Kuwait University College of Business Administration Quantitative Methods and Information Systems Department Spring 2012 Dr. Zainab M. Al-Bader Office:2498-8683 E-mail: zalbader@mis.cba.edu.kw Class Homepage: http://is.cba.edu.kw/130 Course Syllabus QMIS 130: Computer Based Business Applications Class Hours (Room 210): Mondays & Wednesdays Section 54: 9:30 am – 10:45 am Section 55: 11:00 am – 12:15 pm Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 12:20 pm – 1:40 pm Course Description This course provides students with a basic information technology background in order to understand tradeoffs in computer for effective use in a business environment. It also provides the student with the basic understanding of the concepts and issues related to computers and computer systems as well as hands-on experience. Microsoft Windows and MS Office software will receive particular emphasis. Course Objective At the end of this semester, you (the student) should have a clear understanding of how personal computers work. You should be able to identify various hardware and software components of computers as well as their use in business. You will also be able to effectively use the Microsoft Office software package for your business needs. Text books T. O’Leary and L. O’Leary, Computing Essentials: Introductory 2012, McGraw Hill, 2012. CE 2012 iPhone Application (Optional) Twitter Twitter Account: @130_Spring12 The twitter account is used only for announcements, instructors will not respond to any questions/comments posted by followers. Important Class Dates Date Event 17/03/2012 Midterm (8:00 am – 10:00 am) 22/03/2012 Last day to withdraw the course TBA 28/05/2012 MS Word and MS Excel Sessions and Exams (http://is.cba.edu.kw Web site) Final Exam (8:00 am – 10:00 am) Class Outline Subject/Chapter Topics Chapter 1 - Introduction, IT, The Information systems, People, Software, Hardware, Internet, and you Data, Connectivity, the wireless revolution, the Internet and Cloud Computing Chapter 2 - The Internet, The Web, e-Commerce The Internet and the Web, Access, Communication, Search tools, e-Commerce, Cloud Computing, Web Utilities Chapter 3 - Basic Application Software Application Software, Word Processors, Spreadsheets, Database Management Systems, Presentation Graphics, Integrated Packages, Software Suites Chapter 4 - Specialized Application Software Specialized Applications, Graphics, Audio/Video, Multimedia, Web Authoring, Artificial Intelligence, Cell Phone Apps Chapter 5 - System Software System Software, Operating Systems, Desktop Operating Systems, Mobile Phone Operating Systems, Utilities, Device Drivers Chapter 6 - The System Unit System unit, Electronic Data and Instructions, System Board, Microprocessor, Memory, Expansion Slots and Cards, Bus Lines, Ports, Power Supply Chapter 7 - Input & Output Input Devices: Keyboard, Pointing Devices, Scanning Devices, Image Capturing Devices, Audio-Input Devices Output Devices: Monitors, Printers, Audio-Output Devices Combination I/O devices Chapter 8 - Secondary Storage Storage, Hard Disks, Optical Discs, Solid-State Storage, Cloud Storage, Mass Storage Devices Chapter 9 - Communications & Networks Communications, Communication Channels, Connection Devices, Data Transmission, Networks, Network Types, Network Architecture, Organizational Networks Chapter 10 – Privacy, Security, and Ethics Threats to privacy, how can we secure systems, how actions of users affect society, and what are the standards of moral conduct Lab Information Computer Online Lab Objective Microsoft Word Creating/editing Word documents Microsoft Power Point Creating/editing PowerPoint presentations Microsoft Excel Creating/editing/programming Excel spreadsheets Policies Policy number 1: You are responsible for knowing these policies “I didn’t know” is not an excuse No Cheating Be on time for the lecture. At the beginning of each lecture, I will take attendance, anyone coming after that time will be considered as absent. Absence with a valid excuse will still count as an absence. Each student is allowed three absences (no questions asked), after that, each absence will result in an automatic deduction of 5 points from your overall grade. Kuwait University absence regulation will be enforced. That is, you will get a 1st warning after 2 absences, a 2nd warning after 4 absences, and an FA for any additional absence. All mobiles should be silent. Emailed assignments will not be accepted unless specified by the instructor. Students should check the course website and Blackboard for class information regularly; you are responsible for any information posted on the course website and Blackboard. o http://is.cba.edu.kw/ o http://bb.kuniv.edu/ Each student should turn silent his/her mobile at the beginning of class. No make-up quizzes, coursework, or assignments will be given. If you are a special needs student (have any disability), please inform your instructor After a grade is posted, you will have one week to discuss your quiz/project/presentation with your instructor. After that week, the grade is final. o For the final exam, the final grades will be posted after 48 hours of your final exam Grading The grades for this class are distributed as follows: Grade 50 50 100 300 200 300 1000 Activity Assignments Quizzes (Best 2 of 4 quizzes, 25 points each) Presentation Word (150 Points) and Excel (150 points) Lab Quizzes Midterm Exam Final exam Total Grade distribution Range >= 950 900-949 870-899 830-869 800-829 770-799 730-769 700-729 650-699 600-649 <= 599 Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F Zero Tolerance for Nepotism (No Was6a) By registering for this class, you agree to abide by all its regulations including the zero tolerance of nepotism. By agreeing to this rule, you understand that your grade will be decreased a full letter grade (that is: goes from an “A” to a “B” for example) if anyone (family, friends, etc.) attempts to influence your grade (with or without your knowledge). Wild Card This wild card can be submitted instead of a doctor’s note, the passing of a loved one, or any other personal excuse - no questions asked. It will allow you to make up the work for a quiz, an exam, a paper or a presentation or removal of one absence (it is your decision completely). You have one shot at using your wildcard !! USE IT WISELY In the unfortunate case you decided to use your wild card you must fill out a form found on the IS website within one week. Make sure to stamp the form at the QMIS department, and give it to your instructor. In case you can’t find your instructor, place the stamped form in his/her mail box (only the form not your wildcard) Make sure to bring your Wild Card with you when you are going to make up the work. This is your authorization so without it, you will not be allowed the make-up. NOTE: THE WILD CARD DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FINAL EXAM. YOU MUST ATTEND THE FINAL EXAM. FAILING TO ATTEND THE FINAL EXAM WILL RESULT IN AN “FA”, with or without the wild card. YOU MUST BRING THE WILD CARD TO THE FINAL EXAM!!! that means that you held on to the Wild card until the end and you will earn a bonus of moving up a grade to the next level. An example would be moving a B+ to A- and so on (WOHOOOO). An “F” grade will only move up if you have earned at least 570 points (570 + a wildcard = D) If you lose your physical wildcard, you will not earn the grade up. Keeping it safe is your responsibility. Cheating All of the following acts will be considered as cheating: Presenting work that you copied from someone else as yours Talking to others during exams or quizzes Looking over someone else's exam during the exam or quizzes Using your mobile phone during exams or quizzes (regardless of what are you using it for) Communicating with anyone else during any quiz or exam Presenting work that you copied from the internet or a book as yours Any text that you would want to include in your work needs to be referenced Referencing a book example (referenced text is in italic): ….. "The latest version of the Microsoft Office release has built in support for web enabled features" (Microsoft Office Demystified, John Davis, 2004, Prentice Hall press, page 243) …….. Referencing an internet site example (referenced text is in italic): …. "DHCP servers assign a unique IP address whenever a new computer or device is connected" (http://www.tcpip.org/dhcp.html) …… Punishment for cheating is as follows (from the university guidelines) Students will be given an F for ALL of their classes for that semester Students can also be denied class registration for the next semester