VICTOR SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS INTERNATIONAL 2700 NE 4th Street REGISTRATION: Bend OR 97701 269-876-6439 Date: ___________________ Participant’s Name:_____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________ Participant’s Age: _________Date of birth:___________________________ Home Phone: __________________ Cell Phone: ______________________ Email:________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name: _________________________________Phone:_______________ Relationship: _________________________________ If the participant is a minor: Mother :_____________________________ Work Phone:_________________ Cell Phone:_______________________________ Father : _____________________________ Work Phone:_________________ Cell Phone:_______________________________ Billing email: _______________________________________________________ Non refundable registration fee IS DUE IN THE FALL EACH YEAR for all new dancers as well as previous VPA students. New paperwork from everyone is requested to make sure we have all correct information: $35 for single student, $45 per family for more than one student. 15% discount for tuition of families with more than one dancer. Purpose of your registration fee: it only partially pays towards the countless hours throughout the year of accounting and billing, these being outside the hours of teaching in the school. Tuition is due by the 7th of each month. Tuition will be assessed unless the school is notified in writing by the 15th of the prior month of the student’s intent to discontinue. A $20 late fee will be assessed if tuition is not received by the 7th of the month. A $25 charge will be assessed for dishonored checks and $5 fee on declined credit cards. Initial:___________________ Payment Enclosed: Registration fee: $35.00 one dancer / $45.00 family rate. __________________ Class fees for weeks of month you are starting: 1 hr class $15 / 1.5 hr class $15 (1 hour classes have less attendees which is why price is the same as 90 minute class) Example: Intermed. Ballet Wed. @ 5-6:30, 4x$15 = $60 Class 1 Day/Time: _______________ ____________________ $_______________ Class 2 Day/Time: _________________ ____________________ $_______________ Class 3 Day/Time: _________________ ____________________ $_______________ Class 4 Day/Time: _________________ ____________________ $_______________ Class 5 Day/Time: _________________ ____________________ $_______________ TOTAL: $___________________ We prefer to receive payments by check, but credit cards are accepted. You receive emailed receipts from Chase Bank. Credit Card : _____________________________________ Expir. __________________ 3-digit code________________ Name on Card:_____________________________________ Phone:__________________ HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US ? FRIEND:_________ internet:________ newspaper/magazine:_________ poster:_________ flyer:__________ hearsay:_________ WAIVER, RELEASE , INDEMNITY, AUTHORIZATION FOR VICTOR SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS INTERNATIONAL I, the undersigned, for myself and all of my minor children and other dependents, including, without limitation, any minor student(s) listed below (each a “Dependent” and collectively “Dependents”), understand, acknowledge, and agree as follows: Dance is a physical art. There are certain inherent risks associated with dance, participation in the classes, events, programs, and activities offered by Joy Victor d/b/a Victor School of Performing Arts International (“Victor”), use of the equipment, premises and facility ies of Victor, and provision of any transportation, food, beverages or lodging by Victor (all of the foregoing may be collectively referred to as the “Activities”). Any of the foregoing Activities could result in physical injury and/or damage or loss to me, my Dependents, other members of my family, or my property. Risks, injuries, damages, and losses could include, but are not limited to, sprains, strains, broken bones, torn muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and accidental injuries, whether caused by me, any of my Dependents, or any other individual. I hereby agree on behalf of myself and my Dependents that participation by me and my Dependents, or any of us, in any of the Activities is undertaken at our sole risk. In consideration of Victor allowing me and my Dependents, or any of us, to participate in one or more of the Activities, I waive and release, for and on behalf of myself and my Dependents, any and all claims for or related to any injury, damage, or loss that has been or may in the future be suffered by me, any of my Dependents, any other member of my family, or my property, resulting directly or indirectly from: (i) my participation, or the participation of any of my Dependents or others, in any of the Activities, including, without limitation, (A) my use, or the use by any of my Dependents or others, of any of Victor’s equipment, premises or facilities, or of any other location in which the Activities may occur, and (B) any class, event, program, activity, transportation, food, beverage or lodging provided by or through Victor; or (ii) any act or failure to act by Victor or any of Victor’s agents, employees, other personnel, contractors or sponsors (collectively, “Victor Parties”), or the owner(s) or landlord(s) of any property on which any Activities occur (collectively, “Landlords”). Further, I hereby release and agree to indemnify and defend, on behalf of myself and my Dependents, Victor, the Victor Parties and all Landlords from and against any and all losses, injuries, damages, claims and expenses resulting from my participation, or the participation of any of my Dependents, in any of the Activities. Notwithstanding