International Insurance Society IIS 50th Annual Seminar, London 2014 Big Data in Insurance Deloitte Consulting LLP June 22-25, 2014 AIG to invest billions of dollars in big data as part of its major focus on rebuilding the foundation of the company ~ CEO Robert Benmosche Less than 1% of world’s data is analyzed; less than 20% is protected ~ IDC Understanding Big Data What is Big Data? Internal and external multi-structured data, generated from diverse sources in real time, in large volumes and with high velocity Differentiated from ‘other data’ in its inability to be captured, managed and processed in a reasonable time, using traditional technologies Why Big Data is such a big deal? Why is Big Data so important for CXOs? Creating a critical competitive differentiator by shaping consumer behavior, while helping CXOs optimize critical business decisions Heralding a fundamentally different way of doing experimental design, by collecting every bit of data and then searching for significant patterns1 Companies with the best analytic capabilities are outperforming competition and are now twice as likely to be in the top quartile of financial performance2 Helping CXOs develop capabilities to target new, unprecedented opportunities by offering ‘better tailored’, next generation of products and services, based on detailed analysis of customer behavior and needs 1. Willy Shih , Cizik Professor of Mangement Practice, Harvard Business School, 2.Big Data: The organizational challenge, 2013, Bain & Company 3 Seizing the Big Data Opportunity What are the varied data sources? How to derive value from unstructured data? What are the challenges ahead? Internal and external, unstructured data sources such as archives, media, internet log files, tweets, email, and data from sensor networks1 Structured data sources such as Business Apps, Social media, Public Web, Data Storage, Machine log data and Sensor data 1 Enhance decision making process to enable a company be more accurate, consistent, and efficient, by implementing following approach: – Customer strategy – Product strategy – Ecosystem strategy Developing a culture of ‘Big Data mindset’ with executives to set the market pace, while addressing concerns over consumer privacy Developing a successful transition roadmap from Big Data 1.0 to Big Data 2.0; from Evolutionary to Revolutionary Big data strategy 1. Kapow Software, Kofax Company, 4 Panelists Murli Buluswar, Vice President AIG and Chief Science Officer, AIG Property and Casualty Daniel Ryan, Managing Director and Head of Population Risk & Data Analytics R&D, Group Underwriting, Swiss Re Paul Y. Mang, Managing Partner, Avarie Capital LLC 5 About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited