The Big Book of SAP Upgrades

The Big Book of SAP Upgrades
Real World SAP Upgrade Tips from the World’s Leading SAP System Integrators
Compiled and Edited by Panaya Inc., September 2009
In August 2009, we asked hundreds of SAP system integrators to
contribute their best upgrade tips for upgrading to SAP ERP 6.0. We
took the best tips we received and compiled them in this eBook. We
welcome your feedback, comments, and tips for future revisions of
The Big Book of Upgrades. Drop us a line at
Planning........................................................................................................................ 2
Upgrade Scope Decisions ............................................................................................ 9
Skill Requirements .................................................................................................... 12
Custom Code .............................................................................................................. 14
Test & Automation Tools .......................................................................................... 17
Useful Transactions & Reports ................................................................................. 21
Miscellaneous............................................................................................................. 25
Contributors’ Contact Details ................................................................................... 26
About Panaya
Panaya's Software-as-a-Service solutions enable companies that use SAP to save
up to 50% of their application lifecycle costs and minimize the risks associated
with system changes. Utilizing cloud-based simulation to analyze the impact of
pending changes, Panaya automatically pinpoints which custom programs will
break as a result of an upgrade or support package implementation. Panaya
provides a complete solution for managing these changes, explaining how to fix
the anticipated issues, suggesting the most efficient test plan, and calculating
required project budget and resources.
To learn more or apply for a free upgrade evaluation, click here:
Tip #1: Practice 3-Level Planning
Contributed by: Michael Libens, ProVize
In planning the upgrade, make sure to plan at three levels:
• The first level is a communicable high-level milestone plan that can be shared among
all participants and stakeholders, to see the major milestones.
• The second level is a breakdown of the milestone plan to major project activities to
all project participants who are responsible for a delivery. This plan is used to see
dependencies that are more detailed and used for detailed week-to-week planning.
• The third level is your go-live plan, which typically involves all activities to prepare
for upgrading the production environment, as well as the actual upgrade (on a
The actual off-line upgrade typically is a 1-2 day exercise meticulously planned on timeslots
down to a detail of as little as 15-minute intervals. This plan should include all activities,
responsibilities, handovers between parties, go-live testing and release acceptance criteria,
as well as fallback procedures.
Bonus Tip: Use 3rd Part Tools for Impact Analysis
Identifying the areas where the biggest impact of your upgrade is, can be very difficult and
time consuming. Use a 3rd party tool – such as Panaya's – to identify the areas most likely to
be impacted by the upgrade. This will be a huge timesaver and a very efficient control
measure on where to spend your time safeguarding the solution and where to focus your
effort on corrections as well as testing.
Tip #2: Insist on Management Involvement
Contributed by: Ramesh Rao Dendukuri, Zylog Systems Limited
Irrespective of the CEO and top management’s busy schedule, they should be involved with
the upgrade implementation company (i.e., the system integrator). Frequent meetings are
required between the client and the implementation company.
Bonus Tip: Keep Your Business Blue Print Online
Business requirements change dynamically, so the business blue print should be maintained
online for easy modifications always conflict between present business to future business
Tip #3: Take a 2-Step Approach
Contributed by: Robert Makin, Mercedes-Benz Australia / Pacific Pty Ltd
Take the following 2-step approach and you will ensure a successful upgrade to ECC 6.0:
1. Complete the system upgrade first, ensuring all customized programs work on ECC
2. Consider what new functionality you want in ECC 6.0. Prepare two lists:
a. Functionality in ECC 6.0 that requires no configuration to start using.
b. Functionality in ECC 6.0 that requires configuration in order to adopt.
3. Prioritize the new functionalities into Must Have and Nice to Have lists. Work
through the Must Have list first. Always provide time to complete the required
process documentation and allow time for training business users on new
Tip #4: Verify Memory & Storage Requirements
Contributed by: Ishaam Adamson, Wave-Tec Integrated
Make sure that all current environments and systems are taken into the deepest of
consideration for data conversion & interfacing requirements. More importantly, be sure to
allocate not just marginal additional memory and storage facilities, but rather double to
almost triple what is required – as this will avoid delays, and enable accessibility speeds for
information needed.
Tip #5: Archive Ahead of Time
Contributed by: Lynda Kershaw, Macro 4
SAP recommends archiving before upgrading in order to reduce the volume of transaction
data that is migrated to the new system. This results in shorter upgrade projects, with less
production downtime. Storage costs are another important consideration: SAP has found
that database size typically increases by 5% to 10% with each new SAP software release –
and by as much as 30% if a Unicode conversion is required. Archiving reduces the overall
database size, so typically no additional storage costs are incurred when upgrading.
Tip #6: Check SAP Modules for Unicode Compatibility
Contributed by: Farhad Farshimi, ERPInnovation
If you are doing a Unicode conversion, make sure that not only your custom programs are
Unicode converted, but also ensure that all your SAP Modifications are also compliant. We
upgraded from 4.6C to ERP 6.0 and missed some of the functionality (e.g., integrated
planning of statistical cost element to SPL) because some of our SAP Modifications were not
properly converted to Unicode.
Bonus Tip: Acquaint Yourself with New Functionality
The funds management functionality in ERP 6.0 has been completely revamped in
comparison to R/3 4.6C. There is a new FM derivation strategy as well as a new budgeting
and availability control tool (BCS). If you are using the public sector setting, make sure you
read all the release notes from 4.7 up to ERP 6.0’s latest enhancement package (inclusive).
Tip #7: Resolve Legacy Data Issues Before Migration
Contributed by: Rolando Soriano, Freelance Consultant
The challenge we encountered during the recent upgrade project that I was involved with
was during the data migration and validation, while the client was upgrading from 4.7 to ECC
6.0. During the validation process, for some of the account balances, we could not match the
actual balances between the figures in accounting and what was in the system. It turns out
that there were still some unresolved issues from the legacy system, which were not
cleansed and were migrated to the new system. What I would recommend to those planning
for an upgrade is to make sure that the legacy data to be migrated has no outstanding issues
that are unresolved. For example, an incorrect foreign exchange rate used or a change of
currency related to some cash accounts. These issues should be resolved first in the legacy
system to minimize the disruption during the upgrade.
Tip #8: Focus on Pre-Installation Steps
Contributed by: Deepanshu Sharma, TCS
Before performing an upgrade, always focus on pre-installation steps. Even a small mistake
could lead to a problem. Always try to have at least one or two test runs with production
data so that the errors you face in the production environment won't increase down-time
and you’ll become familiar with the expected errors. Also, ensure that you have read the
Upgrade Guide and that you have the correct upgrade DVDs.
