Annual Report 2014-15 MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO & BOARD PRESIDENT When we think about the work of Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs over the past year, we have many reasons to celebrate. We have a strong interest and role to play in ensuring that all children and youth grow to be happy, healthy, successful adults. We provide safe, supportive places for kids to belong. Our programs and services encourage healthy living, personal growth, learning and community involvement. We are committed to providing opportunities for children, youth and families in all areas of the valley. Diane Entwistle CEO In 2014-15, we embraced the strategic directions of Strong Clubs, Strong Voice and Stronger Together. When our clubs are strong, we can help children and youth to realize their potential. We can engage children and youth in quality programs that make a difference. We achieved another 3 year accreditation through CARF International, which is a testament to our high quality programs and services. We can provide safe and engaging environments. As one of our members said recently, “ "I just never know what to expect, but I feel so good when I am at my Club." When our voice is strong, we can be loud and proud about what we do. We have much to be proud of. We give voice to those who don’t have one, or whose voices aren’t being heard. We are speaking up about real issues that impact children, youth and families, including the importance of having a safe place to go after school, or to sleep at night. We are speaking up about the need to improve the physical and mental health of children and youth, and provide families with the supports they need to help raise their children to be happy, healthy and successful adults. Rod Pacholzuk Board President BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROD PACHOLZUK President ED EGLI Vice-President TREVOR JAHNIG Treasurer PAT REITER Secretary SHAWN WYLIE Director LARRY THOMAS Director JACK ALLARD Director LINDA CALLAHAN Director When we are stronger together, we can work as a team, with our community and a growing number of businesses and supporters who are investing in their communities through us, and our ability to reach children, youth and families. It is by working together that we can truly make the largest difference. We have had so many people join with us this year, including Home Depot, Kal Tire, Capri Insurance, Telus, McDonalds, Rogers Youth Fund and Canadian Tire Jumpstart. We held our first Annual Pink Shirt Day Breakfast, where Krafty Kitchen and Raymond James were instrumental in making the day a huge success. Each day, more than 1,000 members come through our doors, and participate in our programs at our 36 service locations. Collectively, our staff team and volunteers have worked very hard to make a difference in their lives. Every child, youth and parent, is greeted by one of our team of staff and volunteers, and welcomed. That’s where it starts. We would like to thank not only our staff and volunteers, but also our Board of Directors, who with a steady hand, have provided guidance and sage advice over the past year. We are truly grateful to be a part of such an outstanding group of people, and such a great organization. Diane Entwistle, CEO Rod Pacholzuk, Board President REGIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM DIANE ENTWISTLE Chief Executive Officer JARROD STOCKER Director of Facilities & Transportation JENNIFER ANDERSON Area Director, South Okanagan JEREMY WELDER Director of Operations RICHELLE LECKEY KIRSTIE BLANLEIL PATTI HAIT Director of Finance SCOTT WELLS Fund Development Officer LINNEA ARCHONDOUS Executive Team Coordinator TERESA MURRAY Area Director, Central Okanagan Community Engagement Coordinator Area Director, North Okanagan JACK WHELPLEY Area Director, North Okanagan (Retired, August 2015) FOR DETAILS ABOUT OUR ACTIVITIES, PROGRAMS AND PARTNERS, PLEASE VISIT WWW.BOYSANDGIRLSCLUBS.CA Core Values Belonging | Respect | Encouragement Working Together | Speaking Out OUR VISION All children and youth discover and achieve their dreams and grow up to be healthy, successful and active participants in society. OUR MISSION To provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life. PARTNERSHIP HIGHLIGHTS CANADIAN TIRE JUMPSTART GET IN THE GAME With help from Canadian Tire Jumpstart - Get In The Game, our Martin Avenue Club in Kelowna and our Vernon Club were able to provide the Ready, Set, Play program that promotes active living through basketball, ball hockey, hiking, dance, zumba, SUP (Stand-Up Paddleboarding) and other fun activities to get our kids moving and having fun! ROGERS RAISING THE GRADE Thanks to Rogers Youth Fund, youth are connecting with volunteer mentors to focus on academic support and life after