Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Department of Business Administration Chair for Organization and Planning VK KFK ORGA: Organizational Design (040430) - winter term 09/10 Lecturer: Office hours: eMail: Mag. Clemens Hutzinger Thursdays, 4 to 5 pm or by appointment clemens.hutzinger@univie.ac.at Readings: 1) Daft, R.: Organization Theory and Design, 8. edition, Thomson-SouthWestern, Ohio, 2004 2) Case studies E-Learning: All relevant informations will be on https://fronter.univie.ac.at Course objectives: This course deals with problems concerning the selection and management of various dimensions and components of organizational structure and culture. An appropriate organizational design allows organizations to continually adapt to a changing global environment and to balance internal needs and external pressures to survive in the long run. A key element is therefore to understand how organizations can be designed and managed for a better performance. Accordingly, the course will aim to bring an awareness of the intended as well as unintended consequences of organizational design decisions. The concepts involved focus on organizational structure (e.g. organizational design), organizational change, organizational effectiveness, strategy, culture and knowledge management. Using case study method (Harvard) and actual cases from real life, students learn how to resolve problems related to organizational design and change. Students work individually, all well as in teams, prepare case studies and present problem solutions during class. Course prerequisites for “non-erasmus” students: FK Individual and organizational decision making respectively EK Spieltheorie FK Organizational Design page 1 Course requirements: The course is designed in an inter-active mode: Each participant and team is viewed as a class resource, a co-producer of learning. The course is based on experiential learning, since this is the key method to challenge the learner’s existing theories-inuse in order to integrate new ideas, concepts and principles to cognitive patterns. It is expected from students to know the theoretical concepts from the course FK KFK ORGA: Organizational Design. Furthermore, all students are expected to study (not just read) the case studies and readings throughout the course. The case studies and readings will serve as the basis for classroom discussions. Each participant is expected to come to class having read and studied (distilled the essential points) the assigned material for that day. All participants are expected to take part in classroom discussions. Tasks: Short reports (individual) Active participation (individual) Case report (team) Case presentation (team) Exam (individual) 20 points 10 points 20 points 25 points 25 points The course is passed, if 50 points or more are obtained. Schedule and team assignments: Date Cases Preliminary information, team 07.10.2009 building, case study method and case assignment 14.10.2009 Team-meeting 21.10.2009 Team-meeting 28.10.2009 Team-meeting 04.11.2009 ABB 18.11.2009 Corning Glass 02.12.2009 NASA 16.12.2009 Deloitte & Touche 13.01.2010 Sony Europe 20.01.2010 27.01.2010 Topics Readings (Daft) Introduction ABB, Corning Glass Deloitte & Touche NASA, Sony Europe Organizational efficiency Organizational structure and fit Knowledge management Organizational culture Organizational change and change management Summary Final exam Chap. 1,2,3 Chap. 4,6 Chap. 8 Chap. 10 Chap. 9,11 page 2 Cases: Necessary registry: http://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cb/register Afterward downloadable under: http://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cb/access/4624322 Course number: 040430 Start/End Date: 08.10.2009 – 10.02.2010 Copyright costs have to be paid individually!!! Case reports: Each team has to work on one case. The case reports (20 pages) should, in addition to more detailed discussions of the following questions, contain a brief overview of the case itself and the relevant theory (consult Daft: Organization Theory and Design; you can find this book in the library), as well as a summary of the results of the in-class activities of the students. Case reports are group tasks and have to be handed in until 18.01.10 both via email and personally. Case presentations: Details will be given in the team meetings. Questions: Briefly answer the following questions on all except your own case. Short reports (12 pages) are individual tasks and have to be handed in until the sessions in which these cases are discussed. The short reports have to be handed in personally at the beginning of the lessons. page 3 ABB 04.11.09 Asea Brown Boveri (9-192-139) 1. Why did Barnevik choose this complex organizational design? Discuss. 2. Which advantages and disadvantages of matrix structure do you know? What needs to be done in order to make ABB successful? 3. How is it like to work in a Matrix organization, e.g. like Joe Durr in Exhibit 4? What could be done to support the employees? 4. How does ABB look like today? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ Corning Glass 18.11.09 Corning Glass Works International (A) (9-381-160) Corning Glass Works International (B-1) (9-381-161) A 1. Which problems does Forrest Behm face? Why do they emerge now? 2. Why did Behm's change measures fail? What should he do now? B 3. What do you think about the suggestions from McKinsey? 4. Is the “Decision Grid Process” an appropriate measure to realize the new structure? Why? 5. Given the problems they face now: is it the right time to induce an organizational change? ___________________________________________________________________ NASA 02.12.09 Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) (9-603-062) 1. What is organizational knowledge? How does it develop and how is it transferred? Where is organizational knowledge stored? Which types of knowledge do you know? 2. Discuss the relationship between organizational knowledge and organizational culture. 3. How serious is the problem of knowledge loss at JPL? page 4 4. What are implications of "faster, better, cheaper" for knowledge management? Which advantages and disadvantages can you identify for development, storing and transfer of knowledge? 5. Which criteria would you use to assess Holm's performance? Would you do something different? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ Deloitte & Touche 16.12.09 Deloitte & Touche (A) A Hole in the Pipeline (9-300-012) Deloitte & Touche (B) Changing the Workplace (9-300-013) A 1. Do Deloitte & Touche have a problem at all? Are Mike Cook's worries legitimate? 2. What is the problem? Which reasons are there for higher fluctuation rates of women? 3. Which role plays organizational culture here? 4. Analyze and discuss the suggestions of the task-force. Would you suggest the same? 5. Why is there resistance to change? What can be done? B 6. Analyze the support measures for women. How was the change process? What went well? What went wrong? 7. Why are there still only a few women in top positions? 8. Design a check-list for managers who want to change organizational culture. What do they have to consider? ___________________________________________________________________ Sony Europe 13.01.10 SONY EUROPA (A) (IMD057) 1. Analyse the situation for Consumer Electronics Europe in the 90ies (The external environment). 2. How would you evaluate the changes implemented by the Sony management in Europe? Would you suggest something different? 3. Analyze the change process. What did Sony win – what did Sony lose? 4. How should organizational change processes be organized? page 5 5. Which roles are important in change processes? 6. How can you deal with resistance to change? 7. What should Ron Summer do now? Should he install Shin Takagi as Vice President of Consumer Marketing Europe? page 6