The Lee Kong Chian School of Business Academic Year 2013/14 Term 2 FNCE310 TRADE FINANCE Instructors Name Title Email Office : Yong Meng / Jayesh Avlani : Adjunct Faculty of Finance : / : LKCSB Level 5 Adjunct Office COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will provide participants with the basic theory and traditional definition of the various payment /financing products applicable in international trade finance. This followed by an in-depth analysis and application of these mechanisms in structuring short-term trade and commodity financing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES (A) Business models of trading companies/trade finance banks; key service providers to commodity trading houses; sale/purchase contracts – key standard terms By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Compare the organization structures of commodity trading firms and trade finance banks (ii) Appreciate the importance of networking with service providers in their future working career (iii) Construct key contract terms peculiar to the sale of commodities (B) Incoterms By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Appreciate/compare and contrast the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in respect of contract of carriage, insurance, export/import licences under Incoterms. (ii) Identify and evaluate the passing of risks on shipment and delivered terms. (C) Shipping documents in international trade By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Identify the distinct roles of commercial, transport, financial, insurance documents, etc. (ii) Evaluate documentary risk relating to commodity trade. (D) Documentary Collections, URC 522 By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Identify and differentiate the parties to a documentary collection operation (ii) Appreciate the risks to importers and exporters who trade on documentary collection terms. (iii) Apply the articles of URC 522 to some case studies. (E) Documentary Credits, UCP 600, ISBP, URR 725 By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Identify and differentiate the parties to a documentary credit operation (ii) Appreciate how banks and trading companies view documentary risk. (iii) Apply the articles of UCP 600 to some case studies and (iv) Develop principal terms and conditions appearing on LCs that relate to the commodity business. (F)& (G) Special types of Credits: transferable letters of credit, assignment of LC proceeds, back to back letters of credit, red and green clause LCs By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Identify and differentiate the various special types of credits, their key terms and conditions as well as their attendant risks and (ii) Apply them to the structuring of international trade transactions. 1 (H) Demand guarantees and standby LCs- URDG 758 and ISP 98 By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Identify and differentiate the various types of demand guarantees and standby LCs, their key terms and conditions as well as their attendant risks and (ii) Apply them to the structuring of international trade transactions. (I) Banking Facilities and Services for Importers and Exporters (including forfeiting, factoring) By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) Distinguish the types of financing products applicable to importers and exporters by way of case studies (ii) Apply them to the structuring of international trade transactions. ASSESSMENT METHODS Class participation: 10% Mid- term paper: 40% (2 Written Assignments, 20% each) Final Examination: 50% (Open Book) TOTAL: 100% Academic Integrity All acts of academic dishonesty (including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, facilitation of acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of exam questions, or tampering with the academic work of other students) are serious offences. All work (whether oral or written) submitted for purposes of assessment must be the student’s own work. Penalties for violation of the policy range from zero marks for the component assessment to expulsion, depending on the nature of the offence. When in doubt, students should consult the course instructor. Details on the SMU Code of Academic Integrity may be accessed at PRE-REQUISITE/CO-REQUISITE/MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE COURSE(S) Please refer to the Course Catalogue on OASIS for the most updated list of pre-requisites / co-requisites for this particular course. Do note that if this course has a co-requisite, it means that the course has to be taken together with another course. Dropping one course during BOSS bidding would result in both courses being dropped at the same time. RECOMMENDED TEXT AND READINGS No textbook. Reference text: ICC Guide to Export/Import (Fourth Edition) References will also be made to ICC Publications on Incoterms, URC 522, UCP 600, ISBP, URR725, URDG758 and ISP98, Uniform Rules for Forfaiting 2 WEEKLY LESSON PLANS Week No. 1 Specific Learning Objectives for the Lesson - - - Understand how trade finance is featured within trade houses and commercial banks Appreciation of compliance issues international trade Concepts / Topics Covered Required Reading Business models of trading companies and trade finance banks. Principal players supporting the traders. Assessment of Learning (Formative / Summative) Ice-breaker & Introduction(30 mins) Oral questioning Lecture (2 hours) Dry bulk and oil companies involving carriage by sea. Group discussion of service providers to traders (30 mins) in Examine support services working for trade houses - Identify trade houses worldwide (future employers) - Appreciate key terms common to international sale/purchase contracts Instructional Strategies Trade/trade environment and trade networks. Movements of goods from seller to buyer Key terms peculiar to sale and purchase of commodities Reflection Question Summary: 15 mins. 3 2+3 List common shipping terms and their abbreviations. Compare seller’s and buyers responsibilities in respect of contract of carriage , insurance, export and import licences. Standard Shipping Terms used in International Trade (INCOTERMS 2010) Oral Questioning Ice-breaker & Introduction (30 mins) Reflection Question Class discussion/lecture on sellers responsibilities, buyer’s responsibilities and transfer of risk.(3 hours)under each Incoterm Recommended reading: Incoterms 2010 (ICC Publication) Summary (15 mins) Highlight passing of risk under INCOTERMS 4 Classify shipping documents as follows: commercial, transport, financial, insurance, others Standard Documents used in International Trade Oral Questioning Written assignment on Incoterms and Shipping Documents – to be handed in on Week 7 Examine each document in detail in terms of role/function, its contents, types/variations, etc. Ice-breaker & Introduction (15 mins) Display sample shipping documents for discussion. Lecture (2.5 hours) Emphasize documentary risks in trade transaction Reflection Questions Icebreaker & Introduction (30 mins) 4 5 Introducing parties to a documentary collection operation- principal, remitting bank, collecting bank and presenting bank and drawee. Discussion on the role and responsibilities of collecting bank. Examine outward collection and inward collection – bank considerations. Discussion on DP and DA payments Oral Questioning Terms of Payment in International Trade: Documentary Collection Recommended: Uniform Rules For Collections (URC 522) ICC Uniform Rules for Collection – a Commentary Lecture (2 hours) Display collection instruction Reflection Questions Group discussion of risks to exporters selling on documentary collection terms. Summary (15 mins) Icebreaker and Introduction ( 30 mins) 6+7 Introducing parties to a documentary credit – applicant, issuing bank, beneficiary, correspondent bank (advising, confirming, nominated, negotiating bank) Oral Questioning Lecture (2 hours) Documentary Credit Various forms of Documentary Credit – sight, deferred payment, acceptance credits Display sample LC contents Discussion on principal contents of a letter of credit Examine bank’s considerations in issuing LC and exporter’s considerations in examining LC on receipt Discussion on bank considerations in the examination of export documents – discrepancies. Recommended: ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600) International Standard Banking Practice ICC Uniform Rules for Bankto- Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits Reflection Question 5 8 Mid-term Break 9+10 In-depth explanation of special types of credit Compare and contrast transferable and back-to-back credit. Risks/Control features Special types of Credit - Transferable Letters of Credit /Assignment of Proceeds - Back-to-back LCs - Red clause LCs - Green clause LCs Oral Questioning Display samples of transferable and back to back LCs Lecture (2 hours) Summary (30 mins) Reflection Question Ice-breaker and Introduction (30 mins) Lecture (2 hours) Compare and contrast red and green clause LCs Risks and control features Case studies of above products Display samples of red clause and green clause LCs. – FCRs, Warehouse receipts, inspection certificates Summary(15 mins) 6 11 12+13 In-depth explanation of various types of demand guarantees and Standby LCs and their application to trade transactions and construction projects. Types of Demand Guarantees, and Standby LCs In-depth explanation of import financing: Overdrafts/short term loans, Trust Receipts, Shipping Guarantees, Stock Financing (Collateral Management) Banking Facilities and Services for Importers and Exporters Ice-breaker and Introduction (30 mins) Case Study of a Local Coffee/Cocoa Trader Lecture (4 hours) In-depth explanation of export financing: Receivables Financing under documentary collection and documentary credit General introduction to other financing services: Factoring and Forfaiting Recommended: - ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees URDG 758 - International Standby Practices ISP 98 Oral Questioning Ice-breaker and Introduction (30 mins) Lecture (2 hours) Reflection Question Display sample formats and structures of common types of guarantees and standby LCs Case Study approach: emphasis on applications. Summary (30 mins) 7 14 REVISION 15 FINAL EXAMINATION Comments on assignment and attempting past examination questions. 8