Bonus Tip: Check Your Pre-Requisites
Check these pre-requisites for an upgrade from 4.7EE TO ECC 6.0
1. Kernel parameters to be set as per the SAP upgrade guide;
2. Upgrade DVDs to be downloaded from the market place and dumped in the system:
• Upgrade Master DVD • Kernel DVD • Export 1,2, 3 & 4 DVDs • Language DVD;
3. Fix corrections to be downloaded according to the note given in upgrade guide;
4. Latest Sapup tool;
5. Java patch should be greater than or equal to 12;
6. Generate Solman (SAP Solution Manager) key;
7. Obtibiz key required (from vendor);
8. Check for sufficient space as required;
9. Latest R3 trans, tp, dboralib, brtools 700 to be installed as per the upgrade guide;
10. Download the latest ECC 6.0 support packs and uncarr them in EPS_IN;
11. New file systems to be created /usr/sap/put with a minimum free space of 30GB;
12. Keyword required for Sapup as per note 913971;
13. Stop all background jobs;
14. SPAM level to be 23;
15. Check for any terminated updated jobs. There shouldn’t be any.
Tip #9: Dwell on Technical Preparation
Contributed by: Peggy Reed, SITA Corp
Spend time doing the following preparation work before you begin the upgrade:
1. Make sure transports are in sync across the landscape;
2. Solution manager should be installed, working, and current with support packs;
3. All your hardware and software should be consistent across the landscape (i.e.,
same service level, same permissions, etc.);
4. Upgrade your database prior to upgrading SAP if that is possible;
5. Make sure you have enough memory installed prior to upgrading.
Tip #10: Prepare ABAP Testing Environment
Contributed by: Ian Henderson, T-Systems
Companies should not underestimate the effort required from their functional & ABAP
teams, even if only a technical upgrade is performed. The technical upgrade activities can be
planned precisely and be perfected during various sandbox/test upgrades to ensure that a
stable testing platform is available to these teams to work on. Thus ensuring that the correct
amount of effort can be invested in ensuring that the business processes and functions are
working correctly. This is often not done 100%, due to most of the emphasis being placed on
the technical basis upgrade activities.
Bonus Tip: Consider a Remote Upgrade
Upgrades can be done remotely, reducing travel costs and ensuring that companies have
access to the most experienced upgrade specialists around the world, regardless of location.
With networks being as reliable as they are currently are, I have begun specializing in
remotely performed upgrades, which have been successful due to the extra effort given to
communication, planning, and scheduling of actions with the onsite teams (ABAP, functional,
basis & customer). Actively involving the onsite basis team from the beginning of the project
ensures that the changes to the system caused by the upgrade are familiar to all at the onset
of the production upgrade. This significantly increases the productivity of the support team
post upgrade, due to being familiar with the system, and raises the enthusiasm of the onsite
basis team by keeping it involved and inducing on-the-job learning and growth.
Tip #11: Archive for a Leaner Database
Contributed by: Mike Lord, Open Text
The process of upgrading to SAP ERP 6.0 can be streamlined by using archiving to reduce the
amount of transaction data in the SAP database prior to upgrading. A leaner SAP database
provides the following benefits during the upgrade process:
• Reduced production downtime;
• Minimized need for additional hardware and related IT infrastructure investments;
• Shorter duration of overall upgrade project.
Bonus Tip: Archiving is Cost Saving
Archiving data before upgrading your SAP ERP application can also help generate long-term
cost savings. In addition to simply moving data from the production SAP database to less
costly storage devices, archived data is also compressed by a factor of five relative to the
space it would take up in the production database. This compression results in dramatically
reduced space consumption on the archive storage media. Based on average customer
experience, moving data from the production system to the archive and simultaneously
compressing it can reduce hardware requirements by as much as 80% or 90% and cut
administration time and costs in half. Storing data on less costly long-term storage media
reduces total cost of ownership while providing users with full, transparent access to
archived information.
Tip #12: Perform Two-Way Interface Tests
Contributed by: Andrew Chen, SAP
1. If you have ERP systems not using Unicode, always make plan a two-way interface
2. Start to compose your cutover plan as early as possible, make it as detailed as
possible, and constantly update it. This will save unexpected downtime during your
production upgrade;
3. Send your test upgrade result (log files and upana.htm file) to SAP for optimization.
Usually you will be surprised by how dramatically your downtime can be decreased.
Tip #13: Understand the Implications of SAPRouter
Contributed by: Pedro Bonniz, RealTech Portugal
Watch out for the assumptions and requirements on your commercial proposals for
upgrades to ECC 6.0. Recently we had to overcome severe problems on an upgrade to ECC
6.0 with Unicode conversion. Fortunately, we were able to get things straight, thanks to the
expertise and experience of our consultants. We’re still trying to figure out what was the
root cause for the problem because the client had no SAPRouter installation at all. As is
commonly known, once you have a problem, there’s no way SAP will intervene without
being able to get into the system via SAPRouter. We failed to mention the existence of
SAPRouter as an assumption (or requirement, if you like), and so we were on our own the
whole time and had to figure out how to overcome the problem ourselves with no help
whatsoever from SAP! If you are an SAP client, make sure your SAPRouter is working
properly prior to engaging in an upgrade to ECC 6.0. Even if you have no problems during the
upgrade process, once you're on ECC 6.0, you won't be able to benefit from SAP support or
updates (e.g., support packages and enhancement packages) without properly using
SAPRouter and SAP Solution Manager.
Tip #14: Match Development and Production Environments
Contributed by: Audrey Neser, Mondial IT Solutions
A few general tips and technical things to consider when upgrading and patching:
1. For a technical upgrade, ensure the development environment in which you do the
initial upgrade is as close to your production environment as possible. This means
that all unused objects in the development environment need to be undone to the
way they were in production or QA (if you still have developments that need to be
moved to the production environment at a later stage). This will enable less risk in
finding new issues in QA and or production;
2. Ensure you have clean data in the development environment to compare results
with (interfaces, etc.). Sometimes, it becomes impossible to determine what results
were before the upgrade. Therefore, having development in line with at least QA will
allow comparison between old and new results - which will make the determination
and identification of business impact easy;
3. Ensure in advance that all transports in the receiving system are also released (when
development is implemented, as well as when QA and/or production are upgraded).
