A fly on the wall….that's what I feel like sometimes when I'm sitting in

A fly on the wall….that’s what I feel like sometimes when I’m sitting in the CLBS library with the door open. It’s
amazing what you can hear when no one knows you’re listening! But, I’ll get back to that in a minute.
A little over a year ago, I decided to retire after 23 years as a public school elementary teacher. I was amazed
when God worked out what I thought were MY plans to retire! Little did I know that He had orchestrated His
own plan for my life…and it’s been a very busy year! Although we’ve been members of Chisago Lakes Baptist
for over five years, I really hadn’t been involved with the school before. I was totally engrossed teaching my 29
second graders, planning lessons, preparing supplemental curriculum, attending numerous meetings,
corresponding with parents, correcting hundreds of papers, and averaging and justifying a total of 800-1000
grades or test scores that were required each trimester on my class’s report cards. Since I taught in public
schools, I was a bit biased, and knew that we provided a great education for students since we had more
funding, a wider variety of course offerings, and accessibility to special services. I thought that Christian
schools were probably fine, the curriculum would be similar, class sizes smaller, and that it would be
wonderful to pray before lunch, and to be able to talk about Jesus to my students.
Back to that fly on the wall! When I retired, I had the HUGE task of deciding what to do with 23 years of
curriculum, furniture, toys, games, lesson plans, books, and what have you, that I had collected! I had only
walked past the CLBS library door once and peeked through the window, but I decided to ask if they would like
two big totes of books. Well, the old saying goes, “When God closes a door (ie retirement), he opens a
window!” For me, that was the CLBS library! What an adventure this past year has been! It’s been amazing to
watch the new libraries come to life, to work with wonderful people, and….to be that fly on the wall!
One day, as I was carrying a box of books from the parking lot, a student from the high school hurried to get to
the door ahead of me, just to hold it open! I found later that he wasn’t the only gentleman in the school, and it
took me by surprise, because it just wasn’t something I was used to! Another day, I just couldn’t help but hear
the squeals, giggles, and excitement coming from Kathy Nelson’s first and second graders! As I listened a bit
harder, I heard Dr. Jason DeVries explaining to the kids about how the heart pumps. What made it so exciting?
He had brought along a real pig’s heart for them to touch! (I think the only one who wasn’t as excited was his
wife who had to store it in her refrigerator for two days!) I found that he was coming once a week to talk to
the kids about the human body, as part of their health curriculum.
Another thing I noticed, as I sat at the library desk, was that Mr. Schwenke knew every student and every
parent’s name….and, his door is always OPEN! I realized that kids and parents alike, came in to the office
sometimes just to visit, to share their struggles, to offer their help.
Since I was so involved with the library, and Barb Zempel (bless her heart) and I had started classes for the
elementary kids in December, I certainly didn’t need anything else to do to fill up my retirement. But, my
goodness, God has a sense of humor and he certainly knows ME! When Jerry asked me to sub during Mrs.
Tomlinson’s maternity leave I hesitated…for weeks! But, you just can’t hold a teacher back from teaching and
kids! Boy, was I nervous at first! I’d never taught in a Christian school before! I was warmly welcomed by the
staff, but, by the end of the first morning staff meeting, I was in tears. You see, at CLBS, it’s not just a meeting.
For the first time I was able to hear the staff ask for prayer requests and pray for each other. I heard staff
members share daily devotions and scripture, and we prayed specifically for two different students each day.
The meeting was secondary and was usually a few minutes of conversing WITH the teachers about potential
problems or scheduling concerns.
I certainly made a few blunders that first day (OK quite a few days) in the classroom. You see, I was used to
saying the Pledge of Allegiance and taking attendance, but I WASN’T used to saying the Pledge to the Christian
flag, or the Pledge to the Bible. (Actually, I don’t know them, but I was too embarrassed to tell the kids.) I also
kept forgetting to ask for prayer requests and start the morning with prayer. The kids were great at reminding
me though. The curriculum was new to me (especially since I had taught a different grade level), and some of
it I was learning right along with the kids. But what really surprised me is that it WAS different from public
school! At CLBS, not only did we learn about the westward expansion on the Oregon Trail, but also that Marcus
and Narcissa Whitman were important missionaries in Oregon. We found out that Davy Crockett died at the
Alamo, but we also learned that Peter Cartwright was an important circuit-rider preacher!
As I gathered my small group of third graders around me for reading, I was absolutely amazed that they were
reading a play in their reading book that was straight out of the Bible! In handwriting, the students practiced
their cursive by writing Bible verses which were all a part of the curriculum! And, in science, each heading was
begun with a scripture reference. We actually were able to tell kids that God created those magnificent
creatures in the oceans! Sometimes those third and fourth graders must have thought that I was crazy,
because I would stop right in the middle of a lesson and tell them, “You would NEVER see this in public
school!” Please thank your parents for sending you to CLBS! You are SO blessed!”
There are many things that are the same in education. I have known some of the finest teachers who love
teaching and kids with all of their heart and will do anything possible to help a child succeed. They put in
countless hours of time that no one knows about (except their families) planning, correcting, creating,
communicating, collaborating, and commiserating. Public, as well as private schools have many Christian staff
members too, whose ministry it is to be the light in the darkness.
So what’s different about CLBS? CLBS is a family. Teachers, staff, kids, and parents really truly care about each
other. They know each other and can encourage each other academically, socially, and spiritually. Older kids
mentor younger kids and are given many opportunities to interact with each other. That was really
demonstrated to me during CLBS Patriot Week in February. It was absolutely amazing…..and hilarious!
Watching high school kids carrying elementary kids on their backs and cheering them on during the team
challenges the end of each day was a sight I would never have seen at my school. You see my school had 1400
kids, kindergarten through fifth grade. I didn’t even know all of the kids in the second grade because there
were over 200. Yes, larger schools do have more activities, but in a smaller school, the opportunities are
greater. Sounds contradictory doesn’t it? Well, how many kids do you think were given solos in second grade
in my school? The answer is none. Why? Because our school is so big that they only have concerts in third and
fifth grade, and then only a handful of kids can solo. During the CLBS Christmas concert every child had a part
and many had solos! But, once again, for me, it wasn’t the singing, or the acting, but the message of Jesus
Christ that stirred my heart and made me realize that CLBS was different.
Sometimes I overhear parents saying that they’ll start their kids out in Christian school, but then want to
“transition” them to public school so they can learn to survive in our secular world. After having the privilege
of subbing at CLBS for 2 ½ months, I can only shake my head and ask, “why?” Why would you want to take
your child out of a loving and caring family environment with a sequential, foundational curriculum, which
provides your child the means to grow spiritually, and to learn and hide God’s Word in their heart, so they CAN
to be a witness to others in their neighborhood. CLBS is doing just that…..teaching children the most important
tools they will need to be lights for Jesus in our secular world. If you’d ever like to join me as a fly on the wall,
let me know, you’ll not only have fun, but you’ll learn a lot! CLBS is quite a gift!