Name: American Imperialism and World War I TEST REVIEW 1

American Imperialism and World War I TEST REVIEW
1. Complete the chart.
Foreign Policy
Monroe Doctrine
Big Stick Policy/
Roosevelt Corollary
Dollar Diplomacy
Who was President
James Monroe
Prevented Europeans from establishing new colonies
in the Western Hemisphere.
“Speak softly and Carry a Big Stick” Negotiations
were always backed up with military force. Protect
Theodore Roosevelt
American economic and political interests in Latin
America. U.S. became international police power.
William H. Taft
Focused on economic goals. Protect American
economic and political interests in Latin America.
What is the Panama Canal? Importance?
Canal through Central America-easier access from Atlantic to Pacific & narrowest point
Theodore Roosevelt Secured the Land
What is the Open Door Policy proposed by John Hay? (1899)
US attempt to guarantee equal trading with China
What is the Great White Fleet? What did show about America?
Show US power, sent 16 battleships to sail around the world (“nationalism” on the rise in the world)
Launched US as a Naval Power
5. List the colonies the U.S. acquired in the Pacific Ocean.
Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Wake Islands, Midway, Guam, Philippines
Complete the chart
Causes of WWI
Building up the Military
Europe divided into 2 camps. Small disputes escalated into war.
Empire building. Increased tension in Europe
Pride in ones nation
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
What were the new weapons that were used during WWI? What were the effects of the
weapons on the war?
Poison gas-Mustard Gas, tanks, machine guns, airplanes, and submarines.
Machine guns helped turn the war into stalemate-built trenches for protection
Tanks help break the stalemate of the war
8. What new type of warfare was used during WWI? Why?
Trench Warfare Because of new weapons, like machine guns, used during WWI –needed to defend
against Gas warfare, airplanes, and tanks
Complete the chart
Reasons US Entered WWI
R-Russia’s exit from WWI
U-Unrestricted Submarine
N-Note Zimmerman
President Wilson Quote
Russia had to exit the war mostly because of the Russian
Revolution. Made the war democracy vs. repressive monarchies.
Germany’s policy to sink any ship by Great Brittan
Germany proposed an alliance with Mexico. If US entered Germany
would help Mexico get back lost territory from the US.
“The world must be made safe for democracy”
10. What is the American Expeditionary Force? What were they important?
American Expeditionary Force US Military sent to Europe to fight in war.
They were able to break the stalemate of the war. Cut German supply lines in the Battle of Argonne
Forest which forced Germany to surrender.
What is the significance of the Battle of Argonne Forest? What American general led
this battle?
The AEF was able to cut the German supply lines led by General John J. Pershing. Forced Germany
to surrender.
12. Complete the chart
John J. Pershing
Alvin York
Led the AEF. Helped break the stalemate
Won a Congressional Medal of Honor
13. What is the Selective Service Act? How did this help the war effort?
Required men to register with the government and then they were then randomly selected (drafted) to
go to war. The SSA helped increase the number of men in the Armed Forces.
14. How did the role of women change during WWI?
Women were able to work in jobs not usually open to them.
15. What is the Great Migration?
Many African Americans moved to the North from the South for job opportunism and to escape the
harsh conditions in the south.
16. How did the U.S. government increase control over the economy during WWI?
President Wilson was able to use his power to increase the governments control over the economy
by overseeing war related production. Examples: War Industries Board & Food Administration
17. What civil liberty was affected with the Espionage Act?
Freedom of Speech-Nations efforts would be threatened if objectors were allowed freedom of speech.
18. What was the outcome of the Schenck vs. U.S. Supreme Court Case?
Said that there are limits on Freedom of Speech. Said there was a “clear and present danger” with
their words
19. What is propaganda?
Biased communication to influence people's thoughts and actions and to boost morale
20. Describe Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points.
Wilson’s plan for lasting peace after WWI (prevent future wars). Established the League of Nations,
forum for countries to work out disputes. Tried to eliminate the cause of war, changed boundaries in
21. Did the U.S. ever ratify the Treaty of Versailles? Join the League of Nations? Why/Why
NO to both. Opponents believe the League of Nations would draw America into another war.
America wanted to return to their policy of isolationism.
22. What policy did the U.S. adopt after WWI to keep us out of war? Why?
Isolationism-try to stay out of other countries affairs. Concentrate on things at home.
Disillusioned by war
23. List following events of WWI in chronological order: Assassination of Archduke
Ferdinand, U.S. declares war on Germany, Lusitania Sunk, Battle of Argonne Forrest, and
World War I begins.
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (1914)
World War I begins (1914)
Lusitania Sunk (1915)
U.S. declares war on Germany (1917)
24. List the following eras in chronological order: Gilded Age, American Revolution,
Westward Expansion, American Expansionism, Progressive Era, World War I.
American Revolution
Westward Expansion
Gilded Age
Progressive Era
American Expansionism
World War I
25. List reasons for U.S. Imperialism in the late 1800s/early 1900s
Establish new markets (expand trade), obtain raw materials, to establish Naval Bases, spread their
superior ideals-the idea of Social Darwinism
26. List the triggers for the Spanish American War.
Yellow journalism, The DeLome Letter, USS Maine explosion
27. What is the DeLome Letter?
Letter from the Spanish ambassador that called President McKinley weak
28. What colonies/territories did the U.S. acquire after the Spanish American War?
Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico