First Amendment Schools

First Amendment Schools
First Amendment Education Resources
Living Up to the
First Amendment
The First Amendment in Schools
By Charles Haynes, Sam Chaltain, John Ferguson, David Hudson Jr., and
Oliver Thomas
This Newsweek NewsSource
includes 11 lesson plans on First
Amendment issues; five primarysource documents; three case
studies; and teacher’s guides
This books provides a civic and legal framework for giving all
members of the school community—students, parents,
administrators, and community members—a real voice in
shaping the life of the school. Along with a concise history of
the First Amendment’s origins, this book provides summaries
of fifty First Amendment court cases, and answers frequently
asked questions about the practice of the First Amendment in
public schools.
First Amendment Schools Posters
FAS Brochures
FAS Vision Statement
The vision statement is an
outline of the project’s four
guiding principles. It is also
available in Spanish.
FAS T-Shirts
This navy shirt has the FAS
logo on the front and the
forty-five words of the First
Amendment on the back.
Available in S, M, L, XL, XXL.
Limit: 4 free shirts per school
Finding Common Ground:
A Guide to Religious Liberty in Public Schools
By Charles Haynes and Oliver Thomas
This First Amendment guide to religion and public education addresses the
most contentious religious liberty issues facing schools today. It includes
strategies for resolving community disputes over religion in public
education. Educator discounts are available for orders of ten or more.
To order these FREE resources, contact Emily Nicholson at 703.284.3931 or
First Amendment Schools
Resources Available from The Newseum & ASCD
The Respectful School
$23.95 from ASCD
Drawing from definitive research and the
experiences of young victims, Stephen L. Wessler
and William Preble explain fundamental changes
that every school should make to preserve a
respectful learning environment. Order online at
First Amendment Calendar 2005
Desktop $7.50, Engagement Calendar $12.50 from The Newseum
Get a daily dose of freedom from this thought-provoking
desktop calendar. Each day features words of wisdom
about the freedoms guaranteed to Americans in the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. You’ll find quotes
from everyone from James Madison, Frederick Douglass
and Eleanor Roosevelt to John Glenn, Anna Quindlen
and Marilyn Manson. Order online at
The Internet and the Law: What
Educators Need to Know
$20.95 from ASCD
What should you do if a student uses the
school e-mail to transmit tasteless jokes or
racial slurs? What kind of student
information can you safely post on your
school Web site? Can your school restrict
teachers’ in-school Internet access?
Here’s a handy guide by Kathleen Conn
that answers these and other questions
and offers sound advice to guide public
school polices governing uses of the Web,
e-mail, and other computer technologies.
Order online at
First Amendment Poster
$8 from The Newseum
This striking 16"x20" color poster features the full
text of the First Amendment and highlights the
amendment’s five freedoms. Order online at
Visit for free lesson plans,
policy samples, and links to other resources.
To order these resources online, visit and