Transfer of Thermal Energy

Grade 6
Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
Science Grade 06 Unit 06 Exemplar Lesson 02: Transfer of Thermal Energy
This lesson is one approach to teaching the State Standards associated with this unit. Districts are encouraged to customize this lesson by
supplementing with district-approved resources, materials, and activities to best meet the needs of learners. The duration for this lesson is
only a recommendation, and districts may modify the time frame to meet students’ needs. To better understand how your district may be
implementing CSCOPE lessons, please contact your child’s teacher. (For your convenience, please find linked the TEA Commissioner’s List
of State Board of Education Approved Instructional Resources and Midcycle State Adopted Instructional Materials.)
Lesson Synopsis
This lesson focuses on the movement of thermal energy through processes such as convection, conduction, and radiation. Students will
conduct several investigations in order to gain an understanding that thermal energy moves in a predictable pattern from warmer to cooler
until all the substances attain the same temperature.
The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) listed below are the standards adopted by the State Board of Education, which are
required by Texas law. Any standard that has a strike-through (e.g. sample phrase) indicates that portion of the standard is taught in a
previous or subsequent unit. The TEKS are available on the Texas Education Agency website at
Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can
neither be created nor destroyed, it just changes form. The student is expected to:
6.9A Investigate methods of thermal energy transfer, including conduction, convection, and radiation.
6.9B Verify through investigations that thermal energy moves in a predictable pattern from warmer to cooler
until all the substances attain the same temperature such as an ice cube melting.
Scientific Process TEKS
Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts laboratory
and field investigations following safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices.
The student is expected to:
6.1A Demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas Safety
6.1B Practice appropriate use and conservation of resources, including disposal, reuse, or recycling of
Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses scientific inquiry methods during laboratory and
field investigations. The student is expected to:
6.2A Plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking welldefined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
6.2C Collect and record data using the International System of Units (SI) and qualitative means such as labeled
drawings, writing, and graphic organizers.
6.2D Construct tables and graphs, using repeated trials and means, to organize data and identify patterns.
6.2E Analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations, communicate valid conclusions supported by the
data, and predict trends.
Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem
solving to make informed decisions and knows the contributions of relevant scientists. The student is
expected to:
6.3A In all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical
evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of
scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student.
Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student knows how to use a variety of tools and safety equipment
to conduct science inquiry. The student is expected to:
6.4A Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information, including journals/notebooks, beakers, Petri dishes, meter sticks,
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
graduated cylinders, hot plates, test tubes, triple beam balances, microscopes, thermometers, calculators, computers, timing
devices, and other equipment as needed to teach the curriculum.
6.4B Use preventative safety equipment, including chemical splash goggles, aprons, and gloves, and be prepared to use emergency
safety equipment, including an eye/face wash, a fire blanket, and a fire extinguisher.
Performance Indicators
Grade 06 Science Unit 06 PI 02
Investigate methods of thermal energy transfer in order to develop a podcast or other presentation describing the transfer of thermal energy. Include
conduction, convection, and radiation and how they relate to the law of conservation of energy. Demonstrate that thermal energy moves in a predictable pattern.
Standard(s): 6.2E , 6.4A , 6.9A , 6.9B
ELPS ELPS.c.3B , ELPS.c.3C , ELPS.c.3E
Key Understandings
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
— What are energy transformations? Give an example.
— How are energy transformations and energy transfer different?
Energy can be transferred from one object or system to another.
— What is temperature?
— What is heat?
— How is thermal energy transferred through a system?
— How are conduction and convection alike?
— How are conduction and convection different?
— What is radiation?
— How are conduction, convection, and radiation similar and different?
— What pattern exists in the transfer of thermal energy?
— What is equilibrium?
Vocabulary of Instruction
thermal energy
energy transfer
Law of Conservation of Energy
aluminum foil (30 cm, 1 per group)
beaker (500 mL, 2 per group)
bulb (100 W, 1 per group)
candle (tea light, 1 per group)
cans (small, 2 per group)
cardboard (1 square per group)
chocolate chips (6 per group)
clamp light (1 per group)
felt (1 square per group)
food coloring (red and blue per teacher)
glue or tape (per group)
hot plate (1 per teacher)
hot water (1000 mL per teacher)
ice (per teacher)
ice cubes (1 per group)
ice water (1000 mL per teacher)
images of thermal energy transfer through radiation (see Advance Preparation)
matches/lighter (per teacher)
metal (1 piece per group)
paper (copy, 1 per student)
ruler (1 per group)
scissors (1 per student)
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
thermometers (2 per group)
tile (ceramic, 1 per group)
timing device (1 per group)
toothpick (1 per group)
water (see Advance Preparation, room temperature, 1600 mL per class)
Water Convection Box (see Advance Preparation,1 per teacher) (aquarium or transparent box , baby food jars with lids (2 per
All attachments associated with this lesson are referenced in the body of the lesson. Due to considerations for grading or student
assessment, attachments that are connected with Performance Indicators or serve as answer keys are available in the district site and
are not accessible on the public website.