high school at their Rogers Raising the Grade technology lab at the Rutland Club. KAL TIRE Kal Tire provides great local service for our 36 agency vehicles allocated throughout the Okanagan Valley. Kal Tire has also become a major supporter of Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs fundraising and special events. The Kal Tire BBQ and Tony have been seen at many events this past year like Moonlight Movies, Charity Golf Tournament, Race for Kids, and many more. We are so pleased to be partnered with Kal Tire. Kal Tire and their staff truly care about the programs and services that we offer to children, youth and families in our communities. CAPRI INSURANCE As the title sponsor of the Capri Charity Golf Classic event since 2006, Capri Insurance has raised $270,000 for the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs. Capri Insurance is a great example of a corporate organization that quietly goes about helping the community in a very big way. Their ongoing support helps us ensure that young people who need us the most are given the best opportunity to be successful, contributing members of society. HOME DEPOT Home Depot and their staff with the support of CIL and Behr Paints completed numerous makeover projects over the past three years. Projects completed over the past year include main floor renovations at our Downtown Youth Centre on RIchter Street and staff team room upgrades at our Lake Country Club. Home Depot has become a major contributor to the operations of our facilities. We appreciate their relationship and commitment to our organization. TELUS By providing fantastic volunteers at our events such as the Race For Kids as well as through grant sponsorships and other giving initiatives, Telus continues to provide major support to Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs. We are so grateful for this caring community partner! We thank Telus for their continued support that enables us to provide programs to children, youth and families in the Okanagan! 2014 BY THE NUMBERS 1,000+ members served daily 9,256 families served in 2014 5,569 individual children served 2,296 single-parent families 272,674 meals and snacks served 13 communities served “The pride and excitement the children had for Torch Club was heart-warming. This was a club where they wanted to be every week and participated in activities - old or new. Leading this club and seeing the change in the children was a privilege to be a part of.” —Robyn, Leader of Torch Club Lake Country Boys and Girls Club “I love learning to cook and doing the ingredients myself! When I get to eat what I make is the best part!” —Kia, member, Lake Country Boys and Girls Club "I just never know what to expect, but I feel so good when I am at my Club." —Malayssia, member of Vernon Boys and Girls Club “As a working parent I was concerned about leaving my child with caregivers for the majority of the day, but have been fortunate to find a place so well-structured, caring and in-tune with my son's needs” — Sarah, parent of a member at the Cameron Park Daycare We Are The Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs have been leaders in the Pink Shirt Day movement since 2009. Pink Shirt Day originates from Nova Scotia where two young men stood up to bullying in their high school. A new student was being bullied and was harassed even more when he showed up at school wearing a pink T-shirt. In support, these two young men went to a discount store and purchased 50 pink T-shirts. They enlisted fellow students to wear the pink shirts at school to support the new student who was being bullied. Pink Shirt Day was launched from this powerful act of solidarity and it has made its way across Canada.This initiative has been a huge success. In Vancouver, the 2008 call to make a statement against bullying by wearing pink met an overwhelming response from schools, unions, nonprofit groups, employers and politicians. Thousands of people wore pink as they made their way to school or their workplace. The Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs have sold thousands of pink shirts every year. This year, Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs joined the provincial and national movement to share the Pink Shirt Day message – "Stand Up Against Bullying", on February 25, 2015. Pink shirts were sold through and local London Drugs stores to support the efforts of organizations like Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs in providing a safe, secure place where children, youth and their families can belong. Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs also introduced and hosted the 1st Annual Pink Shirt Day Breakfast Fundraiser presented by Krafty Kitchen + Bar with guest speaker Alvin Law who shared his message about bullying and rising above adversity. Tickled Pink to Stop Bullying! This enormously successful event was held at the historical Laurel Packinghouse in Kelowna. Over 200 people enjoyed a gourmet breakfast provided by Krafty Kitchen, coffee from McDonald's and tea from David's Tea. Glitz N' Glam did a fantastic job in decorating the room for this special event. The highlight of the event was guest speaker, Alvin Law, who despite being born with no arms as a result of the Thalidomide drug, and being abandoned as an infant by his birth family, was adopted by foster parents who nurtured him, teaching him to use his feet for hands. In doing so, they gave him the gift of freedom. Today, Alvin has gone on to be an award-winning musician, bestselling author, and business owner. He shared his personal experience of being bullied and what he did to overcome and be the strong successful person he is today. As people left the breakfast they were given a beautifully decorated pink shirt cookie from Kaleena’s Cakes. It was a sweet way to wrap up a great morning supporting Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs and the Anti-Bullying campaign! As an added bonus, that afternoon children were brought in from many of our clubs and other organizations to hear Alvin speak about resiliancy. All in all it was an impactful day focusing on a subject that affects so many people. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: RAYMOND JAMES, KRAFTY KITCHEN + BAR, GLITZ N' GLAM, MCDONALD'S, DAVID'S TEA & KALEENA’S CAKES ALVIN LAW WHO WE ARE & WHAT CLUBS DO For 114 years, we have been engaging and empowering children and youth. Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada is an umbrella organization, supporting Clubs across the country. "The staff has the gift of listening and great skills. I am thankful for the many times they have helped me have hope and press through the moment.” —Mrs. L. , parent of a member, Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs' Downtown Youth Centre "We are so proud to be a part of Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs. Their relevant and necessary programs touch every corner of our community, making sure everyone feels valued, included and safe, all while having an incredible amount of fun." — Rena Krell, McDonalds Restaurants of Central Okanagan 250+ staff members 523 volunteers 36 10,820 service locations total volunteer hours Thank you to McDonald's for their outstanding commitment to changing young lives! On May 7th, 2014, McDonalds® Restaurants in Lake Country, Kelowna, and West Kelowna, celebrated the 21st McHappy Day® along with more than 1,400 restaurants across the country. On this day, $1 from every Big Mac® sandwich, Happy Meal® and hot McCafé® beverage sold went to local children’s charities across the country. Also, the restaurants held fundraising events leading up to McHappy Day. In the Central Okanagan, a total of $11,027.00 was donated to the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs and Ronald McDonald House! PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED AT OKANAGAN BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS ARMSTRONG/ENDERBY/ FALKLAND/LAVINGTON VERNON CLUB LAKE COUNTRY CLUB EARLY LEARNING PROGRAMS PARENT AND TOT PROGRAMS EARLY LEARNING PROGRAMS DAYCARE (3-5 YEARS) DAYCARE (3-5 YEARS) AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL PROGRAM RECREATION PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS SUMMER DAY CAMPS PARENT CHILD DROP-IN FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS CHILD, YOUTH AND FAMILY COUNSELLING AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS YOUTH OUTREACH SUMMER DAY CAMPS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS FAMILY RESOURCE PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS FOOD BANK PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS CAMP ARROWFLIGHT (RESIDENTIAL CAMP) PARENT AND TOT PROGRAMS MARTIN AVE CLUB (KELOWNA) WEBBER ROAD CLUB (WEST KELOWNA) PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS INFANT TODDLER CHILDCARE PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS DAYCARE PROGRAMS (3-5 YEARS) PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS DAYCARE PROGRAMS BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS DAYCARE PROGRAMS (3-5 YEARS) BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS RECREATION PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS SUMMER DAY CAMPS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS SUMMER DAY CAMPS FAMILY RESOURCE PROGRAMS SUMMER DAY CAMPS PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS COMMUNITY KITCHEN RUTLAND CLUB PEACHLAND CLUB WESTSIDE YOUTH CENTRE PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR TEENS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS RECONNECT PROGRAM RECREATION PROGRAMS YOUTH HOUSING SUPPORT PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS SUMMER DAY CAMPS DOWNTOWN YOUTH CENTRE SUMMERLAND CLUB AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS SUMMER DAY CAMPS PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN/YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS DROP-IN RECREATION CENTRE FOR TEENS RECONNECT PROGRAM OUTREACH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE OVERNIGHT YOUTH SHELTER RESTORATIVE JUSTICE PROGRAM BAILSUPPORT AND SUPERVISION PROGRAM PENTICTON CLUB FAMILY OUTREACH INFANT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRAM KELOWNA FAMILY SUPPORT FOSTER PARENT SUPPORT PARENTING PROGRAMS EMERGENCY PLACEMENT SUPPORT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS SUMMER DAY CAMPS PENNY LANE TRANSITION HOUSE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE FOR AT-RISK YOUTH OK FALLS/OLIVER/ OSOYOOS INFANT DEVELOPMENT FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TEENS SUMMER DAY CAMPS GATEWAY INDEPENDENT LIVING SUITE 2014 -15 BALANCE SHEET Balance Sheet As at March 31, 2015, with comparative figures for 2013-14 ASSETS CURRENT PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT LIABILITIES CURRENT LONG-TERM NET ASSETS Invested in property, plant and equipment Restricted Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets 12-months Ending 31-Mar-2015 12-months Ending 31-Mar-2014 $ 1,896,485 1,684,121 $ 3,580,606 $ 1,765,478 1,726,297 $ 3,491,775 $ 1,471,849 486,739 $ 1,958,588 $ 1,411,537 532,286 $ 1,943,823 1,151,860 413,199 56,959 $ 1,622,018 $ 3,580,606 1,149,773 316,964 81,215 $ 1,547,952 $ 3,491,775 Statement of Revenue and Expenses As at March 31, 2015, with comparative figures for 2013-14 REVENUES Contracts Fee For Service Programs Donations / Fundraising / Grants Gaming Rental Sundry Interest Contribution to Capital Assets EXPENDITURES Wages & Salaries Building Occupancy & Amortization Program Operating Insurance & Office Fundraising & Purchased Services EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 12-months Ending 31-Mar-2015 12-months Ending 31-Mar-2014 $ 4,835,401 3,488,371 695,641 225,000 122,212 46,725 6,938 155,648 $ 9,575,936 $ 4,679,923 3,384,216 702,706 225,000 132,055 53,016 12,352 167,882 $ 9,357,150 $ 7,385,699 875,858 791,443 331,408 122,177 $ 9,506,585 $69,351 $ 6,978,965 922,835 829,975 353,294 135,386 $ 9,220,455 $136,692 REVENUES Contracts 51% Fee For Service Programs 36% Donations / Fundraising / Grants 7% Contribution to Capital Assets 2% Rental 1% Gaming 2% Sundry and interest 1% EXPENDITURES Wages & Salaries 78% Building Occupancy & Amortization 9% Program Operating 8% Insurance & Office Fundraising & Purchased 4% Services 1% SUPPORT We gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions of all those who value and made an investment in the physical, emotional and social health and development of our children, youth and families. By doing so, these foundations, corporations and individuals enable our young people to make a positive contribution to our communities, now and in the future. The Board of Directors, on behalf od the staff, volunteers, children, youth and their families would like to sincerely thank those who contributed to us during our 2014-2015 fiscal year. Partners in Service • Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada • Industry Canada • BC Gaming • Interior Health Authority • Canadian Tire Jumpstart • Microsoft • City of Armstrong • Ministry of Children and Family Development • City of Kelowna • Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General • • City of West Kelowna Community Foundation of the Central Okanagan • Public Health Agency Canada • Regional District of Central Okanagan • Central Okanagan FoundationGovernment of Canada Homelessness Partnering Strategy • Regional District of North Okanagan • Rogers Youth Fund • School District 22 • School District 67 • School District 83 • Township of Spallumcheen • United Church Foundation • United Way of Central Okanagan Similkameen • Community Foundation of the North Okanagan • Community Foundation of the South Okanagan • District of Lake Country • District of Peachland • United Way of North Okanagan • • Greater Vernon Services Commission Human Resources and Skills Development Canada • United Way Success by Six • Vancouver Foundation • Westjet Fundraising Partners • Capri Insurance- Capri Charity Golf Classic • CKNW Orphans Fund- Pink Shirt Day • Capital One/EZ Rock- Race for Kids • Krafty Kitchen- Pink Shirt Day Breakfast • McDonalds- McHappy Day • Interior Savings- Moonlight Movies SUPPORTERS GUARDIANS ($25,000+) Bell Media The Priebe Family Foundation Variety Club Sunshine Coach PROTECTORS ($10,000 - $24,999) Castanet Colin & Lois Pritchard Foundation Easyhome Ltd. Home Depot Foundation MCT&T Foods Ltd Paul Lee Family Foundation RBC Telus PATRONS ($5,000 - $9,999) Capri Insurance Chris Bunka Foord Family Foundation Fraserway RV Home Depot - Kelowna Michael Funk Inc. COMPANION ($1,000 - $4,999) Adams Heymen Owen Amanda Zais Armstrong Rotary Club Berrigan Lawrence Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada California Community Foundation CIBC Children's Foundation Craig White Edward Grimwood Family Insurance Solutions Gabor Meszaros Gap Inc Glitz N' Glam Harvest Golf Club Interior Savings - West Kelowna Staff Fund Janet Bowers Jeff & Maria Kenwood & Foucault John Huggan Kal Tire Kelowna Jaycees Kelowna Rebekah Lodge #36 Kelowna Rotary Club Kendell Friess Krafty Kitchen and Bar La Capitale Financial Security Insurance Co. Mackenzie Investments Marian Grimwood Okanagan BC Chapter HOG Okanagan Fest-of-Ale Society Okanagan Telephone Pacific Blue Cross Peaches Lingerie Ltd. Penticton & Friends Celebrity Pho Soc Trang Raymond & Grace Wolfden Fund Regency Retirement Resorts Rob Kormish Royal Canadian Legion Royal Canadian Legion - Ladies Auxilary Rwam Insurance Administrators The Walt Disney Company Tinhorn Creek Wineries Tolko Industries Two Eagles Golf Course & Academy Walmart Canada Corp. Waterplay Whirlpool Corporation Wild Woman Wise Woman Foundation WPFR Professional Firefighters Society FRIEND ($300 - $999) Accent Inns Alex Neilson Alpine Helicopter Artix Custom Screen Print Aubin and Associates Aviva Canada Barbara Walker BC Association of Farmers' Markets BCCA Employee Benefits Belfor Property Restoration Berry & Smith Trucking Ltd. Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. C N A Canada Casa Loma Lakeshore Resort Christopher M. Antle Chutter Plus Ci Investments Community Foundation Of South Okanagan Community Roofing Company Ltd. Crystal Moore Cupe local 626 Daman Sohi-Vig Deanna Snider Debbie Boros Diamond Jubilee Chapter I.O.D.E. Dianna Zaleski Dillon McInnis Don & Sandy Van Tetering Dynamic Funds Edmonton Sabers Marching Band Elke Kaminski Farm Credit Canada Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP FH & P Lawyers Fortis BC Fountainhead Group Consulting Inc Fraternal Order Of Eagles #4281 ICBC Intact Insurance Interior Savings Credit Union Investors Group Jiffy Lube - 0948919 BC LTD Jim Epps Kaleena Cakes Karen Draginda Karin Wulf Kellianne Drummond Kelowna Capri Rotary Club Kelowna Kinsmen Kelowna Rutland Lions Club Ken Dootoff Kinsman Club of Summerland Kiwanis Club of Kelowna Kiwanis Club Of Oliver Knight Easton & Associates Knights of Pythias Pent. Lodge #49 Lance and Noreen Bremner Loredana Elsenhauer Inc. Louise Flemming Luscious Lashes MacKenzie Financial Services Inc. Manulife Financial Marc Lauzon Mavazi Apparel Mike & Kathleen Liebe Miles & Karen Lich Minuteman Press Kelowna Nature's Fare Natural Foods Okanagan Motorcycle Riders Association Okanagan Restoration Services Ltd. Okanagan Tattoo Show Open for Change Enterprises INC. Order of the Eastern Star Oyama Zipline Panago Passion Igniter Paula Quinn Penticton Foundry Ltd Penticton Triathlon Race Society Premium Comfort Plumbing, Heating Air Conditioning SUPPORTERS (CONT.) FRIEND ($300 - $999) cont. Prospera Credit Union - Kelowna Provincial Employees Community Services Fund Quails' Gate Winery Remax Of Western Canada Richelle Leckey Rick Scott Ricoh Canada Inc. Royal Anne Hotel Royal Canadian Legion - Branch #173 Royal Canadian Legion - Branch #35 Royal Lepage - Kelowna RSA Insurance Sage Brush Golf Schmunk Gatt Smith & Associates Shannon Lake Golf Club Shawn Horan Sherri Johnson St. Georges Anglican Church Stutters Restoration Sunset Ranch Golf Suzanne & Kenneth Phillips Teresa Shemley The Bench Market The Guarantee Company Of North America The Sovereign General Insurance Company Tom Harris Cellular Total Restoration Services Travelers Canada Tree Brewing Co. Tri It Ltd. Valley First Credit Union Vernon Civic Employees Union W.t. Security & Safety Services Warnaar Steel Tech Ltd. Westbank First Nation WildPlay Element Parks Winfield United Church Winmar Property Restoration DONATIONS OF UNDER $300 Although there are too many to list, we are thankful for all of the generous donors we have throughout the Valley! HELPING HANDS IN THE COMMUNITY Thank you for the many In-Kind donations and volunteer hours that have contributed to the success of the work we do with children, youth and families. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions to this list. Photos - Contributions on pages: Cover, 1-3,7-10, 15-16, 19-20, 24 by Rachael A. Photography Thank you to the children, youth and staff at Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs for their participation in providing images for this year’s annual report. 1434 Graham Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3A8 T: 250-762-3914