This will prevent loss of time due to transports “locking” objects that need to be
changed. This also enables quick identification of transports done to facilitate
business requirement fulfillment;
4. After the development upgrade, all open transports needs to be implemented in QA
after QA patching, and before QA testing begins. This saves a lot of time when
moving thru the landscape.
Tip #15: Clean Your Data
Contributed by: Peter van Engelen, Strategic Supply Chain Management
Data cleaning, data cleaning, and more data cleaning of the master files. If you have the data
cleanup efforts under control, you know when you’re ready to cutover.
Bonus Tip: Implement Advanced Supply Chain Solutions
(Re-)Implement (for once!) the advanced supply chain solutions provided by ERP 6.0. Many
companies did a poor job defining the supply chain relations with regards to demand
planning, forecasting, MPS, MRP, inventory, etc.
Tip #16: Plan Your Post Go-Live Support
Contributed by: Gary Hart, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Consider post go-live support when making all changes. Often times we are solely focused
on the short-term implications with the goal of releasing our project and moving onto the
next big project. In doing so, we often neglect the true client ROI which should incorporate
the total costs over the lifecycle (5-10 years or more) and not just up to the GA release
points. Be aware that your clients may often incur 2X-4X additional costs in post go-live
support. Considerations of project design with this long-term view in mind will lead to higher
quality and lower TCO with improved ROI in the end.
Tip #17: Use This Checklist
Contributed by: Amit Lal, Independent SAP Consulting
This is a must-have technical upgrade checklist for basis managers and upgrade teams:
Although it is clearly explained in the SAP Guide, I saw teams getting versions mixed up and
getting into a lot of trouble.
1. Make sure the same version of SAPup and FIX are used before initiating subsequent
up-grades for the entire landscape; Don’t attempt to change SAPup once you are
done in the development system;
2. SPAM level on all source systems should be updated to the latest version; This helps
minimize the errors during the upgrade process;
3. SPAM level and SP level or EHP stack should be same in every target system in the
ERP landscape during an upgrade;
4. Make sure you generate a 'Revision list' from the first upgrade and during
subsequent upgrades; This report helps you calculate each phase’s timeline and plan
your cutover timings, too;
5. Do not attempt to clean the transport directory before you go live;
6. If you are planning dual development during the course of an upgrade, you need q
robust transport methodology for the entire system;
7. If you are deploying SAP enhancement packages in integration with the upgrade,
your source system should communicate with SAP Solution Manager to generate the
‘XML Stack file’; If communication is not possible, then you are required to generate
the ‘XML Stack file’ manually and provide its path during the “prepare” phase. The
upgrade will be much easier if Solution Manager is configured and communicating
with your source systems.
Tip #18: Don't Spare ERP 6.0 Resources at Project Start
Contributed by: Mark Rittmayer, CSC Asia Pacific LTD
Change Management – Add seasoned ERP 6.0 resources in all modules required, regardless
of cost, and monitor and pull them off as the project heads to go-live, thereby reducing the
overall projected spend after the deliverables are securely in hand. Trying to reduce costs at
the start of the project, while seemingly smart, actually increases the risk and reduces the
overall team incentive, as the project is “just an upgrade”.
Upgrade Scope Decisions
Tip #19: Justify Enhancement Pack Implementation
Contributed by: Pradeep Khanna, Infosys
NetWeaver and EhP: Most clients go for NetWeaver and EhP installations “Since it is there,
why not install them?” However, that is not a great idea. Before the organization decides to
go for a Java stack and an EhP installation, you must have a rock-solid NetWeaver strategy
and sufficient business reasons for installing an EhP.
Tip #20: Upgrade BI Data Sources
Contributed by: Bikas Panigrahi, Capgemini
BI Data sources should be upgraded to the latest version in the connected BI systems.
Tip #21: Review Support Package Contents
Contributed by: Antti Glad, Aditro HRM Oy
Review support package contents for critical functionality (e.g., payroll) in addition to release
notes and other upgrade related material. Support packages may contain, for instance,
manual steps that you need to implement.
Tip #22: Adjust Legacy Programs to SAP Standards
Contributed by: Johnny Khoeblal, BIGS IT Consulting (Thailand) PLC
Decrease maintenance costs by adjusting current programs to SAP standard and use of SAP
NetWeaver and eSOA Technology
Bonus Tip: Investigate New Features
Improve management reporting by the use of new standard features (e.g., SAP BW, Visual
Tip #23: Limit the Upgrade Scope
Contributed by: Jonathan Rimmer, Deloitte
Consider your scope carefully. Are you trying to recreate existing processes in ECC 6.0 or
improve existing processes, and add additional functionality? Strong management of the
upgrade is needed to prevent each functional area from having scope creep.
Bonus Tip: Give Yourself Time
Plan sufficient time for testing interfaces, logical systems, partners, and middleware.
Tip #24: Understand Your Upgrade Reasons
Contributed by: Reza Roslan, ISS Consulting (M) Sdn Bhd
Why do you really need to upgrade? What is the purpose of your upgrade?
• If you are upgrading because your SAP system is not supported anymore, you need
to identify only the gaps between your current practice and the newly offered
• If you are upgrading because you want to have the new functionality of ERP 6.0, you
need to identify the compatibility of your current processes with the new process
requirements of ERP 6.0;
• If you are upgrading because your hardware system is obsolete but your ERP version
is still supported, a copy to a new hardware system is probably sufficient. As long as
the new hardware will support ERP 6.0 in the future, you are safe;
• If you don't have any of the above reasons, don't upgrade just yet.
Bonus Tip: Clean Your Old Data
When upgrading, make sure your data in the old system is cleaned. Most companies have
messy and unwanted data such as old material code. Cleaning your data before upgrading
smoothes the process of the upgrade and helps reduce project duration. Consider archiving
if needed. Most of my clients have small performance changes when they don’t clean their
data properly. Once that is done, you can consider improving the business process you have
to a better one in ERP 6.0 (as a second phase). Make full use of the upgrade and enjoy a new
and more powerful system that can take your business to the next level.
Tip #25: Treat Users to Added Functionality
Contributed by: Kay Tucker, VIP Global
I think the best advice I can give would be to try to incorporate and include any changes that
would make the system easier for the end user in the upgrade process. In other words, is
there some function that the users wanted that did not make the prior installation? Can this
be incorporated into the upgrade process without adding major costs? If the users are
getting something they have requested in the deal, the participation during the whole
upgrade process is less painful.