Handout: Thermal Energy Transfer – Radiation (1 per group and 1 for projection)
Teacher Resource: Water Convection Box (see Advance Preparation)
Teacher Resource: Thermal Energy Transfer – Convection (1 for projection)
Handout: Thermal Energy Transfer – Conduction (1 per group and 1 for projection)
Handout: Comparative Investigation (1 per group and 1 for projection)
Handout: Thermal Energy Podcast Rubric PI (1 per group)
Handout: Performance Indicator Instructions KEY (1 for projection)
None Identified
Advance Preparation
1. Prior to Day 1, obtain images of transfer of energy through radiation. These can be located by conducting a Google Image search
using the following search string, “transfer of thermal energy by radiation”.
2. Prior to Day 2:
Prepare a convection box for demonstration (see Teacher Resource: Water Convection Box). Obtain the following for the
1 large transparent container or aquarium
2 baby food jars with lids (punch a couple of holes in the lids) aquarium or transparent box
food coloring (red and blue)
ice water (1000 mL)
hot water (1000 mL)
hot plate
Perform a web search for a district approved video clip of convection currents in the air.
3. Prior to Day 3, conduct a web search for a district approved video clip of the three types of thermal energy transfer.
4. Prior to Day 4, conduct a web search for a district approved interactive video clip of the three types of thermal energy transfer. You
may find it helpful to include “wisc­online and thermal energy transfer” in your search.
5. Prior to Day 5, prepare room temperature water for the comparative investigation (1600 mL per class).
6. Prior to Day 6, arrange for student computers with Internet access for Days 6, 7, and 8. You may wish to provide headsets with
microphones for each group or consider allowing for use of iPods or other technology in order for students to create their podcasts.
A podcast is a voice recording. It is usually saved as a wmv file. Consider allowing students choice in selecting technology such as
PowerPoint, Prezi, or Glogster to illustrate the project. Another option would be using a digital camera or smart phone to record a
7. Prepare attachment(s) as necessary.
Background Information
This lesson bundles SEs that address the transformation of energy into different forms and the transfer of energy from one system to another in order to illustrate
the law of conservation of energy.
In Lesson 01 of this unit, students demonstrated energy transformations, such as the energy in a flashlight battery changing from chemical to electrical and then
to light and thermal energy (heat) energy. In this lesson, students will investigate predictable patterns in the movement of thermal energy, such as in an ice cube
melting. Finally, students will investigate methods of thermal energy transfer, including conduction, convection, and radiation. With the exception of convection in
the atmosphere, oceans, and mantle in Grade 8, this content is not taught again in Grades 7 or 8.
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
STAAR Notes:
This is an important foundational piece for the understanding of transformation and transference energy. It is the first time students have been directly introduced
to both predictable patterns in thermal energy transfer and the transformation of energy from one form to another. This content is not addressed specifically in
Grades 7 or 8, but 6.9C is marked as a Supporting Standard and will be tested on STAAR Grade 8 under Reporting Category 2: Force, Motion and Energy.
Although 6.9A and 6.9B are not identified as Supporting or Readiness Standards, they build content for STAAR Physics, Reporting Category 3: Momentum and
Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
ENGAGE – Hot or Cold?
NOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutes
Suggested Day 1
1. Say:
In this lesson, we are going to focus on thermal energy and how it
moves, or is transferred. In order to understand the movement of
thermal energy, you need to have an understanding of
cardboard (1 square per group)
felt (1 square per group)
tile (ceramic, 1 per group)
metal (1 piece per group)
2. Divide the class into groups of 3–4.
3. Distribute materials to each group. Ask students to list the materials in their
science notebooks.
4. Instruct students to place the palm of their hand on the item and record the
relative temperature of the object in their science notebook. (Students should
record terms such as cold, hot, warm, or cool.) Model the procedure keeping
the hand on the object just for an instant. Do not leave the hand in place. Ask
students to record the thermal temperature for each item in their notebooks.
Instructional Note:
The questions are intended to provide insight into prior
Science Notebooks:
Students record both the materials and their relative
“temperature” in their science notebooks.
5. Ask/Say:
What is temperature? Accept reasonable answers based on student
How do scientists measure temperature? Scientists use a thermometer
to measure temperature.
The root “therm” is found in the word thermometer, thermal energy,
and thermos.
What do you think the root word “therm” means? Therm has to do
with heat.
What makes an object feel hot? Accept reasonable answers.
6. Instruct students to return all materials.
EXPLORE – Radiation
Suggested Day 1 (continued)
1. Say:
Now we are going to begin investigating the movement of thermal
energy. As you work through this investigation, the goal is to identify
a predictable pattern of movement.
2. Project the Handout: Thermal Energy Transfer – Radiation.
clamp light (1 per group)
bulb (100 W, 1 per group)
thermometer (1 per group)
ruler (1 per group)
timing device (1 per group)
3. Read through the Thermal Energy Transfer – Radiation page together, and
discuss the expectations of the investigation. Review safety precautions with
4. Using the rulers, instruct students to construct a data table in their science
notebooks in which to record the initial temperature of the thermometer and
the temperature changes every 30 seconds for five minutes after the
light is turned on.
Handout: Thermal Energy Transfer –
Radiation (1 per group and 1 for projection)
5. Monitor and assist with setting up data tables.
Safety Note:
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
6. Divide the class into groups of 3–4 to complete the investigation. Distribute
materials for the investigation.
Remind students not to touch the bulb.
7. Instruct students to record all data and answer all questions in their science
Instructional Notes:
8. Monitor and assist groups to ensure accuracy of data collection.
Consider modeling how to set up the data table. Converting
five minutes into 30 second intervals may be difficult for many
The use of sentence stems is an ELPS strategy.
