Molecular separation using size exclusion column chromatography

Molecular separation using
size exclusion column chromatography
The kit looks the same, but appearances can be deceiving
New Protocol, New Column Matrix, New Background Information
Background information provides the big picture of "Why separate molecules?"
Columns contain a different bead matrix; Bio-Gel P-60
PBS (phosphate buffered saline) is used to run the columns instead of water
Columns run slower but get better separation
Summary and Purpose
Recommended pre-lab and post-lab discussions
The Big Picture / Why separate molecules?
The Process
Important points to keep in mind while teaching and using this kit
Typical steps and timeline
Student preparation
Challenging students to think about the process
Teacher preparation
Essential tips for getting professional/reproducible results
Description of reagents
Molecules included in the SEP kit
Related Bio-Rad Chromatography Kits
*As soon as you get the kit back to school or home*
The reagent box should be stored in the refrigerator.
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3/31/2009 16:01 PM
This lab has been changed to improve the student experience. The focus is on molecules,
(their characteristics and how they differ) and a tool (chromatography) that can be used to
separate one molecule from a mixture of molecules for further study.
The chromatography columns now contain Bio-Gel P-60 beads that are made of
polyacrylamide. The original Sephadex G-75 beads were made of agarose. The Bio-Gel
beads give a more concentrated flow than the Sephadex beads. This provides a more
defined separation of the molecules available in this kit, which visually assists the students.
The column buffer has been changed to 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS), which is
commonly used in cell cultures. PBS helps maintain the pH of the system and the molecules
natural shape and function better than the water used in the previous protocol.
We have eliminated the use of BSA (bovine serum albumin) in a molecular mixture. BSA
can bind to smaller molecules, thereby altering their normal flow rate through the column.
We now use BSA only as the positive control reagent for protein detection.
Please note that this lab is still under revision. Some things to look forward to will be
recommended extensions, assessments and a annotated bibliography of references and more
information and focus on molecules. In the mean time your continued input is requested.
Please, upon returning the kit be very specific about what worked well and where problems, if any,
occurred. It would be very helpful to know the quality of separation your students obtain and if you
do further extensions what those were.
Thank you.
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This lab is designed to give student researchers experience with chromatography as a
biomedical research tool used to separate molecular mixtures. To learn the basics of how
this method works, students run a sample mixture of two molecules through a size
exclusion column. The size exclusion column separates molecules based on the molecular
weights (mass) of the molecules in the mixture. The column matrix provided in the kit
columns is useful for molecular separations within the molecular weight range of ~3000 to
60,000 daltons.
The recommended sample "Mixture A" contains the colorless protein ovalbumin (MW:
43,000 daltons) and vitamin B12, a smaller, reddish/orange molecule which is not a protein
(MW: 1,355 daltons). This is a good starting place because the molecular sizes of the two
molecules have a size differential appropriate for the beads or matrix type used in our
columns. Also, since ovalbumin is colorless, students will not observe this protein until
using the protein detection reagent in the analysis step of the protocol.
After students gain a basic understanding through discussion of how the column separation
works, the class will view the chart of available molecules in the kit and select a combination
of two molecules for Mixture B. Several molecular options (proteins, dyes, polysaccharides)
for this mixture are included in the SEP kit.
This lab is designed for each lab group (generally composed of 4 students) to be divided into
2 teams. One team will run Mixture A while the other will run Mixture B.
Pre lab
• review molecular structures (shapes, sizes)
• molecules important in the cell and body relating their functions
• known techniques for the separation of molecules (gel electrophoresis,
chromatography: paper, size exclusion, affinity, etc.)
• relative sizes and shapes of biomolecules and other molecules
• roles of proteins and other molecules being used
• reading of Dr. Hla Shain’s article “Why purify proteins?”
• chromatography model included in kit (whiffle ball model)
Post lab
• compare predictions to results
• review which molecules elute off of the column first/last and why
• possible sources of error
• other forms of chromatography (see reference information section of notebook)
• possible applications (medical uses, etc.)
Some reference materials have been provided in the reference section of the notebook to
assist you with the above recommendations.
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3/31/2009 16:01 PM
First, The Big Picture or WHY SEPARATE MOLECULES?
William Bateson, the "father of genetics" who translated and revived Mendel's
works, advised, "treasure your exceptions."
Molecular biologists, geneticists, and biochemists are always trying to figure out how living
things work. Doctors compare the diseased with the healthy. Several basic strategies are
used in these quests:
1) narrowing the system studied down to its basic components, and
2) comparing two or more variants or forms to understand how they differ (hence,
“treasure your exceptions”).
3) Often some combination of both approaches is used.
There are the research questions (variations of “how does this work?”) and then there are
the tools or techniques that can be used to work toward answering the questions.
Chromatography (translated means roughly “writing with color”) is a research tool. It has
been around for a long time and has many, many variations.
What are some examples of how chromatography is used?
Example 1. A classic example is separation of the pigments in plant leaves. The leaves are
ground up and the components are separated, most commonly by paper chromatography,
and then characterized according to how they behave in the system. Often some molecules
of known characteristics (for example, known sizes) are included to use as a gauge for
estimating the sizes of the unknown molecules. The pioneer scientists first studying
something, such as the pigments in plant leaves, get to name all the molecules they identify.
Example 2. In biomedical research, we often want to “tag” or label molecules for use in
experiments. These tags are usually small molecules (the idea is that small tags interfere less
with the normal functions of the molecule being studied). We might label big DNA
molecules with fluorescent tags for use in determining the DNA sequence. The first step is
the labeling—binding the tags to the DNA, and the second step involves removing any tags
that didn’t bind to DNA. This cleanup step is important because in the experiment we
follow the tag and infer that it is attached to the DNA. A size exclusion column can separate
the DNA (big) from the small, unbound tags.
Example 3. Many new medicines produced by biotechnology are made in cellular systems
and then purified. At first this is done on a small scale for research and development. After
a new medicine proves effective, the challenge becomes purifying it in a manufacturing
scale process using big vats of growing cells. In many cases this purification process
involves a series of chromatography steps, often using column chromatography with
separations based on size on one column and on affinity in a second column step. Insulin
production is currently done this way.
What are some common forms of chromatography?
You may already be familiar with paper chromatography; two close relatives are affinity
chromatography and size exclusion chromatography.
Paper chromatography depends heavily on the solubility of the molecules and their
absorbance to the paper.
Affinity chromatography—as its name implies—depends on the affinity or binding of
molecules to the “matrix.” Depending on the purpose, the matrix may be the paper in paper
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chromatography or may be some form of beads or resin held in a column. In this type of
system the molecule of interest is retained in the matrix and all other molecules are eluted
into a waste container. Another step using a different buffer releases the retained molecule
from the matrix.
This lab is an exploration of size exclusion column chromatography. It’s called column
chromatography because it is done in a column (rather than on paper or on a thin layer
matrix on a glass plate). The name size exclusion describes the mechanism for the
separation: molecules larger than a designated size are excluded from the solid column
material—in this case tiny porous beads (also called the column bed, resin, or matrix).
Molecular mixtures separate on a size exclusion column because smaller molecules spend
more time (travel a longer path) going through the column. You might think of the column
beads as somewhat like whiffle balls. The molecules that are small enough to enter the holes
of the whiffle balls bounce around inside the balls and take a while to escape. Molecules
bigger than the holes just flow around the whiffle balls and thus travel a shorter, faster path
in going through the column.
small molecule
LARGE molecule
Column/Bead Bed
With all these possible uses, columns come in an amazing array of sizes and materials (just
like cars, screwdrivers, and pens……). One size does not fit all. The resin used is based on
type and size of the molecule(s) to be separated and the degree of resolution required. The
resolution depends on particle size, pore size, flow rate, column length, and sample volume.
On the next page, you will see a labeled diagram of the columns provided in this kit and an
electron microscope image of the size exclusion chromatography beads that make up the
matrix of these columns.
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Chromatography Column
Reservoir cap
Reservoir for buffer
Resin Bead Bed Matrix
Tip cap
Electron micrograph of
resin beads.
1. Collecting fractions
If we collect the liquid coming out of the column in a beaker, all the molecules get mixed up
again. So we collect “fractions” as the liquid comes out of the column. A rack is set up with
numbered tubes and a set number of drops or a set sample size is collected in each tube (for
example, 10 drops per tube or 0.5 ml per tube).
Bio Rad assay: Bio Rad’s column separating hemoglobin and cytochrome C.
In looking at the Bio Rad example below, one can see the column chromatography
results of separating hemoglobin (MW of 65,000 daltons) and cytochrome C (MW of
12,300 daltons). The hemoglobin was excluded from the column beads and the
cytochrome C was not. Hemoglobin eluted into tubes 2 and 3 and cytochrome C
eluted into tubes 5 and 6. Notice that both molecules are naturally colored.
When this same lab was run using the student protocol in the SEP kit, the
hemoglobin fractions were present in tubes 3, 4 and 5 with a peak fraction in tube 4;
the cytochrome C fractions were present in tubes 8-11 with the peak fractions being
in tubes 9 & 10. Only tube 6 was completely clear. This is important to remember
when students select molecules.
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THE PROCESS continued
2. Assay fractions (Detecting colorless molecules)
The job of the column is separation. Sometimes you may be lucky, as in the Bio Rad
example, to study molecules that are naturally colored like the protein hemoglobin or the
vitamin B12. Most molecules however are colorless. So, following separation comes the
challenge of detecting the molecules of interest. One fairly good way to detect colorless
proteins is based on a color change when the dye Coomassie Blue binds to proteins.
[Bio-Rad's protein assay is based on the color change of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 dye
in response to various concentrations of protein. The dye binds to primarily basic (especially
arginine) and aromatic amino acid residues.]
The Bio-Rad protein assay reagent is a murky brown/blue color. When the dye in it binds to
proteins, it turns a stronger, brighter blue color.
Important points to keep in mind when teaching and carrying out this lab:
All molecules in this kit will elute out of the column by the 10-12th test tube when
collecting 10 drops per tube. It is important therefore to try and separate molecules with
large MW differences. If not, the molecules fractionate so close together that it becomes
too difficult for students just learning about chromatography to analyze. Remember that
all molecules around the MW of 60,000 or greater will come off the column together in ~
the 2nd or 3rd tube depending on how many drops eluted before you began collection in
tube #1. Any molecules close to 60,000 MW………say in the 40,000’s and greater will
come off in the next tube or so.
One way this method can be used is to exclude your molecule of choice. A bead and
pore size would be chosen so that the molecule you want to separate out is excluded (ie.
size exclusion chromatography) and will be the first to come off of the column. To
exclude the molecule of choice with the bead matrix used in this lab, the MW would
need to be around 60,000 or greater. So, if you had a molecule with a molecular weight
of 67,000 and one with a MW of 200,000 they would both be excluded and elute together
through this column with no separation.
The method we are using is fractionation. Both of the molecules in Mixture A the
(ovalbumin and the vitamin B12) get caught up in the pores and therefore slowly
percolate through the beads. The larger molecules get caught up less than the smaller
ones. This enables the larger molecules to elute off of the column first. When the
molecules MW is close to the bottom of the bead range (in this case 3,000), any molecules
with a MW close to that or smaller will all elute together.
Once the fractions have been collected in the tubes, the scientist will look for “peak”
fractions. These are the ones with the greatest color intensity (before adding the protein
detection reagent if a colored non-protein and after adding the PDR if a protein). This
“peak” fraction has the greatest concentration of the molecule of choice and will be the
one used for further study or testing.
In industry the columns vary in length, bead pore size and matrix composition.
Sometimes more than one separation process and type is necessary if the scientist is
trying to purify the sample. Remember that there are many different chromatography
protocols. We are only learning about size exclusion and the basis of how it works and
practicing simple applications of the process.
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1) Review background and mechanism for size exclusion column chromatography
2) View and discuss Bio Rad example assay
3) Review SEP Column Chromatography protocol (flow chart)
 predict the results for the Mixture A consisting of two molecules ovalbumin
(colorless, MW 43,000) and vitamin B12 (reddish, MW 1,355)
 using the Molecule Characteristics Chart have the class (or teams) choose two
molecules to create a Mixture B. and predict the expected results
4) Review essential tips for getting good results
5) Prepare and run the molecular mixture on the column, collecting fractions
6) Analyze the contents of the fractions and record the data
7) Summarize your results and what was learned
8) Ask the next question
TIMELINE (Designed for 50 minute periods)
Day 1: Review with students
• molecular structures (shapes, sizes)
• molecules important in the cell and body relating their functions
• laboratory techniques and principles used to separate different molecules
from each other with focus on size exclusion column chromatography
• demonstrate models in kit
• demo lab set up and flow chart procedure for lab
• discuss with students Bio-Rad example
• class determines molecules for Mixture B
Day 2: Run column chromatography lab
Each team runs one mixture
Day 3: Analysis and discussion of each teams results
Student Preparation for Lab:
1. The day before the review of molecular structures and methods used to separate and
purify molecules, have the students read the background information and procedure
to the column chromatography lab for homework.
2. The night after discussing molecules, their structures, “The Big Picture”, and the lab
procedure have the student’s flow chart the procedure for homework.
Challenging Students to Think About the Process
After discussing the protocol and flow chart with students pose the question:
What happens if you are trying to separate two proteins of very similar size using this system?
Now, using the overhead of the molecules available in the kit and some of their
characteristic properties have the class choose a second mixture of two molecules giving
supportive reasoning for their choices.
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1. Dilute Protein Detection Reagent (PDR).
The PDR comes as a concentrated solution and needs to be diluted 1 part PDR to 4
parts deionized H20. For 50 ml of diluted PDR (enough for 1 class) mix 10 ml
concentrated PDR and 40 ml distilled H20.
2. Prepare 1X PBS
The PBS stocked with the kit is 10X and will need to be diluted to 1X. Determine the
total amount of 1X needed and dilute accordingly (you will need approximately 1200
ml/class). For 1 liter of 1X PBS mix 100 ml of 10X PBS and 900 ml of distilled H20.
3. Prepare the columns (1 column/2 students plus 2 – 4 columns as back-ups)
Wash each column to remove the 20% alcohol storage solution. For all 20 columns,
this takes about 1.5 hours. The flow rate is about 5-6 drops/minute with these
columns and you cannot wash them all at the same time. Caution: For the columns
to run properly the beads must remain wet. At most, wash 8 columns at a time.
1. Resuspend the beads by inverting the column until all of the beads have
fallen to the reservoir. Once all the beads are resuspended turn the column
2. Wash each column twice with about 7.5ml of column buffer (1X PBS).
• Set each of the columns on a ring stand. Arrange these side by side.
• Place a beaker under each column to catch the waste storage solution.
• Remove the top cap and then the tip cap from each column. This avoids
creating a vacuum in the column.
• Let the storage solution elute (drain) into the waste beaker until it just
enters the bead bed. Watch from the top of the column as the solution
gets close to the bead bed. It will appear to go from shiny to a
dull/grainy appearance as the last of the storage solutions just enters the
bed. To avoid drying the beads proceed immediately to the next step.
• Fill the reservoir with column buffer using a clean transfer pipet. Run the
buffer gently down the side of the reservoir so as not to disturb the bead
bed. Let this elute into the waste container as you did the storage
solution. When it is getting close to the gel bed refill the reservoir again
with column buffer for the second wash.
• When you have washed 2 reservoirs of buffer through the column
(~15mL or so) fill the reservoir 1/2 full again with buffer, recap the
column and leave it until the next morning.
4. Set up lab stations (With the exception of the color pencils, there is enough
equipment and materials for 16 teams of 2.)