Bonus Tip: Think About Reporting
Reporting seems to get left to the very end in many of the upgrade projects, yet this is the
portion of the system that impacts a majority of the users. Some of the simple things like
transporting variants for the users make a huge impact on user acceptance.
Tip #26: Consider Re-implementing Custom Code
Contributed by: John Santos, Awsome Systems
Don’t upgrade blind. If lack of functionality in a previous release caused ABAPs to be written
with their associated Z-tables, it may be time to revisit the business requirements and see
how the new functionality matches those requirements. In the long run, this may be a more
economical solution than having to keep migrating the old functionality.
Tip #27: Focus on End User Functionality
Contributed by: Andrew Petersman, IBM
When it comes to your EAM – Enterprise Asset Management footprint (PM, MM for MRO,
PS, Mobile) you want to ensure you focus on the processes and functionality that provides
the end users with the functionality they need to accomplish their mission. Then, develop
solid solutions that allow maintenance and operations to satisfy the financial requirements
of the new system (FI, CO, AM, MM, AR, AP, etc.). Your best solution may include an
integration strategy or a consolidation strategy, depending on the needs of the business end
users. To focus on financial requirements from a top-down approach often times loses or
minimizes the underlying requirements, compared to the bottom-up approach. There are
many ways to meet or exceed your financial requirements using SAP ERP. Make sure your
project meets the business needs of the users in the field.
Skill Requirements
Tip #28: Use Internal Resources for Project Management and External
Resources for Technical Aspects
Contributed by: Aseem Gupta, SAP
Upgrade is a kind of project that requires a very specific skill set that is now easily available
in the market. My advice to the customer is to understand the upgrade process first and
then hire a company/individual for the job. A project like an upgrade does not require great
management skills; I feel the customer should look only for technical experts with upgrade
experience and manage the project themselves.
Tip #29: Consider Using SAP Business Technology Factory
Contributed by: Gregory Thompson, SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG
SAP’s Business Technology Factory offers different services at a fixed price. A local resource
along with a remote delivery model gives you access to the technical experience available
from SAP while supporting you throughout the project planning and implementation. SAP’s
Business Technology Factory was developed to provide a faster, lower risk route for
completing various projects at a competitive price. Find out more at
Tip #30: Get More Out of Your Support Team
Contributed by: Steve Procopiou, CSC
Don't assume that you'll need a dedicated functional team to do the upgrade. The technical
team will end up doing most of the work, but for the functional people it will be sporadic
work until you get into integration testing. Therefore, the best people to do this work will be
your support team. They are used to working on several issues at the same time and there
won't be a lot of support work anyway because you've frozen development until after the
upgrade. Haven't you?
Tip #31: Get CEO Sponsoring for Your Upgrade Project
Contributed by: Alejandro Cepeda, Novis S.A.
If you are involved in an upgrade project, it is highly recommended that the CEO of
upgrading company sponsor you. This is because upgrades need full regression tests to be
successful, and best results are obtained by involving end users in this activity. They have
business and organizational knowledge that external consultant can't provide. End users
need to feel they are an important part of the project, in order to obtain their commitment
and achieve the best results. In my opinion, technical issues are important, but the most
important thing is teamwork between internal users and the consulting team.
Tip #32: Involve the Entire Project Team
Contributed by: Ayesha Ahmed, Eglobalservices LLC
Ensure an openness to communicate across SMEs, key users, and consultants. Collaboration
and readiness for change should be channeled to better usability, better business
enablement, and ROI. Make sure all project participants understand the project value and
feel secure about keeping their jobs after the project is over.
Tip #33: Involve Your IT Team Early
Contributed by: Jeff Gongas, Sparta Consulting
Involve your IT technical team as early as possible in the initial planning phase. The
landscape strategy, hardware requirements, 3rd party systems, etc., all have to be
determined prior to determining an accurate timeline for the project.
Bonus Tip: Do Not Underestimate Security Issues
Do not underestimate the SAP security effort needed in an upgrade (transaction SU25).
Regardless of source and target releases, security will be affected, and a plan needs to be
created to address the adjustments and testing needed to ensure that the target release has
minimal or no security related issues.
Custom Code
Tip #34: Study All Custom Code Carefully
Contributed by: Anjali Butley, L&T Infotech
Study client-specific changes made in the SAP standard code, as well as all the customized
programs that will be impacted due to the upgrade well in advance. Check these against the
release notes and SAP announced bugs and the latest OSS Notes on the new upgrade release
of ERP 6.0.
Bonus Tip: Check New Screens
Study functionality changes in depth, familiarizing yourself with the look & feel of the
screens in the new upgraded version. Users are very fussy about the look & feel of the SAP
screens that they are familiar with on the old release.
Tip #35: Beware of Clones Programs
Contributed by: Sergio Ferrari, Techedge
I experienced that most of the upgrade problems are related to SAP standard ABAP objects
copied to customer objects (clones). After the upgrade, the custom objects become
unstable, since it still contains the old standard coding that needs to be adapted to the new
version. To generate a list of possible clones, refer to the Weblog "Simple ABAP Clone
Hunter" at
Bonus Tip: Smarter Table Analysis
When migrating from SAP R/3 4.7 to ECC 6.0, integration engine tables (SXMS*) that in 4.7
were client independent, became client dependent in ECC, so the field MANDT is part of the
table key. Technically, the client is available in 4.7 as well, but it is an attribute of some
tables (CLIENT in SXMSPMAST). During the upgrade procedure, the conversion of these
tables (in particular SXMSCLUP and SXMSCLUR, which contain the message payload as a raw
string) can require a lot of time. For these reasons, it is necessary to keep them as small as
possible in order to minimize downtime. We estimate that it takes more or less one hour to
convert 300K messages in SXMSCLUP. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze tables in 4.7
to see the number of records in each table, to be able to separate records related to
messages of different clients and records related to messages older then a specific period.
For messages older then x days, it is necessary to group them by their status in order to
understand why they were not deleted by the archiving/deletion procedure and how to
correct or flag them for archiving/deletion. Table analyzer (transaction TAANA) and SE16 are
not enough, because of filtering conditions and joins between different tables. Additionally,
you might need to be able to see all this information quickly and daily to keep the evolution
of tables under control. For this reason, I have developed a report that does exactly this
analysis, playing around with tables: SXMSPHIST(2), SXMSPMAST(2), SXMSPVERS(2),
Tip #36: Go Back to Standard
Contributed by: Mangesh Kulkarni, EMC
When going through an upgrade to ECC 6:
1. First point out your business processes & try to implement them with SAP standard
2. Take the unnecessary customization and delete it when upgrading; This gives you a
clean slate to work on for any new configuration needs in the future.