STAAR Notes:
According to TEA, a descriptive investigation is defined as the
Descriptive investigations involve collecting qualitative and/or
quantitative data to draw conclusions about a natural or manmade system (e.g., rock formation, animal behavior, cloud,
bicycle, electrical circuit). A descriptive investigation includes
a question, but no hypothesis. Observations are recorded, but
no comparisons are made and no variables are manipulated.
Retrieved from
Science Notebooks:
Students diagram and label the investigation set up, record
data, and answer questions in their notebooks.
EXPLAIN – Thermal Energy Transfer Through Radiation
Suggested Days 1 (continued) and 2
1. Facilitate a discussion of the previous investigation by asking each group to
2. Ask:
In this investigation, what are some energy transformations?
Electrical energy is transformed into radiant (light) and thermal energy.
images of thermal energy transfer through
radiation (see Advance Preparation)
What form of energy is transferred? Thermal and light energy are
transferred from the light bulb to the thermometer and surrounding area.
Instructional Note:
Use of sentence stems is an ELPS strategy.
What evidence did you collect that proves energy was transferred?
Temperature increases in the area surrounding the light bulb indicate that
thermal energy was transferred.
How is energy transferred from one object or system to another?
Energy was transferred from the light to the thermometer by radiation
without direct contact.
Describe how this reinforces the law of conservation of energy.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It either transforms into a new form
such as the electrical energy transforming into thermal energy or transfers
from one system to another as from the light bulb to the thermometer.
How would you describe the temperature of the surroundings
before and after the investigation? Before the investigation the area
surrounding the bulb was cooler. The thermal energy moved from the bulb
to the area causing the temperature to increase.
3. Allow students to discuss the following question with a partner and record the
answer in their notebooks.
What pattern exists in the transfer of thermal energy? (Project the
following sentence stem):
“The _______________________energy moved from
______________________ to ________________________.”
Students may think temperature is the measure
of heat.
Students may think that "cold" is being
transferred from a colder to a warmer object.
Check For Understanding:
Students explain the pattern of thermal energy transfer.
Science Notebooks:
Students record vocabulary terms, answer questions, and
reflect on the difference between heat and thermal energy in
their science notebooks.
4. Draw or project an image of thermal energy transfer through radiation (see
Advance Preparation)
5. Say/Ask:
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
Radiation does not involve direct contact. Explain that solar energy
transfers through space in waves, without contacting (touching)
anything. This transfer of thermal energy by light waves, without direct
contact is called radiation. It does not require matter to travel.
Radiation is one way thermal energy is transferred.
What is radiation? Allow students the opportunity to respond. The transfer
of thermal energy from light waves, without direct contact, does not require
6. Instruct students to record the definition of radiation in their notebooks.
7. Ask/Say:
What is temperature? Answers will vary.
Temperature is more than hot or cold.
When a thermometer measures temperature, it is actually measuring
the amount of kinetic energy in an object.
What is kinetic energy? Energy of movement.
What movement was in the cardboard, felt, metal, tile, and air? The
atoms and molecules in the object or air move. As they move and bump
against each other, friction transforms some of the kinetic energy into
thermal energy
Temperature is the measure of kinetic energy in a substance.
8. Instruct students to record the definition of temperature in their notebooks.
9. Say:
Although you have heard the term “heat” before, it is usually used
incorrectly. When a non–scientist is talking about thermal energy, he
or she will often use the term “heat.” However, heat has a very
scientific definition. Heat is actually the movement of thermal energy.
Thermal energy is related to the temperature, or moving molecules of a
Today, you experienced several examples of thermal energy
moving. When you felt the objects at the beginning of class, thermal
energy transferred from your hand to the object.
When you turned the light bulb on, thermal energy transferred from
the bulb to the thermometer.
The molecules in the thermometer began moving more rapidly and
spreading out. As the molecules in the thermometer spread out, you
were able to watch as the alcohol or mercury expanded upwards,
giving you a reading of the thermal energy.
10. Instruct students to record the definitions of heat and thermal energy in their
11. Allow students to discuss with a partner and reflect on the difference between
heat and thermal energy.
12. Instruct students to record their thoughts in their science notebooks. (Project
the sentence stem.):
“Heat is different than thermal energy because…”
13. Ask students to share their thoughts with the class.
EXPLORE – Convection Box Demonstration
Suggested Day 2 (continued)
1. Facilitate a review of the previous activity.
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
What pattern of thermal energy movement did you notice in the
radiation investigation? Accept reasonable observations that thermal
energy moved from a warmer object to a cooler object.
What is the movement of thermal energy called? Heat
What is one way thermal energy can be transferred? Radiation
2. Say:
We will continue investigating the movement of thermal energy by
observing the behavior of thermal energy in a fluid (see Advance
Preparation and the Teacher Resource: Water Convection Box).
Water Convection Box (see Advance
Preparation,1 per teacher)
aquarium or transparent box
baby food jars with lids (2 per teacher)
food coloring (red and blue per teacher)
ice water (1000 mL per teacher)
hot water (1000 mL per teacher)
ice (per teacher)
hot plate (1 per teacher)
3. Project the Teacher Resource: Thermal Energy Transfer – Convection.
4. Display the Water Convection Box from the Teacher Resource: Water
Convection Box (see Advance Preparation).