Student Stations
1 ring stand w/clamp and chromatography column (not in kit)
1 permanent marker
1 pack of color pencils (2 teams will need to share 1 pack)
1 beaker for buffer
1 beaker for waste
2 Reagent Stations
**Set out just before lab on ice.
Racks with collection tubes (16 per student team)
**diluted 1:4 Protein Detection Reagent (3 ml per team)
**microtubes with Sample Mixtures (A and B)
transfer pipets (3 per team)
column buffer (1X PBS)
**BSA for making control solution
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1. Resuspend the columns. This can be done up to one hour prior to class. If air
bubbles form in the bead bed, resuspend again.
2. Make up sample mixtures, mix really well and aliquot to microtubes. Keep
refrigerated or on ice.
 Plan 2 drops (from a transfer pipet, 1 drop is ~30 µl) per group. This allows for
error. Each pair of students will only need to use one drop for the lab.
 Use equal number of drops for each molecule. For example:
10 drops ovalbumin + 10 drops vitamin B12 = 20 drops (enough for 10 pairs of
Mixture A: ovalbumin + vitamin B12
Mixture B: _____________________ + _______________________
Have the class determine the contents of Mixture B after the discussion of
method and available molecules. One half of the class can do Mixture A and the
other half mixture B.
3. Put out all reagents and aliquots of molecule mixtures
4. Place safety reminder about Protein Detection Reagent being a strong acid on board.
5. Place a reminder on board of which student pairs are doing Mixture A and which
are doing Mixture B.
After students have run and recapped the columns, they are now ready for the next class. Columns
do not have to be resuspended between classes. However, depending on the molecules used in
Mixture B some columns may require additional washing.
SEP will reuse the columns but not the beads. Therefore, before returning the kit please:
1. Empty and rinse each column well. Please do final rinse with distilled water.
2. Cap both ends.
3. Clean all tubes and pipettes. The protein detection reagent commonly stains the test
tubes, please rinse well with 70% or 90% ethanol or isopropyl alcohol (if available), then
once with water before returning them in the kit.
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Getting professional/reproducible results
1. Set up equipment at the Instructor’s Station for demo and student reference.
2. Be sure the chromatography column is high
enough on the ring stand for the rack of
tubes to easily move underneath (see picture
on right).
3. Always remove the cap from the reservoir
first; then remove the cap from the tip. This
prevents a vacuum from forming which
would disturb the consistency of the bead
4. It is important to always maintain this
consistency/uniformity for even flow of
molecules through the column. To do this
a) Always apply the sample mixture as
close to the bed as possible without
touching it. See Flow Chart
b) Add column buffer slowly placing the tip of the transfer pipette as close as possible
to the column bed, or already present buffer, letting the buffer run down the side of
the reservoir so as not to create a current. See Figure 2 below.
c) Keep the column buffer at the same level for consistent constant pressure flow. Fig.3
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
(Columns by C. McIntyre SEP, Other Copyright of BioRad Laboratoies)
5. Keep the gel bed wet at all times. If it dries, it cracks like dried mud and all of the
molecules can move quickly through at the same time. (This defeats the purpose.)
6. Patience is important. Fractions collect 5-6 drops per minute, so….very slowly. It is
important to be sure to always collect the same number of drops in each tube.
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Ovalbumin is a glycoprotein and the major protein of egg white. It has a molecular weight
of 43,000 daltons. It is used as a source of amino acids for the developing bird enbryo.
Ovalbumin is used in conjugo-immuno-determinations and drug and pharmaceutical
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12, so known as cyanocobalamin, is a non-protein molecule with a molecular
weight of 1,355 daltons. It is found in all animal foods – meat, meat products, milk, dairy
foods, fish, eggs – yeast extract and certain algae, such as seaweed. This complex structured
compound with its cobalt content forms part of the B group vitamins, and the body needs
very small amounts. It is required in the manufacturing and maintenance of red blood cells
and it stimulates appetite, promotes growth and release of energy.
