FRENCH PORTION : GRADE SEVEN FINAL EXAMS MAY-JUNE2015 UNITE 10: ET BOOK ONE& UNITE 1 & 2 ET BOOK TWO Use the verb Faire to talk about leisure activities and sports To be familiar with the various phrases describing activities To Use verb JOUER to talk about playing a musical instrument To use the verb JOUER to talk about a sport L’Adjectif Possessif Verbs :Être, Avoir, Aller, Faire, Boire, Prendre, Comprendre , Apprendre, Acheter, Préférer, Pouvoir, Partir, Voir, Vouloir Venir, Revenir, Devenir Regular verbs : ER ,IR & RE-Students need to know how to conjugate these verbs as well as the English meanings. Pouvoir as a modal verb Faire and jouer are followed by different prepositions depending on the sport/activity they are used to describe-students should be able to understand these differences L’article partitif: Usage, functions-two conditions where they change to DE Les prepositions devant les pays Les quantités ( regarde la liste ) Les magasins et ce qu’on peut y acheter Unseen comprehensions- These will use the vocabulary of the unit and all the themes and concepts that are related. Of course being a language, these will include previously learned vocabulary. Please refer to the notebook, text book, workbook and the French File as well as all revision sheets.. Vocabulary study should be done on a regular and daily basis. Writing task: Mes loisirs- 120 words. Follow the format provided in the worksheets and worked on in class. Grammar & vocabulary for the whole year to be thoroughly studied. La Bonne Chance