Teacher Resource: Water Convection Box
(see Advance Preparation)
Teacher Resource: Thermal Energy Transfer
– Convection (1 for projection)
5. Read through the handout together, and discuss the expectations of the
6. Instruct students to draw the diagram in their notebooks.
Instructional Notes:
See Advanced Preparation for Convection Box instructions.
7. While students are drawing their diagrams, place the jars in the aquarium.
Prior to class, set up a water convection box to demonstrate
convection currents. See Advance Preparation and refer to the
8. Demonstrate convection using the water convection box. (Place the convection directions in the Teacher Resource: Water Convection Box.
box in an area where all students can see the current.) Do not comment on the
process at this time.
9. Allow students time to complete their diagrams in their science notebooks.
10. While the students are observing the water convection box:
Use of sentence stems is an ELPS strategy.
Make extra copies of projected documents available to
What happened to the red food coloring? Why? The red food coloring
rose to the top. Hot water is less dense than cool water because the
molecules are moving faster and are more spread out.
What happened to the blue food coloring? Why? The blue food
coloring stayed close to the bottom. Cool water is denser than warm water
because the molecules are pushed closer together.
If you drew arrows to follow the path of the food coloring what
would it look like? It would create a circle. The warm water would rise up,
then cool off and sink again?
In what pattern does the thermal energy move? Thermal energy
moves from warmer to cooler creating a current.
Where have you seen thermal energy transferred by convection
before? Boiling rice, ocean currents, wind, etc.
students who may have difficulty seeing the screen.
Science Notebooks:
Students draw a diagram of the convection current
demonstration and answer questions in their notebooks.
11. Allow students time to discuss the investigation questions with a partner and
record the answers in their notebooks.
EXPLAIN – Convection
Suggested Day 2 (continued) and 3
1. Facilitate a discussion by asking students to share their diagrams of the
convection currents they observed and their answers to the questions.
Instructional Notes:
2. Ask:
What evidence did you collect that proves energy was transferred?
Warm water became less dense and rose to the top while the cool water
stayed close to the bottom. The water in the aquarium began moving in a
How was the energy transferred, in this demonstration, from one
object or system to another? Energy transferred by the movement of a
warm fluid to a cool fluid.
How would you describe the movement of the water during the
investigation? The water began moving in a circular motion. Warm water
rose up and cool water took its place.
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Consider placing a beaker containing water on a hot plate and
dropping colored pencil shavings in. Students can observe
the current when they see the shavings circulating. (Rice can
be substituted.)
The use of sentence stems is an ELPS strategy.
Science Notebooks:
Students record vocabulary terms and draw examples of
convection in their science notebooks. Finally, they will identify
the pattern of thermal energy transfer observed in the
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
Over time, what do you think would happen to the color of the
water? Why? The water would become evenly mixed with red and blue to
make purple, because the temperature would even out.
3. Project and play a teacher selected video clip of convection currents in air
(see Advance Preparation).
4. Ask:
How was the movement of the air in the video clip similar to what
you observed in the water earlier? The warm air rose up, and cool air
took its place.
5. Draw or project a diagram to explain the process of convection in air and water
by drawing arrows in a circular motion.
6. Say:
Unlike radiation, convection is a process that transfers energy through
liquids or gases (fluids). Convection requires interaction with matter.
7. Instruct students to record the definition of convection in their notebooks.
8. Ask students for some examples of convection they have observed in
everyday situations. (Examples include hot air rising; boiling water on the stove
transfers energy from the bottom of the pan to the top.)
9. Instruct students to create their own example of convection by drawing a
picture in their notebooks.
10. Ask:
What pattern exists in the transfer of thermal energy? (Project the
sentence stem):
“The ______________________________energy moved from
______________________ to ________________________.”
11. Allow students to discuss with a partner and answer the question in their
EXPLORE – Conduction
Suggested Day 3 (continued)
1. Say/Ask:
What pattern of thermal energy movement did you notice in the
radiation investigation? Accept reasonable observations that thermal
energy moved from a warmer object to a cooler object.
What is the movement of thermal energy called? Heat
What are two ways thermal energy can be transferred? Radiation and
We will continue investigating the movement of thermal energy.
aluminum foil (30 cm, 1 per group)
chocolate chips (6 per group)
candle (tea light, 1 per group)
matches/lighter (per teacher)
cans (small, 2 per group)
timing device (1 per group)
toothpick (1 per group)
2. Review safety precautions, equipment and procedures when using fire.
Students should never place materials in their mouths.
3. Project the Handout: Thermal Energy Transfer – Conduction.
4. Read through the handout together and discuss the expectations of the
5. Instruct students to construct a data table in their notebooks on which to
record the time each chip begins to melt.
Handout: Thermal Energy Transfer – Conduction (1 per group and 1 for projection)
Safety Notes:
6. Monitor and assist with setting up data tables.
Review safety rules, equipment and procedures when using
7. Divide the class into groups of 3–4 to complete the investigation. Distribute
materials to groups.
fire. Students should never place materials in their mouths.
8. Instruct students to record all data and diagrams, and answer all questions in
their science notebooks.
Instructional Note:
Consider modeling how to set up the data table.
9. Monitor and assist groups to ensure accuracy of data collection.
Science Notebooks:
Students diagram and label the investigation set up, record
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
data, and answer questions in their notebooks.
