DEPARTMENTAL STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY: SATABDI SENAPATI COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING NIT DURGAPUR INTERN AT CORPORATE INFORMATION SYSTEMS CESC LIMITED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am grateful to the organisers of the Summer Internship Programme UNMESH-2012 for giving me the opportunity to be an intern at Corporate Information Systems, CESC Limited. I also wish to express my sincere gratitude to my project guides, Mr. Sumit Poddar, Mr.Goutam Baul and Mr. Jayanta Ghosh for providing me immense support, guidance and supervision throughout the duration of 6 weeks for the successful completion of this project. Last but not the least I would also like to express my gratitude towards my parents and friends for their understanding, encouragement and kind cooperation. 2 INDEX 1. Company Overview, CESC LIMITED 4 2. Role of IT in CESC 5 3. Departmental Store Management System Project Definition and Scope of Work 4. DSMS Database 6 7 5. Flowchart 10 6. Data Flow Diagram 11 7. ER Diagram 13 8. Software Modules 14 Generate a Bill 15 View Product List And Order 17 Update Price 22 View Sales Of Shop 23 Add New Items 26 9. Conclusion and Future Enhancement 27 10.Bibliography 28 3 Company Overview CESC Limited, a flagship company of RP Sanjiv Goenka Group, one of India's leading industrial houses, started as India's first fully integrated electrical utility, and it has been generating and distributing electrical power in Kolkata and Howrah since 1897. CESC is the sole distributor of electricity within an area of 567 sq km of Kolkata and Howrah serving 2.6 million consumers which includes domestic, industrial and commercial users. It owns and operates four thermal power plants generating 1225 MW of power. These are Budge Budge Generating Station (750 MW), Southern Generating Station (135 MW), Titagarh Generating Station (240 MW) and New Cossipore Generating Station (100 MW). It owns and operates the Transmission & Distribution system through which it supplies electricity to consumers. CESC is also in the process of setting up a number of power stations in the country which includes solar power and hydro power. CESC envisages to be a profitable consumer oriented power utility consistent with global standards meeting the expectations of its consumers, employees and other stakeholders. It also missions to meet consumer's expectations continuously by providing safe, reliable and economic electricity through optimization of available resources. CESC is committed to achieve and sustain leadership in Generation, Distribution of Electricity and other allied services to all consumers as per acclaimed standards to meet their expectations in regard to quality and reliability. 4 Role of Information Technology in CESC At CESC, Information Technology (IT) is not just an enabler of business processes, but forms an integral part of the organization’s strategic and performance objectives. In a sense, IT has been identified as a key element to achieve greater operational efficiency and ensures success in a competitive environment. Over the years, the Company has developed a strong IT backbone for carrying out its business. This can be broadly grouped under three major sub-systems: a. A centralized highly available and high performance computing environment from where all 'mission critical' applications of the Company would be running – the Corporate Data Center. b. A city wide high-speed optical fiber communication infrastructure, serving as the 'digital nervous system' and communications backbone of IT operations within the organization – the CESCNET c. A set of in-house developed software systems that are tailor made to the need of the organization running in tandem with a few best of the breed packaged solutions – the application stack. A few of the mission critical applications that are running are: a. The Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) that manages the entire life cycle of a customer’s complaint relating to the supply issues and uses advanced technologies like IVRS, integration between voice and data network etc. b. The consumer billing system responsible for billing of all its consumers on a monthly basis c. The payment collection system responsible for collecting and accounting of all the payments that are received by the company using various channels of payment like the cash offices, the commercial banks and the corporate web site. d. The e-procurement system that enables the vendors of the company to participate in the tendering process and has integration with the central ERP system. e. The e-Prognya Portal acting as a repository of learning material and more importantly, experience and practical knowledge The Corporate Information Systems manages the IT-infrastructure/Services of CESC and provides software solutions to various departments. 5 Departmental Store Management System Project Definition: This project is all about developing a software for managing a departmental store efficiently. The software is designed using PHP, MYSQL, JAVASCRIPT and AJAX. Different shop-owners can access this software using their own unique login-id and password. Various software modules have been provided in this software which caters to the needs of the shop. For example, the shop-owner can view the product list of his shop and order from the warehouse whichever products are required (provision for viewing sales of each product has been made too). Another module generates a bill whenever a transaction occurs. Some other modules provide for updation of price of any product, viewing the sales of the shop and adding new items. Thus each shop owner can manage his shop electronically through this software. Scope of Work: Departmental stores in India has grown at an incredible pace and with it the demand for store management system is growing. Thus through this project a basic software is developed to fulfill the purpose. The software modules have broadened the scope of work by providing various functionalities and all these features enable the software to become user-friendly and reliable. 