Hudson PTO Right to Read Week Kindergarten Lindsay Ward – Author and Illustrator Baby Henry is under a lot of pressure to say his first word. His parents are all excited about what it will be, but Henry doesn't see what the big deal is. He says things all the time, like "bbbghsh" and "boop," but no one seems to understand what he means. So Henry decides that he better start searching for a word. Luckily, just when he needs it most, his first word comes looking for him. Emma has never heard of carousel animals leaving notes before, but she decides to take this one seriously. And it's a good thing she does. Soon, she and her polar bear friend are soaring to the Arctic, where carousel bears from near and far dance beneath a sparkling night sky. It's a perfect adventure. Afterward, Emma can hardly believe it really happened. (But it did!) One cold winter day, Blue returns to her nest to find something wonderful: Egg! Or rather a snowball she mistakes for an egg. Blue puts Egg in a pail and sets off to look for Egg's mother. But as the winter winds down and the temperature goes up, Blue is in for a sad surprise. Not to worry, though. In this sweet story of Friendship, even snowmelt grows into something beautiful. Hudson PTO Right to Read Week Kindergarten Lindsay Ward – Author and Illustrator Price Henry Finds His Words $ 14.00 # of copies __________ $ 14.00 __________ $ 14.00 ____________ Please Bring Balloons When Blue Met Egg Note: Lindsay Ward will personalize and autograph each book ordered. Please indicate to whom each book should be dedicated. Student Name ___________________________________ School _______________________ Teacher _______________________________________ Room Number ______________________ Total $ Enclosed _____________________________ Book Order Due Date is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Please make all checks out to Hudson PTO and return this form to Evamere. If you have any questions concerning the book order, contact Kris Stoehr at