EXPLAIN – Conduction
Suggested Day 3 (continued) and 4
1. Facilitate a discussion using the following questions.
In the previous investigation, what are some energy
transformations? Chemical energy is transformed into radiant (light) and
thermal energy.
Instructional Note:
The use of sentence stems is an ELPS strategy.
What energy is transferred? Thermal energy is transferred from the
candle to the foil by radiation and from the foil to the chocolate chips by
What evidence did you collect that proves energy was transferred?
As the foil transferred energy to the chocolate chips, they melted.
How is energy transferred from one object or system to another?
Energy transferred from the candle to the foil by radiation and from the foil
to the chips by direct contact, conduction.
Check For Understanding:
Students draw and label examples of the three types of
thermal energy transfer.
Science Notebooks:
Students record vocabulary terms, answer questions, and
diagram and label the three types of thermal energy transfer in
their notebooks.
How would you describe the temperature of the foil before and after
the investigation? Before the investigation, the foil was cooler. The
thermal energy moved from the candle to the foil, causing the temperature
to increase.
Describe how this reinforces the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Energy is not created or destroyed. It either transforms into a new form such
as the chemical energy transforming into thermal energy or transfers from
one system to another such as from the candle to the foil to the chocolate
What do conduction and convection have in common? Answers may
vary, but the students should make the connection that thermal energy is
transferred through matter. Radiation does not need matter.
How are conduction and convection different? Answers may vary, but
students should make the connection that in convection, circulating
movement of the fluid can be observed, and conduction occurs with direct
contact through solids.
2. Draw or project a diagram to show the process of conduction.
3. Say:
Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy through solids by direct
4. Instruct students to record the definition of conduction in their notebooks.
5. Ask:
What pattern did you notice in the transfer of thermal energy? Is this
the same pattern you noticed in the previous activities? The thermal
energy moved from a warmer to cooler places in all three investigations.
(Project the sentence stem):
“The ______________________________energy moved from
______________________ to ________________________.”
6. Allow students to discuss with a partner, and answer the question in their
7. Say:
The pattern of movement of thermal energy is predictable. Thermal
energy always transfers from warmer to cooler substances until they
reach the same temperature.
8. Ask students to touch the surface of their desk. Remind them that this is similar
to the activity used to introduce the lesson. The desk feels cool to the touch.
Instruct students to keep their hand in the same place for the next several
9. Use a drawing on the board to illustrate the hand on the table. Discuss how the
thermal energy is flowing from their hand to the surface of the table.
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
10. Ask:
When will thermal energy stop moving from your hand to the table?
When the table and the hand reach the same temperature
11. Say:
When thermal energy moves from a warmer substance to a cooler
substance until both are the same temperature, it is known as
equilibrium. This term is used to describe when balance is achieved.
In this case, thermal equilibrium is reached.
12. Instruct students to remove their hand from the table and quickly feel that area
with the other hand. (Students should notice that the table feels warmer,
indicating that the thermal energy transferred to the table.)
13. Instruct students to record the definition of equilibrium in their notebooks.
14. Ask:
What are the three methods of energy transfer? Conduction,
convection, and radiation
Which of the three methods of energy transfer was used when you
touched the table? Conduction was the method of energy transfer
because both the hand and the table were in direct contact and they are
both solids.
15. Project and play a teacher selected video clip on the three types of thermal
energy transfer (see Advance Preparation).
16. Instruct students to draw and label a picture of the three types of thermal
energy transfer in their notebooks.
EXPLAIN – Transfer of Thermal Energy
Suggested Day 4 (continued)
1. Begin the lesson by having students review the three types of thermal energy
transfer by using an interactive demonstration (see Advance Preparation).
2. Facilitate a discussion in which the students reflect on the following questions:
paper (copy, 1 per student)
scissors (1 per student)
glue or tape (per group)
What is the difference between transforming energy and
transferring energy? Energy transfer is the movement of heat from one
object to the next, while transforming energy is changing from one type of
energy to another, such as chemical to electrical
Check For Understanding:
What are the three types of thermal energy transfer? Conduction,
Students compare the three types of thermal energy transfer.
radiation, convection
What are some examples of thermal energy transfer by conduction?
Answers may vary.
Science Notebooks:
What are some examples of thermal energy transfer by convection?
Students affix their three tab graphic organizers to their
Answers may vary.
What are some examples of heat transfer by radiation? Answers may notebooks.
Why is it important to stay low to the ground during a fire? During a
fire, warm air and smoke rise to the ceiling, so cooler air and less smoke
are closer to the floor. It will be easier to breathe closer to the floor.
3. Distribute paper and scissors for three tab graphic organizer.
4. Instruct students to construct a three tab graphic organizer and label each tab
with the three types of thermal energy transfer –— conduction, convection,
and radiation.
5. Allow students to work in groups to compare the three types of thermal energy
6. Students should include:
A picture to represent each type of energy transfer
A definition
State of matter the process requires for thermal energy to pass through
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Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
(Conduction = Solid; Convection = Water or air; Radiation = no matter)
An example of each type of energy transfer
A sentence using the word in context
7. Monitor groups and facilitate by asking guiding questions.
8. Instruct student to affix their three tab graphic organizers to their notebooks.
9. Time permitting, allow students to present their three tab graphic organizers.
Suggested Day 5
1. Begin the class by reviewing the concepts involved in thermal energy transfer.
2. Use a cooperative learning strategy to allow students the opportunity to
discuss questions with others as you facilitate a discussion.
