TIME IS AN INVENTION A Self Management Workshop Derrick Doige – Counsellor Office D366 545-7291 local 2208 ddoige@okanagan.bc.ca http://people.okanagan.bc. ca/ddoige/ My Web Site Time flies, it’s up to you to be the navigator Robert Orben What’s the difference between here and there? Write a short definition of effective TM. Practical Definition An effective time manager is someone who can organize their time to accomplish their goals and enjoy life. Existential Definition … someone who on their death bed can look back and say “Wow, that was awesome!”. Comes down to one thing What do YOU want? There’s not enough time! A Time Management Demonstration What are your golf balls and sugar? What are your short term goals? What are your long term goals? If you fail to plan, plan to fail (unknown) True or False The more I study the better my grades will be. I should be able to work part time without affecting my grades. If I haven’t been able to learn how to manage my time by now, I’ll never learn. The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn’t like to do. Thomas Edison Laws of Time – Be Careful! Parkinson’s Law – Work expands so as to fill the time available for it’s completion. Derrick’s Law – Things usually take twice as long as you think they will. The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it. Lord Chesterfield 1st semester ex What Can You do? Monitor your time for a few days to a week. What are your time bandits? Get organized, build a weekly schedule, write it down. (Tools) Find a good place to study. Know and use your “best times”. RESET? Rewards, Exercise, Sleep, Eat, Time What Can You Do? Learn how to say “NO” or “NOT NOW”. Divide large tasks into several smaller parts. Try it for five minutes. Ask for help. Periodically evaluate your time management efforts Procrastination “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein Procrastinate Now, Don’t Wait till Later We all do it! But Why? We don’t know where to start Fear of Failure Fear of Success Perfectionism The task is really not very important Review Pair up with 2 or 3 people and discuss the key points you learned today. What are your “Time Bandits” Email/online chat Internet Television Phone/texting Naps Errands Procrastination return Find a Good Place to Study return Write it Down! return