Panelist Biographies - Cornell Career Services

Panelist Biographies
Cornell Career Services
Tips and Strategies for Finding Summer Internships
April 16, 2012
We are happy to provide bio information on our panelist’s internships. We invite you to talk to our panelists and ask individual
questions after the conclusion of the program.
College, Class Year
Major/Career Interests
Peggy Ramin (mar335)
Arts & Sciences ‘12
Government & Anthropology
Summer 2011: Policy and Program Intern, Human Rights First. Attended hearings, events, and briefings; contributed to research
and worked on projects; corresponded with potential clients seeking asylum in the US; participated in an intern blog on HRF’s
website; assisted with the planning and implementation of the office’s first Staff Day. Washington, DC
August-December 2010: District Intern, US Representative Maurice Hinchey (NY-22). Completed admin tasks; wrote letters to
constituents; edited letters and speeches; assisted with the Military Academy nomination and interview process. Ithaca, NY
Summer 2010: Development Intern, Noah (Nurturing Orphans of AIDS for Humanity). Designed informational and educational
pamphlets for low income families; wrote a blog for Noah’s website detailing experiences at the various community centers;
researched potential US-based funding sources and volunteered at Noah’s various community centers. Pretoria, South Africa
Summer 2009: Congressional Intern, US Representative Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08). Gave tours of the US Capitol to constituents;
planned an intern speaker series; wrote and edited edited letters and speeches; attended hearings and briefings. Washington, DC.
Other Experiences: Senior Class Campaign, Convocation Committee, Arts & Sciences Ambassadors, Class of 2012 Council
Mikel Giordano (mjg292)
CALS ‘12
Summer 2011: Digital Content and Commerce Intern, Google. Assumed the responsibility as head of operations for Google
Catalogs which launched to the public August 16th 2011; Collaborated and corresponded with over 50 merchants to secure 100+
catalogs as an initial benchmark for the product; Led weekly meetings with product team members to enhance the product from an
operational perspective; Spearheaded the use of social intelligence analyses (Radian6) for Google Catalogs in order to track its
development post-launch. Mountain View, CA
Summer 2010: Intern in Business Development and Councils Program, The Advertising Research Foundation. Helped generate
revenues through member acquisition and event registration; Analyzed the impact of advertising research for various members,
such as NBC Universal; Assisted with copy writing and copy editing of ARF Council materials. New York, New York
Summer 2010: Intern in Marketing and E-Commerce, Marc Ecko Enterprises. Worked to enhance online sales through strategic
promotional initiatives by leveraging specific consumer channels; Maintained and developed social media networks to increase
brand recognition across different lines of merchandise; Initiated and conducted analysis of advertising and marketing campaigns
across multiple brands and platforms. New York, New York
January 2010-January 2011: Advertising Associate for The Cornell Daily Sun: Worked directly with clients selling, processing,
and placing advertisements on a daily basis; Collaborated with Online Advertising, Marketing, and Editorial in producing the
independent newspaper. Ithaca, NY
Other Experiences: Career Services Peer Advisor, Out for Undergraduate Business Conference, Phi Gamma Nu Business
Fraternity, Rush Chair
Rachel C. Boochever (RCB264)
CALS ’12
Communication, Minor: Applied Economics and Management
Summer 2011-present: Student Lab Manager, Cornell Social Media Lab. Responsible for organizing and overseeing all research
projects and lab events. Ithaca, NY
Summer 2010: Sales Intern, Warner Music Group (WEA Division). Helped with discovery and outreach to new target markets for
band merchandise, reformatted and reorganized current client database, and developed new business plans for incorporating new
media into the sales department. New York, New York
Spring 2010-Present: Agency Coordinator of Into the Streets, Cornell University: Responsible for developing and organizing
service projects with over 60 agencies in he greater Ithaca community in which over 1500 students go “into the streets” in Cornell
University’s largest day of community service; Oversee the execution of the projects on the day of the event. Ithaca, NY
Fall 2009-Present: Research Assistant at Social Media Lab, Cornell University: Selected by Professor Jeff Hancock to conduct
experiments and analyze data using multiple social science approaches. Ithaca, NY
Summer 2009: Hostess at Creo Restaurant: Responsible for greeting and seating customers, and assisted in planning large parties
and catering events. Albany, NY
Other Experiences: Peer Advisor, Comm Dept., John Cabot University, Rome, Italy; President, Association for Women in
Communication, PR Chair, SDT Sorority
Jessica Occean (jo262)
CALS ‘12
Applied Economics and Management
Concentration in Marketing and Food Industry Management
Summer 2011: Brand Management Intern, Unilever. Worked on the entry-level range of the Dove deodorant category; Conducted
retail site visits, mined Nielsen data, and consulted with cross- functionals to create a marketing mix analysis of the range; Isolated
the drivers for the range’s softening sales to develop recommendations for 2012. Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Summer 2010: Travel and Tourism Intern, Pilsner Urquell Brewery. Benchmarked Pilsner’s various franchises against competing
destinations by conducting field research, site assessments, and reviews of relevant internet resources; Presented recommendations
to enhance customer experience and increase tourist traffic. Plzen, Czech Republic
Other Experiences: VP Phi Gamma Nu Business Fraternity, Johnson School ODI, TA AEM 1102. BOLD.
Andrew K. Sung (aks82)
ENGR ‘13
Operations Research and Engineering
Minors in Information Science, Cognitive Science, Law and Regulation
Jun. 2011-Nov. 2011: Investment Research Intern, Kingfish Group. Private equity firm operations and investment initiatives,
including proprietary deal sourcing, market segment research, and competitor analysis in the healthcare industry; Synthesized
information from disparate sources to develop differentiated perspectives on investment strategies; Identified potential market
opportunities and supported Kingfish investment work. San Mateo, CA
Dec. 2010-Jan. 2011: Wealth Management Intern, UBS Financial Services Inc. Developed a reallocation scheme for a trust fund
portfolio using UBS proprietary tools that projected increased mean returns across all predetermined time horizons with low
correlated risk for a senior client under a three-week deadline; Created 28 beneficiary IRA distribution reports for advisory
purposes and prepared 21 forms regarding securities litigation cases. Muskegon, MI
Jun. 2010-Jul. 2010: FX & Derivatives Trading and International Banking Intern, Hana Bank. Evaluated 45 foreign financial
institutions with a focus on European and Chinese banks to determine their credit ratings; Presented recommendations to two
supervisors concerning which foreign markets (Malaysian, Thai, Philippine, and Formosa) to break into and issue bonds after
analyzing a comprehensive overview and coverage of the Asian emerging markets; Prepared and led a 30-minute presentation on
options theory using the binomial model to the FX and derivatives trading team. Seoul, South Korea
Jun. 2009-Aug. 2009: Intern, Chemtech Systems, Inc. Maximized efficiency of four different processes and calculated the optimal
processes under a two-week time frame; Researched and synthesized data from 20 experiments into concise analysis to determine
the most efficient course of action; Prepared findings that were incorporated in analysis reports which aided clients in determining
investment decisions. Muskegon, MI
Other Experiences: Career Services Peer Advisor, Research ORIE & ECON Dept., Cornell Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team,
Cornell Board of Portfolio Managers, Cornell Venture Capital Club, Mutual Investment Club of Cornell