3. Ask:
How can thermal energy be transferred through a solid? By
Give an example. Answers may vary.
How can thermal energy be transferred through liquid? By
Give an example. Answers may vary.
How is radiation different from conduction and convection?
Radiation transfers thermal energy in waves and it does not need matter.
Conduction and convection both need matter to transfer thermal energy.
What is equilibrium? Accept all reasonable answers.
If we put a bottle of frozen water in a lake and came back in a
couple of hours, what would happen to the bottle? The ice would melt
and the water would become the same temperature of the lake.
Why does the ice in the bottle melt? The ice melts because of
equilibrium. The warmer lake water conducts thermal energy into the bottle
until the temperature inside the bottle is even with the temperature outside
the bottle.
What if the bottle were filled with hot water instead of ice? The water
in the bottle would transfer thermal energy to the lake until they reached
4. Discuss the pattern thermal energy follows when it transfers from one object to
another. Project the following sentence stem and ask students to complete it
in their science notebooks:
“When a warm object meets a cold object the thermal energy from the
____________ object is transferred into the ______________ object
until both objects reach the same temperature, known
5. Ask students to share their sentences with a partner and/or the class. It
should read:
“When a warm object meets a cold object the thermal energy from the warm
object is transferred into the cold object until both objects reach the same
temperature, known as equilibrium.”
6. Inform the students that they will be planning and implementing a
comparative investigation in order to verify the pattern of thermal energy
ice cubes (1 per group)
thermometers (2 per group)
beaker (500 mL, 2 per group)
timing device (1 per group)
water (see Advance Preparation, room
temperature, 1600 mL per class)
Handout: Comparative Investigation (1 per
group and 1 for projection)
Instructional Notes:
Use of sentence stems is an ELPS strategy.
Consider providing a word bank as a differentiation strategy.
Prepare an enrichment activity for student groups who finish
their investigation at different rates.
STAAR Notes:
According to TEA, a comparative investigation is defined as
the following:
Comparative investigations involve collecting data on different
organisms/objects/ features/events, or collecting data under
different conditions (e.g., time of year, air temperature,
location) to make a comparison. The hypothesis identifies one
independent (manipulated) variable and one dependent
(responding) variable. A ―fair test can be designed to
measure variables so that the relationship between them is
Retrieved from
Check For Understanding:
Students answer the review questions.
7. Say:
Comparative investigations involve collecting data on different
organisms/objects/ features/events, or collecting data under
different conditions (e.g., time of year, air temperature, location) to
make a comparison.
The hypothesis identifies one independent (manipulated) variable
and one dependent (responding) variable.
A ―fair test can be designed to measure variables so that the
relationship between them is determined.
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Science Notebooks:
Students record all data, diagrams, tables, graphs, and
answers in their notebooks.
page 11 of 20 Grade 6
Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
8. Project the Handout: Comparative Investigation.
9. Read through the Comparative Investigation page together and discuss the
expectations of the investigation.
10. Inform students that they will be limited to the materials listed on the
investigation page.
1 ice cube
2 thermometers
2 beakers
timing device
room temperature water (see Advance Preparation)
11. Facilitate a discussion to assist the class, as a whole, in the development of
the purpose of the investigation and a hypothesis that shows the relationship
between the dependent and independent variables. This can be achieved
through the process of questioning. (Students may have limited experiences
with variables and hypotheses.)
12. Instruct students to record the investigation components in their notebooks
during the discussion. (Model for students by completing information on the
projected copy.)
13. Ask:
What are we trying to prove (verify) in our investigation? We are
trying to verify the pattern of thermal energy transfer, from warmer to cooler
until equilibrium is attained. How does an ice cube affect the temperature of
the water?
Given the materials listed, what are two things we could set up to
compare? We can place equal amounts of room temperature water in two
beakers; measure the temperature of each; add an ice cube to one
beaker; measure and record the temperature every five minutes for 30
minutes and compare how it changes over time.
Should we use different sized beakers and different amounts of
water in our beakers? No
Note: (This is an appropriate time to discuss why the beakers, amount of
water, etc. need to be the same to control the investigation. Otherwise, the
data may be invalidated by the addition of more variables. Only one
variable at a time should be tested.)
What data will be collected (measured) in this investigation? The
temperature will be taken at different time intervals.
Under what conditions are the data collected? Every 5 minutes, the
temperature will be recorded.
Based on your knowledge of energy transfer and previous
investigations, what do you expect to happen in this investigation?
If an ice cube is added to room temperature water, then the temperature of
the water will change and the ice cube will melt due to thermal energy being
transferred from the warmer water to the colder ice.
14. Instruct students to record all data, diagrams, tables, graphs, and answers in
their notebooks.
15. Divide the class into groups of 3–4 to plan and implement the investigation.
Distribute a copy of the Handout: Comparative Investigation to each group.
16. Allow students about 15 minutes to plan an investigation. Students should
request approval of their procedure from the teacher prior to completing the
17. Monitor and assist groups as they plan their investigations. Facilitate by asking
guiding questions.
18. Students may need assistance setting up their data tables and graphs.
19. Once groups have obtained approval, distribute materials and allow groups to
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page 12 of 20 Grade 6
Unit: 06
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: 8 days
complete the investigation.