Tip #37: Consider Rewriting Rather Than Adapting
Contributed by: Yann Szwec, ECIR Consulting
Between ECC 6.0 and previous versions, the SAP modules have been written into AOOPS
(ABAP objects). Sometimes it is worth the while to rewrite a program than adapt an old
program. In most cases, performance and maintainability will be improved.
Tip #38: Inventory Your Custom Code Programs
Contributed by: Soumya Sarkar, TATA Consultancy Services
As part of your upgrade activity, keep a detailed inventory of your custom code. For
example, know which custom programs are more likely to contain SAP constructs that will
become obsolete. This will help you and/or the upgrade partner proof your custom
programs in the future. This will also help in prioritizing code and impact analysis.
Bonus Tip: Use a Tool-Based Approach
Invest in smart upgrade solutions that use a tool-based approach to determine exactly
where custom programs will be affected due to an upgrade. Pinpoint accuracy will go a long
way in reducing your time to upgrade.
Tip #39: Consider Using ES Instead of BAPIs
Contributed by: Andreas Ohlsson, q2d Solutions
Consider the use of ES (Enterprise Services) instead of traditional BAPIs to access SAP
functionality from outside your ERP system. With every EhP this feature gets better and
Tip #40: ESS/MSS Processes Need Redefinition
Contributed by: Richard Honnor, ROC
There has been a step change in Self Service functionality (ESS and MSS) between the ITS
based approach and the ERP 6.0 approach. This means that all ESS / MSS processes will need
to be re-defined and all custom developments re-coded (they cannot be migrated as with
core ABAP code). So if you are migrating ESS / MSS functionality you must be prepared for
significant changes.
Bonus Tip: Get to Know NWDI
If you need to make customizations to Employee Self Service (ESS) and / or Managers Self
Service (MSS) in ERP 6.0 then the NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) is needed.
This is an additional SAP instance that will need to be incorporated into your landscape and
that needs specialist WebDynpro Java skills to use.
Tip #41: Get Rid of Unused Z-Trans
Contributed by: Renee Lentz, BusinessGenetics, Inc
Use this opportunity to understand your existing application environment: What processes
are defined in your current system, which transactions are you using, who is using what
transactions. This information will allow you to streamline your upgrade. Get rid of z-trans
that no one is using; don't bring them over: they may no longer be necessary or new
functionality in SAP may replace them. Don't upgrade SAP trans if they are not being used. In
some of my projects, we found that over 50% of the existing z-trans were not being used.
Why waste time regression testing them? Fix compliance issues by streamlining security. I
have found that roles had trans that they didn't need. Why maintain them and risk
compliance issues?
Bonus Tip: Organizational Readiness is a Major Success Factor
Even in an upgrade, be sure to document any business processes and/or transaction usage
changes. Use this information to define and implement required organizational readiness
processes, procedures and policies. Make sure there is adequate training for the business
clients. Just because this is still SAP doesn't mean that the impact on the business and how it
does work is non-existent. Adequate organizational readiness could be a major success
factor in your upgrade.
Tip #42: Understand ERP 6.0 Enhancement Possibilities
Contributed by: Anuj Agrawal, TCS
All customer modifications should be revisited. The enhancement framework in SAP ECC 6
allows customers the flexibility of modifying SAP programs as enhancement without
worrying about upgrade issues in the future.
Test & Automation Tools
Tip #43: Use Testing & Automatic Correction Tools
Contributed by: Javier Esteban Ponce de Leon, Hewlett Packard
Test, test, and test. Use the right approach to test all SAP transactions & programs, using
effective tools like Quality Center. Use automated tools to identify errors and differences
between the old releases and the new one. These tools also provide automated correction
for Unicode programs that can save up to 75% of your programmers' effort. Try to involve
key users at the beginning of the project.
Bonus Tip: Shrink Your Upgrade by Cleaning Your Code
Clean up your system as much as you can before and during the upgrade project, by
archiving and deleting obsolete programs. The potential savings are tremendous.
Tip #44: Go Through One or Two Test Upgrades
Contributed by: Jan de la Rey, GijimaAst
Do at least one (if possible even two) test upgrades in a lab environment starting with an
exact copy (hardware, operating system, database and SAP version). Document each step
and test as you go along. This ensures that everyone from SAP technical (basis and
programming), consulting (all modules) and super users know exactly what to expect, what
needs to be done, and the timeframes involved when starting with the upgrade of the live
Tip #45: Study SAP and 3rd Party Compatibility
Contributed by: Sharad Singh, Wipro
Conduct a detailed study of 3rd party application interfaces and their compatibility with your
SAP target version. There are very useful tools to analyze such dependencies. ERP 6.0
compatible 3rd party interfaces may need to be procured in advance from the vendor so that
the new version can be tested during the upgrade.
Tip #46: Explore the Cloud
Contributed by: Christopher Carter, HiLn
Upgrading our SAP solutions was made a lot easier by using a cloud-based solution for SAP.
We now have 75% of our SAP landscape, which was deemed non-mission-critical, hosted in
the cloud and we were able to get rid of nearly $1M in hardware, operating system,
database, and human cost so far. The process was easy and made a great impact on my life
as a basis manager.
Tip #47: Automation Can Save You Time and Money
Contributed by: Bob Levy, Advanced Technology Solutions Inc
Understand what automation is available to assist the effort of an upgrade as well as
maintenance. You will reduce the effort, the elapsed time, and improve in quality by
understanding everything that must be changed and in what sequence and priority.
Tip #48: Get the Support of Business Users
Contributed by: John Weiss, The Baer Group
Getting business users to support an SAP upgrade is a critical success factor, even for a
"technical only" upgrade. Start with the VPs or C-level leaders of each of the functional areas
(Finance, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, etc.) and hold regular meetings to get "buy-in" and
support throughout the project. Use Panaya tools to show real-time progress reports for
each business/functional area, especially in the testing phases, to ensure risk-free business
user support of your SAP upgrade.
