6760'56 " " 65 68 796838 33 38 65 30 515309 52 67 ""260 32 38 56 56 96 219194 59 63 50 97 417450 60 52 95 96 96 .. " "'33' 228112 ." .. 179729 "30 " 97 25'''' '" '" '" ""''' 35 ,,• 6 797011 222238 '" '" , .,, " ..... 299773 "240544 '06 236559 196049 505787 38 "50 816331 .. " " 923385 ,....., 93 87 378815 332496 " ""97 60 "30 161869 I . .878302 68 52 60 63 628888 >0, 70 . . ,..... " 60 63 "" 601516 97 IU' 37 53 "'220 247267 96 c.- I 27 "" 50 51 73 7B 62 0< B2 "" 79 " 68 0< 79 " 0 length in inches RegIStratIOn Counts Percent Young Percent Male - 20 ,,- '" '" " Chevrolet Camara Wheelbase - • "" 215330 183179 0<"" ", '"'" Volvo 7401760 40 for All 32 ,.".. 97 .11 85-87 85·87 ""'" ..",., 341379 FOld Escort Dodge Daytona as-81 eou"" You.. 99 _c.. ...87 85·87 85·87 85,87 , -. 85 Toyota Corolla 85·87 85-87 85·87 85-87 ,'" " '"'02 '''' ", '" '" "" ,'" >0, , ,'" '" '''' >0' ".., ".., "., "., ....... --.. -. ... sum of vehicles registered in each calendar year percent 01 deaths in cars with drivers under aoe 30 percent 01 deaths In cars with male drivers Pe«:ent SIngle-Vehicle - percent of deaths in Single-vehicle crashes 57 27 " 51 35 " 57 32 " 26 .. 33 22 53 56 68 63 59 68 ."" 69 63 . SMALL Special Issue Vol. 24, No, II, November 25, 1989 This special issue of Status Report focuses on death rales by car make and model. Other special issues have focused on the following subjects: Designing Safer Vehicles Truck Crash Congestion Making Traffle Laws ~rk Seat Beh and NlffSA: Safety Rules Vehicle Size and Death Rates U.s. Sofety Acts Seat Belt Use Laws School Bus Safety Seat Belt Use Laws Teenagers Driving The Injury FocI Book Automatic Restraints Truck Crashes Small Car Hazards Drunk Driving 24~, 1989 21121988 23,6,1988 22:13,1981 22~, 1981 221,1981 21011,1986 2It.12,1985 2It.5, 1985 19014.1984 19010.1984 191,1984 18:18,1983 18:4,1983 1i:20.1982 11,18,1982 STATUS REPORT f\.'Il1l, \ '\,( I r-.."I1111111 '" 1-::.1\\1\ \\111) 1005 NOlIh Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22201 (103) 247-1500 [£litOI': James H, Mooney As50dale Editor: ReI Tyler \\-riters: SIliron RMmunefl, Ka~ Steiner Editorial ,».slanls: Carlene Hughes, Loretta MonisoIl ProductlOll: Sheila.licboo The InJurllltt Institute lor Itigfl"'-ay Salety Is an Independenl, nonpro(il. JCJefIlllk and tdutatlontl is dedicated to m1uctng the lones - deaths, Injuries and property d.lmage - resultinB !rom cruhes onl!le ~Ioo 5 hIgIrwJ)l. The lrutllute Is supported by tilt Amerlan IllIllIInCe ttigb.-ay Sakty A55ocWIon, the American murm ~"lIY SIIey AIllaocf. the NalIoniI AuodItIoo olindeprDdent Insulm 5IIefy A.uodItion and ~,J indlo.idwl """' ...... ""- CoIdcnU l1li)' be ~ lIl'IM»t. Of mput. with ittri- ISSN 00l8-988X