20. Monitor and assist groups while checking for quality implementation and
checking for understanding.
21. Instruct students to clean up and return all materials when finished.
22. After all investigations are complete, allow each group to share their results.
23. Review the investigation with the class by facilitating a discussion using the
following questions. Consider using a cooperative learning strategy to allow
students to discuss with one another prior to sharing with the class.
How do you know that thermal energy was transferred? The ice
melted and the water cooled off.
What does this have to do with equilibrium? Answers may vary.
Students should say something about the temperature of the water and the
ice become equal over time.
What pattern does thermal energy follow when hot and cold objects
meet? Answers may vary. Thermal energy moves from hot to cold objects.
What is the proof that energy from the water melted the ice? The
water was cooler, so it had less thermal energy and the ice cube melted so
it gained thermal energy.
What happened in the cup with no ice? The temperature remained the
If you had more ice in a cup what do you think would happen? The
water would become even cooler and the ice would take longer to melt.
If I put a hot marble into a cup, would the water heat up or would
the marble cool off? Answers may vary. Both would change. The heat
from the marble would leave the marble and go into the water. The marble
and the water would reach equilibrium.
If we left the cup of cooled water on the table and checked the
temperature tomorrow, what do you think would happen? The
temperature of the water would increase to be equal to the temperature of
the room.
Was the energy of the water destroyed? No, the energy from the water
in the cup spread out to the molecules in the ice cube (melted it). The law
of conservation of energy states “Energy cannot be created or destroyed.”
EVALUATE – Performance Indicator ­ Thermal Energy Podcast
Suggested Days 6, 7, and 8
Grade6 Science Unit06 PI02
Investigate methods of thermal energy transfer in order to develop a podcast or other
presentation describing the transfer of thermal energy. Include conduction, convection, and
radiation and how they relate to the law of conservation of energy. Demonstrate that thermal
energy moves in a predictable pattern.
Standard(s): 6.2E , 6.4A , 6.9A , 6.9B
ELPS ELPS.c.3B , ELPS.c.3C , ELPS.c.3E
Handout: Thermal Energy Podcast Rubric (1
per group)
Handout: Performance Indicator Instructions
KEY (1 for projection)
1. Performance Indicator Instructions KEY for information on administering
the assessment.
Last Updated 04/30/13
page 13 of 20 Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Thermal Energy Transfer – Radiation
In this activity, you will investigate the process of radiation. As you observe the process of radiation,
identify a pattern in the movement of thermal energy.
 clamp light with100W bulb
 thermometer
Safety Precautions:
 Bulb will get very hot. Do NOT touch.
1. Place the thermometer on a surface, and point the light directly at it. (Do NOT turn on the light at
this time.)
2. Diagram and label the set up in your science notebooks.
3. Record the initial temperature of the thermometer.
4. Turn the light on and begin timing. (Do NOT stop the timer.)
5. Record data every 30 seconds for five minutes in your science notebooks.
Have you ever felt the warms from standing in front of a fireplace or near a campfire? If so, you have
felt the transfer of thermal energy known as radiation. The side facing the source gets warm. Heat
lamps, which keep food warm, work in the same way. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy
through space by electromagnetic radiation (light waves).
Answer the following questions in your science notebooks:
1. What form of energy is transferred?
2. How was the energy transferred?
3. What pattern was evident in the movement of thermal energy?
The _____________________energy moved from _______________________to
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Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Water Convection Box
 large transparent container (empty aquarium)
 two small jars (baby food jars with lids)
 ice water with blue food coloring
 hot water with red food coloring
1. Fill the aquarium with water.
2. Punch a couple of holes in the lids of the baby food jars. (If you do not have lids, you can cover
the jars with foil, secure it with a rubber band, and punch holes in the foil.)
3. Put hot red water in one baby food jar and blue ice water in the other baby food jar.
4. Replace the lids on the jars.
5. Place both jars in the aquarium at opposite ends, but have the opening of the jars facing the
middle of the aquarium so that the liquids come out of the jar easily.
6. Observe as the red and blue food coloring leave the jars.
7. Instruct students to draw the set up and record observations about the food coloring.
Discussion of Observations:
 What happened to the red food coloring? Why? The red food coloring rose to the top. Hot
water is less dense than cool water because the molecules are moving faster and are more
spread out.
 What happened to the blue food coloring? Why? The blue food coloring stayed close to the
bottom. Cool water is denser than warm water because the molecules are pushed closer
 If you drew arrows to follow the path of the food coloring what would it look like? It
would create a circle. The warm water would rise up, then cool off and sink again.
 In what pattern does the thermal energy move? Thermal energy moves from warmer to
cooler creating a current.
 Where have you seen thermal energy transferred by convection before? Boiling rice, lava
lamps, ocean currents, wind, etc.
©2012, TESCCC
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Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Thermal Energy Transfer – Convection
In this activity, you will observe the process of convection using a convection box demonstration. As
you observe the process of convection, identify a pattern in the movement of thermal energy.
Draw the diagram in your science notebooks.
Use arrows to indicate the direction the fluid moves.
Have you ever noticed that the air near the ceiling is warmer than the air near the floor? This occurs
because as thermal energy interacts with a fluid like air or water, kinetic energy increases and the
molecules become less dense. The less dense substance rises, and cooler substances move in to
take their place. This movement of fluids is called convection current. Convection currents create both
wind and ocean currents on a global scale, and they are responsible for the movement of tectonic
Note: Fluids refer to any substance that can flow. This includes liquids as well as gases.
Answer the following in your science notebooks:
 What energy transformations occurred?
 What form of energy is transferred?
 How was the energy transferred?
 What pattern was evident in the movement of thermal energy?
©2012, TESCCC
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Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Thermal Energy Transfer – Conduction
In this activity, you will observe the process of conduction using a candle, foil, and chocolate chips.
 small cans (2)
 stopwatch
 matches or lighter
tealight candle
chocolate chips (6)
As you observe the process of conduction, identify a pattern in the movement of thermal energy.
Take precautions with the candle and flame. Never place anything in your mouth.
1. Create a data table in your science notebooks on which to record the time each chip begins to
2. Begin with a piece of aluminum foil about 30 cm wide. Fold it several times to make a sturdy strip
about 3 cm in width. The foil strip should be about 30 cm in length.
3. Place the foil over the top of two cans spaced about 25 cm apart.
4. Evenly distribute six chocolate chips across the top of the foil.
5. Ask your teacher to light your candle and place it beneath the first chip.
6. Begin the timer.
7. Record the time at which each chip begins to melt. Carefully touch the chip with the toothpick to
determine if it is beginning to melt.
8. Time how long it takes for each chip to begin melting.
9. Draw the diagram in your science notebooks. Use arrows to indicate the movement of thermal
Have you ever left a metal spoon in a pan on the stove? You probably noticed that the handle of the
spoon became hot. This is because the molecules within the solid spoon transferred thermal energy
in a process called conduction. Metals are good conductors of thermal energy. Other substances,
such as wood, are poor conductors.
Answer the following questions in your science notebooks:
 What energy transformations occurred?
 What form of energy is transferred?
 How was the energy transferred?
 What pattern was evident in the movement of thermal energy?
©2012, TESCCC
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Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Comparative Investigation
Purpose: (What do you want to find out?)
Hypothesis: (What do you think will happen, based on your knowledge and evidence from previous
 beakers (2)
 ice cube (1)
 thermometers (2)
 timing device
 water
Procedures: (How will you conduct the investigation?) Write out step-by-step instructions on how to
perform the investigation, and then, get your teacher’s approval before beginning. (The teacher must
sign your paper.)
Data: (What happened in your investigation?) Create a data table to record the changes in your
investigation. Draw a picture to show your set up. Graph your data.
Results: (By looking at your data, what happened in your investigation?)
Conclusion: (How did your investigation verify the pattern of thermal energy transfer?)
©2012, TESCCC
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Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Thermal Energy Podcast Rubric PI
20 points
Covers topic in-depth
with details and
examples. Subject
knowledge is excellent.
15 points
Includes essential
knowledge about the
topic. Subject knowledge
appears to be good.
Well-rehearsed with
Rehearsed with fairly
smooth delivery that
smooth delivery that holds
holds audience attention audience attention most
of the time
10 points
Includes essential
information about the
topic, but there are 1–2
factual errors
5 points
Content is minimal, OR
there are several factual
Delivery is not smooth but Delivery is not smooth,
able to maintain interest
and audience attention is
of the audience most of
often lost.
the time.
Large amount of original
thought shown in
product; inventive and
creative ideas
Some original thought
Uses ideas of others and
shown in product; insights gives them credit; little
and new ideas shown in original thinking evident
Uses ideas of others and
does not give them
credit; no original
thought evident
Met and exceeded
Met requirements
Lacking one requirement
Lacking more than one
The workload was
divided, but one person in
the group is viewed as not
doing his/her fair share of
the work.
The workload was not
divided, OR several
people in the group are
viewed as not doing their
fair share of the work.
The workload is divided The workload is divided
and shared equally by all and shared fairly by all
team members.
team members, though
workloads may vary from
person to person.
Total Points:
©2012, TESCCC
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Grade 6
Unit: 06 Lesson: 02
Performance Indicator Instructions KEY
Performance Indicator
Investigate methods of thermal energy transfer in order to develop a podcast or other presentation describing the
transfer of thermal energy. Include conduction, convection, and radiation and how they relate to the law of
conservation of energy. Demonstrate that thermal energy moves in a predictable pattern.
(6.2E; 6.4A; 6.9A, 6.9B)
3B, 3C, 3E
Handout: Thermal Energy Podcast Rubric PI (1 per group)
Instructional Procedures:
1. Present the expectations, options, and rubric for the project (see Advance Preparation).
2. The following should be included in the podcast or presentation:
 Description of the transfer of thermal energy through convection, conduction, and radiation.
 Demonstration of how thermal energy moves in a predictable pattern.
 Explanation of how the law of conservation of energy is related to the transfer of thermal energy.
3. Answer any questions students may have regarding the assessment.
4. Divide the class into groups of three.
5. Each member of the group will be assigned one portion of the podcast or other presentation to script and record.
6. Allow students Day 6 to research and script the segment.
7. On Day 7, students should record the episode using the technology you have selected for the project (see Advance
8. Day 8 is reserved for sharing presentations with the class (time permitting).
Instructional Notes:
A podcast is a voice recording. It is usually saved as a wmv file. See Advance Preparation for suggestions for additional
forms of technology for the assessment. Consider giving students choice in the format.
©2012, TESCCC
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