GRADE SEVEN : FRENCH PORTION SECOND TERM EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2015 MODULE 8 & 9, 10 ( Tricolore Total 1 )& related workbook pages and Module 1 ( Tricolore 2 – only whats done in the file ) GRAMMAIRE: Using Possessive Adjectives ( Filling these in gaps in sentences, using them in sentences of their own and recognising them in comprehension texts ) Using verbs ‘ etre’, ‘avoir’, ‘aller’, ‘faire’, ‘prendre’, ‘boire’ ‘ acheter – and acheter group verbs and some reflexive expressions ( je me reveille, je me leve, je m’habille, je me couche ) Regular ER verbs including : GER & CER( meanings, conjugation, framing sentences ) Regular IR verbs ( meanings, conjugation, framing sentences ) Regular RE verbs ( meanings, conjugation, framing sentences ) Contraction of the definite article with à : au, à la, à l’, aux L’ARTICLE PARTITIF: du, de la, des, del’ & de. LE NEGATIF : ne…..pas ( making sentences negative) The partitive article change to DE in any negative sentence. LE FUTUR PROCHE : Using aller + infinitive to say what you are going to do VOCABULARY & THEMES L’HEURE-TIME To recognise the different forms of time To say and write the time from a digital value or clock face To differentiate the 12 hour clock from the 24 hour clock LES MATIERES-SCHOOL SUBJECTS To learn vocabulary of school subjects , to recognise these in texts. To give opinions of these subjects. To be able to say which is your favourite subject with reasons and likewise the subjects you don’t like and why. LA NOURRITURE All the food vocabulary to be learned well-related to partitive article usage Using the vocabulary to express what is had at mealtimes. Food they like and don’t like and why. Food that is healthy and those things which are not. Learn the vocabulary for meals and the courses of a meal ( petit dejeuner, déjeuner, gouter, diner, hors d’oeuvre, plat principal, dessert, ) Learn key vocabulary structures related to healthy eating ( la bonne santé, etre en bonne forme, manger équilibré ,manger sainement, pour bien grandir, pour rester en forme, il faut/il ne faut pas, grignoter, sucreries, boissons gazeuses, faire de l’exercice Use the verb Faire to talk about leisure activities and sports To be familiar with the various phrases describing activities To Use verb JOUER to talk about playing a musical instrument To use the verb JOUER to talk about a sport Faire and jouer are followed by different prepositions depending on the sport/activity they are used to describe-students should be able to understand these differences The names of the shops and what you can buy there ECRIRE : Describe a typical day DESCRIBE ONE’S PAST TIME ACTIVITIES DESCRIBE AN IDEAL DAY Revise all the work from the text book, note book and THE FRENCH FILE. Vocabulary must be studied well. When vocabulary is studied also go over the new words that you learn in the various texts and paragraphs from each module in the text. Bonne Chance