Tip #49: Use Test Automation to Reduce Test Duration
Contributed by: Yuval Donskoy, Edge Consulting
We found that in the majority of projects the main cost is in the testing. Concentrate on
reducing test time. Manage your testing scenarios carefully. Use testing tools to automate
the process and save time in the repetitions. Test automation can and will be used in future
upgrades and patch implementation giving an even higher ROI to the automation costs.
Bonus Tip: Team for Success
In upgrade projects as in other SAP projects the level of the team is crucial to the success.
Tip #50: Consider Adding an Additional Test Environment
Contributed by: Michał Jasiński, BCC
A typical upgrade landscape includes one Development/Quality assurance system and a
Production system. It is strongly suggested to add an additional Test system to that
landscape (a copy of test system) in order to ensure an environment, which can be used for
identification of critical issues and collecting lessons learned. The advantages of that
approach: Detailed assessment of upgrade impact on system functionalities without
disturbing ongoing system usage and maintenance, especially in environments with a high
number of extensions and modifications. Disadvantages: You’ll need to repeat the
adjustments in the test system, again in the development system, and you’ll need additional
Bonus Tips: Testing tools bundled with SAP
Take advantage of test automation tools (i.e., eCATT) available from SAP to speed up the
upgrade process (applicable also for standard change flow). Note that in ERP 6.0, SAP
introduced Enhancement Packages (EHP) that come with “Test Catalogs” including test case
templates that allow tests of new functionality, but not regression tests. Therefore,
automatic tests are still the best and most effective way of implementing regression testing.
Tip #51: Build a Better Sandbox System
Contributed by: Tomas Krojzl, IBM
Ideally, your sandbox system should have the same HW configuration, same SAP/DB
parameters, and same OS level configuration as your production system. One approach to
achieve this (at least on an AIX system) is to perform a direct copy of the whole SAP/DB file
systems preserving file attributes (or restoring whole file systems from backup tapes). From
the upgrade-test perspective, this approach is much better than a classical installation from
SAP CDs. A new installation is usually very clean and the upgrade will go well, while the filecopy approach will "transport" errors along with the system allowing you to discover these
issues long before the production run.
Bonus Tip: With Upgrade Documentation, More is More
Focus on documentation. Document everything, even that some checks were done (like
version of OS, required packages, user limit settings, etc.) and the result was positive. During
the project execution these things might easily change and repeating the checks if you have
proper documentation is very easy while investigating why you have a problem can be very
time consuming. Some upgrade projects are so long that it is difficult to remember what
exactly was done on the development system and repeat it in exactly the same way on the
production system.
Tip #52: Budget Your Testing Automation Separately
Contributed by: Arvind Narasimhan, Keane
When dealing with a highly customized code base, plan your test automation strategy. It will
take a lot of the pain and effort out of repeated rounds of testing. Budget for this effort
independently of the core upgrade effort, since the automated solution will be of value also
in future projects.
Tip #53: Use Solution Manager's Upgrade Functions
Contributed by: AJAY Vonkarey, Alpha Sirius Inc.
Explore Solution Manager’s upgrade functions. The value can extend beyond the upgrade to
optimizing operations. Follow the right methodology and best practices to build a solution,
identify the version delta, and upgrade to a new version faster by using SAP Solution
Bonus Tip: How to Create a Solution Quickly
Use tools like SolDocA (Solution Documentation Assistant) to populate your current business
processes and create a Solution. This becomes the baseline and foundation for on-going
operations and optimization.
Tip #54: The Best Time to Execute a Payroll Run in a Clone System
Contributed by: Gaetano Palummo, SAP Italia Consulting S.p.A. (An IBM Company)
As part of the upgrade strategy, usually you will be asked to execute a payroll run in a clone
system (already upgraded) and to compare the results with the results of the original system
(to be upgraded). This kind of parallel run can be executed only if the clone system was
created before the posting of the month to which you should compare the PY results. The
reason is simple: Suppose that the PY run to compare is related to March; The March PY run
has already been executed on the original system; The posting of the March PY run has been
already executed on the original system; The clone system is created after the previous step;
The idea is to delete the March PY results on the clone system and to execute again the
March PY on that system; The deletion of the already existent March PY results on the clone
system is not possible because of the already executed posting. In fact, the SAP system does
not allow the deletion of PY results if the related posting has already been done. This kind of
problem can block a crucial phase of the upgrade plan. Avoid this problem by ensuring the
creation of the clone system before the posting execution.
Tip #55: Check Interfaces and Technical Impact on Infrastructure
Contributed by: Carl LaFoe, Protera
A couple of specific areas we would call attention to would be the interfaces and technical
impact to infrastructure and support. We recommend you spend the appropriate amount of
time on interfaces. Most companies take the interfaces for granted when doing an upgrade
but the interfaces are the areas that most often need good preparation and testing, long
before moving into the functional areas. Our team leverages the Panaya toolset to help
expedite the documentation and change planning required to successfully complete an
upgrade on time and on budget, every time. We recommend Panaya for all upgrade projects
- the Panaya tool helps you to identify custom code, user exits, and interfaces that may
break during an upgrade. Secondly, engage a technical expert to help define the future
landscape and hardware requirements. It will pay off in the end with happy users and a
stable system.
Tip #56: Plan Your Cutover in Extreme Detail
Contributed by: Sriramachandra Parasuramuni, Infosys Technologies Limited
Plan your mock runs on systems that are exact replicas of the production system. Do at least
three mock runs, which will help you to fine-tune the process. Your cutover plan should
detail all the activities, however small. The activity may be like call XXXX person to do YYYY
activity. Document everything. Cutovers can be stressful and it’s easy to miss a step.
Tip #57: Use Panaya Upgrade Automation to Reduce Risks and Project
Contributed by: Emren Ertugrul, Zorlu Group of Companies (VESTEL)
Our SAP system contains so many customer programs that reworking them and retesting
would have been very hard and complicated. We had difficulties in estimating the duration
of rework and assigning the tasks to people. We had a hard time planning the expected
project duration. Also, the upgrade cost-benefit analysis was not satisfying for our IT
managers. By using Panaya, we gained optimal project planning, tasks were assigned to the
right people, and finally we upgraded our SAP system successfully in a shorter time than
expected. Panaya minimized the project costs and prevented us from spending more time
on the project. Our IT managers were able to observe the tasks conveniently.
Useful Transactions & Reports
Tip #58: Be Aware of OSS Note #1370698
Contributed by: Siva G, Cognizant
Transaction code 'S_ALR_87012177' outputs the forecast value in a truncated currency
format, which is not what we expected. We faced this issue in our upgrade and raised an
OSS to SAP and SAP came back with a new OSS Note (1370698).
