ALLOHAK COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR APPLICATION UNIT #________________ DISTRICT__________________________________________ (NA if not affiliated with a unit) (Please print or type the following information. Please show your full name (no nicknames) NAME:______________________________________________ BIRTH DATE______________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP________________________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION___________________________________________________________________________ HOME E-MAIL:______________________________WORK E-MAIL:_____________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER_____________________________________________________________ PHONE (Home)____________________________ (Work)_______________________________________ (Circle the one you want used for the boys to contact you) I wish only to work with only _________ I wish to work with all units_______________ (Unit#) All Merit Badge Counselors must be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. Even if you are already registered in another position and this is your first time registering as a Merit Badge Counselor, you must complete a BSA Adult Application form with the Position Code of “42” (for Merit Badge Counselor). Merit Badge Counselors registration will end on the last day of each year and will not be renewed without your written authorization. By signing the back of this form, you agree to the following standards: As a Merit Badge Counselor, I will: 1. Examine the latest revision of the BSA Merit Badge pamphlet for each Merit Badge I select on the list attached to this. 2. Require the Scout to complete all and only all of the requirements. 3. Counsel the Scout to: A. Keep his appointment B. Be in uniform C. Bring a legibly filled out Merit Badge Application card signed in ink by his unit leader or designee. D. In keeping with BSA Youth Protection Guidelines, bring an adult to every counseling session we have. 4. Notify the Allohak Council Registrar when I no longer want to serve as a Merit Badge Counselor, 5. Allow my name and phone number to be published on the Allohak webiste so that I may be contacted by Scouts wishing to take a Merit Badge. Allohak Council - 1340 Juliana Street - Parkersburg, WV 26101 304.422.4507 - 800.654.5272 MERIT BADGE SUBJECTS To provide boys an opportunity to meet and interact with as many different qualified adults as possible during the Scouting years, it is recommend that no counselor counsel for more than six (6) merit badge subjects. American Business American Cultures American Heritage American Labor Animal Science Animation Archaeology Archery Architecture Art Astronomy Athletics Atomic Energy Automobile Maintenance Aviation Backpacking Basketry Bird Study Bugling (See Music) Camping Canoeing Chemistry Chess Cinematography Citizenship Community Citizenship Nation Citizenship World Climbing Coin Collecting Collections Communications Composite Materials Computers Cooking Crime Prevention Cycling Denistry Digital Technology Disability Awareness Dog Care Drafting Electricity Electronics Emerg Prep Energy Engineering Entrepreneurship Environmental Science Family Life Farm Mechanics Fingerprinting Fire Safety First Aid Fish & Wildlife Fishing Fly Fishing Forestry Game Design Gardening Genealogy Geocaching Geology Golf Graphics Arts Hiking Home Repairs Horsemanship Indian Lore Insect Study Inventing Journalism Kayaking Landscape Archtec Law Leatherwork Lifesaving Mammal Study Medicine Metalwork Mining in Society Model Design/Bld Motorboating Moviemaking Music Nature Nuclear Science Oceanography Orienteering Painting Personal Fitness Personal Mgment Pets Photography Pioneering Plant Science Plumbing Pottery Programming Public Health Public Speaking Pulp & Paper Radio Railroading Reading Reptile & Amphib Rifle Shooting Robotics Rowing Safety Salesmanship Scholarship Scouting Heritage SCUBA Diving Sculpture Search & Rescue Shotgun Shooting Signs, Signals & Codes Skating Small Boat Sailing Snow Sports Soil & Water Conserv Space Exploration Sports Stamp Collecting Surveying Sustainability Swimming Textile Theater Traffic Safety Truck Transportation Vetenirary Medicine Water Sports Weather Welding Whitewater Wilderness Survival Wood Carving Woodwork Please list your qualification(s) for the Merit Badge(s) subject you have checked (add additional sheets if needed) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ As a Merit Basdge Counselor, I agree to follow the standards listed on the previous page. Signature___________________________________________________ Date____________________ As of 7/24/14