the above, none of Victor, the Victor Parties or any Landlords shall be released, indemnified or defended from any claims, losses or liabilities resulting from that party’s willful misconduct. I understand that an instructor may need to appropriately touch a student to instruct the student and assist the student in the proper execution of ballet. I hereby authorize instructors to touch me and my Dependents participating in Activities in an appropriate manner for purposes of providing such assistance and instruction. In recognition of the risk of injury involved in participating in the Activities, I authorize emergency medical treatment to be given to me and my Dependents as determined advisable in the judgment of any medical professional. I, for and on behalf of myself and my Dependents, release and agree to indemnify and defend Victor, the Victor Parties and any Landlords from and against any and all liability resulting from any such actions that have occurred or in the future may occur and any related expenses (except a party shall not be released from liability resulting from the party’s willful misconduct). Continued Page 2 Page 2 I and any of my Dependents participating in any Activities are in good physical condition and, except as otherwise previously disclosed to Victor, have no injuries, disabilities, illnesses, or special exercise requirements or limitations, or other concerns that could prevent any of us from participating in the Activities, from using Victor’s equipment and facilities or that would result in negative health consequences from participating in the Activities. In the event that I or any of my Dependents participating in any Activities acquire any of the aforementioned conditions or require special requirements or limitations, I will disclose them to Victor prior to me or any of my Dependents continuing to participate in any Activities. I give model release authorization for my dancer’s photo to be used for website//brochure endorsement of Victor School. I understand great care and respect will be taken that the photos shall be appropriate and complimentary. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing and fully understand and agree to its content. Printed Student Name(s) and Age(s) Signature and Printed Name of Parent/Guardian for Students under 18 years old ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Student if 18 years or older: Signature Printed Name of Parent/Guardian (if applicable): Date VICTOR SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS INTERNATIONAL 2700 NE 4th Street, Suite 210 Bend OR 97701 269-876-6439 FALL SCHEDULE 2015 Monday 2-3:30 Adult Ballet 3:30-4:30 Beginning Ballet 1 4:30-6 Intermediate Ballet 6-7 Pointe 7-8:00 West African Dance/ live drummers Tuesday 4-5 Beginning ballet 2 6:30-8 Intermediate/Adv. Ballet 5-6:30 Beginning ballet ______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday 4-5:30 Beginning ballet 3 5:30-7 Intermediate Ballet Thursday 4-5 Beginning ballet 2 5:00-6:30 Friday Intermediate/Adv. ballet 6:30-7:30 Pointe 3:20-4:50 Beginning ballet 3 4:50-6:20 Intermediate ballet Beginning ballet 1 (Pre-Ballet): ages 3-5 Creative dance; intro to ballet Beginning ballet 2: ages 5-10 Ballet basics Beginning ballet 3: ages 9 +: Students that are just learning & those who are more proficient, an older group. Intermediate ballet can be classified as Intermediate/advanced; a mix of students of various levels dance comfortably in this class. NOTE!! A new & exciting system of levels in our school will be implemented this fall. This program involves special events where students give performance presentations whether in dance , public speaking or creative arts. Makeup Policy: Those who miss class(es) may make them up within the next month. If the class is not made up within this time, class is forfeited. It is at your own discretion and responsibility to remember how many makeups you need to do; makeups are attended on an honor-basis. Adult Ballet Ages 17 + A ballet class geared to adults who have had ballet and those who are just beginning ballet. Adult dancers who are skilled are welcome to attend the intermediate/adv. classes. IMPORTANT: POLICY OF ENROLLMENT-- The way our class enrollment works is whatever class a student enrolls in is paid for in advance for the entire month. Enrollment cannot be sustained opting out one month and rejoining the next. Should a student quit for a month or more, re-registration fee is required to return to the school. This is standard for fine dance schools who are intent on creating excellence. This attendance policy is not like a yoga studio or gym where participants pick and choose which weeks they will attend as with a prepaid punch card, however, a DROP-IN fee is possible for visiting dancers or those who wish to simply try a class, for $23 per class. Re-registration happens in the fall with each student paying the registration fee for the new year. This fee partially compensates for the many hours each week outside of the school for accounting costs, record-keeping and paperwork. All students enrolled in a certain class pay for the whole month at the beginning of that month and what is missed can made up in a different class within one month. Taking makeup classes is done on an honor basis, and we wish you to keep your own record of what you need to make up. Makeups cannot be transferred or piggy-backed onto future classes in the same time slot of the following month. Students must choose another class they are not enrolled in to make up the classes missed or our occasional special makeup classes on weekends. Being sick, too tired to dance, out of town or choosing to celebrate Halloween for instance, does not exempt payment for classes held on those days. If students do not