6 DSMS Database Table_1: product_master DBMS name : emms Number of fields : 4 Primary Key : Composite FIELD sh_no p_no p_name p_price FIELD DESCRIPTION Shop number Product number Product name Product price TYPE int(10) int(10) varchar(50) float(10,2) ALLOW NULL no no no no p_no is AUTO INCREMENT. Index for product_master: Keyname : Primary Type : B-Tree Unique : Yes Field : sh_no,p_no Table_2: shop_master DBMS name : emms Number of fields : 4 Primary Key : Composite FIELD shop_id shop_name pdt_no qty_avail FIELD DESCRIPTION Shop number Shop name Product number Quantitiy available at shop TYPE int(10) varchar(50) int(10) int(10) ALLOW NULL no no no no 7 Index for shop_master: Keyname : Primary Type : B-Tree Unique : Yes Field : shop_id,pdt_no Table_3: warehouse DBMS name : emms Number of fields : 4 Primary Key : Composite FIELD id prd_no shp_no qty FIELD DESCRIPTION Identification number Product number Shop number Quantitiy available at warehouse TYPE ALLOW NULL varchar(50) no int(10) int(10) int(10) no no no Index for warehouse: Keyname : Primary Type : B-Tree Unique : Yes Field : id,prd_no,shp_no 8 Table_4: transaction_master DBMS name : emms Number of fields : 5 Primary Key : Composite FIELD t_id s_no product_no qty_purch t_date FIELD DESCRIPTION Identification number Shop number Product number Quantitiy purchased Transaction date TYPE ALLOW NULL varchar(50) no int(10) int(10) int(10) date no no no no Index for transaction_master: Keyname : Primary Type : B-Tree Unique : Yes Field : t_id,s_no,product_no Table_5: user DBMS name : emms Number of fields : 3 Primary Key : Simple FIELD loginid password sid FIELD DESCRIPTION Login Id Password Shop number TYPE varchar(50) varchar(50) int(10) ALLOW NULL no no no Index for user: Keyname : Primary Type : B-Tree Unique : Yes Field : loginid 9 FLOW CHART SHOP OWNERS Logout Graphically for last 7days Login Single day Main Menu Generate a Bill Provide details and submit View sales of a product For Bill displayed and database updated For Given duration View product List and order Success View Sales of shop Single day Back Given duration Update price of a product Add new items Order from warehouse Display changes & update database Transfer details displayed and database updated Provide details and submit Display changes and update database 10 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM product_master Shop Owner Generate a bill user shop_master transaction_master product_master Shop Owner View product list & order user shop_master warehouse Shop Owner Update price transaction_master product_master user 11 Shop Owner View sales of shop product_master user transaction_master product_master Shop Owner Add new items user shop_master warehouse 12 ER DIAGRAM WAREHOUSE id prd_no shp_no qty Give product details USER loginid password sid PRODUCT_MASTER sh_no p_no p_name p_price Supply products to shops Identifies shopowner with his shop SHOP_MASTER shop_id shop_name pdt_no qty_avail TRANSACTION_ MASTER Supply product to customers t_id s_no product_no qty_purch t_date Show sales 13 SOFTWARE MODULES At first the shop owner accesses the software by providing his log in id and password as shown below: As soon modules as the user is authenticated, he can access the various software 14 Generate a Bill Whenever a transaction occurs successfully a bill has to be generated. This software module takes care of the matter. Whenever this option is chosen from the main menu a bill appears where the shop owner can enter the products which the customer wants to buy using a select-dropdown menu. Quantity of the product available at shop and price of the product appears and the shop owner needs to enter the quantity. The gross amount keeps on changing with the input. Rows of such input can be added or deleted as required. Finally on submitting this input, if the transaction is successful, the shop is updated (quantity of the bought products), a record of this transaction is stored on the database and the bill is displayed. The screen-shot below displays the bill input: Here “QTY AVAILABLE ” displays the number of units available at the shop for the product chosen and “QTY TO SELL” is the number of units the customer demands for the product chosen.”Gross Amount” displays the total amount the customer needs to pay for the transaction. 15 When this input is submitted, if the transaction is successful the transaction is given a unique id and the bill is displayed like the screenshot given below. In case of any error suitable error messages are reported and according to the input given by the shop owner the products are processed and the bill gets generated accordingly. 16 View Product List and Order With the help of this software module a shop owner can view the products in his shop and the number of units available of each.Options are provided to view the sales of each product and also he can order a product from here. Highlighted products are those which have less than 3 units available at the shop and hence are urgently required to be re-ordered. To enhance comparison amongst the sales of various products of his shop, view sales for individual products opens in a new tab altogether. The following screenshots shows the sales of a particular product Keyboard both for a given particular date and for a particular duration of time. 17 18 19 The following screenshot shows the order form which gets displayed when a particular product is ordered: 20 This screen shot displays the shop details and warehouse details when the order is successful: 21 Update Price With the help of this module the shop owner can update the price of any product .The following screenshots portrays this: 22 View Sales Of The Shop This module helps the shop owner to view the sales of his entire shop for a single day or for a given duration of time. The following screenshots displays the functionality of this module. The date is given as input by the shop owner. 23 24 25 Add New Items This software module is used to add new items to the shop and warehouse. The shop owner gives the details about the product and quantity and the database gets updated accordingly. The screenshots below explains this: 26 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT This software thus provides for basic departmental store management needs like generation of bill, viewing product list or the sales, ordering from warehouse, updation of price and addition of new items. Also this software can be used by different shop owners and each shop owner can access and modify only credentials of his shop. Though this caters to the basic needs, this software can be further enhanced to provide for other functionality like provision for an administrator to access this software and add more shops or delete some if required. Also here we are assuming that the products reordered from warehouse are instantly replenished though this requires some time and various checking procedures are involved in reality. Thus with such improvements this software has a bright future scope of being implemented practically. 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites: 28