Attachment #1 Reinbeck United Methodist Youth General Permission Form Terry Plocher, Pastor 505 Spruce Street Reinbeck, Iowa 319-788-2310 PERMISSION FORM AND CONDUCT COVENANT (This form MUST be completed in order to participate in overnight events or events held off the Church Property) I will treat other’s property, bodies, and feelings with respect. I will follow instructions and clean up after myself. I will not participate in any illegal or sexual activity during this event. Youth Name: ______________________________ (signature)_________________________________ Date:___________________ + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + PARENTAL CONSENT and MEDICAL RELEASE I/We herby give permission for my/our child, ___________________, to attend and participate in the Reinbeck United Methodist Church’s ___________________________________. (specify name of event) I/We, the undersigned, shall be liable and agree to pay all costs including transportation should it be necessary for my/our child to return home due to medical reasons or other reasons .I/We, the undersigned, also give permission for my/our child to ride in any vehicle designated by the adult in whose care the minor has been entrusted while traveling to and from and participating in this activity. I/We release, the Reinbeck United Methodist Church, The Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and, the Reinbeck United Methodist Church planners, sponsors, and leaders from liability in event of an accident. Parent/Guardian Signature(s)________________________________ I can be contacted at these phone numbers during the event _______________________________________________ Please provide the name and phone number of a backup contact person__________________________________ Amended 9/19/2012 9