attend with commitment according to the policy, classes will not prosper, class morale goes down and students' technique will be delayed in progression and skill. Victor School is intent on creating the best dance technique within the shortest possible time – requiring diligent attendance. The school will have periods where there are no classes as during Thanksgiving and Christmas, and sometimes during the special Summer Intensive dates---- but family holidays, out of town guests at home or out of town trips do not exempt students from paying the full monthly tuition. Registration: Non-refundable registration fee for ALL students new or previous year is due with registration: $35.00 per student ($45.00 per family for more than one student). If student discontinues classes, re-registration will be required to resume. Tuition is due by the 5th of each month. A $20 late fee will be assessed if tuition is not received by the 7th of each month. A $25 charge will be assessed for dishonored checks and $5 fee on declined credit cards. We prefer payment by check. Unless otherwise altered, billing will be calculated month to month for students enrolled in their classes. Credit card auto-payment tuition will be assessed unless the school is notified in writing by the 15th of the prior month of the student’s intent to discontinue. Initial:______________ Policy for Makeup Classes: When student misses a class, she/he may make it up in an appropriate class within the month that class was missed. Past that month, the class is forfeited. You are given at your own discretion responsibility to remember how many makeups you need to do-- makeups are attended on an honor-basis. Private Class: Paid for prior to class event. Reservation for private class is nonrefundable. Previously scheduled/paid-for private classes if missed cannot be made up due to the set schedule being occupied by the reservation; Class fee is forfeited. Privates $65 per hour Two students 2 hours $74 each Three students 2 hours $63 each Two students 1.5 hours: $57 each Three students 1.5 hours: $43 each Four students 1.5 hours: $36 each see for dance supplies My teacher discount code for you to use on ‘’ is: TP104431. You receive 10% discount on your first order and %5 ever after. Type this code in a designated box when you order online. DRESS CODE: NEW and more strict policy than last year: PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. Those who come to class unkempt must fix their appearance/follow dress code in order to dance. For Girls: Pink tights and any color leotard for girls. White or pink ballet shoes. No baggy shirts or pants. Hair must be put up in a bun—use a hairnet and bobby pins. Hairnet is necessary to keep hair tight, neat and secure. Use hairspray for a clean look. For Boys: Black, white or grey tights. Form-fitting t-shirt. No baggy pants or shirts. White or black ballet shoes. Boys wear a dance belt. (like an athletic supporter-see men’s section at discount Shoes: Flat ballet shoes: Recommended / Sansha pro #S1C canvas in pink white or black. Available at If you are not sure about size call the operator and they are nicely helpful to suggest the right size. This particular shoe fits the arch very well and is complementary to most feet. IMPORTANT: Elastics must be sewn not tied. Drawstrings to be tied in a triple knot and cut off short or medium length tucked inside shoe. No bows please Important: secure the knot of your shoe drawstrings with clear nail polish. When you cut your strings do not stretch the string. Pointe Shoes: Recommended: Freed, Bloch (, Repetto (Backbay Not recommended: Capezio, Grishko, Russian Pointe. These shoes are very hard, very noisy and hardly soften up so that the dancer can use her foot and find control. Gaynor Mindens are a good shoe only on certain feet. They are best fitted in a shop that knows the brand. They can be a very good choice for the right dancer. It is either a great fit or very inappropriate depending on bone structure. Use ribbons by Repetto or Freed. Some cheaper brands use ribbons as if they came from the fabric store, you need a ribbon that has diagonal weave. Elastic ribbons are not good since they tend to squeeze the veins and impede circulation. Sew elastics inside heel not outside the shoe. Sew ribbons diagonally on the inside marked by the diagonal crease of the heel fabric when folded forward. VICTOR SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS INTERNATIONAL 2700 NE 4th Street, Suite 210 Bend OR 97701 269-876-6439 SUMMER SCHEDULE 2015 Monday 3:30-4:30 Pre-Ballet: Beginning Ballet 1 6-7 Pointe 4:30-6 Intermediate Ballet Tuesday 4-5 Beginning Ballet 2 6:30-8 Intermediate/Adv. Ballet 5-6:30 Beginning Ballet 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday Thursday Friday 4-5:30 5:00-6:30 Beginning Ballet 3 5:30-7 Intermediate Ballet Intermediate/Adv. ballet 3:20-4:50 Intermediate Ballet 4:50-6:20 Beginning Ballet 3 Beginning ballet 1 (Pre-Ballet): ages 3-5 Creative dance; intro to ballet Beginning ballet 2: ages 5-10 Ballet basics Beginning ballet 3: ages 9 +: Students that are just learning & those who are more proficient, an older group. Intermediate ballet can be classified as Intermediate/advanced; a mix of student-skills dance comfortably in this class. NOTE!! A new & exciting system of levels in our school will be implemented this fall. This program involves special events where students give performance presentations whether in dance , public speaking or creative arts. Makeup Policy: Those who miss class(es) may make them up within the next month. If the class is not made up within this time, class is forfeited. It is at your own discretion and responsibility to remember how many makeups you need to do; makeups are attended on an honor-basis.