BSA - Bovine Serum Albumin
BSA is a large molecule with a molecular weight of 67,000 daltons. It is a major protein
found in bovine blood serum which functions as a carrier molecule for the transport of
certain small MW compounds in the blood. Some of the molecules that bind to serum
albumin include bilirubin, fatty acids, hormones and some synthetic dyes.
Bio-Gel P-60 beads
Bio Gel is the registered trademark name of the resin that is packed into the columns. The
beads are made of polacrylamide. Bio Gel beads can be ordered in different sizes-that is,
different size beads have different pore sizes, making them better able to sort different sized
molecules. The SEP columns use Bio Gel P-60 beads, which best separates molecules of
molecular weight 3,000-60,000 daltons.
Phosphate Buffered Saline (1X PBS)
Phosphate Buffered Saline is the column buffer being used. It is a salt solution that helps to
maintain the pH of the system and preserve the molecules natural shape and function.
Protein Detection Reagent (PDR)
PDR is a reagent that can detect the presence of protein in a solution. The reagent contains
Coomassie brilliant blue, a dye that binds to proteins. We purchase the reagent from BioRad (catalog # 500-0006). The dye works by binding to primarily basic and aromatic amino
acids, causing a color change (to bright blue).
You might have students look up further information about the other two molecules that
were chosen for Mixture B, including their functional roles in nature.
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Molecules included in the SEP kit:
900 µl
900 µl
900 µl
900 µl
900 µl
900 µl
900 µl
In Refrigerator Box of Samples
Item Description
Special Notes
Riboflavin (yellow)
MW 376.4 (vitamin)
Cytochrome C (reddish)
MW 12,327 (protein)
Blue Dextran (blue)
MW 2,000,000 (polysaccharide)
Horseradish Peroxidase (tan)
MW 44,000 (protein)
Myoglobin (brown)
MW 18,800 (protein)
Vitamin B12 (orange)
MW 1,355.4 (vitamin)
Ovalbumin (colorless)
MW 43,000 (protein)
In green crate
Food Coloring Set
Small molecular weight dyes
(MWs under 1000)
MWs under 1000
Bio-Rad Laboratories sells two types of chromatography kits that work very well in the
classroom. These kits are described in detail in Bio-Rad’s Biotechnology Explorer Catalog as
well as on their website ( Search for “Biotechnology Explorer”).
You can also contact Bio-Rad at 1-800-4BIORAD.
Bio-Rad Kit #7 (How Can You Size up the Situation?) is a size separation chromatography
kit similar to the SEP lab. Students separate hemoglobin and vitamin B12 by size exclusion
chromatography. A kit that includes 8 workstations lists for $39.50. Be sure to inquire
about the educational discount.
Bio-Rad Kit #2 (Protein purification) allows students to purify green fluorescent protein
(GFP) from E. coli that has been transformed with a plasmid that carries the GFP gene. This
experiment is designed to follow Kit #1 (Bacterial Transformation with pGlo). The type of
chromatography used to separate GFP works by using a column that has an affinity for
hydrophobic proteins. GFP is a hydrophobic protein and sticks to the column, while nonhydrophobic proteins in the bacterial cell pass through the column. GFP is released from
the column by passing a buffer through the column that disrupts the interaction of the
protein from the column, allowing the protein to be collected in tubes. This kit, which
includes 8 workstations, is listed at $59.50. Be sure to inquire about the educational
SEP gratefully acknowledges permission from Bio-Rad laboratories to reprint figures from
the Biotechnology Explorer website.
The 1999 SEP lead teachers provided substantial input for reworking the laboratory
Finally, SEP would especially like to thank Cindy McIntyre for the many long hours she
dedicated to this project.
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Chromatography Lab Protocol Overview
Equilibrate column by eluting the column buffer
into the waste tube until the bead bed (peering into
column from above) just appears to look dull/grainy.
Load sample mixture,
1 drop, onto column
Slowly add
column buffer until
reservoir is 1/2 full. Maintain
this level for constant
pressure and flow
throughout the lab.
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Collect 10 drops of fractionate per test tube.
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