A P S T A Chapter 3 T I S T I C S EXAMINING Relationships S C AT T E R P L O T S, C O R R E L AT I O N, A N D R E G R E S S I O N Chapter Objectives Construct and interpret a scatterplot for a set of bivariate data. Compute and interpret the correlation r between to variables. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic properties of the correlation r. This chapter introduces you to the concept of describing the relationship between two variables using a scatterplot, correlation, and a regression equation. You will learn how to build a leastsquares regression equation and how to use that equation to predict values based on an observed relationship. CHAPTER 3 Scatterplots and Correlation Explain the meaning of a least squares regression line. Given a bivariate set of data, construct and interpret a regression line. Demonstrate an understanding of how one measures the quality of a regression line as a model for bivariate data. Correlation and Regression Wisdom Explanatory and Response Variables Correlation Coefficient, r Least-Squares Regression Extrapolation Outliers Influential Observations Lurking Variables Regression Line Residuals Residual Plot Coefficient of Determination MON TUE 15 16 Sect 3.2 • Using the Least Squares Regression Line • Residual Plots Read 3.1-3.2, Worksheet 3.33, 3.35-3.38 22 Sect 3.3 23 Review • Extrapolation • Influential Points Case Closed Case Closed FRAPPY 3.81, 3,86 WED 10 Sect 3.1 • Scatterplots • Explanatory and Response Variables 3.1-3.5, 3.7, 3.9 17 Quiz Quiz 3.1-3,2 Practice Worksheet 24 Chapter Exam Chapter 3 Exam Online Quiz Due THU 11 Sect 3.1 • Correlation FRI 12 Sect 3.2 • Least-Squares Regression 3.13-3.14, 3.16, 3.20 18 No School 3.29-3.32 19 No School ! ! ! Examining Relationships AP S CHA TATS PTER 3 Essential Questions d n a y r o t a n la p x E e r a What Response Variables? gth, Direction, n e r t S e h t s i t a h W ? t lo p r e t t a c S a f o m and For t i s i w o h d n a n o i What is correlat calculated? e t a i r a v i b a e b i r c s e d e How can w s e r a u q s t s a le a relationship with regression line? o d w o h d n a t lo p l a u d What is a resi we use it? ld u o h s e w s n o i t u a c What are some rming regression? exercise when perfo “ You can only predict things after they’ve happened.” - Eugene Ionesco