egypt -

Welcome to Egypt, one of the world‟s top tourist
destinations for the past several thousand years.
Whether you are here to see one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world, to marvel at the marine
life and fabulous corals of the Red Sea or simply to
relax and get a sun tan, you are certain not to be
disappointed in Egypt.
Sunshine is practically guaranteed throughout the
year, with rain falling in the Red Sea resorts
approximately once every 6 years. Day time
temperatures range from 20 degrees in winter to 45
degrees in the summer, with night time temperatures
of around 12 degrees in winter, 30 degrees in summer.
Aswan and Luxor, being on the Nile, have higher
humidity and therefore can be unbearably hot in
summer, but the winter months are the ideal time for a
Nile Cruise.
The country
Egypt – full name is the Arab Republic of Egypt – is a
democracy whose President, Hosny Mubarak, has
held his post since 1981 and was re-elected with a
large majority in 2005. The official religion of the country
is Islam, but the country has a large Christian
population. Figures vary, but it is estimated that around
8-10% of the population is Christian and the remaining
90-92% Muslim.
This is one of the oldest civilisations known to man and
dates back many thousands of years, encompassing
the Pharaohs, Greeks, Romans, Mamlouks, Ottoman
Empire, British Colonial rule and finally independence
since 1922. Initially Egypt was a Kingdom but has
been a republic since 1952.
Public Holidays in Egypt are 25 April (Sinai Liberation
Day – Sinai only), 1 May (Labour Day), 23 July
(National Day) and 6 October (Armed Forces Day).
The Coptic Christmas (7 January) and Easter (in 2009
anticipated to fall on 27 April, subject to confirmation)
are celebrated by the Christians but are not national
holidays. Our Christmas and New Year are celebrated
in the hotels.
The dates of the Islamic festivals move forward by
10-11 days each year as they are linked to the lunar
calendar; these are the Big Feast (in 2008 anticipated
to take place around 8-11 December), where animals
are sacrificed and the meat shared with friends, family
and the poor. If you are in Egypt at the time, particular
in more „local‟ resorts such as Cairo, Hurghada, Aswan
or Luxor, you should keep in your hotel for these days
to avoid seeing animals slaughtered in the streets; the
month of Ramadan, where Muslims fast from sunrise
to sunset (anticipated in 2009 to take place around 22
August to 20 September) and during which time it is
frowned upon to walk around in local areas dressed
skimpily or showing too much physical affection to your
partner in public. Ramadan is followed by a 3-day
holiday where everyone dresses up and enjoys eating
Females in particular may find that they get a lot of
unwanted attention when they go out; try to avoid
striking up conversations, avoid eye contact and keep
walking if you don‟t wish to get involved in a
conversation. Try to dress relatively conservatively to
deter unwanted attention.
accepted in the shops; when using your credit card be
aware that the amount that is charged to your account
in Sterling may be slightly higher than the amount you
were originally quoted due to changes in exchange
rates and commission charged by your credit card
supplier. Rates are usually higher in Egypt so you‟ll get
more LE to your Sterling if you bring cash and change
it here. Please note that you will have difficulties if you
try to change Scottish or Northern Irish notes, or notes
that have been defaced in any way (this includes
writing on the notes).
You will need to buy a visa on arrival at the airport in
Egypt unless you fly into Sharm el Sheikh and do not
plan to leave the city (eg to go to Cairo or on a boat
trip to Ras Mohamed); Sharm is treated as a special
zone so if you visit there only you do not need a visa.
For all other destinations you need to buy a visa which
costs approximately 10 pounds Sterling; get this from
one of the tour representatives inside the airport or
from one of the banks before you go through passport
control. You must have at least 6 months validity
remaining on your passport or you will not be allowed
into Egypt.
Ground Handling Agent & Customer Service
We are represented in Egypt by Meeting Point Egypt,
a well-respected agency that maintains a high level of
professionalism along with outstanding customer service.
