NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL 2012-2013 DUAL ENROLLMENT Course Offerings & Description Guide NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL 16401 N. 43RD Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85053 602-978-5134 Geoff Brown Superintendent Josh Schlesinger High School Principal Brittney Meyer Academic Counselor Julie Dennis Guidance Secretary 2012-2013 DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSE OFFERING AND DESCRIPTION GUIDE Course Level A = Honors Course Level B = Regular Table of Contents Dual Enrollment Partnering Colleges and Universities .......................................................... 1 Bible Department .................................................................................................................... 4 English Department ................................................................................................................ 4 Math Department .................................................................................................................... 4 Science Department ................................................................................................................ 5 Social Studies Department ...................................................................................................... 5 Business Department .............................................................................................................. 6 Dual Enrollment partnering Colleges and Universities Arizona Christian University: ACU Accredited by: •The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association. 312.263.0456 Affiliated with: •The Association for Biblical Higher Education, Commission on Accreditation. 407.207.0808 Listed in: •The current edition of Accredited Institutions of Post-Secondary Education and Programs published for the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation by the American Council on Education. •The current edition of the Education Directory, Colleges and Universities, by the National Center for Education Statistics. Approved by: •The State of Arizona Veteran Service Commission Education Division. •The Arizona State Board of Education for teacher training in Elementary and Secondary Education in preparation for state certification. •The United States Department of Justice for education of international students. Licensed by: •The Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. Member of: •The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) •The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) •The Arizona Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (AASFAA) •The Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA) •The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) •The Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Arizona (ICUA) •National Association of Christian College Admissions Personnel (NACCAP) •National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC) •National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA Division II) •Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU)- Affiliate member •Association of Business Administrators of Christian Colleges(ABACC) •National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) About ACUDepartmentsSupport ACUStaffHistoryMission StatementEmployment at ACUIn the News 1 Grand Canyon University: GCU As an accredited university, Grand Canyon University holds both college-specific and program-specific accreditations. Accreditation is desirable as it speaks to the quality of the college or university, acknowledged by peer institutions. In choosing a university, parents and students should ensure their university of choice is regionally accredited. Regional accreditation in higher education originated almost a century ago as an American process conferred by a nongovernmental agency. Becoming an accredited university provides quality assurance and ensures institutional program improvement. The agency's expert and trained peers have visited and reviewed Grand Canyon University. During the visit, Grand Canyon University is reviewed from a variety of facets, including: educational activities, administration, financial stability, admissions and student personnel services, resources, student academic achievement, organizational effectiveness, and relationships with outside constituencies. Six regional agencies provide institutional accreditation on a geographical basis - Middle States, New England, North Central, Northwest, Southern, and Western. While independent of one another, the six regional associations cooperate extensively and recognize one another's accreditation. The Higher Learning Commission and its predecessor have accredited Grand Canyon University continually since 1968, obtaining its most recent ten-year reaccreditation in 2007. The Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education licenses Grand Canyon University in Arizona. In addition, the University has obtained the following specialized accreditations and approvals for our core program offerings: Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, Arizona State Board of Education, Arizona Department of Education, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, and Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. Higher Learning Commission The Higher Learning Commission (a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools) accredits Grand Canyon University. The Higher Learning Commission North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, Illinois 60602-2504 Phone: 312.263.0456 Toll-free: 800.621.7440 Arizona State Private Post-Secondary Education Grand Canyon University is licensed in Arizona by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education 1400 West Washington, Room 260 Phoenix, AZ 85007 2 Phone: 602.542.5709 Veteran's Administration Grand Canyon University is approved for the education and training of Veterans under the provisions of Title 10 and 38, United States Code. We accept Chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 1606, 1607 recipients. Veterans are approved for benefits for numerous programs. For more information regarding using your VA benefits at Grand Canyon University, email Ken Blanchard College of Business The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 7007 College Boulevard, Suite 420, Overland Park, KS 66211, 913.339.9356, accredits the following programs of the Ken Blanchard College of Business: Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Studies, Master of Business Administration, and Executive Master of Business Administration. College of Education Grand Canyon University's College of Education is approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education to offer institutional recommendations (credentials) for the certification of elementary, secondary, and special education teachers, as well as administrators. College of Nursing and Health Sciences The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, One DuPont Circle NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036, 202.887.6791, and the Arizona State Board of Nursing accredit the University for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing degrees. The Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) accredits the Athletic Training Education program, 2201 Double Creek Drive, Suite 5006, Round Rock, TX 78664. Intercollegiate Athletics Intercollegiate athletics function under the guidelines of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II, 1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46202, regarding eligibility to participate in intercollegiate sports. 3 ACADEMIC DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSE OFFERINGS 2012-2013 BIBLE DEPARTMENT- Students must complete 4 credits of Bible courses. Systematic Theology Grade: 12 Semesters: 2 Credits : 1 Course Level: B Prerequisites: New Testament –The Epistles Dual Enrollment Fee: GCU $210 (Christian World View: CWV 101) (4 credit course) This course focuses on a systematic study of theological concepts and issues, including: Theology Proper, Bibliology and world religions. Emphasis is placed upon the development and application of critical thinking skills so that students will build confidence in defending their Christian faith. This course will have the option of dual enrollment with Grand Canyon University. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Honors Dual Enrollment English 7-8 Grades: 12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Course Level: A Prerequisites: 90% in English 5-6 or 80% in AP English 5-6, or Honors English 5-6 Dual Enrollment Fee: GCU: $210 ENG 105/ $210 ENG 106 (4 credit courses) ACU: $300; $10 registration fee ENG 221/ $300; $10 registration ENG 222 (3 credit courses) Summer Reading: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë In coordination with Grand Canyon University and Arizona Christian University, NCS offers college English 105/106 and English 221/222. In addition to the following course descriptions an overview of British Literature from the Middle Ages to the 21st century is studied. The anthology, British Traditions by Prentice Hall is the textbook. MATH DEPARTMENT Honors Dual Enrollment Algebra 3-4 Grades: 10-12 Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Course Level: A Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation is based on placement test given in January and an 80% or higher in Geometry Dual Enrollment Fee: ACU: $300; $10 registration fee (MAT 112) (3 credit course) This course features a brief review of Algebra 1-2 in the first four weeks of the semester. Then the following topics: irrational and complex numbers, quadratic equations and functions, variation and polynomial equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequence and series, triangle trigonometry, trigonometric graphs, identities, and applications, and matrices and determinants. Requires a TI-83 or TI-84 calculator. 4 Honors Calculus 1-2 Grades : 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Course Level: A Prerequisites: Pre-Calculus or Honors Algebra 3-4 with 70% or above Dual Enrollment Fee: ACU: $300; $10 registration fee (Calculus I : Math 230) (3 credit course) This course introduces the basic concepts, techniques, and applications of calculus. Beginning with a review of trigonometry, Calculus 1-2 also includes limits, differentiation on an interval and the application of the derivative, integration and the application of the definite integral. This course is similar in content to the first semester of college calculus. Requires a TI 83 or TI 84 calculator. Honors Dual Enrollment Calculus 3-4 Grades : 12 Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Course Level: A Prerequisites: Calculus 1-2 Dual Enrollment Fee: ACU: $300; $10 registration fee (Calculus II : Math 231) (3 credit course) This course involves a more in-depth study of basic Calculus, continuing from and building on Calculus 1-2. Calculus 34 includes the study of advanced integration, infinite series and three dimensional space. Other topics possibly covered include conics, parametric equations, polar coordinates and vectors. This course is similar in content to the second semester of college calculus. Requires TI 83 or TI 84. SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology Grades: 12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Course Level: A Prerequisites: The student must have completed Biology and Chemistry both with a grade 85% or higher, or by approval of instructor NCS Lab Fee : $50 Dual Enrollment Fee: GCU $210 (4 credit course) This course will have the option of dual enrollment with Grand Canyon University. Human Anatomy and Physiology is a laboratory course designed for the serious science student who is interested in an in-depth investigation into the structure (Anatomy) and function (Physiology) of the human body. The course follows a ‘systems’ approach with an emphasis on pathology and modern medical technology. Students will be using college-level textbook and ancillary materials. Students are required to participate in a preserved cat dissection as well as a field trip to Grand Canyon University upon which students will view and study human cadavers. Upon completion of the course, students will be well prepared for college Human Anatomy and /or Physiology. (Continued) 5 Honors Physics 1-2 and 3-4 Grades: 11-12 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Course Level: A Prerequisites: Algebra 3-4/ Honors Algebra 3-4 or Pre- Calculus, Physics 1-2 if taking 3-4 NCS Lab Fee: $50 Dual Enrollment Fee: GCU $210 (4 credit course w/ Lab) Course: (3 credits) This course is a study of basic concepts of physics, including motion; forces; energy; the properties of solids, liquids, and gases; and heat and thermodynamics. The mathematics used includes algebra, trigonometry, and vector analysis. A primary course goal is to build a functional knowledge that allows students to more fully understand the physical world and to apply that understanding to other areas of the natural and mathematical sciences. Conceptual, visual, graphical, and mathematical models of physical phenomena are stressed. Students build critical thinking skills by engaging in individual and group problemāsolving sessions. Lab: (1 credit) This course utilizes lab experimentation to practice concepts of physical principles introduced in the PHY 111 lecture course. Learners are able to perform the proper analysis and calculations to arrive at the correct quantifiable result when confronted with equations involving gravity, sound, energy, and motion. SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT World History Grades: 10 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Course Level: B Dual Enrollment Fee: ACU: $300; $10 registration fee (World History II: HIS 102) (3 credit course) This course will have the option of dual enrollment with Arizona Christian University. World History is a survey of world events and culture from early civilization through the present. Emphasis will be on events since the Renaissance. Major political and economic models will be discussed. The student will acquire factual and conceptual knowledge, develop inquiry and critical thinking skills, and learn to share ideas. United States History Grades: 11 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Course Level: B Dual Enrollment Fee: GCU $210, HIS221 (4 credit course) This course will have the option of dual enrollment with Grand Canyon University. United States History is a survey of American history and will include the fundamental events, persons, and themes of American History from exploration and colonization to the present. Significant events and themes from Arizona history will be integrated. Students will be encouraged to use critical thinking skills and make application of historical knowledge in developing a Biblical worldview. Dual Enrollment Psychology Grades: 12 Semesters: 1st or 2nd Credits : .5 Course Level: B Dual Enrollment Fee: GCU: $210 (4Credit Course) This is an introductory course in the field of Psychology. Emphasis is given to the methods of psychology, personality, cognitive process and human development. Students are also introduced to various psychological disorders. Additional work will provide information for the students to better understand themselves and their behavior. 6 BUSINESS DEPARTMENT MultiMedia Internet Grades: 9-12 Semesters: 1st or 2nd Credits: .5 Prerequisites: Microsoft Office or Business Applications Dual Enrollment Fee: ACU: $300; $10 registration fee (computer literacy CSC 199) (3 credit course) Multimedia/Internet is a survey course of the Internet, website creation, and graphic editing. Students will learn how to use the Internet more effectively, how to create a website using HTML language, and how to edit photographs using Photoshop Elements 5.0. Students will gain hands-on e experience in this project-oriented class by using Internet sites to research and create reports, projects, and Power Point presentations. The semester will culminate with a major business project in which students will create a multiple page website using HTML language. 7