Terms and Study Questions for the Homeric Hymn to Demeter

Terms and Study Questions for the Homeric Hymn to Demeter katabasis noos (mind) Kelos Demeter pontos (sea) Eleusis Persephone akhos (grief) Metaneira Hades philos thumos (dear Demophon Zeus spirit) Iambe Gaia Helios Eleusinian Mysteries Hekate Rhea 1. Compare Persephone’s experience of marriage in the Homeric Hymn with Nausikaa’s expectations in the Odyssey. 2. Compare the marriage of Persephone and Hades with that of Penelope and Odysseus. 3. What does the hymn suggest about the female experience of marriage? 4. What are the ways in which marriage and death are comparable for the young Greek girl? 5. How does Persephone’s marriage benefit humans? 