Should you have any problems during your holiday
which need the assistance of one of our reps then
please call them on the number which you will find on
your accommodation voucher or on the notice board in
your hotel. All are Egyptian nationals, so know the
language and local laws/customs, but speak excellent
Money and Formalities
The local currency is the Egyptian Pound (LE), which
is divided into 100 piastres. The rate of exchange
varies, but as a rough guide is usually around 8-10 LE
to one pound Sterling. The notes have writing in
English on one side and Arabic on the other, so you
should have no problem understanding the value of
the notes you have. The money tends to be pretty old
and dirty so many people like to make sure they can
wash their hands after handling it, or carry some
sanitising gel in your bag to use on your hands after
Most hotels have ATMs, or you can use ATMs in
towns and at airports on arrival. Travellers‟ cheques
are sometimes difficult to cash or you may have to pay
a commission. Prices are often quoted in Sterling,
Dollars or Euros and then converted into LE if you wish
to pay in the local currency. Credit cards are accepted
in hotels or when booking excursions but not widely
English and have many years‟ experience of working
in this field
Handling agent contact information:
Meeting Point Egypt:
Mohamdi Hwaidak Street,Abu Ashra Building
Moubarak 2 Hurghada Egypt
tel: 0020 (65) 345 3484
Emergency phone SSH: 00201200040041
Emergency phone Hurghada: 002 01200040042
Resorts in Egypt
Sharm el Sheikh – this is probably the best-known
resort in Egypt and it located at the southern end of the
Sinai peninsula at the entrance to the Straits of Aqaba.
The main industry here is tourism, with people
attracted by the breathtaking scenery and the worldfamous dive sites, especially in the area of Ras
Sharm is split into several areas – Hadaba, Ras Om el
Seid, Na‟ama Bay, Shark‟s Bay, Nabq – each with its
own shopping centres, nightlife and identity. The most
famous bars and shopping though are found in
Na‟ama Bay; most hotels run shuttle buses to here on
a regular basis or you can go by taxi.
Egypt has many different resorts:
Taba – this is a small resort on the border with Israel,
20 km from Taba Heights where most of the hotels are
to be found (the Hilton, however, is situated directly
next to the border crossing). There are also ferries
available to nearby Aqaba (Jordan). The sights of the
Sinai Peninsula are easily reached, and trips over the
border to Israel to visit Eilat and/or Jeruselem are
popular. Taba Heights has its own golf course and
scuba diving and snorkelling are enjoyed by many.
Bedouins, a small town sprang up in present-day
Nuweiba after the Israelis occupied the Sinai
Peninsula following the 6 Day War. The town has
since expanded, with several ferries a day to Aqaba
(Jordan). Nightlife is based around the hotels and
people go here for relaxing holidays or for scuba
diving. Dahab has similar origins and today, as well as
being popular with divers, is famous for windsurfing.
Marsa Alam – the coastline from El Quesir down
towards the border with Sudan is known as Marsa
Alam, although Marsa Alam itself is a small village
which hardly merits a visit. This area is still largely
undeveloped and is popular with the more serious
scuba divers as the reefs here are still unspoiled. This
area is ideal for people wanting to enjoy the scuba
diving, snorkelling or just a relaxing, away-from-it-all
Hurghada – the major resort on the African coast of
Cairo – the capital of Egypt, this is also the largest
Nuweiba and Dahab – formerly inhabited solely by
the Red Sea (the Sinai peninsula is in Asia), Hurghada
is famous for its dive sites and kiteboarding, together
with a vibrant nightlife. It is far less developed than
Sharm el Sheikh and is an enigmatic mixture of local
life and tourism. It is ideally situated to visit the sites of
Luxor, although many people choose not to leave the
city in Africa and the 3rd largest in the world. It is home
to the Sphynx and the Giza Pyramids (the 2nd pyramid
is the only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World),
the Egyptian Museum, the Khan el Khalili shopping
area and many Coptic and Islamic architectural
treasures. It is well worth a visit, not just to see the
famous sites but also to see the real Egypt!
the reservoir behind it being known as Lake Nassr,
and this helps control the flow of water to the Nile and
keep it constant; previously the Nile was subject to
floods or famines. Many temples were lost when the
area behind the dam was filled with water, but others –
such at Philae Temple and Abu Simbel – were rescued
by organisations such as UNESCO and rebuilt on
higher ground.
Beaches – Egypt is 97% desert, so you know that you
Luxor – known as the largest outdoor museum in the
can expect sandy beaches. The sand tends to be dry,
but a bucket of water soon makes it great for building
those sandcastles that you dreamed off. Most
hotels have their own beaches and there are few public
beaches. Some beaches are by reefs and access to
the sea is across a bridge or walkway and then into
relatively deep water, so check before you go if
travelling with small children.
world, Luxor allegedly has 30% of the world‟s ancient
ruins. It has the famous Karnak, Luxor and Hatchepsut
(„hot chicken soup‟) temples, the Valley of the Kings
(where, amongst others, Tutkankhamen was buried)
and of course the beautiful, life-giving River Nile. Not
to be missed here is a hot air balloon flight over Luxor
at dawn. Luxor is also the starting point for the weeklong Nile cruises.
Food and Drink – most hotels offer international
Aswan – this very Nubian town is almost exactly on
the Tropic of Cancer, so in summer can be extremely
hot; it is one of the driest inhabited places on earth. A
large dam was built here in the early 1960s,
cuisine, but it is fun to get out and see what the locals
eat. The local dishes rely on pulses and vegetables,
although a lot of seafood is also found in resorts on the
Mediterranean or Red Sea coasts. Bread is consumed
at all Egyptian meals and the meal of poorer Egyptians
will often consist of just bread and beans.
Fool, which consist of mashed fava beans, is popular,
especially at breakfast and can be served in several
variations such as with tahina (sesame seed paste)
added to it, or the beans are used to make Falafel, a
dish found elsewhere in the Arabic world where it is
usually made from chickpeas.
Many Egyptians consider the national dish to be
Koshary, which is a mixture of rice, lentils, chickpeas
and macaroni and is served with fried onions and a
spicy tomato sauce.
Other popular dishes are kebab and kofta (minced
meat grilled on a skewer), shawerma (similar to doner
kebab in Turkey), or various vegetables stuffed with
spicy rice.
Desserts tend to be sweet and sticky, such as kunefa,
baklava, basbosa and so on.
Alcohol is not usually found outside of hotels and bars
which specifically cater for international tourists.
Muslims are not supposed to drink alcohol, although
some do; during the month of Ramadan no Egyptian is
allowed to purchase alcohol, regardless of his religion.
Shopping – best buys include silver- and copperware, gold and silver jewellery, leather goods,
alabaster ornaments, papyrus pictures, mugs with
pictures of the pharaohs or designs from their tombs,
waterpipes and, of course, fluffy camels. Shops in
hotels or big cities have fixed prices, whereas in
bazaars or where no price is shown it is usual to barter
and try to get the price down to a level that is
acceptable to both vendor and purchaser. Have a
price in your mind before you go and don‟t let yourself
be talked into paying more!
Night Life- the local nightlife is based around the
numerous coffee shops, where the men go to drink tea
or coffee (alcohol isn‟t usually served) and smoke
shisha (waterpipe). In touristic areas the tobacco for
the shisha is available in several flavours, such as
apple, strawberry and cappuccino, whereas the
Egyptians stick to the hard stuff! Sharm el Sheikh‟s
main centre of night life is Na‟ama Bay, which has an
abundance of coffee shops, some of which serve
alcohol. Also found here are Buddha Bar, Hard Rock
Café, Camel Bar and Pacha night club. Hurghada‟s
night life is mainly in Sekalla, although there are lively
bars in other areas too. The main focal points here are
the new Hurghada Marina, which has a few bars;
Papa‟s (Ministry of Sound), Hed Kandi Bar and
Calypso (popular with Russians). Night life in Luxor is
much quieter and based around the coffee shops or
Sports – watersports are popular, especially scuba
diving and snorkelling. On land excursions into the
dessert are always fun, whether by jeep, camel or
quad bike. See the section below for more information
on all of these.
The Egyptians are quite fanatical about football and
the national team is the current holder of the African
Cup. As far as domestic football is concerned, the 2
big teams in Cairo are Al Ahly and Zamalek, and derby
matches always rouse a lot of passion.
Horse riding is found at some hotels, but standards
Most Popular Things To Do
Sea – The Red Sea is generally accepted as one of
the best areas in the world for scuba diving and
snorkelling. The waters tend to be clear, with an
abundance of different species of fish and corals. If
you don‟t want to get wet then it is possible to see the
underwater world from a glass-bottomed boat or even
a submarine.