Bonus Tip: Say Goodbye to TVARV
Table TVARV is replaced with a client-specific table TVARVC in ECC because of multi-client
capability (see Note 557314). A conversion report RSTVARVCLIENTDEPENDENT needs to be
executed which writes TVARV entries in TVARVC in all clients.
Tip #59: How to Adjust Users' Views After an Upgrade
Contributed by: Aleksandra Skotarczak, Business Consulting Center sp. z o.o.
After technical upgrade operations, users’ views do not look like they used to before the
upgrade in the PTMW transaction. The configuration is not changed, but columns look
different. The solution: run the RPT_TMW_CUST_UPDATE_TCVIEW program for every view.
Bonus Tip: Overcoming Wrong Entry Date
After technical upgrade operations, your system displays a wrong 'Entry date' for an
employee number (in the header line and standard HR reports). The solution: check the
feature: ENTRY, which is overwritten during the upgrade.
Tip #60: How to Mass Syntax Check
Contributed by: Siarhei Mahulenka, IBA Group
There is a very useful tool in ERP 6.0 – mass syntax check. Just run the program RFREDSRS01
for your development objects to find objects with errors or warnings. I suggest you exclude
old and unused objects first, to reduce the list length.
Bonus Tip: Start with OSS Notes
I suggest you make sure your folks start by determining problems found in tests from
searching for OSS Notes. It really helps, because you may find a solution there and it will
save you a lot of time. For example, some config approaches in SAP have changed (example text determination in SD) and you'll need to run a conversion program provided by SAP to
move the config from old to new config tables. All this info can be found in OSS Notes.
Tip #61: Clean Up Your Code in Advance
Contributed by: Michal Kunze, BCC
New releases of SAP bring small changes to the rules of ABAP syntax check. In some cases,
statements that were invalid in the old release but raised only a warning, raise an error in
the new release. You can limit the risk of running into such cases if you proactively clean up
the code of your programs – and you can start this activity a long time in advance, at any
time, before the upgrade. Use transaction SAMT (ABAP program set processing), create a
program set with all Z* and Y* programs, and execute the 'Syntax check' step. Now you can
schedule the task to clean up all syntax warnings (and of course errors, if any) for your
development team, to minimize the risk of colliding with the more strict syntax check of the
new release.
Bonus Tip: Create Flexible Program Logic
If you are developing solutions in ABAP in the old release and you are already aware of
different requirements of the program logic after the upgrade (e.g., field size changes or a
function module signature is going to change), you can create flexible program logic to react
based on the system release that it is running in, by checking the SY-SWREL system variable,
which returns the release of the application server. By incorporating statements such as: IF
SY-SWREL <= '46C'. ... logic for R/3 4.6C goes here ELSE. ... logic for ERP 6.0 goes here
ENDIF, you can prepare your programs to behave correctly before and after the upgrade, a
long time in advance. This approach limits the number of adjustments to your development
needed during and immediately after the upgrade.
Tip #62: Unicode Conversion Tips for Asian Language Users
Contributed by: Sanujeet Puhan, Spring Consulting
Unicode conversion: This issue attracts a lot of debate during upgrade. Particularly if there
was no need for Unicode in the past and none in the foreseeable future. Hence, the battle
rages between saving the extra cost of the conversion and getting future-ready and support
from SAP. A slightly different debate occurs where the SAP operation is multilingual and
monolithic, meaning that MDMP or blended code pages have been used as alternatives to
Unicode. There the contention is how practicable is the conversion, which brings in the risks
of data corruption, long testing, and production downtime. Not without its reasons, the
conversion process is perceived as tedious, sometime scary. Ways to automate the tasks
need to be explored. Consider a case of an Asian MDMP system, where several thousand
words of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese coexist with Western European languages.
Transaction SPUMG identifies such words. Assigning them to the correct language is still a
chore, which is traditionally solved by using vocabulary hints. The risk is that if a word gets
assigned to a wrong language, data get irreversibly corrupted after conversion. Hence, the
word-language assignment needs to be reviewed by respective linguists before going
further, which is a time consuming, manual task. SAPGUI scripting is very handy for
automating such cases.
Consider the following: Download the list of words from SPUMG to an Excel sheet. Mind the
65,536-row limitation in Excel. So download specific ranges in separate worksheets, if the
vocabulary is large. Send these to linguists with instructions to review the words and assign a
suitable language wherever required. On completion, create a script to iterate the Excel
sheet, find the word in the SPUMG list, and then assign the language field as in the Excel
sheet. This saves a lot of tedious and error prone manual work on the part of the
administrator. On the other hand, the linguists need not come into the SPUMG transaction.
From our experience, it is quite cumbersome for remote collaborative working. For example,
guiding someone sitting in China through the steps in SPUMG, when he sees the screens in a
different language. Moreover, this way a vocabulary list is created, which can be refined, as
one moves through a three-system landscape. Because the vocabulary tables also get
converted, one cannot rely on reviewing the list inside SPUMG after conversion.
Does SAPGUI scripting have the features to do this? Certainly. Sophistications such as
reading from an Excel sheet, writing a log file, etc. may be a little outside the standard
SAPGUI scripting. But in a single VB Script, all that can be conveniently put, as well as the
SAPGUI script part.
A few more words before jumping to it: SAPGUI scripting is deactivated by default on the
server. Simply change the profile parameter "sapgui/user_scripting" to "true" in transaction
RZ11, log off and then log on to get going. Of course, for a permanent solution, you should
save it in the instance profile. That is if others do not shout "security risk; people running
own scripts on server". Then, such scripting uses the local GUI on the user PC, which may
vary in version, personalization, and discrepancies at Microsoft Windows level. Hence,
instead of wasting effort on creating a universal, reusable, run-anywhere script, it’s better to
concentrate on accomplishing the task at hand.
