Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance ________________________________________ Ridge Point High School 500 Waters Lake Blvd. Missouri City, TX 77459 Periods: 3rd & 4th Mrs. Tolkinen Conference Pd: 1st Course Overview: In this course, students gain knowledge and skills in economics and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising and product pricing. Students analyze the sales process and financial management principles. This course allows student to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems and settings in business, marketing and finance. Knowledge and Skills: The Student: explains the economic process and relates the process to the development of an economic system. differentiates between the types of economic systems with emphasis on the private enterprise system and the United States economy. researches consumer issues and determines financial implications for the individual analyzes employment characteristics necessary for the workplace analyzes career opportunities and formulates a career plan engages in the employment process describes the characteristics of business relates the impact of international business on the United States economy identifies the role and impact of government, the legal system, and organized labor in business Text Book: Introduction to Business, 5th Edition Supplies: Blue or black pen, spiral notebook Test days: Test days will vary, but all tests will be announced at least 2 class periods prior to test day, and occur Monday –Thursday. Make-Up Work: Students will be informed of specific time lines and due dates on assignments. ***Students are responsible for asking for missed work when they have been absent.*** Late Work: refer to the student handbook regarding FBISD late work policy. This class will be run in a professional manner. All school rules will be strictly enforced in addition to below: Behavior Expectations: Students should be on time and in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Students should not sleep or eat/drink in the classroom. Student should not leave class without permission from the teacher. Permission will be given only in case of an emergency. Failure to adhere to this will result in disciplinary action. Students are to respect school property. Do not write on or mutilate computer/lab equipment, books, or desks/tables. Litter should be disposed of properly. Please keep a clean work area. Students should remain seated and on task unless instructed to do otherwise. Students should respect others’ opinions. Any disruptive behavior will be handled according to school guidelines. In some cases, parents will be notified, The teacher will dismiss the class-not the bell-stay in your seat until you are dismissed. Any cell phone that is visible or that rings during class will be taken up and turned in to an administrator. Miscellaneous: Cheating is not allowed – do your own work! A zero will be earned if you are caught cheating. Cheating will also be documented and sent to the appropriate assistant principal. HELPFUL LINKS • Student and Parent Handbook • Ridge Point Student Supplement