Jeep safaris into the desert are also popular and
enable you to enjoy the scenery in a more comfortable
Most trips into the desert include a ride on a camel and
it‟s a great opportunity to see these magnificent
creatures at close range. You may also get a chance
to see the Bedouin people in their home environment
and see how they live. If you go to the desert at night
you will almost certainly eat a meal prepared by the
Bedouins and see them perform some kind of dancing
for you before you go and enjoy the stars at night – an
unforgettable experience.
Scuba Diving – W hether you are an experienced
diver or a complete beginner, the Red Sea is an ideal
place to dive. Many people learn to dive here, or it is
possible to save time by starting your course at home
and finish it by doing the „open water‟ dives in the Red
Sea. If you‟ve never done it before, you can do a oneday Discover Scuba course and if you find yourself
hooked you can then upgrade to a Scuba Diver or
Open Water Diver course. Children as young as 10
years old can become Junior Open Water Divers.
Qualified divers will love the diving in the Ras
Mohamed national park and Advance Open Water
Divers can dive the wrecks of the Thistlegorm (from
Sharm el Sehikh) or Abu Nuhas (from Hurghada).
Real affecionados will head for Marsa Alam, where
there is more unspoilt diving and the famous
Elphinstone Reef, where divers are almost guaranteed
to see sharks during their dives, or Abu Dabab, where
the dugong can be found.
Mount Sinai – for something a bit different, walk up
Mount Sinai (where Moses is said to have received the
10 commandments) over night and watch the sun rise
across the dessert; this is only for the very fit as the
walk takes about 4 hours and is uphill in the dark over
rocky terrain. However, it‟s a unique experience and
on the way back you can visit St Catherine‟s
monastery, one of the oldest monasteries in the world,
where the Burning Bush is found (this bush is unique
to here and no cuttings taken from it have ever grown
anywhere else).
Culture and History – the main centres for culture
Desert – The most active people will like to try quad
bikes in the dessert, but bear in mind that any clothes
that you wear for this activity will need to be washed a
few times before they can be worn again! This is great
fun, but be careful and make sure that you follow
safety instructions and that your insurance will cover
you for such activities.
and history and Cairo and Luxor. If you say in Sharm
el Sheikh or Hurghada you can visit Cairo of Luxor on
day-trips or on a 2-day visit; Cairo can also be visited
from Luxor. See in our Resort section for details of
both Luxor and Cairo.
Phrases in Arabic
The official languageof Egypt is Arabic. Arabic is
spoken widely throughout Northern Africa and the
Middle East, with each country having its own version
of the language. Egyptian Arabic is understood
throughout the Arabic-speaking world due mainly to its
prolific film industry. The alphabet is different to the
British alphabet so the words below are written
phonetically and split into syllables to help you:
One hundred
How much is this?
Bee kam?
Good morning
Sah-bah el kheehr
Good morning (reply) Sah-bah el fool
Good evening
Mas-r el kheer
Good evening (reply) Mas-r el fool
Egyptian Arabic
I would like …
Ayz (male) …
I don’t want.
Mish ay-zah
It’s very expensive
Floos kat-eer
I haven’t got any money
I am ill
Where is the toilet?
Where is the hospital? Fayn el moos-tosh-fahr?
Ay-zah (female
Man-dish floos
An-a ma-reed (male)
An-a ma-ree-dah (female)
Fayn el ham-em?
Health and Safety
Flight safety
• Please check with the airline with regard to security
updates and advice as to what can and cannot be packed
within your luggage.
• As a general rule, do not place flammable liquids, lighters,
matches, gasses or aerosols in your luggage.
• Always carry medication in your hand luggage.
• Please pay attention to any safety briefings given by airline
staff and crew.
• To help reduce the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT),
keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and reducing
alcohol consumption, occasionally walk around the cabin
and/or do some simple exercises whilst in your seat to keep
blood circulating. For further information refer to the
Department of Health website (
Safety and Hygiene
The health and safety of customers is of
paramount importance to us and we want to make sure you
have the best holiday possible. Whilst we are working with
our accommodation suppliers to ensure the highest possible
safety standards are maintained, please bear in mind that
safety and hygiene standards overseas may vary from those
you have come to expect in the UK.
Whilst we will do our best to make sure your holiday is safe
and trouble free, we do ask for your co-operation in taking
extra care while youre away. Please take the time to
familiarise yourself with your accommodation on arrival, and,
if you are travelling with children highlight to them any areas
where they need to take extra special care, such as
balconies or within pool areas.
The following information has been put together with your
best interests in mind and we would ask that you take some
time to read through the advice provided. If you should have
any particular requirements regarding the safety of your
group, please contact us for further advice. In the event of
any accident or incident during your holiday, please
immediately contact our handling agent in resort on the
contact telephone number provided on the voucher and we
will do our best to assist you and take any corrective action
Fire Safety
• Familiarise yourself with the location of your nearest fire
• Read any fire safety notices in your room.
• Do not smoke in bed.
• If a fire occurs, leave immediately, do not stop to collect
your personal belongings.
• Proceed to an assembly point well away from the building.
Safety at your holiday destination
When you arrive, please take a little time to familiarise
yourself with the layout of your accommodation.
Balcony & Glass Safety
• Please do not lean over, sit or climb on the balcony.
• Children should never be left on the balcony unsupervised.
• Keep all balcony furniture away from the wall/railings.
• Take care in bright sunlight, when exiting to a patio or
balcony. It may not be obvious that doors/windows are
Pool Safety
• Familiarise yourself with the layout of the pool, the deep
and shallow ends and any unusual features (i.e. bridges,
underwater features).
• It is unlikely that your pool will have a lifeguard, so please
take care and ensure children and non swimmers are
• Observe all pool safety rules, in particular “No Diving”.
• Please use the showers before entering the pool.
• Do not swim immediately after a meal or when drinking
• Pool surrounds can be slippery, so please walk around the
pool area rather than run.
• If you are suffering from an upset stomach, please avoid
use of the pool.
Beach Safety
• Familiarise yourself with any flag warning system so that
you understand when it may not be safe to swim.
• Be aware of any strong currents or tides.
• It is unlikely that the beach will have a lifeguard, so please
take care and ensure children and non swimmers are
• Do not swim near or dive from rocks, piers, breakwaters etc.
• Please ensure that you are aware of any "zoned" areas that
are marked out for water sports and do not swim in these
• Never swim alone, at night or after drinking alcohol.
• If utilising any beach water sports ensure the organisers are
insured and offer appropriate safety advice/equipment.
Sun care
• Remember to use a high factor sunscreen initially and to reapply it frequently
• Avoid laying out in the sun during the hottest time of the
• Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
• Take a sunhat, sunglasses and lip salve
• Beware, you can still burn, dehydrate and get sunstroke in
the shade or in the water.
Personal safety
• Be aware, as you would be at home - stay away from
situations where you feel uncomfortable and avoid walking in
badly lit and/or unfamiliar areas.
• Avoid carrying too much money and/or valuables on your
person – please make use of safe facilities provided.
• Always lock your room when you go out and remember to
close all windows and balconies.
• Please try not to leave accompanied young children in your
Road/Transport Safety
• Remember traffic could be traveling on the right hand side
of the road - ensure you look both ways before crossing.
• Please do not assume drivers will stop at pedestrian
• As at home, do not drink and drive.
• Whilst overseas laws regarding mobile phones may not be
prohibitive, we recommend not using them while the vehicle
is in use.
• Four wheels are better that two – many moped or
motorbike hire outlets are inadequately insured and do not
automatically provide helmets.
• Always remember to fasten your seatbelt.
• Follow any safety briefing provided by your driver or guide.
Working in conjunction with Docleaf
There is no better choice for a holiday than Egypt. The
hotels are generally to a high standard, especially
when comparing price-wise with their European
counterparts; sunshine is guaranteed practically every
day of the year; the cultural sights to see are unique to
this country and second to none; watersports
enthusiastics can find no better destination, especially
for scuba diving, within a 6 hour flight from their home
country; the Egyptians are very service-oriented and
will do whatever they can to make your holiday special.
As you will hear people say several times during your
visit: W elcome home.