Tip #63: Be Familiar with OSS Note #900607
Contributed by: Jaychand Tatineni, Hewlett Packard
When you upgrade from a version lower than 4.6c to a higher version, the text types will be
missing in sales order, delivery, billing, and customer master. You can correct this by
implementing OSS note 900607. Implementing this note is a simple exercise:
1. In the old system you see what text procedure is used (if you have to check for the
area where you have the problem; e.g., customer master text, sales header text,
sales item text, etc.). If you are looking for sales document header text, then select
the sales document header radio button in VOTX (VOTXN for the new system), click
on the text procedure push button, then double-click on the text procedure you are
using (say Z1) and it will take you to the next screen where the text types assigned
for that particular text procedure are defined;
2. Now, in the upgraded system, execute the SDTXT1AID program. This will show what
the missing entries in table TTXERN are. Select the text types you found in step 1 and
3. Once you complete step 2, the text entries will appear in the sales document,
customer master, etc. but if, for example, the text needs to be copied from one
document to other documents, e.g., from a sales document to a delivery document,
then you have to generate an Access Sequence – Transaction VOTXN: Menu "Texts > Generate access".
Tip #64: Use the Latest Solution Manager
Contributed by: Venkata Arikirevula, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Ensure that Solution Manager is patched to the latest version with Support Packs so that the
Bind patch XML, which can be supplied during the upgrade process, is correctly created.
Solution Manager is fast becoming mandatory for all upgrades.
Tip #65: Create a Requirements Table for HR/Payroll
Contributed by: Damian Duff, IBM Australia Ltd
For HR/Payroll you need to create a requirements table/matrix to use in testing and
confirming that the upgrade has been successful and that existing business processes are the
same or have been replaced with new SAP functionality.
Bonus Tip: Verify Your Upgrade Partner’s HR Experience
For HR/Payroll make sure that your upgrade consulting partner has the experience in the
release that you are upgrading to.
Tip #66: Deal with Authorization Roles
Contributed by: S. Madsen, Ciber
ERP 6.0 contains many new authorization objects. Ensure they are added to the respective
roles. This will allow your users to conduct their duties without any disruption of access of
new functionality.
Contributors’ Contact Details
Aditro HRM Oy
Advanced Technology
Solutions Inc
Alpha Sirius Inc.
Awsome Systems
Antti Glad
Bob Levy
Ajay Vonkarey
John Santos
Michał Jasiński
Michal Kunze
BIGS IT Consulting
(Thailand) PLC
Business Consulting
Center sp. z o.o.
Johnny Khoeblal
BusinessGenetics, Inc
Renee Lentz
Bikas Panigrahi
Krishnan GS
Siva G
Cognizant Technology
Venkata Arikirevula
Steve Procopiou
CSC Asia Pacific LTD
Mark Rittmayer
Dimension Consulting
Services, Inc.
ECIR Consulting
Jonathan Rimmer
Kent Ripley
Yann Szwec
Edge Consulting
Eglobalservices LLC
Freelance Consultant
Yuval Donskoy
Ayesha Ahmed
Mangesh Kulkarni
Farhad Farshimi
Rolando Soriano
Grayson Technology
Partners - A Rev-Trac
Premiere Partner
Hewlett Packard
Jan de la Rey
George Burmeister
Hewlett Packard
Javier Esteban
Ponce de Leon
Jaychand Tatineni
Christopher Carter
IBA Group
Siarhei Mahulenka
Andrew Petersman
IBM Australia Ltd
Tomas Krojzl
Damian Duff
Infosys Technologies
ISS Consulting (M) Sdn
L&T Infotech
Macro 4
Pradeep Khanna
Reza Roslan
Mercedes-Benz Australia
/ Pacific Pty Ltd
Mondial IT Solutions
Robert Makin
Arvind Narasimhan
Anjali Butley
Lynda Kershaw
Audrey Neser
SAP HR Consultant
Senior Consultant
Project Manager
Project Manager
Office Manager
Practice Manager
SAP Upgrades
Leader of
Sr. Director
+44 7771 848 927
+48 61 827 70 01
Web Site
Practice Head
SAP Solutions
Senior Consultant
SAP FI Functional
Managing Partner
HP SAP Upgrade
Program Manager.
Sr.SAP Consultant
Team Lead
Program Manager
- EAM Systems
SAP Consultant
Senior Managing
Technical Team
ITM SAP Project
+44 7747 455869
Hong Kong
+1-512 924 4248
+63918 547 1007
South Africa
+1-678 580 1904
+1-281 795 1412
Czech Republic
+420 777 678 887
+61411 043 026
+91 984 037 8590
+44 (0)1293 872 000
+61 412 508 878
South Africa
Novis S.A.
Open Text
Alejandro Cepeda
Mike Lord
Ordina Belgium
q2d Solutions
RealTech Portugal
Sven De Leeuw
Gary Hart
Carl LaFoe
Michael Libens
Andreas Ohlsson
Pedro Bonniz
Richard Honnor
Andrew Chen
Aseem Gupta
SAP Deutschland AG &
Co. KG
SAP Independent
Gregory Thompson
SAP Italia Consulting
S.p.A. (An IBM Company)
Gaetano Palummo
Sparta Consulting
Spring Consulting
Strategic Supply Chain
TATA Consultancy
Jeff Gongas
Sanujeet Puhan
Peter van Engelen
The Baer Group
Deepanshu Sharma
Anuj Agrawal
Sergio Ferrari
John Weiss
Ian Henderson
Vektora Information
VIP Global
Srinivas Dasu
Turgay Piyadeoglu
Wave-Tec Integrated
Ishaam Adamson
Zorlu Group of
Companies (VESTEL)
Zylog Systems Limited
Sharad Singh
Emren Ertugrul
Amit Lal
Peggy Reed
Soumya Sarkar
Kay Tucker
Ramesh Rao
VP SAP Hosting
+1-321 544 6662
Sales Manager
Technical Change
+351 217997132
+44 (0) 870 2414349
SAP Technology
+91 9971108388
Sr. SAP Netweaver
Consultant Upgrade/Unicode
Senior SAP HCM
Senior SAP
+1-904 864 8289
+39 334 1149750
South Africa
+27 795192233
Director, SAP LoB
ASIA, Pacific &
Sr. Project
Manager - SAP
Manager - SAP
Presales - Asia
Director of SAP
SAP Basis
SAP Strategic BI
Web Site
South Africa
+27 741148568
About Panaya
Panaya's Software-as-a-Service solutions enable companies that use SAP to save
up to 50% of their application lifecycle costs and minimize the risks associated
with system changes. Utilizing cloud-based simulation to analyze the impact of
pending changes, Panaya automatically pinpoints which custom programs will
break as a result of an upgrade or support package implementation. Panaya
provides a complete solution for managing these changes, explaining how to fix
the anticipated issues, suggesting the most efficient test plan, and calculating
required project budget and resources.
To learn more or apply for a free upgrade evaluation, click here: