Saskatchewan Health Regional Health Services Policy & Procedure Manual Approved By: Section: Regional Accountability Branch Finance Title: RHA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTING Status: Effective Date: Page: Branch Contact: Current March 2007 1 of 1 787-7291 INTENT: The intent of this policy is to provide guidance to regional health authorities regarding the submission of audited financial statements, management information, and other year-end reporting requirements that are part of the accountability mechanism. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY: The Regional Health Services Act, Section 55 RELATED GUIDELINES (Links): None POLICY: In accordance with Section 55 of The Regional Health Services Act, regional health authorities will, each fiscal year, submit a financial statement showing the business of the regional health authority. The financial statement will include the information contained in the RHA Financial Reporting Guide. RHA Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health 2006-07 Financial Reporting Guide For the Regional Health Authorities January 2007 Regional Accountability Branch Last Updated: 01/25/07 Table of Contents CHANGES TO THE 2006-07 FINANCIAL REPORTING GUIDE.............................................1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................2 AUDITING REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................2 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS...........................................................................................3 a. Accounting Principles .....................................................................................................................3 b. Reliance on the Work of Other Auditors .......................................................................................5 c. Financial Statement Approval Requirements ................................................................................6 AUDIT REPORTS.................................................................................................................................7 OTHER REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................7 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Legislative Requirements............................................................................................................7 Health Care Organization Audited Financial Statements..........................................................7 Annual Reports ............................................................................................................................8 Federal Cost Sharing Claims.......................................................................................................8 Department of Finance Summary Financial Statement Consolidation Schedules ...................9 CMDB Flat File Facilities/Services (Formerly AHS Survey) .........................................................9 SHC Statements...........................................................................................................................9 General Revenue Fund Reconciliation.......................................................................................9 Energy Conservation in Saskatchewan’s Health Care Facilities.............................................10 Reconciliation of Salaries..........................................................................................................10 ROLE OF PROVINCIAL AUDITOR..............................................................................................10 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................................11 Appendix 1: Audit Planning Schedule..............................................................................................12 Appendix 2: Financial Reporting of Health Care Organizations.....................................................14 Appendix 3: Restricted Fund Accounting.........................................................................................19 Appendix 4: Regional Health Authority Financial Statements........................................................22 i) Statements ..................................................................................................................................25 ii) Notes ..........................................................................................................................................28 iii) Schedules ..................................................................................................................................46 Appendix 5: Reports to Submit to Saskatchewan Health ................................................................51 Appendix 6: Audit Reports................................................................................................................53 Appendix 7: SHC Reporting Requirements .....................................................................................56 Appendix 8: Related Party Listing ....................................................................................................66 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health CHANGES TO THE 2006-07 FINANCIAL REPORTING GUIDE The Financial Reporting Guide includes important information about the reporting requirements for 2006-07 and reflects the Regional Health Services Act. The following information indicates the significant changes to the Financial Reporting Guide. General Updates The due date for the final audited financial statements is May 18th. Statements, Schedules & Notes – Changed format to show values NOT in ‘thousands of dollars’. Refer to statements, schedules & notes in this guide. Templates are available. RHAs may submit statements in ‘dollars’ or ‘thousands’ – which ever is more conducive to the RHAs portrayal of results. - This symbol means there is new or additional information in the corresponding paragraph or section. - This symbol highlights important information or dates to remember. Specific Changes 1. Schedule 5 (Page 6 & 50) – Senior Mgmt Schedule: # of FTE’s are no longer required because individuals are named. Refer to updated wording for Salary & Benefits. 2. Salary Reconciliation (Page 10) Other Reporting Requirements item j. – reconciliation of the Schedule 5 reported amount for CEO and Senior Management is to be completed by May 18th. A template will be provided, this is not part of the audited financial statement package. 3.Financial Reporting of HCOs (Page 15 ) – added text to state if any consideration is given to change the accounting treatment for an affiliate or HCO based on control the Department and Provincial Comptroller’s Office must be notified. 4. Note 1 (Page 28) – changed to wording to remove text about districts that no longer applies and add text regarding RHAs tax exemptions. 5. Note 2e (Page 31) – added the words ‘recorded as’ deferred ‘revenue’. 6. Note 4 (Page 33) – additional information is required to report capital lease amounts. 7. Note 5 (Page 34) – added a bullet in the reference section to highlight that mortgages are not held by SHC (they are only administered and subsidized by SHC), therefore the Title of Issue should show CMHC instead of SHC. 8. Note 6 (Page 35) - Removed sentence ‘Restricted funding related to general operations….’ This is already covered in Note 2(e) and is therefore not required. 9. Schedule 5 (Page 50) – there is a new detailed format for Board Remuneration. 10. Related Party Listing (Page 67) – new parties are added to the list and are highlighted in Appendix 8. January 2007 1 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health Introduction This intention of this guide is to assist regional health authorities in meeting their accountability requirements. The Regional Health Services Act (the Act) holds Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) accountable to residents of the health region and to the Minister of Health for the effective and affordable delivery of health services. The Act sets out various accountability mechanisms including annual reports and independent audits. This document is primarily concerned with the Audited Financial Statements, management information, and other year-end reporting requirements that are part of this accountability mechanism. Auditing Requirements Audited reports required by the Minister include: 1. Audited financial statements (the Act, s.55-57). Audited financial statements and summary financial statement consolidation schedules are due May 1, 2007 to the Departments of Health and Finance. If audited financial statements are not available by this date, provide draft financial statements that are substantially complete (i.e. no significant changes required to audit figures). Submit audited financial statements when available, no later than May 18, 2007. On May 18, 2007, if audited financial statements have not been supplied, provide written confirmation to the Departments of Health and Finance that the financial statements have not changed significantly from the draft statements, which you provided on May 1, 2007. Conversely, if significant changes have occurred, provide these updated financial statements to the Departments of Health and Finance with confirmation that no further changes are anticipated. Please note that delays in finalizing audited financial statements also affect the timing of the annual report (which must be approved by the Board of Directors and tabled in legislature). Notify the person responsible for the RHA’s annual report of any delays and inform them of changes affecting the financial results in the annual report. Section 55 of the Act indicates the RHAs financial statement must contain audited information of all Health Care Organizations (HCOs) with which it has an agreement pursuant to Section 34. The Department of Health requires disclosure as set out in Appendix 4, Note 9 on related parties (if the current year audited financial statements are not available then RHAs should use the prior year audited financial information and note disclose any significant activity occurring in the 2006-07 fiscal year). 2. Audit report on the financial control systems (internal control opinion) by June 29, 2007. 3. Audit reports on compliance with legislative and related authorities (legislative compliance opinion) by June 29, 2007. January 2007 2 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health These reports are useful for the RHA to explain its financial performance to the Minister and local residents. These reports can also assist the RHA to hold its management accountable. The Provincial Auditor's Office is involved in the audits of all the RHAs. They plan to attend auditplanning meetings with the RHA Chief Financial Officer and the RHA appointed auditor. The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss the audit plan, timelines, and processes for each RHA audit. Annual Financial Statements RHAs should prepare their annual financial statements using the accounting principles that apply to not-for-profit organizations set out in the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) handbook, sections 4400 to 4460, as well as, generally accepted accounting principles, and The Non-profit Corporations Act. a. Accounting Principles The following accounting principles, recommended by the CICA handbook, have the most significant effect on a RHA. i) Contribution (Revenue) Recognition1 The RHAs are to use the restricted fund method of revenue recognition. Unrestricted contributions received in the fiscal year are reported as revenue in the operating fund. Accounting for restricted contributions depends on the existence of a corresponding restricted fund: • If a restricted fund exists for the restricted contribution, the contribution is included as revenue in the year received, whether the funds are spent or not. As in previous years, it is recommended the RHAs limit the number of restricted funds presented in the financial statements to two: the capital fund and if applicable a community generated/preamalgamation fund. • If no corresponding restricted fund exists, and the funds are spent during the year, the restricted contribution is included in the operating fund as revenue. • If no corresponding restricted fund exists, and the funds are not spent during the year, the restricted contribution is included in the operating fund as deferred revenue. A change in the Contribution Recognition Accounting Policy is treated as a change in accounting policy in accordance with ACCOUNTING CHANGES in section 1506 of the 1 Contribution recognition when using restricted fund accounting is described in section 4410 of the CICA Handbook. January 2007 3 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health CICA handbook. Therefore, if the Contribution Recognition Accounting Policy changes from the previous year, retroactive restatements of the previous year’s figures are required. ii) Interfund Transfers Transfers between funds or reserves during the year are neither revenue nor expense of either fund. Instead, interfund transfers are to be included only in the Statement of Changes in Fund Balances (below the surplus/deficit line of the Statement of Operations and Statement of Fund Balances). Transfers from a fund may only occur if there is a positive fund balance. The transfers from the operating fund may only be to the amount that brings the fund balance to zero. The exception may be a transfer from the operating fund to the SHC reserve, which may be required to bring the reserve balance to the prescribed minimum level (Appendix 7). Discuss such exceptions with the PFC Analyst before submitting the statements for format approval. The RHA must receive prior approval from the Department of Health for any interfund transfers that bring the fund balance to a negative. iii) Related Parties The Saskatoon and Sunrise RHAs currently have joint service management agreements with some of their affiliates and respectively consolidate and combine the affiliate financial results in their financial statements. The consolidated and combined financial statements recognize that even though the reporting organization (the RHA) and its related affiliate may be separate legal entities, together they constitute a single economic unit (by a joint service management agreement). Such financial statements show readers (e.g. the Minister and the local residents) the financial resources and operations of the RHA and the particular affiliates together. The Saskatoon and Sunrise RHAs consolidate and combine the financial results of the affiliates with a joint service management agreement and disclose information according to Appendix 4, Note 9. All other RHAs will provide note disclosure for the applicable HCOs and fund raising foundations financial information. The RHAs are encouraged to provide the Financial Reporting Guide to HCOs to use as guidance in preparation of their financial statements. Health Care Organizations Defined The following definitions will assist the RHAs in preparing for consolidation and disclosure in Note 9. The Regional Health Services Act, Section 2 provides definitions for the terms HCO and affiliate. As you will see below, the term HCO is all encompassing and used consistently throughout this document to describe all HCOs to which an RHA provides grant funding. Health Care Organization – as defined in The Act, Section 2(1) (h), is (i) an affiliate; or (ii) a prescribed person that receives funding from a regional health authority to provide health services. Affiliate – as defined in The Act, Section 2(1) (a) means a person who, immediately before the coming into force of this section, is the operator of a hospital approved pursuant to The January 2007 4 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health Hospital Standards Act or a not-for-profit special-care home licensed pursuant to The Housing and Special-care Homes Act, and includes any successor to that operator but does not include a regional health authority or a prescribed person. The following terms are used in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) and distinguish between the types of HCOs and the disclosure of grant funding: Prescribed Health Care Organizations (The Regional Health Services Administration Regulations – Tables 1 and 2) – funding that is provided to prescribed HCOs (formerly called Community Based Organizations or CBO) on a regular basis for health service delivery and on behalf of the reporting organization (RHA). The name and total annual grant amount of each HCO is disclosed separately in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) i). Third Party Organizations – a third party organization receives either regular, intermittent, or one time grant funding. The name and total annual grant amount of each third party is disclosed separately in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) i). A third party includes organizations such as an ambulance service or Extendicare. Joint Service Management Agreement - an agreement between the RHA and affiliate, which gives the RHA the right to manage certain aspects of the affiliate’s operations. The RHA provides grant funding to the affiliate and consolidates or combines the affiliate financial information with that of the RHA. This relates directly to the Saskatoon RHA and Sunrise RHA. This type of agreement is disclosed as per Appendix 4, Note 2 and Note 9 b) ii). Affiliate – an agreement between the RHA and affiliate (as defined in The Act) in which the RHA provides funding in exchange for the delivery of health care services normally provided by the RHA. Disclosure is according to Appendix 4, Note 9 b) iii). Fund Raising Foundations – organizations with the primary purpose of providing assets or funding for assets to the RHA. Additionally, Appendix 2 provides guidance in assessing the relationship between the RHA, HCO, and a fundraising foundation in regards to significant influence and economic interest. b. Reliance on the Work of Other Auditors The Office of the Provincial Auditor (OPA) is providing the RHA’s appointed auditor with guidelines to consider for including affiliate financial information in the RHA’s financial statements, as in Appendix 4, Note 9. The OPA’s guidelines address the issue of reliance on the work of another auditor. The OPA’s guidelines follow CICA Handbook section 6930 and recommend that where the expenses of the affiliate are material but less than five times the materiality of the RHA, the auditor will communicate with the affiliate’s auditor and get a letter of representation from them. In addition, if the affiliate’s expenses are more than five times the materiality of the RHA, the RHA auditor will need to review the other auditor’s files. January 2007 5 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health c. Financial Statement Approval Requirements Financial statements are to be prepared on a restricted fund accounting basis 1 . The PFC analyst must approve any anticipated changes to the final version of the statements. The Statement of Financial Position (Appendix 4, Statement 1) contains a column for each fund (Operating, Capital and Pre-Amalgamated/Community Generated Trust). All the funds are totalled and compared to last year's total. This presentation is consistent with the CICA's example financial statements and provides a self-balancing set of statements. Eliminate all due to/from balances between funds on the Statement of Financial Position before submitting for format approval, discuss exceptional circumstances with the MA analyst. The Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances (Appendix 4, Statement 2) individually presents the operating and restricted fund balances. The Statement contains budget (operating only), current year actuals and prior year actuals in columns for comparison of these funds. Revenues and expenses are summarized by program according to the Provincial Chart of Accounts coding. The RHA Board approves the operating budget plan. The Accountability Document, issued by the Department of Health to each RHA, reflects the RHA 2006-07 Budget Plan. The Statement of Cash Flow (Appendix 4, Statement 3) shows a column for each fund. A prior year comparison column exists for the operating fund and for the total restricted funds. This statement is prepared using the indirect method. The Expenses by Object (Appendix 4, Schedule 1) uses the Provincial Chart of Accounts coding format modeled in the 2006-07 quarterly financial report. The schedule of Board Member Remuneration requires further details according to changes in the Regional Health Services Administration Regulation 9.1(4). The schedule for Senior Management Salaries, Benefits and Allowances in Appendix 4, Schedule 5 consists of board members names, senior employee names and position titles, salaries, benefits & allowances, and severances. The senior management salary information does not include accruals for the fiscal year end and is based on the following: • Salaries include - Salaries include regular base pay, overtime, honoraria, sick leave, vacation leave and merit or performance pay, lump sum payments, and any other direct cash remuneration. • Benefits and Allowances include - the employers share of employee benefits and allowances. This includes car allowance, education and training, professional membership fees, other fees, and relocations costs. This does NOT include: travel expense, pension, healthcare, dental and vision, group life insurance, Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance, workers compensation, and long-term disability plans. Note Appendix 4, Schedule 5 endnotes correspond with the above calculations. 1 Restricted fund accounting is described briefly in Appendix 3 and fully in section 4410 of the CICA Handbook. January 2007 6 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health Segregate the replacement reserves; pursuant to CMHC mortgage agreements, on the balance sheet as internally restricted assets in the Capital Fund. Appendix 4, Schedule 4 provides individual balances and any commitments against those funds. Schedule 4 segregates amounts for SHC replacement reserves as well as capital and operating reserves (if applicable), see Schedule 4 in Appendix 4 for further details. Audit Reports Samples of audit reports addressed to the RHA are included in Appendix 6. The submission dates of these reports to the Department of Health are included in Appendix 5. These audit reports give assurance to the Minister, the residents of each health region, and the regional health authority that: • the financial statements prepared by management present fairly the financial position and results of operations of the regional health authority; • the internal control policies and procedures put in place by management are adequate to safeguard and control the assets of the regional health authority; and • management has complied with legislative and related authorities including service agreements with the Minister. Other Reporting Requirements a. Legislative Requirements The Act allows for additional reporting requirements with an end, from the RHA, to increase the RHAs accountability regarding services provided and activities undertaken to improve the health status of its residents. b. Health Care Organization Audited Financial Statements The Department requires the RHA to submit a copy of the audited financial statements for each related HCO to the Department of Health by June 8, 2007 (Appendix 5). Letters of Internal Control and Legislative Compliance are required only for Affiliates. In the case of Extendicare organizations, the department requires audited financial information of revenues and expenses. In the past, Extendicare’s auditor has submitted audited schedules. Each RHA is responsible for collecting these reports and submitting them to the PFC Analyst, as they are available. January 2007 7 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health c. Annual Reports The Act requires the RHAs annual report to be tabled in accordance with The Tabling of Documents Act within 120 days of the fiscal year end. In accordance with this legislation, a draft of the report must be presented to the Minister 30 days before the tabling date. The draft Annual Report must be submitted in hardcopy by June 15, 2007. The Annual Report includes: audited financial statements; a Management Report; a section called ‘Financial Summary’; the Payee Disclosure List; and financial performance indicators. The Department of Health reviews the annual report then presents it to the Minister for approval. The final Annual Report must: be signed by the Chairperson (in the Letter of Transmittal); include the signed external ‘Auditor’s Report’; be submitted in final form by July 16, 2007 (for compilation of the Tabling Document). The Management Report in the annual report (CICA Accounting Guideline 7 (AcG-7)) gives direction for management to report on its responsibility for financial statements and other financial information as per paragraph 2 of AcG-7. This report accompanies the audited financial statements in the annual report and must be signed by the CFO and CEO. An example of the management report is included in the Annual Report Guidelines, and AcG-7 should be reviewed before writing the management report. The RHA Annual Report Guidelines provide direction for preparing a Financial Summary within the content of the Annual Report. Collaboration with the RHA’s communications department (or person responsible for the annual report) is encouraged to support the reporting and interpretation of financial information. The annual report guide also provides direction for preparing the Payee Disclosure List and includes a Performance Management Summary, which reports financial indicator results. d. Federal Cost Sharing Claims From time to time, the Department participates in Federal Cost Sharing Programs. In order for the Department to prepare federal cost sharing claims, we require RHAs that participate in these programs to provide information in a timely manner to facilitate the claims. This may include a completed summary of expenditures and salary details or audited financial statements if the entity operates independently from the RHA. Some of the programs that will require information include regionally delivered alcohol and drug training and rehabilitation programs, mental health services, and primary health services. RHAs will be contacted specifically regarding their reporting requirements. The Financial Analyst (Rhonda Ross @ 787-3106) from Saskatchewan Health’s Finance and Administration Branch will inform you of the programs you will be required to report on for 2006-07. The reporting dates on these programs vary and you will be informed of the due date, which generally fall within 20 to 60 days after year-end. January 2007 8 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health e. Department of Finance Summary Financial Statement Consolidation Schedules The Department of Finance requires the submission of the Summary Financial Statement Consolidation Schedules to be completed by May 1, 2007. These schedules are in Excel worksheets and will be distributed separately by the Department of Finance to each RHA for completion by the due date. f. CMDB Flat File Facilities/Services (Formerly AHS Survey) The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) requires all hospitals in Canada to complete the CMDB Flat File. The information collected in the CMDB Flat File is used to calculate national accounts and allows for the inter-provincial comparisons of hospital financial and statistical data. Saskatchewan Health requires an electronic copy of the 2006-07 CMDB Flat File to be submitted to the Department by September 14, 2007, the Department will forward the CMDB Flat File to CIHI. g. SHC Statements All health corporations operating facilities, in which Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) (an agency of the Department of Community Resources and Employment) have an interest, are required to submit: a copy of the Audited Financial Statements, which will be submitted by Health on behalf of the RHA, directly to SHC; and Schedules of Revenue and Expense for each facility (as outlined in Appendix 7) to Saskatchewan Health, Regional Accountability Branch, Planning & Financial Compliance Analyst (Cara Smith) by September 3, 2007. The Department will forward the schedules to SHC. This information is required to meet the terms and conditions of the operating agreements. SHC provides all the administrative services relating to CMHC mortgages. These reporting requirements are outlined in a letter dated December 14, 1994 along with updated reporting requirements and a new list of contacts in Appendix 7. h. General Revenue Fund Reconciliation RHAs are required to provide a reconciliation of the Saskatchewan Health General Revenue Fund (from the Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances, Appendix 4, Statement 1) to the Revenue Confirmation (provided by Saskatchewan Health) for the 2006-07 fiscal year. The template for the reconciliation will be provided separately, please submit the reconciliation to Monitoring & Analysis Analysts by May 1, 2007. January 2007 9 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health i. Energy Conservation in Saskatchewan’s Health Care Facilities Regional Health Authorities are encouraged to pursue opportunities for energy efficiency and savings within existing Saskatchewan Health Care facilities (RHA-owned and affiliate-owned). The costs to implement the energy savings measures are paid for through future energy savings. The Department will provide guidance when energy contracts are received. At that time, RHAs will be made aware of the recommended accounting treatment of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC). The RHA should discuss this with their appointed auditor. j. Reconciliation of Salaries A reconciliation of CEO & