DRUMBEAT DRUMBEAT INDIAN ARTS, Inc., 4143 North 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ, 85016 266--4823 / (800) 895 895--4859 / Fax (602) 265 265--2402 / email info.drumbeat@gmail.com (602) 266 August www.drumbeatindianarts.com 2015 Drumbeat is pleased to bring you their Catalog of Music of the Northern Plains Cheyenne, Crow, Hidatsa and Mandan Chippewa/Cree, Chippewa/Ojibway, Ojibway & Midwestern Tribes ARICKARA SONGS CROW OWL DANCE AND PUSH DANCE SONGS Recorded at Whiteshield, North Dakota on February 2, 1972 and released on CD in April 2006, singers John Fox Sr., Dan Howling Wolf, Dan Hopkins, Terry Howling Wolf, Bobby Bear and Alvin Well bring you 18 Arickara pow wow songs. Songs include ten grass dance songs, one honoring (old scouts) song, one honoring (American Legion war dead) song, one honoring (Vietnam) song, one round dance song, one ka-hom-ni song, one flag song and two contest songs. IR 175 CD $17.98 Four Owl Dance Songs and six Push Dance Songs performed by the Original American Indian Soundchiefs. Singers for the Owl Dance Songs are Pete Whiteman, Milton Yellow Mule, and Mrs. Milton Yellow Mule recorded at Soundchief Studios in Oklahoma City on April 16, 1952. Singers of the Push Dance Songs are Charley Red Wolf and Chester Medicine Crow recorded at Wyola, Montana on August 13, 1953. SC 201 CD $11.98 ASHLAND SINGERS 19 CROW SONGS - NORTHERN CHEYENNE WAR DANCE 10 songs by Daniel Foote, La Force Lonebear, Henry Sioux, Corlett Teeth, Harvey Whiteman, Oran C. Wolfblack, Wesley Wolf Black. Recorded at Lame Deer, Montana. IH 4201 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 Nine grass dance songs, two war bonnet dance songs, six owl dance songs and two push dance songs originally recorded on June 9, 1968 at Crow Agency, Montana. Singers are Warren Bear Cloud, Fern Bear Cloud, Robert Medicine and Joe Picket. Released on CD in May 2006. IR 476 CD $17.98 BUFFALO BIRD WOMAN: MY LIFE ON THE NORTHERN PLAINS 1840 -1890 In this compelling narrative Buffalo Bird Woman tells how the Hidatsa people lived on the Missouri River in western North Dakota during the late 1800's. Buffalo Bird Woman's story takes the listener through her early childhood, training, courtship and marriage and continues with the role of the woman on a buffalo hunt and the birth of her first baby. Told by her great great granddaughter Bonnie GoodBird Wells. (See also - “Legends”) MM 0111 (Out of Print) CROW GRASS DANCE & OWL DANCE 12 grass dance and four owl dance songs sung by Lloyd Old Coyote, Frank Backbone Sr., Robert Other Medicine, Lindsey Bad Bear, Warren Bear Cloud and John Strong Enemy of Crow Agency. SC 116 Cassette $9.98 CD $11.98 14 CROW GRASS DANCE SONGS 14 Crow Grass Dance songs. Singers include Warren Bear Cloud, Fern Bear Cloud, Robert Other Medicine, and Joe Picket. IR 475 CD $17.98 CROW TRIBAL SUN DANCE SONGS See listing under NORTHERN CHEYENNE WARRIORS DANCE AND CROW TRIBAL SUN DANCE SONGS. SC 700 CD $11.98 CROWE SINGERS AR 1136 CD $17.98 EAGLE WHISTLES - 1986-1987 - Mandaree - VOL. 1 - LIVE AT BISMARCK, 1986 Recorded live in Bismarck, North Dakota, September, 1986 and in Taos, New Mexico, June, 1987. Popular and Traditional songs from Bismarck and Taos. Red Leaf Style Song Taos, Popular Song Bismarck with whistle and several more. HSP 87-1201 (Out of Print) - VOL. 2 - LIVE AT TAOS, 1987 Recorded live in Bismarck, North Dakota, September, 1986 and in Taos, New Mexico, June, 1987. Popular and Traditional songs from Bismarck and Taos. Pow wow and traditional songs, including: The Eagle Song Bismarck, traditional Song Taos, Sneak-Up Song Bismarck and more. Follows HSP 87-1201 HSP 87-1202 (Out of Print) - LIVE AT CROW FAIR EAGLE WHISTLES was formed in Mandaree, North Dakota in 1973. Although originally all Hidatsa, the membership of EAGLE WHISTLES has changed over the years, and many top singers have represented their tribes at the EAGLE WHISTLES drum. When they won the singing contest at the 80th Crow Fair in 1998, they were invited back to serve as host drum the following year. This was decided to be a good place to make a new recording since their last recording was in 1986. 21 songs recorded live include Hidatsa Flag Song, Fort Berthold Victory Song, Santee Sioux Slide Song, Crow-Style Double Beat Song, Old Sioux Trick Song and Chicken Dance Song. IH 4601 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 - IN DINETAH In early 2009, Eagle Whistles was honored to be an invited drum at the Navajo Nation Fair Pow Wow. It was explained to them that the people in Window Rock needed to hear Eagle Whistles original-style singing and songs. It was with that thought in mind that they came to Dinetah (Land of the Dine). 20 songs including four Grand Entry, grass dance songs, contest songs, double-beat songs, and more. IH 4602 CD $15.98 FIGHTS ALONE - MOON LODGE (ITTA'TBACHIASH) SINGERS Moon Lodge is a collection of traditional ceremonial songs and dances of the Crow Tribe. The songs are presented as they have been preserved from antiquity by oral tradition. These songs were used by the tribe to help warriors prepare for battle, and to pray for their success and safe return. The dances also honored the warriors, their return of a successful raid. These songs are now performed at pow wows, their original meaning and spiritual significance remembered only by a few traditional families. WW 10001 (Out of Print) GROS VENTRE & ASSINIBOINE SONGS Recorded on January 29, 1972 in Mary Talks Different’s home at Fort Belknap Agency, Montana. 2 Singers include Bobby & Carol Talks Different, Gordon & Edith Lodge, Ray Gone and Mary Talks Different - all are of the Gros Ventre tribe and Gordon Gray of the Assiniboine. 16 songs include eight grass dance songs, one flag song, one chiefs song, two owl dance songs, two ringtail round dance songs and two brave heart honoring songs. Released on CD in April 2006. IR 490 CD $17.98 THE HORSES - POW WOW SONGS OF THE NORTHERN PLAINS - HONORING OUR ELDERS The drum group began its journey in 1998, set up and named THE HORSES because not all members of Painted Horse were available at that time. The name stuck and the crew of Wesley, Kenny, Andrew, Jarod and Calvin began a long trek to hit as many pow wows as possible. In 2000 THE HORSES officially established a solid reputation for dynamic and powerful singing. The singers compose all their songs with the intent of giving the dancers the best song possible. CRM 110703 CD $16.98 MADDOG SINGERS - DOUBLE BEAT SONGS OF THE CROW 14 historic double beat songs of the Crow recorded for the first time on one album. These double beat songs are sung in the Crow style dance often called the “Crow Hop.” Sung by Seymour Eagle Speaker, Dale Old Horn, Henry (Sarge) Old Horn Sr., Robert Corky Old Horn, Stanley Pretty Paint, Bill Runsabove, Merle Tendoy, Barbara Bearskin and Rachel Three Irons. Recorded at Crow Agency, Montana. IH 4621 CD $15.98 MANDAN-HIDATSA SINGERS - 17 MANDAN-HIDATSA POW WOW SONGS 17 songs include eight grass dance songs, three door way songs, two round dance songs and four veterans honoring songs recorded on February 1, 1972 at Mandaree, North Dakota. Singers include Bill Baker, Norman Baker, Clement Baker and Berthold Yellow Wolf. Released on CD in April 2006. IR 740 CD $17.98 MANDAREE SINGERS - MANDAN - HIDATSA SONGS Mandan-Hidatsa songs from Fort Berthfold, North Dakota. Includes three doorway, two scout, three round dance, two grass dance and two Veterans songs by Bill, Norman and Clement Baker with John Sitting Crow. 6114 Cassette $9.98 - VOL. 2 - CONTEMPORARY POW WOW SONGS 12 contemporary pow wow songs by this popular group from Fort Berthfold, North Dakota. Bill, Norma, Clement, and Emerson Baker; John Sitting Crow, Brooks Good Iron, Frank Driver Sr., and Curtis Young Bear Sr. 8002 Cassette $9.98 - LIVE AT STANFORD 14 contemporary pow wow songs. Lead singer Sidrick Baker. Songs include: Grand Entry, Intertribal, Grass Dance, Men’s Grass, Ladies’ Fancy Contest, Men’s Traditional, Sneak Up, Women’s Fancy, and Side Step. Prices subject to change without notice. Northern Plains SGM 051196 (Out of Print) - A TRIBUTE TO BILLY BAKER 6 original grass dance songs, 4 straight contemporary songs and Scenic 23. Singers: Sidrick Baker - lead singer, Bert Yellow Wolf and Bill Baker. SGM 052395 (Out of Print) - LIVE AT SCHMITZUN, 1995 World Championship of Singing & Dance. Includes: Grand Entry, Intertribals, Traditionals, Fancy Shawl Trick Song, Grass Dance Trick Song, Victory Song, Intertribal Song.. Lead singer Sidrick Baker. SGM 091695 (Out of Print) - FOR THE PEOPLE 16 new songs by the all time favorite drum group MANDAREE including grand entry, 2 tiny tot specials, 2 crow hop, a jingle dress, a man’s fancy, 4 grass dance, a shake song and 3 intertribals. Singers include Norman Baker, Angus Fox, Rex Fox, Clement Baker, Sidrick Baker, Scott Baker, Wade Baker, Mike Short Bull, Alfred Morsette Jr. and Fred Morsette. Voted #1 all time favorite drum group on the Pow Wow Poll web site. AR 1132 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) - LIVE AT CROW FAIR 2000 Eleven grass dance songs, an Arikara warrior song, a Santee Sioux foot slide song and a sneak-up song. Recorded live at the 82nd Annual Crow Fair & Rodeo, Crow Agency, Montana, August 18-20, 2000. IH 4612 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 - LIVE AT FORT BELKNAP, MONTANA The Mandaree Singers are comprised of three affiliated tribes - Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations from the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota. They are firm believers in their cultural traditions and are happy to present their original style of singing wherever their travels take them. These 12 songs were recorded live at the 37th Annual Milk River Indian Days Pow Wow in Fort Belknap, Montana. Songs include two grand enrty, an intertribal, a jingle dress, a side step, two chicken dance, a grass dance, two contest and two fancy shawl. SGM 072403 (Out of Print) - GATHERING 13 more songs form Mandaree including three intertribals, two women’s fancy, an honor songs, a women’s jingle, a men’s fancy, and more. AR 1276 CD $17.98 - NOW & THEN All of the songs presented on this recording were sung at one time from the early 1960’s “River Bottom Days” to the late 1980’s by the original Mandaree Singers. There have been many gifted and talented singers from the Three Affiliated Tribes in the past that have composed veteran’s, individual, and pow wow songs. Many songs were traded and exchanged with the Bloods, Blackfoots, and Crees in the late 1950’s, 1960’s and into the early 1970’s. Singers include Mike Short Bull, Shorty Bearstail, Wade Baker, Nelson Baker, Shilo Baker, Enos Baker, Charles Eaglespeaker, Sidrick Baker, Leonard Baker, and Shawn Baker. 12 songs including ten straight songs and two Arikara songs. DHOP 3100 CD $16.98 - REVISITED Recorded live in Shakopee, MN the Mandaree Singers present 12 songs. Nine grass dance songs, Drumbeat a footslide, a side step, and an intro by Billy Baker. DHOP 4200 CD $16.98 NIGHT HAWK SINGERS - Recorded Live at Crow Fair, 1996, Crow Agency, Montana Lead singer: Cedric Walks Over Ice. Songs include: Grand Entry, Intertribal, Crow Hop, Jr. Boys’ Contest, Teen Girl’s Fancy, Honor Song, Crow Hop, Jingle Dress, Honor Song and more. SGNH 81696 (Out of Print) - WAR DANCE SONGS The War Dance takes on many different names from North America’s various tribes. Some tribes refer to the dance as a Grass Dance. To the Crow, the War Dance is known as a Hot Dance. The War Dance is not necessarily celebrating the taking of a life, but pride in the tribe’s good medicine. The dance they performed was a celebration of their good fortune as members of a family, a society, a clan and a tribe. It was a dance based in pride. 26 songs. AR 1204 CD $17.98 NORTHERN ARAPAHOE SONGS Eight war dance songs, five round dance songs and three rabbit dance songs recorded on April 23, 1970. Singers include Felix Groesbeck, Clark Trumbull Jr., Duane Tillman, Mervin Browne, Joyce Bell and Irma Groesbeck. Released on CD in April 2006. IR 150 CD $17.98 NORTHERN CHEYENNE SONGS Phillip Whiteman, John Whiteman, Burton Fisher and George Fisher recorded this album in Lame Deer, Montana. This was their first recording recorded in Phillip’s home beginning at sundown and finishing as the sun was coming up on June 22, 1968. Released on CD in April 2006. 12 Northern Cheyenne war dance songs. IR 303 CD $17.98 NORTHERN CHEYENNE SUN DANCE SONGS These 12 Northern Cheyenne Sun Dance songs are sung by Phillip Whiteman, Perry Little Coyote, Jimmy Red Cloud, Joseph Lonewolf, Aurelia Littlebird, Clarice Littlebird, and Mamie Red Cloud. Originally recorded on April 6, 1976 at Lame Deer, Montana. Released on CD May 2006. IR 306 CD $17.98 NORTHERN CHEYENNE SUN DANCE SONGS AND CROW TRIBAL SUN DANCE SONGS Seven Northern Cheyenne Sun Dance Songs sung by Phil Whiteman, Thomas Wooden Leg, Harvey Whiteman, and J. White Dirt. Seven Crow Tribal SunDance Songs sung by Pete Whiteman, Milton Yellow Mule and Mrs. Yellow Mule. Recorded in 1972. Now on CD. SC 700 CD $11.98 NORTHERN CHEYENNE WARRIORS DANCE & CROW TRIBAL GRASS DANCE SONGS Six Northern Cheyenne Warriors Dance Songs sung by Phillip Whiteman, Gilbert White Dirt, Drumbeat Thomas Wooden Leg, and James Red Cloud. Seven Crow Tribal Grass Dance Songs sung by Henry Old Coyote, Lloyd Old Coyote, Warren Bear Cloud and John Strong Enemy. Now on CD. SC 112 Cassette $9.98 CD $11.98 RED EARTH SINGERS - LIVE AT BISMARCK Grand Entry Song, 8 war dance songs and a trick contest song. Homer Bear Jr., Edward Bear Heart Jr., Keith Davenport, Gerald McMaster, Adrian Pushetonequa, Wayne Pushetonequa, Richard K. Rice and Dean Whitebreast. Recorded live at the 6th Annual United Tribes Days International Championship Dancing and Singing Contest. IH 4501 CD $15.98 - LIVE AT BISMARCK Grand Entry Song, Flag song, and 6 war dance songs by Edward Bearheart Jr., Vince Beyl, Keith Davenport, Stoney Larson. Adrian Pushetonequa and Dean Whitebreast. IH 4502 Cassette $9.98 - RED EARTH SINGERS OF TAMA, IOWA “LIVE” 9 songs recorded live at the 6th Annual Taos Pueblo Pow Wow. Includes grand entry songs, shake songs and intertribals. Singers: Wayne, Adrian, Quinton, Brenton and Martel Pushetonequa, Keith Davenport and Mike S. Sanache. IH 4503 Cassette $9.98 TETON RAMBLER JRs, Northern Plains - HERE WE COME Awarded Northern singing champions at the 2012 Gathering of Nations, Young Bear has had continued success in contests and invitations to be host drum at numerous pow wows and capped off 2012 by winning the Aboriginal People’s Choice Award for best traditional pow wow CD. In their follow up to their debut album they present 15 songs recorded live at the Manito Ahbee Festival in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Songs include Be-ToBee, Blackfoot Toe Tapper, Ojibway Str8, and Hunny Bunz. DHOP 5000 CD $16.98 - LIVE The Young Bear Singers proudly present this collection of Pow Wow songs heard live at the Dakota Winterfest Celebration. Hailing form the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota. Young Bear has been heard from coast to coast across the United States and Canada bringing their rocking style of music with them wherever they go. Watch for Young Bear live on the Pow Wow Trail. 14 songs including Pops, Francisco, Jazzy Fizzle, and Necklace Breaker. BTDM-1402 CD $16.98 - BORN TO SING Born and bred in the Mandaree community on the Fort Berthold Reservation, Young Bear are heirs to the mighty singing tradition of the Baker and Phelan families. As two-time world champions, they have established themselves as a thrilling new presence in the Pow Wow arena with their thunderous original-style singing and drumming. 15 songs including Top of the Sky, War Cone, Necklace Breaker, and Jingle Dress Groove. 6534 CD $15.98 - Recorded live at Crow Fair, Crow Agency, Montana Lead singer: Cleveland Holy Elk Boy. Songs include: Grand Entry, Intertribals, Contest, Teen Girls’ Traditional, Heart Butte Special, Shawl Dance, and Jr. Girls’ Contest. SGTR 81596 Cassette (Out of Print.) WIND RIVER SINGERS - SOCIAL SONGS OF THE ARAPAHO SUN DANCE 8 songs by the WIND RIVER SINGERS, Felix Groesbeck, Duane Tillman, Clark Trumbull, Jr., Mervin Brown, Irma Groesbeck, Ambrosia Harris. Recorded at Fort Washakie, Wyoming. 6080 Cassette $9.98 Chippewa/Cree MOUNTAIN SOUL, the host drum at ASU provided some outstanding singing and songs at the 15th Annual ASU Spring Competition Pow Wow at Tempe, Arizona, April 20-22, 2001. Singers include Fred Roan, Reinhart Roan, Elmer Rattlesnake, Clayton Roan, Wayne Roan Jr, Daniel Roan, Avery Roan, Craig Roan, Aaron Zorthian, Jason Zorthian, Dale Zorthian, Ian Roan, Ira Roan, Stuart Morin, Bradley Morin and the Ladies of the Southwest. Presented here are eight grass dance songs and one owl dance song. IH 4462 Cassette $4.98 CD $15.98 - IN THE VALLEY OF THE SUN - VOL. 2 Volume 2 of the live recording from the 15th Annual Arizona State University Pow Wow, Tempe, Arizona April 20-22, 2001. Eight grass dance songs, a slide song, a shake song and a round dance. IH 4463 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 - LIVE AT FORT BELKNAP, MONTANA Originating from Small Boy Camp near Edmonton, Alberta, MOUNTAIN SOUL was one of the host drums at the 37th Annual Milk River Indian Days Pow Wow. They helped to bring back the respect of the dance arena. They present for you 14 songs including two grand entry, two jingle dress, two contest, two chicken dance, five grass dance and a sneak up. SGMS 072403 (Out of Print) THE PARKER SINGERS - VOL. 1 - CREE POW WOW SONGS 11 pow wow songs from Rocky Boy’s Reservation, Montana, by the Parker Singers, a popular Chippewa-Cree group who have appeared at most major pow wows and fairs throughout the Northern United States and Canada. Videl Stump Standing Rock, Russell Douglas, Kenneth, William and Joe Standing Rock, Kenny Writing Bird, and Irvin L. Denny. 6091 Cassette $9.98 HAYSTACK - LIVE AT PIAPOT Recorded live at the Piapot Reserve Celebration in Saskatchewan, Canada, in August of 1996, this lively album has 12 songs including grass dance songs, Crow Hop, Sneak-up, Fort Berthold Flag Song, and World War II Victory Song. Singers include: Jonathan Windy Boy, Sherwin Obey, Bob Natewa, Taite Honadick, R.G. Harris, Arthur Windy Boy, Junior McArthur, John Muire, Delvin Keeswood, Lloyd Irvine and Adrian Main. Original style singing. IH 4411 Cassette $9.98 CD $5.98 YOUNG BEAR - KEEPIN IT OLD STYLE The Young Bear Singers are a talented young group of singers deeply rooted in the Mandaree community of North Dakota. Rich in family tradition, Young Bear started with the sons of wellrespected singers Randy Phelan and Sidrick Baker, Sr. Both Randy and Sidrick handed down the knowledge taught to them by their legendary fathers Alonzo Young Bear, Sr. and Bill Baker. Young Bear is the next generation of great singers to come from the Fort Berthold Reservation. The Phelan and Baker boys have come together with their drum brothers from across the U.S. and Canada to form the pow wow circuits next up-andcoming drum. They’re Keepin it Old Style because that’s what they’ve been taught, adding a new chapter in the singing books. 13 songs. DHOP 4500 CD $16.98 3 MOUNTAIN SOUL - SOUL LIVES ON At Rocky Boy, Montana this young drum group followed a proper protocol in seeking instruction in the pow wow ceremony. Singers include Dale Zorthian, Craig Roan, Clay Roan, Avery Roan, Calvin Rattlesnake, J.K. Roan, Charlie Favel, Tyrone Roan, Elmer Rattlesnake, Fred Roan, Daniel Roan, Aaron Zorthian, Rienhart Roan, Ira Roan, Jayson Zorthian, Ian Roan and Stuart Morin. This recording contains four intertribal songs, one jingle side step, one chicken, one contest, one straight jingle, one traditional and one Northern fancy. SGMS 61500 Cassette $2.00 (CD Out of Print.) - IN THE VALLEY OF THE SUN - VOL. 1 From Mountain Cree Camp in Northern Alberta, - VOL. 2 - CREE POW WOW SONGS 9 pow wow and 3 owl dance songs from the Rocky Boy’s Reservation, Montana. With Videl, Kenny, Doug and Russell Standing Rock. 8031 Cassette $9.98 ROCKY BOY SINGERS - CHIPPEWA-CREE CIRCLE DANCE SONGS Thirteen circle dance songs from Montana by the ROCKY BOY SINGERS; Paul Eagleman, Charles Gopher, Bill Baker, John Gilbert Meyers and Windy Boy. Recorded at Crow Agency, Montana, August 22, 1966. SC 200 Cassette $9.98 CD $11.98 - CHIPPEWA-CREE GRASS DANCE SONGS Fourteen grass dance songs. ROCKY BOY SINGERS: Paul Eagleman, Charles Gopher, Bill Baker, John Gilbert Meyers and Windy Boy. Recorded at Crow Agency MT 1966. SC 101 CD $11.98 - HAYSTACK RAMBLERS - POW WOW SONGS FROM ROCKY BOY Fourteen songs by the HAYSTACK RAMBLERS of the Rocky Boy’s Reservation, Montana. Charles Gopher, lead singer; John G. Meyers, Robert Favel, Rocky Stump, John Windy Boy. 6104 (Out of Print) Prices subject to change without notice. 4 - THE ROCKY BOYS - POW WOW SONGS FROM ROCKY BOY Twelve songs all made in the early winter of 1976 for the summer pow wows. Sung by the Rocky Boys (Chippewa/Cree). Rocky Stump, Alvin Windy Boy, John Windy Boy and Charles Gopher. 6154 Cassette $9.98 Northern Plains - SOUTHERN CREE AT BEARDY’S Lead singer: Harlan Gopher. Songs include: Drum Song, Grand Entry, Victory Song, Straight Fancy, Traditional Intertribal, Grass Dance, and Old Style. SGSC 082094 (Out of Print) - GRASS DANCE SONGS FROM ROCKY BOY Two different drums joined to make this album, Rocky Boy Singers and the Bear Paw Singers. Eight of the grass dance songs were composed by the singers; two are old-time grass dance songs. Singers: Charles Gopher, John G. Meyers. Duncan Standing Rock, Lloyd Top Sky, Jenry Wolfchild. IH 4401 (Out of Print) - GET UP & DANCE! POW WOW SONGS From Rocky Boy, Montana and Beardy's and Okemasis near Duck Lake, Saskatchewan these singers represent the southern most Cree communities. Five intertribal, two contest plus honor, traditional and straight grass dance songs. Singers: Ken, Keith and Harlen Gopher; Clem Baker; Clinton Small; Lionel Peyachew; Boss Gardipy; Jay, Melvin and Elbert Eyahpaise; and Curtis Laliberte. 6266 Cassette $9.98 - VOL. 1 GRASS DANCE AND JINGLE DRESS SONGS Five grass dance and five jingle dress songs. The jingle dress songs are old Chippewa songs from Rocky Boy, Montana and Red Lake and Ponemah, Minnesota. They are known as is-kwew ne-kohnoh-mah ("women's songs") in Chippewa and more commonly today as jingle dress. Singers: Charles, Jonathan and Kenneth Gopher, Robert Taylor, Merle Tendoy Sr., and Floyd Top Sky Sr. Notes included. IH 4402 Cassette $9.98 - SHAKE A FEATHER - LIVE AT THE UNIVERSTIY OF ARIZONA POW WOW The SOUTHERN CREE SINGERS from Rocky Boy, Montana perform 10 pow wow songs on this their second album from Canyon Records Productions. Keep your eyes and ears open for this up and coming young pow wow group! Songs include, Men's Traditional Song, Straight Grass Dance, Fancy Dance, Round Dance and more. 6267 Cassette $9.98 - VOL. 2 GRASS DANCE & JINGLE DRESS SONGS Four grass dance and six jingle dress songs. Continued from Volume 1 with the same singers. IH 4403 Cassette $9.98 - MONTANA HOMELAND Led by Lloyd Top Sky, this group strives hard to preserve the traditional ways of their Chippewa Cree Tribe. Chicken dance songs, Chippewa jingle dance songs, grass dance songs, Old Chippewa songs, and Eagle Staff Song. SOAR 166 CD $18.98 - ROCKY BOY CHIPPEWA-CREE DOORWAY SONGS These songs are the original old Chippewa-Cree Doorway songs of long ago. They belong in the Round Dance category and can almost pass for Chippewa Jingle Dress songs. For many years, these songs have not been sung in the original way intended. Therefore, the singers on this album have recorded these ten songs so that they may somehow be preserved, as a part of this tradition, so that others may still reminisce about the old days. Singers include Lloyd Top Sky, Vern Gardipee Sr., Merle Tendoy and Kenny Standing Rock Sr. IH 4404 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 - 17 CHIPPEWA-CREE SONGS Originally recorded on January 24, 1972 at Rocky Boy, Montana and released on CD in May 2006 singers Joe Standing Rock, Russel Standing Rock, Kenneth Standing Rock, James Stump, Wydel Stump and Louie Denny sing 17 Chippewa-Cree Pow Wow Songs. Included are eight grass dance songs, one flag song, one chief’s honoring song, three honoring songs, two contest songs, and two round dance songs. IR 335 CD $17.98 SOUTHERN CREE SINGERS - SOUTHERN CREE Includes: Straight Grass Dance, contest songs, intertribals, traditionals, and an honor song. SC042493 (Out of Print) Prices subject to change without notice. - KEEPIN’ IT REAL For years, SOUTHERN CREE has been establishing themselves as one of pow wow’s most exciting voices. Their original songs have blazed a trail to all corners of pow wow country. This recording will make you move to the beat of the drum. Songs include Whistler, Ridley’s Melody, Big Dawg Rocks, Sioux-Cree, The Dance and Red Skinz. 6298 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 - THUNDER & LIGHTNING One of the most powerful drum groups on today’s pow wow trail, SOUTHERN CREE of Rocky Boy, Montana travels extensively throughout the United States and Canada dazzling audiences and calling dancers to their feet. Singing in both Cree and vocables, SOUTHERN CREE proudly presents this collection of their latest songs. 12 songs including Wandering Spirit, Buffalo Spirit, Gunn Shy and Cree Town. 6339 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 - DRUM FOR LIFE SOUTHERN CREE of Rocky Boy, Montana is one of pow wow’s great drum groups. Travelling extensively throughout the United States and Canada they bring their powerful singing and drumming to all corners of pow wow country. SOUTHERN CREE sings this collection of their latest songs to honor the way of the drum and the spirit of all Native people. Ten songs include Desert Heat, Griz Attack, NDN Gurlz and Peh-YahTik. 37:11 minutes 6349 Cassette $9.98 CD $15.98 Chippewa/Ojibway BURNTSIDE LAKE - STR8 UP Hosting Pow Wows throughout Canada and the midwest BURNTSIDE LAKE has released their much anticipated debut recording, “Str8 up.” This recording has been inspired by the love of sharing their original Northern Style music. AR 1121 CD $17.98 Drumbeat C.I.S. 20TH ANNUAL POW WOW - Bemidji, MN Eight songs recorded live at Bemidji State University. Traditional pow wow by four drums from the U.S. and Canada - WHITEFISH BAY SINGERS, ANISHINABE SINGERS, BATTLE RIVER, and KINGBIRD SINGERS. SSCT 4172 (Out of Print) CHI-GEEZIS SINGERS - VOL. 1 - SONGS OF THE OJIBWAY/ ODAWA The CHI-GEEZIS SINGERS are Greg Dayfox, Steven Dayfox, Joe Medicine, Jim Gasco. Songs include: Chi-Geezis Drum Song, intertribals, Meegwetch Wendun, Sherry’s Song, Kaa Gwish Keyi, Kina Anishinabek, Kinoomage ‘Nishinabe. SSCT 4276 (Out of Print) - VOL. 2 - “NEE SAUN DWINN” Same singers as Volume One. Songs include: Flag Song, Veteran Song, Crow Hop, Jingle Dress, Traveling Song, Children’s Song, Memorial Song, Woman’s Traditional Round Dance, Contest Song, and Traditional. SSCT 4277 (Out of Print) - VOL. 3 - ESGKIAMDEK Ten songs including: Have a Beautiful Day (Jake’s Prayer), Keep a Good Heart (Intertribal), SneakUp, Let The Music Do The Talking (Contest Song), My Car is My Home, Take Time In Life and more. SSCT 4311 (Out of Print.) - VOL. 4 - AMBAE NEEMDAH - LET’S DANCE Singers: Steve and Greg Dayfox, Will (Pedro) Rhynes and Joe Medicine. Songs include: Kinah Ensabezhig, Crow Hop, Jingle Dress, Fancy Shawl, Get Ready, Opijay Gwah, Grass Song, Traditional (Learning) Song, Sneak-Up, Honor Song. SSCT 4312 (Out of Print) - (SH)-STA-TA-HAH SSCT 4365 (Out of Print.) - JINGLE DRESS SONGS Dedicated to Jingle Dress Dancers everywhere, Chi -Geezis Singers have combined a very unique collection of jingle dress songs that is a must have for all jingle dancers and fans of jingle dress music. Twelve songs include straight & sidestep songs. SSCT 4378 CD $15.98 CHIPPEWA GAME AND SOCIAL DANCE SONGS Fifteen Minnesota Chippewa game and social dance songs, both contemporary and others dating back to 1900. Includes Moccasin Game Songs, Migwitch Mahnomen, 49, pow wow. Singers include Jacob Redbird, Walter Drift, Ray Robinson, August King. Recorded 1970-75, notes included. FE 4392 Cassette $5.00 EYABAY SINGERS - RECORDED LIVE AT THE 16TH ANNUAL SIFC POW WOW (SASK) Ten songs by 1992-93 United Tribes International Singing Champions and 1994 SIFC Singing Champions. Includes All Nations Song, men’s fancy/trick song, sneak-up, whistle song and grass dance song. EYABAY consists of 15 Ojibway, 2 Winnebagos and 1 Sioux from the Red Lake Chippewa Reservation in Minnesota. Singers: Drumbeat Jerry Cleveland, Mike Roy, Todd Smith, Lee Lussier Jr., Darren Defoe, Roger White Jr., Misty Green Crow, April Clairmont, Briggette Whipple, John Morris, Terry and Philip St. John, Darren Cook, and Jason, Mack and Kevin Kingbird. ES 040794 (Out of Print) - POW WOW SONGS RECORDED LIVE Eleven original songs made by the EYABAY SINGERS from Red Lake, Minnesota. Includes Double Lead Elder Song, Gravy Boy, fancy, round, Vietnam Veterans’ and intertribal songs. They are the 1992 United Tribes Pow Wow Champions. Singers: Lee Lussier Jr., Darren Defoe, Todd Smith, Darren Cook, Frank Beaulieu, Roger White Jr., Eric Gahbow, Mike Roy, Terry St. John, John Morris, Clint Green Crow, and Jason and Kevin Kingbird. 6250 Cassette $9.98 - KICKIN’ IT IN DA ‘90’S Sixteen singers from the Ojibway, Omaha, Winnebago, Sioux, Arickara, Hidatsa, and Menominee tribes. Ten songs including: Intertribals, Kunu Green Crow Song, “The Rump Shaker”, Thank You Song and more. SSCT 4233 CD $15.98 - VOL. 2 Fourteen singers from the Ojibway, Omaha, Winnebago, Sioux, Arickara, Hidatsa, and Menominee tribes. Ten songs including: Pop Corn Song, I’ll See You Again, Hot Stepper, Old Milwaukee, Woman’s Fancy, Woman’s Traditional and intertribal songs. SSCT 4270 CD $15.98 - “THUGS -N- HARMONY” EYABAY SINGERS have done it again, releasing yet another soon to be hit volume of powerful drumming. THUGS -N-HARMONY is their third recording on the Sunshine label; their sixth overall recording on all labels. After successful releases one after the other, Eyabay is definitely untouchable, proving that they are one of the best liked pow wow groups in the world. SSCT 4332 CD $15.98 - KEEP THEIR HEADS RINGING The energy of the drum and the singers is evident in this latest recording of the remarkable "1995 Contemporary World Singing Champions". KEEP THEIR HEADS RINGING was recorded live at the 1996 Saddle Lake Pow Wow. EYABAY was invited to sing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. TIM 10002 CD $17.98 - 4-LIFE SSCT 4360 (Out of Print) - NO LIMIT Eyabay is one of the most aggressive and innovative drum groups of this decade having the most consecutive championships in Bismarck and Schemitzun. This Northern Style drum from Red Lake, Minnesota has become favorites among dancers and singers. Ten songs. AR 1101 CD $17.98 - THE BEST OF.... The Best of Eyabay showcases their very best songs spanning four previous recordings. This collection is twelve songs of Eyabay’s very best including 4 Life, Pop Corn Song, Birthday Song, Pow Wow Highway and Thugs N Harmony. SSCT 4373 CD $15.98 Northern Plains - 2000 - AIN’T NUTHIN’ BUT A “E” THANG SSCT 4397 CD $15.98 - LIVE 2000 Voted #1 contemporary group by the popular Pow Wow Poll web site. Eyabay is proud to present their latest live recording. 12 songs include grand entry, flag song, jingle dress contest, grass dance and retreat song. AR 1118 CD $17.98 - 2001 ETERNAL-E Head singer Lee Lussier Jr is joined by Terry St. John, Darren Cook, John Morris Sr, Philip St. John, Jason KingBird, Darren Defoe, Brian Thunder Hawk, Lance Saunsoci, Andre Saunsoci, David Henry and Roger White Jr. 14 songs. TDR 9630 CD $17.98 - MIRACLE The best selling drum group of all time is back with their 13th recording. These boys from Red Lake, Minnesota are the crowned kings of the pow wow scene and this new release clearly answers why. Miracle was recorded live on location in Grand Forks, North Dakota and delivers all the intensity and power that you have come to expect from EYABAY. Ten songs include Cheddar Dawg, This One’s For You, and Ol’ School. AR 1161 CD $17.98 - SOLDIERZ The Kings of pow wow have returned with their first studio album in three years. EYABAY will be hitting the pow wow trail hard this year and SOLDIERZ is proof that this innovative singing power house is back. 12 songs including Hate To Say Goodbye, Indian Girlz, Never Again, and Here With Me. AR 1219 CD $17.98 - RETURN OF THE E EYABAY are back. Singers on this recording include Lee Lussier Jr., Terry St. John, Jason King Bird, Darren Defoe, Gee St. John, Darren Cook, Brian Thunder Hawk, Tonch St. John, Gerimiah Holy Bull, Wesley Jourdian, Wambli Charging Eagle, John Morris Jr., Mike Jourdian, and Charlene Hindsley. 13 songs including Knight Ryderz, Young Buck, and Bustle Breaker. RCR 2545 CD $17.98 - WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS Eyabay’s 2007 release presents 12 songs including Pow Wow Angels, Save The Last Dance, Daddy’s Pretty Girls, and Don’t Tell On Me. RCR 1109 CD $17.98 - A TRIBUTE TO HAYNA FATZ Another great collection by one of the best drum groups in the Nation. 17 songs including Karma, Itz A Wrap, Skillz, Shell Shock, Young Money, and Arikaree Mix.. RCR 1965 CD $17.98 5 MGM SINGERS, WHITEFISH BAYS SINGERS, PIPESTONE CREEK. SSCT 4235 Cassette $2.00 KINGBIRD FAMILY SINGERS - CHIPPEWA GRASS DANCE SONGS Seven pow wow songs by the well know KINGBIRD FAMILY SINGERS of Ponemah, Minnesota. McKinley, Mark, Royce, Johnson, James and Albert Kingbird. 6106 (Out of Print.) - LIVE AT WHITE EARTH 1979 Ten intertribal songs and two old-time grass dance songs the KINGBIRD SINGERS of Ponemah, Minnesota. Recorded at the White Earth Pow Wow. Mickinley, Vernon, Royce and Mark Kingbird; Michael Hawk, Roger White, Vincent Belcourt and Gerald Hawk. 6170 Cassette $9.98 KINGBIRD SINGERS - BRINGING IT BACK The original Kingbird Singers began in the late 1960’s. Members included the late Johnson Kingbird, the late Mckinley Kingbird, as well as Johnson’s sons and nephews. They traveled to many pow wows throughout the U.S. and Canada in the 70’s and 80’s. The Kingbird Singers now include Mark Kingbird Sr., Mark Kingbird Jr., Sheldon Smith, Montana Kingbird, Naygahj Kingbird, Mike Needham, James Kingbird, Jerry Hawk, Michael Hawk, Art Cloud, Jay Barrett, Albert Kingbird, Michael Frank, and Calvin Spears Jr. Presented here are 20 straight and round dance songs including 3 grass dance, a men’s traditional, a straight jingle dress, an intertribal, 3 rabbit dance, 6 jingle dress side step, and more. WP-00112 (Out of Print) - IKWE NAGAMONAN Kingbird Singers presents a collection of 12 Jingle Dress Songs. The songs have remained unnamed to keep in the old traditions. AR 1296 CD $17.98 OJIBWAY MUSIC FROM MINNESOTA - A CENTURY OF SONG FOR VOICE & DRUM Fifteen songs including love, moccasin game, story, dream, pow wow and contemporary songs. One song each from 1899 and 1910; others recorded in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Features: LEECH LAKE, PONEMAH, RED LAKE, WHITE FISH BAY, KEITH SECOLA and others. Includes a 15 page booklet on Ojibway music and pow wows. Produced by the Minnesota Historical Society. C 003 CD $16.98 P-TOWN BOYZ HERTEL WISCONSIN: CHIPPEWA POW WOW 1994 - VOL. 1 - ST. CROIX WILD RICE FESTIVAL SSCT 4234 (Out of Print) - VOL. 2 - ST. CROIX WILD RICE FESTIVAL Featuring: LITTLE OTTER, DAKOTA NATION, LITTLE EARTH, BLACK HAWK, FIRST NATION, THE BOYZ, PORCUPINE SINGERS, - P-TOWN BOYZ P-Town Boyz are Tony Cloud, Bryce Cloud, James Cloud III, Eldon Cloud, Elliott Cloud Jr., Neal Johnson, Avery Stillday, Michael Kingbird, Joe Perkins, Brian Stillday Jr., and Trevor Kingbird. These young boys from the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota originated in the year 2000 while participating with the Ponemah Elementary Drum & Dance Troupe. They perform ten songs including Destin’s Song, The Slide, Bounce Wit’ Me, and Generations. ETR 2965 CD $19.98 Prices subject to change without notice. 6 PONEMAMAH CHIPPEWA SINGERS - CHIPPEWA WAR DANCE SONGS Twelve war dance songs for pow wow plus special encore song. Singers from the Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota: Greg Johnson, Johnson Kingbird, Joseph Dick and George Dick. 6082 Cassette $9.98 RED LAKE SINGERS - OLD TIMES This recording is a compilation of old pow wow songs that are also known as intertribal songs. Some of the songs were taught to the elder Red Leaf Singers when they were children, as early as the 1920’s. The other songs were created by the singers during their younger years. This recording honors the elder Red Lake Singers while they are still here with us. 16 songs including a rabbit dance, a warrior song, 14 pow wow songs. ETR 1714 CD $19.98 RED SONS SINGERS - MINNESOTA In this, their debut recording, the RED SONS SINGERS have created a tribute to their late parents, brothers and sisters. The 11 member drum gathered songs from across Canada and the US for inclusion in this album. Songs include Flag Song, Women's Traditional, Jingle Dress, Men's Fancy plus eight more. SSCT 4295 (Out of Print) SONGS OF THE CHIPPEWA L 22 Cassette $4.00 SONGS OF THE CHIPPEWA Ten songs including Flag Song, Air Corps Song, grass dance songs, and more. Daniel, Antoine, and Joseph Bellanger with Johnny Smith and Ronnie Leith. 8013 Cassette $9.98 SPIRIT MOUNTAIN SINGERS - FOND DU LUC MINNESOTA From Fond du Lac, Minnesota this Ojibway drum presents their first recording. It is an album of their songs sung in the Northern style. Songs include Grand Entry, Crow Hop, Honor Song, Grass Dance and more intertribal songs. They continue to compete at pow wow competitions throughout North America. SSCT 4294 (Out of Print) - MUCH RESPECT The SPIRIT MOUNTAIN SINGERS have placed and hosted many pow wows in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Wyoming, North Carolina, West Virginia and Ontario. Together they have been inspired to compose songs and release this album “for the people.” They hope you enjoy the music, and hope to see you on the pow wow trail. AR 1122 Cassette $2.00 ST. CROIX CHIPPEWA 2ND ANNUAL POW WOW AT TURTLE LAKE WISCONSIN - VOL. 1 - RECORDED “LIVE” Twelve pow wow songs Grand Entry, Flag Song Men’s Traditional, Exhibition Song and more. Featuring: WAH’PE KUTE, COMANCHE MOON, LITTLE OTTER, SUMMER CLOUD, Prices subject to change without notice. Northern Plains KINGBIRD SINGERS, CUMBERLAND SINGERS, LAKESHORE SINGERS, WISCONSIN DELLS and MISSISSIPPI OJIBWAY. SSCT 4217 (Out of Print) - VOL. 2 RECORDED “LIVE” Eleven pow wow songs including: Whistle Song, Woman’s Song, Happy Birthday Song, Whistle Song, and 6 intertribal songs. Featuring: CUMBERLAND SINGERS, LITTLE OTTER, LAKE SHORE SINGERS, EAGLE MOUNTAIN, COMANCHE MOON, LAC COURTE OREILLES BADGERS, MISSISSIPPI OJIBWAY and DAKOTA PLAINS. SSCT 4219 (Out of Print) WHITE EARTH POW WOW - 1979 Ten pow wow songs from the June 14, 1979 Celebration at White Earth, Minnesota by the EAGLE BUTTE SINGERS, THREE FIRES, JOE CREEK SINGERS, AMERICAN INDIAN SINGERS, and THE KINGBIRD SINGERS. 6171 Cassette $9.98 - 125TH ANNUAL POW WOW Ten songs: Grand Entry, veteran, jingle and intertribals; by six drums: PEACE MAKER, YOUNG EAGLE, LITTLE OTTER, CASS LAKE, BATTLE RIVER and ANISHINABE SINGERS. Recorded live at White Earth Reservation, Minnesota. SSCT 4173 (Out of Print) - 126TH ANNUAL POW WOW SSCT 4222 (Out of Print) - 129TH ANNUAL POW WOW SSCT 4338 (Out of Print) 134TH ANNUAL POW WOW CELEBRATION Recorded live from White Earth, Minnesota comes the best of the 134th annual pow wow celebration. 17 songs performed by some of the best drums today. Drums include MENOMEN CREEK, G REY DOG , MIDN IG HT EXPRESS, WOODLAND SINGERS, YOUNG KING BIRD, CASS LAKE, RED CREEK SINGERS, FOUR OAKS, BLACK BEAR CROSSING, OGLI DAAKI, SWIFT HORSE, and REZ RIDERS. Over one hour of great drumming. AR 1201 CD $17.98 - 137TH ANNUAL POW WOW The 137th Annual White Earth Pow Wow recorded live at White Earth, Minnesota. 17 songs by ten different drums including Bird Clan, Wapte Kute, Little Red Tail, Lake Vermillion, Plains Ojibwa, Storm Cloud, Young Kingbird, Timberland, Red Creek, and Miizhakwad,. Songs include a Duck-NDive, a chicken dance, several intertribals, two grand entry, a flag song, some contest songs, and more. RCR 9112 CD $17.98 - 141ST TRADITIONAL POW WOW 15 tracks featuring two Grand Entry songs, and intertribal pow wow songs by Little Otter, Elk Whistle, Bear River, Iron Boy, North Spirit, PTown Boyz, Smokey Hill, Ho Ka He!, and White Earth Boys. RCR 1141 CD $17.98 Drumbeat YOUNG KINGBIRD - A WARRIOR’S CRY This amazing drum was captured at the Cass Lake Memorial Day Pow Wow. 17 songs include nine contest songs, three crow hop songs, two jingle dress songs, two straight songs and a two-step. This recording contains over 55 minutes of music and 10 minutes of live video footage. AR 1206 CD $17.98 - ON THE WARPATH Young Kingbird Singers are Mark Kingbird, Dallas Kingbird, Sheldon Smith, J.R. Kingbird, Elbert White, Randy Kingbird, Mike Needham, Matt Kingbird, James Kingbird and Montana Kingbird. 16 songs including four intertribals, two contest songs, two fancy shawl, a straight song and more. WP-00082 CD $17.98 Ojibway ANISHNAABE NGAMWAASAN - OJIBWAY LANGUAGE Finally a recording to teach the Ojibway language. A collection of nine songs with lyrics included to help young and old learn this language. You will have as much fun learning the language as the presenters had in making the album. Songs include Mishomis (Grandfather), Nbwaakaawin (Wisdom), Zaagidwin (Love), and Kiinwe Gwa (It Is Up To Us). SSCT 4459 CD $15.98 BADGER SINGERS - LAC COURTE OREILLES BADGER SINGERS: SONGS OF KING EAGLE NB 1006 Cassette $2.00 BATTLE RIVER - LIVE FROM THE REZ BATTLE RIVER is: Randy “Cheeks” Kingbird, Mike Roy, Keveon Kingbird, Jon Prentice, Don “BQ” Kingbird, Mark Kingbird, Kevin Kingbird, Terry “Dealer” Senogles, Frankie Graves. Guest appearance by THE BOYZ : Vinny Sherub, Marlin, Dickenson, Charlie Lasley. 10 songs including: Drum Song, Straight, Squaw Dance, Intertribals, Men’s Fancy Dance, Obshing, Crow Hop and Women’s Fancy Shawl. TIM 10004 CD $17.98 - COUPLE FOR THE ROAD 1998 World Singing “Northern Style” Champions, Battle River, from Red Lake, Minnesota have been making their mark on the pow wow trail with their unique and powerful style of singing. Best known for their “straight” songs, Battle River is blending a traditional style with a contemporary approach. Eleven of their newest songs. AR 1103 CD $17.98 - BATTLE RIVER - LIVE AT TAMA, IOWA The latest recording by BATTLE RIVER. 13 new compositions including straight songs, a side step and more. RCR 9790 CD $17.98 - HARD TIMES This collection of 12 pow wow songs includes Come On Now, Stay Down, Thirsty, and Red Bear’s Song. DHOP 1000 CD $16.98 Drumbeat BEAR CREEK - L.I.V.E. Upon listening to this recording it’s easy to understand how BEAR CREEK came in first place at the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow competition 2001. This exciting new group explodes onto the Pow Wow scene with their amazing 12 song debut release. BEAR CREEK is a 17 man Ojibway group based out of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Their performance on this recording displays their unique sound and incredible energy. AR 1151 CD $17.98 - THE SHOW MUST GO ON BEAR CREEK is the new generation of powerhouse drum groups and they’ve started a collection of awards to prove it - winning first place at Gathering of Nations 2001 competition and Best Traditional and Best Contemporary drum group at the 2002 Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards. This is their second release with 11 songs including Toga Style, The AZ Flats, Holy White Rider, and Bring It In. AR 1199 CD $17.98 - WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE With SIZZORTAIL . See listing in Intertribal Pow Wow catalog. DHOP 0200 CD $16.98 - THE WAY OF OUR DRUM Recorded live in Ethete, Wyoming, this collection of 12 pow wow songs includes Release The Hounds, Pukatawagan Blues, On The Trail, and What It Is. DHOP 1100 CD $16.98 - THROUGH THICK AND THIN An earth-shaking and awe-inspiring live recording from Mt. Pleasant by one of pow wow’s most popular and in-demand Northern style drums. This recording celebrates Bear Creek’s tenth anniversary. The bold singing of this Ojibwe drum group is heard in all corners of Native America and places them firmly as a favorite of dancers and listeners. Bears Creek is a crucial presence on the pow wow trail. 6448 CD $15.98 Northern Plains songs including Smooth Moves, Dancing Feathers, Good Heart, and Mishomis Dewayga. The recording includes a crow hop and two side step songs. 6507 CD $15.98 BEST OF MANITOBA POW WOW GROUPS TOP CANADIAN POW W OW PERFORMERS Finally available, these fantastic packages of the provinces’ best Pow Wow groups in Canada. From the east coast (Ontario) to the west (Alberta) - four different compilations of the top pow wow groups. A must for any Pow Wow collector. (One other compilation found in the Sioux catalog and one in the Cree catalog.) The art work of Leonard Bighetty of Winnipeg, Manitoba is another collection of its own. Definitely a “must” to listen to and see! Featuring: Wandering Sound, North Buffalo, Circle Strong, Plains Ojibway, Sioux Assiniboine, Grassy Narrows, First Nations, H i Bull, Red Sons, Two Feathers, Little Spirit, Red Wind. SSCT 4330 (Out of Print) BEST OF ONTARIO POW WOW GROUPS TOP CANADIAN POW W OW PERFORMERS Finally available, these fantastic packages of the provinces’ best Pow Wow groups in Canada. From the east coast (Ontario) to the west (Alberta) - four different compilations of the top pow wow groups. A must for any Pow Wow collector. (One other compilation found in the Sioux catalog and one in the Cree catalog.) The art work of Leonard Bighetty of Winnipeg, Manitoba is another collection of its own. Definitely a “must” to listen to and see! Featuring: Whitefish Bay Jrs, Spirit Wind, Dead Horse Creek, Hanisha, Northern Wind, Red Shadow, Chi-Geezis, Chi-Nodin, Whitefish Bay, Red Hawk, Medicine Drum. SSCT 4331 CD $15.98 OPIE DAY-BEDEAU - BEAR CREEK XI Having dedicated themselves to the way of the drum for over a decade, Bear Creek continues to sing from the heart with power, conviction and feeling. Combining intricate melodies with crisp singing, the Ojibwe drum group delivers another soon-to-be classic recording. Audio CD presents 12 songs including Rush for Roll Call, Cowboy Up, Sonic Boom, and more. The DVD includes three of the songs on the CD plus exclusive interviews. 6474 CD/DVD $20.49 - ONE LOVE Imaginative and much-admired singer Opie DayBedeau draws upon his Ojibwe culture and years of singing experience to craft songs that convey the power of love. With bold lyrics and suave vocals delivered with quiet intensity, his soul-stirring songs will echo throughout Round Dance country. 13 songs including Back on the Prowl, Smooth Operator, Hurtful Things, and Crazy Ones! 6485 CD $15.98 - RIGHT NOW With a bond as strong as the sound of their drum, Grammy-nominated Bear Creek digs deep and presents the full spectrum of pow wow singing. Featuring blazing Intertribals, Side-Steps, Crow Hops and other song styles, the spell-binding singing and songmaking will take your breath away. 18 songs recorded live in Mt. Pleasant. Songs include Mr. Fast, 100 Percent, Four Tanker, Naanan Guys, and Str8 Hop. 6489 CD $15.98 GRASSY NARROWS SINGERS - KAAGIGE - ”FOREVER” Upholding their Ojibwe traditions and their reputation as a championship drum group, Grammynominated Bear Creek sing for their ancestors, the people of the present and the future generations. 16 - GRASSY NARROWS SINGERS 10 pow wow songs by singers: Jason Fobister, Michael Fobister, Adrian Kejick, Jason Kejick, Glen Kejick, Barry Assin, Kevin Strong and Robbie Wiliamson. Songs include:Grand Entry, Veteran Song, Intertribals, and Grass Dance. The GRASSY NARROWS SINGERS are from Grassy Narrows, Manitoba where the eight-man drum creates their songs. This is an album of ten songs including Veteran Song, Grass Dance and many intertribal songs. Their debut album promises they will be a huge hit on the pow wow Circuit. SSCT 4296 Cassette $2.00 (Out of Print.) 7 Intertribal Songs, Woman’s Traditional, Grassy Narrows Song and more. SSCT 4348 (Out of Print) - THE ARRIVAL The Grassy Narrows Singers are Mike Fobister, Jason Fobister, Jason Kejick Sr., Adrian Kejick, Glen Kejick, and Kevin Strong. They are from Canada and sing in the traditional Ojibway style. 12 songs including The Old Times, Stand Up and Dance, a straight fancy song, and a jingle dress. AR 1337 CD $17.98 HANISHA TRADITIONAL SINGERS HANISHA - The name is derived from a Traditional Ojibway legend. The Singers from the Naotkamegwanning First Nation (WhiteFish Bay) are strong in the beliefs and practices of the Anishinabe. - VOL. 1 HANISHA TRADITIONAL SINGERS The songs on this tape are dedicated to the elders who have passed on their knowledge and wisdom from generation to generation. Singers: Tommy White, Lead Singer, Pipe Carrier; Murphy Paypompee, Drumkeeper, Pipe Carrier; Leslie Copenace, Pipe Carrier; Teddy Copenace; Howard Copenace; Alan Crow; Bill Girard; Dave Kabestra; John Namaypoke; Thomas Payompee Sr.; Thomas Poyampee Jr.; Alan White, Pipe Carrier; Peter White, Pipe Carrier. Songs include: Drum Songs, Intertribal, Grass Dance, Honor Song, Round Dance, Round Dance “Mother Earth” and more. SSCT 4273 (Out of Print) - VOL. 2 HANISHA TRADITIONAL SINGERS This album, following their successful first release, with drum songs continues to spread the band's message through the Ojibway speaking drum. This drum is a regular feature at traditional pow wows throughout Canada and the United States. They continue to explore their beliefs in the Anishinaabe way through their songs. SSCT 2492-4 Cassette $2.00 - VOL. 3 HANISHA TRADITIONAL SINGERS The name is derived from a traditional Ojibway legend. A long time ago a man lives in the bush. The people were amazed at his powers. He communicated with all the living environment. Everything he needed came from the bush. The man lived a simple life. Eventually he became known as Anishinaabe as he possessed many valued beliefs and customs. These singers from Naitkamegwanning First Nations (Whitefish Bay) are very strong in the beliefs and practices of the Anishinaabe and hence their name. This is their third release. SSCT 4325 Cassette $2.00 - VOLUME 4 After taking some time out of their busy schedule, Hanisha composed some new songs and are proudly presenting them on their fourth release. 13 songs include Jingle Dress Round Dance, Honor Song, Chicken Beat and Veteran Song. Singers include Howard Copenace, Travis “Chabaz” White, Steve “She-Shash” Jack, Leslie “Wasa” Copenace, Eldon Copenace, Teddy Copenace, Murphy Payompee, Toowaas, Jyles Copenace, Scott Crow and Tommy White Sr. SSCT 4404 Cassette $2.00 VOL. 2 - GRASSY NARROWS SINGERS 10 songs including Drum Song, Contest Song, Prices subject to change without notice. 8 LAKE OF THE WOODS SINGERS - HONOURING OUR ELDERS From the first thunder crack of the drum LAKE OF THE WOODS SINGERS deliver straight ahead pow wow singing in the tradition of the Ojibwa People of northwestern Ontario, home of the “Jingle Dress.” Offering a mix of both new and classic songs, this is the debut recording for this group. They wish to dedicate this album to all of the elders, and to honour all the traditional drums and carriers from the Lake of the Woods area. AR 1124 (Out of Print) - SONGS OF THUNDER This is the second release of Ojibwa drum LAKE OF THE WOODS SINGERS. Members of the drum group include Boy Redsky, Brennan Wapioke, Alex Greene, Roger Greene, Ed Greene, Dex Greene, Herb (Kwebs) Redsky Jr, Stan Skead and Pat Skead. They present 12 songs including a jingle dress, a round dance, a chicken dance, a grass dance and more. AR 1137 CD $17.98 LAKE VERMILION SINGERS - ONAMANI ZAAGA-IGAN Hosting a number of traditional and contest pow wows, Lake Vermilion Singers have been establishing a strong following in the northern United States. This Ojibway drum has been singing together for nine years and are ready to share their well crafted songs with the world. AR 1104 (Out of Print) NITANIS “KIT” LARGO - SERENITY From the Atikameksheng, Anishnawbek, Canada, Nitanis “Kit” Largo is one of the most distinctive voices of Native North America. On her debut solo recording, she weaves her reflections on Native womanhood with elegant vocals. She has performed as a backup singer for Bear Creek. Her singing skills have placed her among a small group of women who have elevated the artistry of the female voice in pow wow and round dance. 12 songs including Please Don’t Go, Home Sweet Home, A Marine’s Love, and Sun-Kissed. 6483 CD $15.98 LITTLE OTTER - LITTLE OTTER Ten songs including jingle, intertribal and woman's songs. Little Otter is from Mille Lacs, Minnesota. Members: Pete Gahbow, George Gauthier, Darrell Kingbird, Robert Sam, Larry Smallwood, Auddie Conner, Gerald Kingbird, Erik Gahbow, Cory Joseph and Ron Brandt. Little Otter has been singing across the US and Canada for over thirteen years. SSCT 4171 (Out of Print.) - WAY UP NORTH WITH LITTLE OTTER: COME DANCE WITH ME NB 1006 Cassette $2.00 (Out of Print.) Northern Plains - THE RETURN LITTLE OTTER bring you their latest recording of 13 pow wow songs. This recording takes you through the pow wow from the grand entry to the retiring of the flag. Songs included are a flag song, a veteran’s song, a crow hop, a men’s traditional, a women’s side step, a couple intertribals and more. AR 1181 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) Prices subject to change without notice. Brian, Howie Jr., Eldon, Teddy and Howie Sr., Copenace; Melvin Cowley, Joe Jack, Ronnie GoodEagle, Billy Kelly and Melvin Black Hawk. SSCT 4108 (Out of Print) - SIDE STEP SONGS Recorded live at Hinckley, Minnesota 2007. Seven side step songs, six traditional side step songs. DHOP 2400 CD $16.98 - VOL. 2 - POW WOW SONGS 12 pow wow songs including jingle dress, crow hop, shake song, grass and intertribal songs. All songs composed by Gabe Desrosiers. Singers: Gabe, Elliott and Farrell Desrosiers; Les, Howie Sr., Howie Jr., and Ted Copenace; Melvin Cowley, Harvey Goodsky, Mike Fisher and Corey Joseph. SSCT 4128 (Out of Print) - LIVE IN MILWAUKEE Little Otter is proud to present to you a new collection of 12 pow wow songs. Songs include four contest, two whistle, a grand entry, three intertribals, and two old style traditionals. BTDM 1001 CD $16.98 - VOL. 3 - POW WOW SONGS Twelve original pow wow songs composed by Gabe Desrosiers, lead singer of NORTHERN WIND. Includes contest, women's fancy, jingle dress, grass and intertribal songs. SSCT 4154 Cassette $2.00 LYNX CLAN - ANISHINABE MIIKINAA This traditional drum with the 4 drum staff’s has been singing at pow wows within the treaty 3 area for over a decade. The traditional songs come from the Lynx Clan family, Whitefish Bay, Ontario. Lynx Clan is often called upon to sing the original jingle dress initiation song. Listen and watch for this group and their beautiful songs at a pow wow near you. 15 songs include three intertribals, a traditional grass, a boy’s grass, a men’s traditional and more. AR 1241 CD $17.98 - GRANDMOTHERS ORIGINAL JINGLE DRESS SONGS The Lynx Clan Singers are from the Whitefish Bay First Nation Treaty 3. They have grown up listening to and singing the original style jingle dress song. Singers include Peter White, Stuart Nash, Leslie Copenace, Steve Tucker, Anthony Morrisseau, Ron Prelvitz, Ernie Cobiness, Marlon Baptiste and Irene White-Sobowah. 17 tracks including Straight Jingle Dress, Elders Teachings, Go To Sleep Big Mama, Old Time Shuffle, and Traditional Round Dance. WP-00072 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) - SPIRITUAL HEALING METHODS Does your life seem out of balance? Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Have you ever considered suicide? Have you ever wondered what your purpose is in life? Are you missing work due to alcohol or drug abuse? Do you feel you are missing something? Learn about Anishinabe Spirituality. This special recording is for all who are going through their own personal healing journey. It is hoped that these spiritual songs will help you to overcome all obstacles that come your way, and to help you with good health and balance in your life. 15 songs including Eight Eagles, Jingle Dress Healing Song, Pitobbon Nayskung, and many Spiritual Healing Songs. AR 1308 CD $17.98 NORTHERN WIND - IKWE NAGAMOWINAN 2001 LITTLE OTTER took first place in the song contest at Schemitzun 2001. This Northern style drum is of Ojibwe origin. 12 great old style round dance songs performed by this world class drum from Mille Lacs, Minnesota. RCR 9670 (Out of Print) Drumbeat NORTHERN WIND is an Ojibway drum from Big Island Reserve, Ontario. - VOL. 1 - POW WOW SONGS 12 pow wow songs from Canada including jingle dress, intertribal, grass and traditional. All the songs were composed by Gabe Desrosiers. 14 singers: Gabe, Farrell and Elliott Desrosiers; Leslie, - VOL. 4 - POW WOW SONGS Ten pow wow songs - contest, jingle dress, intertribal, honor and traditional dance songs. All songs composed by Gabe Desrosiers. Other singers: Elliot and Farrell Desrosiers, Daniel Big George, Melvin Cowley, Rodney Crow, Bruce Crow, Ron Good Eagle, Harvey Goodsky, Justin Handorgan, Leland Indian and Troy Sam. SSCT 4170 (Out of Print) - VOL. 5 - POW WOW SONGS Crow hop, jingle dress and six intertribal songs, Gabe Desrosiers, leader. Northern Wind is an Ojibway drum from Big Island Reserve, Ontario. SSCT 4195 Cassette $2.00 - VOL. 6 JINGLE DRESS SONGS Five straight and five side step jingle dress dance songs. All songs were composed by lead singer Gabe Desrosiers. Songs include They Raise Their Eagle Fan to the Creator When They Dance and All Our Mothers Dance the Jingle Dress. SSCT 4205 (Out of Print) - VOL. 7 - POW WOW SONGS Jingle dress, grass dance, traditionals, intertribal, Flag/Retreat song, woman’s traditional, traditional round dance, and men’s traditional. SSCT 4239 Cassette $2.00 - VOL. 8 - POW WOW SONGS Pow wow songs include Traditional Song, Intertribal(s), Crow Hop, Jingle Dress, Shake and Woman’s Traditional. SSCT 4271 CD $15.98 - VOL. 9 - POW WOW SONGS Northern Wind releases their ninth album of drum songs in honor of Ozhashkooj Abitung (One Who Lives On A Blue Hill) - Charlie Paul in English, who is the grandfather of drum leader Gabe Desrosiers. This champion singer remembers the stories told of his grandfather who was a permanent fixture at Pow Wows throughout the Lake of the Woods area until his death. This album is dedicated to him and people like him who carry on the work of spreading peace and kindness among all people. Singers: Gabe Desrosiers, Farrell Desrosiers, Bruce Crow, Justin, Handorgan, Eddie Green, Mike Fisher, Dean Jordan, Doug Sinclair, Howie Copenaus Sr., Harvey Goodsky, Rod Crow. Songs include: Traditional (Bear Clan) Song, Intertribal(s), Contest Song, Single Round Dance, Fancy, Grass (Chicken dance), Woman’s Traditional, and Happy Birthday. SSCT 4306 (Out of Print) Drumbeat - VOL. 10 - POW WOW SONGS Intertribals, crow hop, jingle dress, contest, woman’s traditional, Veteran’s song, straight, jingle side-step and round dance SSCT 4319 Cassette $2.00 - VOL.. 11 - POW WOW SONGS They’ve done it again. There really is no stopping this Ontario based group as one of the hottest pow wow groups around. Proving that they are unstoppable they just keep releasing one great volume after another. Their music is powerful,; their message very spiritual SSCT 4320 Cassette $2.00 - NA GAMODDA (LET’S SING) Ten songs including three intertribals, a northern traditional, a boys’ northern traditional, a fancy shawl, a jingle dress, a fancy shawl, a woman’s traditional, and a sneak up. SGNW 61297 CD $12.98 - 1997 - LIVE AT SCHMITZUN SGNW 90597 Cassette $2.00 CD $15.98 - BLAZING TRAILS TIM 10023 Cassette $4.00 CD $17.98 - 21st CENTURY To celebrate the turn of the century, Gabe Desrosiers and NORTHERN WIND have recorded what critics claim to be their best CD to date. Incorporating new age effects with contemporary Northern Style Pow Wow songs, NORTHERN WIND - 21st CENTURY will be a guaranteed strong seller into the new millennium. Ten songs. AR 1112 CD $17.98 - IKWE-NAGAMONAN (Woman’s Songs) Woman’s Songs is a collection of 12 brand new Jingle Dress songs made by Gabe Desrosiers of the champion drum group NORTHERN WIND. All songs are composed in the traditional manner of his people, the Ojibwa Nation of the Lake of the Woods area. This is the birthplace and home of the Jingle Dress dance. Gabe and his drum group have made this recording because they “want to keep the tradition alive so that we don’t forget our old ways.” This recording is a must for anyone who shares an appreciation for this unique, beautiful dance and song style. AR 1128 CD $17.98 - DANCE WITH US The NORTHERN WIND SINGERS originate from the Northwest Angle Reserve and were formed in 1991 by Gabe Desrosiers who also serves as lead singer and composer. All songs are composed in the Ojibwa language. The singers hope you enjoy the song styles of the Ojibwa. Singers are Gabe Desroseirs, Farrell Desrosiers, Elliot Desrosiers, Rod Crow, Bruce Crow, Harvey Goodsky, Nate King, Daniel Buffalo, B J Copence, Tom Hunter, Archie Paypompee, Corey Joseph and Justin Handorgan. 11 songs. AR 1139 Cassette $2.00 CD $17.98 - CAMPFIRE The latest from NORTHERN WIND is nothing less than astounding True innovation from one of pow wow’s most innovative groups. Ten songs include intertribals, crow hop, contest and honor songs. AR 1157 (Out of Print) - WHISPERING WINDS With over 14 years on the pow wow trail, Gabe Desrosiers and crew offer up 15 new studio tracks. Songs include My Moccasins, Chicken Dance, I See The Eagle, and Fancy Stuff. AR 1218 CD $17.98 Northern Plains - MEDICINE DRESS - HONORING THE JINGLE DRESS The Jingle dress dance is one of great honor within the Anishinabe people and carries a spiritual bond between dancer and spirit. The women round dance songs contained in this album are songs that honor the Jingle Dress and are composed by Gabe Desrosiers. The Jingle dress is best known to the Anishinabe people as the “Medicine Dress.” 13 songs. AR 1246 CD $17.98 - NOVEMBER WINDS 15 songs presented by Northern Wind. Songs include Fancy Dancing, Grass Dance Moves, When The Eagles Fly, Boarding School, and November Winds Intro featuring Hopi Zephier. AR 1303 CD $17.98 OJIBWAY TRADITIONS 15 traditional songs including Elder Song, Tobacco Offering, Wolf Tracks, Round Dance, and Honouring Song. AR 1249 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) 9 Orielle Ojibwe Nation, acclaimed drum group Pipestone pays tribute to the trailblazing singers of yesteryear who have kept the singing traditions alive and acted as the voice of the people. 18 songs including Necklace Breaker, Cass Lake, Flambodia, and King Eagle Side Step. 6490 CD $15.98 PLAINS OJIBWAY SINGERS - VOL. 1 14 pow wow songs from the Long Plain Reserve in Manitoba, Canada. Includes drum song, old grass dance club song, North Eagle, honor song, ladies traditional song and more. Singers: Clair and Birdy Francis; Curtis, Dennis and Michael Meeches. SSCT 4076 (Out of Print.) - VOL. 2 14 more songs from the Long Plain Reserve in Manitoba, Canada. Includes Lone Thunderbird Song, Ogichida, sneak up and intertribals. SSCT 4120 (Out of Print) RAY & RHONDA PIPESTONE - PIPESTONE From Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in northern Wisconsin, PIPESTONE CREEK have been singing the original “old-style” of their people, straight songs with a snappy beat, for over 12 years. Singers include Ahsinees Larson, George Morrow III, Wendall Powless, John Anderson, Thomas Cain, Mikey DeMain, Jason Pettibone, Jerome Powless, Neal Quagon, Melvin White Jr, Mike Sullivan, John Morrow, and Reggie Cadotte. 13 songs include Flutter Bye, Swing and Sway, Freestylin, and Back In The Day. AR 1163 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) - LIVE AT FORT WASHAKIE Another great recording from PIPESTONE. This recording brings you 15 more songs including three contest songs, two honor songs, a round dance, three intertribals, an honor song and more. DHOP 0700 CD $16.98 - GOOD OL’ FASHIONED NDN LOVER From the heart of the Ojibwe woodlands, Pipestone spins tales of love’s wild ups and downs in this fresh collection of round dance songs. With often hilarious lyrics taken from life on the Pow Wow trail, Pipestone combines tough singing and a swinging hand drum beat in this tribute to love’s break-ups and make-ups. 15 songs including Crazy Luv Life, Honeymoon Tonight, Little Miss Jealousy, and Once Upon A Time. 6419 CD $15.98 - AS THE REZ TURNS Pipestone chronicles the drama of love and life on the Rez with songs that put an hilarious twist on heartbreak. With an edgy sense of humor and a jamming’ Round Dance beat, these well-known Ojibwe singers rock the house “as the Rez turns!” 14 songs including NDN Car, Air Mattress, Snaggin’ Tonight, and Start Spreading the News. 6471 CD $15.98 - TRIBUTE TO THE OLD TIMERS For centuries, songs have been passed down from elder to younger singers amongst Native American cultures. The singers of today look to those who came before them for knowledge and inspiration as they travel the road of a singer. From Lac Courte - TOGETHER AS ONE Ray Stevenson and Rhonda James present Manitoba’s first Round Dance recording. They have been singing together for 14 years. Together they teach youths how to sing and dance Round Dance Songs. They have over 100 kids coming to their Pow Wow Club every week. They have performed in Italy and across Canada. 13 songs including Do You Love Me Half As Much, Straight Northender, Till We Meet Again, and Please Don’t Leave Me. SSCT 4456 Cassette $2.00 CD $15.98 RED WIND SINGERS - MISKOU NOODIN Red Wind has been around the Pow Wow circuit for almost half a decade. Now they are ready for the release of their first album. An Ojibway speaking drum from Selkirk, Manitoba, Red Wind have chosen a selection of traditional songs for their debut album such as several versions of Intertribal, Drum Song, Honor Song, Round Dance, Sweet Grass Road Song and Sneak Up. You're sure to enjoy this debut recording. SSCT 4297 (Out of Print) - VOL. 2 - POW WOW SONGS Singers: Neil Hall - lead; Chris Esquash - lead; Brandan Hall, Jeremy Thomas Jr., Dan Thomas, Ernest Daniels, Anthony Moar, Colin Mousseau. Songs include: Grand Entry (Paynter’s Song), Intertribal(s), Sneak Up, Drum Song, and Flag/ Retreat Song. SSCT 4334 (Out of Print) ROCK HILL - ROCK HILL Due to strong cultural values, Rock Hill sings both Old Style and compositions from around the drum. Originally singing as Northern Eagle, the singers became Rock Hill in the summer of 2003. Singers are Robert Whitehead Sr., Robert Whitehead Jr., Terrance Whitehead, Leon Whitehead, Lawrence Whitehead, Lance Crowe, Delvin Stanly (Cree), Alex Greene, Charlie Goforth (Cree) and Henry Sabit. All singers are Ojibway unless otherwise noted. 12 songs including Grandpa’s Song, Northern Straight, Chicken Stylez, and Shake Em Jingles. AR 1238 CD $17.98 Prices subject to change without notice. 10 - INTRO The Rock Hill Singers are an exciting and powerful Ojibway drum group from the Yellow Quill First Nation in Saskatchewan. The group was formed in the summer of 2003, but has sung as Northern Eagle for a few years before that. The group is comprised of members from all over Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, and have created a brotherhood which is felt through their music. 14 songs including Like A Rock, Hutt Dawg, Early Bird, and Blowout. WP-00012 CD $17.98 - FROM WITHIN The Rock Hill Singers are a young, exciting and powerful Ojibway drum group from the Yellowquill First Nation in Saskatchewan. They sing in the original style, just as their grandfathers had done. The group was formed in the summer of 2003. The singers are from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, Ontario, and the U.S. They are three generations of family members. 12 songs include Friday Night Lights, The Rock, Warrior’s Call, Saturday Night Live, and Side Steppin’ Sweetie. DHOP 2700 CD $16.98 SPIRIT SANDS SINGERS - SACRED GROUNDS The name “Spirit Sands” comes from a place in Southern Manitoba which was used for Vision Quests and special ceremonies. It was also a traditional hunting territory. Formed in 1997 and comprised of singers ranging in age from 7 to 26, they recorded a song for the CBS television movie “Marriage of Convenience” starring Jane Seymour. A fast rising drum group. AR 1107 (Out of Print.) - SANDSTORM The Spirit Sands Singers are an Anishinabe (Plains Ojibway) singing group from Swan Lake First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. The group is comprised of family members and close friends. The name of the group comes from a small desert in central Canada that is considered a special and sacred place by surrounding communities. Their singing style is a Northern style with a Southern beat. 13 songs including Come and Dance, Chickadee Hill Shuffle, Homesick Blues, and Moonlight Delight. AR 1222 CD $17.98 NIIZHOO SULLIVAN - REZ KID RHYTHM Since 2008, Niizhoo Sullivan has been a household name in Round Dance singing across North America. At just nine years old, he has already sung with groups such as Pipestone, Midnite Express, Smokeytown, and is the lead singer of his own drum, Hay Creek. Niizhoo is a fourth grader at the Waadookodaading Ojibwe Language Immersion School and speaks the Ojibwe language. 13 songs including Two Girls Fighting, We’re Gonna Dance, B-I-N-G-O, and In My Dreams. BTDM-1401 CD $16.98 Northern Plains amazed with the intensity Walkin Bull sings their unique songs. AR 1106 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) pow wow drum songs to you. Recorded live in the Chrysler Arena at the University of Michigan, this recording captures their dynamic vocals and thundering drum that have made them famous. SSCT 4307 (Out of Print) WHITEFISH BAY JR. - A TRIBUTE TO GABE WHITE AASOMWAAYPINACE Eight pow wow songs by a drum from Whitefish Bay, Ontario. Singers: Danny Henry, Scott Crow, Jan Crow, Shawn White, T.J. Kelly, Terrance White and Eddie Green. SSCT 4206 (Out of Print) WHITEFISH BAY SINGERS - VOL. 1 Twelve pow wow songs by a top Ojibway drum from Whitefish Bay in western Ontario, Canada. Includes five intertribals, jingle dress, traditional, contest and others. Gane Desrosiers; Andy, Tom, Clarence, Tony, Randy, Ramsey, Ryan and Peter White; Pete Seymor and Eldon and Leslie Copenace. SSCT 4097 (Out of Print.) - VOL. 3 12 songs by an Ontario drum from Whitefish Bay, Ontario, Canada. Includes Miss Indian World 1991 Honor Song, women’s fancy, crow hop, grass, men’s traditional and intertribal songs. Singers: Clarence, Andy, Ramsey, Rick, Ryan, Tommy, Peter and Randy White; and Herb May. SSCT 4116 (Out of Print) - VOL. 4 JINGLE DANCES The WHITEFISH BAY SINGERS tell us, "We honor the jingle dress for which these songs were appropriately sung." Round dance songs are performed by Clarence, Chuck and Charlie Kelly; Clarence, Andy, Ramsy, Rick, Ryan, Tommy, Peter and Randy White; and Herb May. SSCT 4134 (Out of Print) - VOL. 5 POW WOW SONGS Ten songs including four recorded live at the Sandy Bay Pow Wow in Manitoba. Jingle dress, crow hop, shake, grass and intertribal songs. Fourteen singers. The Whitefish Bay Singers are one of the most popular drums on the pow wow trail. SSCT 4153 (Out of Print) - VOL. 6 POW WOW SONGS Twelve songs by one of the most popular drums on the Pow Wow trail today. Recorded at Whitefish Bay, Ontario. Includes crow hop, contest, jingle dress and intertribals. Singers: Clarence (lead), Chuck and Charlie Kelly; Ryan, Randy, Ramsey, Rick, Andy, Tommy Jr. and A.J. White; Joe Jack, Hank Henry and Herb May. SSCT 4191 (Out of Print) WALKIN BULL - VOL. 7 - POW WOW SONGS Songs include - contest, intertribal, James Klein Memorial Song, Cedar Cloud Honor Song, and more. Singers: Clarence (lead), Chuck and Charlie Kelly; Ryan, Randy, Andy, and Tommy Jr. White; and Herb May. SSCT 4224 CD $15.98 From northern Minnesota, this Ojibway drum is tearing up the pow wow trail. Singing together since 1994 they have travelled throughout Canada and the United States dazzling dancers and spectators with their extremely high, powerful technique of singing. Led by Dino Smallwood, Walkin Bull puts a modern contemporary style into an old traditional practice. Listeners will be - VOL. 8 - POW WOW SONGS Whitefish Bay Singers have a reputation as one of the best drums that has ever hit the Pow Wow circuit. They have hosted pow wows across North America from California to Hawaii to British Columbia to their home in Ontario. Now from Ann Arbor, Michigan they bring their eighth volume of Prices subject to change without notice. Drumbeat - VOL. 9 Recorded on location at Whitefish Bay, First Nation, Ontario. Singers: Clarence, Chuck and Charlie Kelly; Ryan, Randy, Ramsey, Ricki, Andy, Tommy Jr. and A.J. White; Darrell Jack; Hank and Darren Henry; Ferrel Mandamin. SSCT 4318 (Out of Print) - NDOO TE MAG Whitefish Bay Singers have been a champion drum for over ten years. “Ndoo Te Mag”, Ojibway for “our clans” is a collection of their most innovative music to date. Contains 11 of their newest songs including Jingle Dress, Pete Seymor Shuffle, Ndoo Te Mag, a Straight song and seven Intertribals. AR 1102 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) - POW WOW 2K Whitefish Bay Singers have been a strong force on the Pow wow trail for over 12 years. They have helped to develope the amazingly high pitched style of Northern singing that has become popular today among many Ojibway drums. Ten songs include: Jingle Dress, Fancy, Jingle Side Step and Jingle Dress Round Dance. AR 1117 CD $17.98 - ANISHINAABE MEENIGOZIWIN WHITEFISH BAY SINGERS have been sweeping pow wow country with their original Northern Style and their unique voices. Their songs have earned them many championships and dedicated fans. They are one of the most dynamic drum groups on the pow wow circuit today. This tenth recording proves once again that they are true leaders in preserving tradition. Anishinaabe Meenigoziwin is a peek into the culture, tradition, world, and life views of the Anishiaabe, specifically of the community of Naotkamegwanning (Whitefish Bay). 20 songs. SSCT 4439 CD $15.98 - OSHKE YE II Ten Ojibway pow wow songs presented by the Whitefish Bay Singers. Songs include Too Expensive, Toowaas’ Style, Another Song, and That’s A Wrap. AR 1297 CD $17.98 - THE GREATEST YEARS This 2-disc set represents the best of the Whitefish Bay Singers. SSCT 4547 CD $15.98 - NEW OLD ONE Ten new songs from Whitefish Bay. Songs include Them Jinglers, Some Kinda Song, Way 2 Expensive, and 2-Wass’. AR 1315 CD $17.98 - EST 1970 The Whitefish Bay Singers, from the Lake of the Woods territory of Ontario, are one of the most well known drum groups in pow wow country. Established in 1970, the group has continued to make music for over four decades, inspiring generations of singers and songmakers. From the heart of Anishinaabe country, the Whitefish Bay Singers are proud to present their newest recording. 15 tracks including Too-Waas’ Song, Tremor, Warrior, and Mile High. BTDM-1021 CD $16.98 Drumbeat Northern Plains WHITEHORSE HONOR THE EARTH POW WOW - FIRST RIDE Whitehorse is an Ojibway drum group proud to be from the inner city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. They have been singing together for seven years. Singers include Dean Smith, Ernest Daniels, Chris Esquash, Nick Esquash, Roger Greene, John Kent, Martin McKenzie, Barry Smith, Wab Kinew and Kevin Abraham. 11 songs including Girlz Gone Bye, Graceful, Lil’ Battle, and Two Step. WP-00062 CD $17.98 - SONGS OF THE GREAT LAKES INDIANS This recording documents a Native American pow wow featuring Ojibway, Menominee and Winnebago tribes of Northern Minnesota. A celebration of life to honor the earth and thank the Creator with a night of song, dance and drum. Performers: Little Otter Singers (Mille Lacs Lake Reservation, Minnesota); Lco Soldiers’ Drum (Lac Court Oreilles Reservation, Wisconsin); Smokeytown Singers (Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin); Bad River Signers (Bad River Reservation, Wisconsin); Winnebago Sons (Baraboo, Wisconsin); Bear Claw Singers (Hertel, Wisconsin); Three Fires Society Singers (Lac Court Oreilles Reservation, Wisconsin). Informative liner notes. RCD 10199 CD $13.98 (Out of Print.) Midwest BIG SOLDIER CREEK - BEAUTIFUL WAY OF LIFE WORP 1037 Cassette $2.00 CHI-NODIN SINGERS - SAULT STE MARIE This is an exciting addition to any one's music library. The 11 man drum sings original compositions in a contemporary Northern style with an Ojibway drum. From Saulte Ste Marie, Ontario, the Chi-Nodin Singers are well known at traditional and contest pow wows throughout mideastern Canada and the US. Helped into being by the Eyabay Singers, Chi-Nodin Singers promises to entertain with songs like: Whistle Song, Drum Song, Men's Traditional and Intertribal Songs. SSCT 4293 (Out of Print) - AT BATCHEWANA POW WOW CHI-NODIN (Big Wind) singers are an Ojibway group from Rankin Reserve, Ontario. CHI-NODIN composes songs reflecting their lives using their own, as well as other First Nation languages. This recording was made at their annual celebration held in September, 1996. Singers: Rence Vannett, Heidi Goodwin, Theresa Hindsley, Kevin Syrette, Dan Sayers Jr., Harvey Goodsky, Tom Peters, Chris Neveau, James Roach, Brian Moore, Darryl Ostamis, Mike Tegosh, Joe Syrette, John Syrette, Nick Hewson, Harvey Goodsky, Joel Syrette, Rob Essexs, and Sunny Roach-Syrette. 10 pow wow songs: Side Step, Honor Song, Veteran Song, Whistle Song, Men’s Grass, and intertribal songs. SGC 9696 Cassette $2.00 GENTLEMEN’S CLUB - BOOM BOOM ROOM The concept of the Gentlemen’s Club originated from the admiration the members have for the Round Dance style of hand drum singing. Each member is a lead singer in his own right and brings his own style of song to the group. This particular group has been brought together to share the different styles of hand drum music performed in the Midwest. The members represent the Ojibwe, Menominee, Oneida, Lakota, Dakota and HoChunk nations of the Great Lakes area. Singers include Opie Day-Bedeau, Jason Kingbird, Joe Rainey Sr., Crow Bellecourt, Wayne Silas Jr., Mike Sullivan Sr., Wanbli Charging Eagle, Thomas “Two Braidz” Butcher, Buffalo Campbell, and Ahsinees Larson. Bringing together some of the greatest singers from the Great Lakes region, the Gentlemen’s Club perform Round Dances loaded with the smoothest lyrics and slickest singing in the Midwest set to a rock-solid hand drum beat. 18 songs including Funkadelic, They Dance For You, All That Jazz, Still Missin’ U, and The Only One For Me. 6498 CD $15.98 INTERNATIONAL FALLS MINNESOTA POW WOW 11 Heath Brown, Steadman Brown, Cody Davenport, Quinton Pushetonequa, Brenton Pushetonequa, Martel Pushetonequa, Chago Hale, Gubba Hale, Naseka Hale, Wahpi Hale, Jeremy King, Jancita Warrington, Tanksi Clairmont, Mittina Hale, and Roxy Pushetonequa are Meskwaki Nation. 13 original songs include The One, Butterfly Girl, Buffalo Hunter, and Dust Kicker. BBR-8180 CD $17.98 - NDN WORDS 18 more songs from Meskwaki Nation including I’m So Sorry, Beautiful One, Dilemma, and My NDN Boy Eyes. MNR-8182 CD $17.98 (Out of Print.) - GATHER THE CREW Meskwaki Nation proudly presents this collection of 14 pow wow songs. Songs include Young Ones, Mister Good, Dance For Them, United, and Pretty Shawl. DHOP 2900 CD $16.98 - 8TH ANNUAL SPRING TRADITIONAL GATHERING The Anishinabe Student Coalition brings you the following great pow wow drums: Eyabay; Kingbird Singers; Phonemah Ramblers; Snider Lake Singers; North West Bay. SSCT 4255 (Out of Print) - ROCKIN THA BELLZ Meskwaki Nation present 10 Pow Wow songs recorded live at the 2010 Hunting Moon Pow Wow in Milwaukee. Songs include Go With the Flow, Enahay, Bam!!, Blue Dream, and Thunderstruck. DHOP 4100 CD $16.98 MENOMINEE TRIBAL SONGS AND WINNEBAGO (Wisconsin) TRIBAL SONGS Iowa MESQUAKIE BEAR SINGERS of Tama - Collector’s Edition An original American Indian Soundchiefs recording. Twelve Menominee Tribal war dance (6) and women’s dance songs (6) sung by John Awonohopay and Howard Raine. Eight Winnebago songs: (4) Winnebago Tribal War Dance Songs, Winnebago Tribal Greeting Song, Chief Song (soldier dance), Air Raid on Iwo Jima (victory dance) and Korea War Song (victory dance). Winnebago songs sung by Winslow White Eagle. Now on CD. SC 117 CD $11.98 MESKWAKI NATION -LIVE AT HINCKLEY The MESKWAKI NATION SINGERS are a young group formed in 1994. Since appearing on the pow wow trail they have placed at many of the largest celebrations. Special thanks to Alvin Bear. WRMN 007 (Out of Print.) - MESKWAKI NATION - 2002 LIVE @ IOWA CITY, HASKELL UNIV. MESKWAKI NATION bring you 12 songs recorded live at Haskell University, 2002. Singers are Lydell Bear, Cha-go Hale, Quinton Pushetonequa, Anthony Hale, Lusius Bear, Brenton Pushetonequa, Willis Davenport, Martel Pushetonequa, Jarvis Bear, Gubba Hale, Cody King, Gee St. John, Jeremy King, and Jaro Jackson. Seven intertribals, two contest, a women’s fancy, a men’s fancy, and a women’s traditional. RCR 9810 CD $17.98 - LIVE IN MAYETTA 12 songs performed by this popular northern drum. Songs include Bells N Feathers, Just Dance, Shiny Beads and The Bustle. BBR 8181 CD $17.98 - ALL YOU INDIANZ Tyler Lasley, Jarvis Bear, Wes Bear, Clinton Bear, - WAR DANCE SONGS Songs based on the traditional Plains rhythms but sung by the Bear Singers in a style distinctly their own. This is a group from a family of singers, members of the Mesquakie Tribe, the Red Earth People of Tama Iowa. War dance songs and contest songs. Singers: Wayne Pushetonequa, Adrian Pushetonequa, Alvin Bear, Gaylord Bear, Mike Mitchell. 6090 Cassette $9.98 MINNESOTA POW WOW SONGS Recorded live at Hinkley, MN, 1993. Eight Drums from the US and Canada - Whitefish Bay Jr., Little Otter, The Boyz, Thunder Mountain, Stoney Park, Northern Wind, Sioux Assiniboine and Heart of the Earth. Nine pow wow songs. SSCT 4174 (Out of Print) MYRON PYAWASIT, GII-SHIK PWAYASIT, WAYNE SILAS JR., AND SHANE WEBSTER - WILD RICE Songs from the Menominee Nation performed by Myron Pyawasit, Gii-Shik Pwayasit, Wayne Silas Jr., and Shane Webster. The Menominee people refer to themselves as the Macmaceqtaw (ma-maCHAY-tua) meaning “The People Who Live with the Seasons.” They and their ancestors have resided amongst the lush woodlands, lakes and streams of Wisconsin for thousands of years. Bringing together some of the finest singers from the proud Menominee Nation, this collection of traditional songs exhibit the resilient journey of this proud people. 14 songs including round dance songs, Intertribal songs, a crow hop and more. 6409 CD $15.98 WAYNE SILAS, JR. - UNCONDITIONAL Acclaimed singer and songmaker Wayne Silas, Jr. (Menominee/Oneida) draws upon his years of Prices subject to change without notice. 12 experience singing with some of the greatest pow wow drum groups to craft his debut solo Round Dance recording. Blending his signature style with in-your-face humor and superb singing, Silas’ songs reflect tales of love both sweet and sour. 13 songs including Made in Heaven, Bread Crumbs, Butterflies, and Superman. 6466 CD $15.98 - TRUE With lyrics that tell tales of infatuation, yearning and pure love, acclaimed singer Wayne Silas, Jr. expresses the romantic life of a modern Native American man through the rhythms of the Round Dance. By honoring the traditions of his ancestors within the world of today, Wayne Silas, Jr. makes a powerful statement encouraging all to stay true to their Native roots. 13 songs including Can-Am Affair, Pretty Lady, Ask Dad, and Bow-Chick-AWow-Wow. 6486 CD $15.98 - INFINITE PASSION Raised around the drum since he was a boy, Wayne Silas, Jr has sung with some of the greatest Pow Wow groups of the last twenty years and has grown into a respected songmaker. Infinite Passion represents Wayne’s skills as a composer and as a singer as he merges the singing traditions of the past with the trends of today. On this recording he is joined by many of his friends from the Pow Wow and Round Dance trails; Randall Paskemin, Leroy Whitstone, Marlon Deschamps, Dan Isaac, Conan Yellowbird, Jacpb Faithful, Candace Gadwa and Veronica Keeswood. 15 songs including Dream Come True, Round Dance Girl, Angel Feet and two traditional Women’s songs. 6512 CD $15.98 SMOKEYTOWN SINGERS - LAND OF THE MENOMINEE 12 pow wow songs including: Flag Song/Victory Song, Veteran’s Song, Intertribal songs, Woman’s Traditional, Men’s Traditional, and more. SSCT 4221 (Out of Print) - SONGS FOR THE PEOPLE This tape contains lead singer narrations of songs written and sung by Lead Singer, Myron Pyawsit. Most of the songs presented here use the Menominee language. The artists feel that it is important for the lead singer to provide you with the lyrics orally so you can hear both the words and what they mean. The SMOKEY TOWN SINGERS hope that you will enjoy this new way of learning these songs from this tape. Myron Pyawasit, Lead Singer; Elmer Denny, Second Lead Singer; Cheyenne, Lizzie, Myron, and Gii-shik Pyawasit; Warren Wilber, Dana Waupoose, Mitchell Waukau, Brian Gringon, David and Devin Wynos, NB 1001 CD $15.98 - THE NEXT GENERATION NB 1005 Cassette $2.00 CD $15.98 - REMEMBERING Remembering is the way we connect with our family, friends and others. Smokeytown demonstrates this relationship in the songs presented in this album, whether singing the old traditional songs handed down or contemporary ones connected to friends or occasions. Narrations by Lead Singer Myron Pyawasit help the listener learn the Native language used and the vocables of a traditional women’s side step song. Learn to listen, learn to remember. 12 songs. NB 1008 CD $15.98 Prices subject to change without notice. Northern Plains - LIVE AT L.C.O. The SMOKEYTOWN SINGERS of the Menominee Nation of Wisconsin present a live performance from L.C.O. Members of the drum include Myron Pyawasit, Elmer Denny, Marcus Denny, David A. Wynos, Robert Dess, Waump Wauposse, Dana Waupoose, Gii-Shik Pyawasit, Stony Larson, Bernard Webster and Shane Webster. Family members join as backup singers. 14 songs include a flag-victory song, a sneak up, a round dance, a grass dance, a side step and a variety of intertribals. RCR 9730 Cassette $2.00 (Out of Print.) - ROCK-N MINNESOTA Recorded live at Prairie Island, SMOKEY TOWN presents 14 songs including eight intertribals, a flag song, a men’s traditional, a fancy, a grass, and a jingle. RCR 9731 CD $17.98 - SMOKEYTOWN Smokeytown Singers bring you 17 Pow wow songs recorded live at Oneida, Wisconsin 2006. Songs include two Grand Entry, a crow hop, a tiny tots, several intertribals, and more. RCR 9737 CD $17.98 - LIVE FROM TURTLE LAKE, WI 17 pow wow songs recorded live in 2008 at Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. Songs include seven contest songs, two grand entry songs, six intertribals, a sneak up and an old Menomonie song. RCR 9740 CD $17.98 - LIVE AT BAY MILLS Live at Bay Mills captures the rhythm and good feelings brought forth by the drum wherever Smokeytown singers are heard. Recorded live at the 19th annual Honoring Our Veterans Pow Wow at Bay Mills, Michigan, listen as Smokeytown sings some of their best songs. Without a doubt one of their best albums thus far. 14 songs including 11 intertribals, a veterans song, a contest song, and a crow hop. BTDM-1009 CD $16.98 - ALL FOR ONE The Smokeytown Singers, hailing from the land of the Menominee, pay tribute to one of their best singers, the late Giizhik Pyawasit. Known for his charismatic spirit and humor as well as being a gifted song composer, the memory of Giizhik livevs on through the music of the Smoketown drum. Featuring 14 songs composed by Giizhik and friends, Smokeytown yet again shows us why they are truly one of the most accomplished singing groups of our time representing the Great Lakes region. You will no doubt enjoy this fine collection of songs. Songs include Saturday Night, Old School Pigeon Lake, Dream, and Sweet Tea & Kettle Corn. BTDM-1019 CD $16.98 - 40TH ANNIVERSARY The Smokeytown Singers have been making music for over 40 years and are proud to present this anniversary album in honor and memory of all those who have sung at the drum, both past and present, as well as the elders who inspired them to sing for the people. The songs on this 2-disc special edition album are a collection of favorites from over the years and old style woodland traditional songs passed down from generations past. 26 songs including seven intertribals, five contest, five woodland, six old time scrub and more. BTDM-1403 CD $16.98 Drumbeat SONGS AND DANCES OF GREAT LAKES INDIANS Some thirty songs and dances of Algonquin and Iroquois Indians recorded by anthropologist Gertrude P. Kurath. Love songs, grizzly bear dance, horse dance, eagle dance, maple sugar song, drinking song, many others. Sixteen-page illustrated brochure includes notes on recordings and musical analysis. FE 4003 Cassette $5.00 CD $20.98 UMOn HAn LODGE SINGERS - THE DREAM AR 1113 (Out of Print) WHIRLWIND ALL-NATIONS SINGERS Another drum featured at the 3rd Annual Cherokee Festival, Whirlwind All-Nations Singers have been following the pow wow trail across the United States for the past year. They play traditional drum songs, but add such rarities as Roller Coaster Song and Omaha Grass Song. Includes 11 songs. SSCT 4305 Cassette $2.00 WHITE THUNDER SINGERS (Potawatomi) - VOL. 1 - POW WOW SONGS Ten songs from the Pokagon Band Potawatomi. Includes drum song, sneak-up, 1973 Wounded Knee Remembrance Song and intertribals. Singers: John P. Warren (lead singer), John Topash Warren, Jeff Ballew, Jesse Ballew, David Martin and Clarence White who started the drum in 1973. 6261 Cassette $9.98 - VOL. 2 - POW WOW SONGS Ten more pow wow songs from this great Potowotami drum. Veteran’s Song, Welcome Song, intertribal songs, Grass Dance Song, Shawl Song and more. 6262 Cassette $9.98 - SHAKE YOUR FEATHERS The WHITE THUNDER SINGERS all belong to the Pokagan Band of Potawatomi of Southwestern Michigan and Northern Indiana. At the time of this recording, singers range in age from 18 to 62. They have all been traditional dancers most of their lives, going to pow wows both big and small all over the country. For this, their third recording, they have composed all new songs. We hope you enjoy them. SOAR 179 (Out of Print) WINNEBAGO SINGERS - 18 WINNEBAGO SONGS Singers Matt Cleveland, Violet Cleveland, Peter J. LaPointe, Edward White Water and Lisa White Wing sing 9 war dance songs, 4 contest dance songs, 4 round dance songs and 1 Winnebago flag song. Originally recorded on February 28, 1972 at Winnebago, Nebraska. Released on CD in May 2006. IR 1310 CD $17.98 WISCONSIN DELLS - LIVE AT SCHEMITZUN, 1995 Twelve pow wow songs: Chief Song, Friendship Song, Hocak Soldier Song (Bear Clan Song), Herus`ka songs, Warrior songs, Grizley Bear Song. SGWD 091795 (Out of Print.) Drumbeat Northern Plains 13 - 1997 SCHEMITZUN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP POW WOW Recorded live at the 1997 Schemitzun World Championship Pow Wow. 17 songs including 13 intertribals, a side step, a sneak-up, and two honour songs. SGWD 90697 CD $15.98 WISCONSIN INTERTRIBALS - “LIVE” (various artists) 13 intertribal pow wow songs by 13 artists including WAH’PE KUTE, LAC COURT OREILLES BADGERS, LITTLE BEAR, EAGLE MOUNTAIN, WISCONSIN DELLS, SUMMER CLOUD, LITTLE OTTER, LAKE SHORE SINGERS and more! SSCT 4216 (Out of Print) WOODLAND SINGERS - TRADITIONAL MESQUAKIE SONGS 6194 Cassette $9.98 Prices subject to change without notice.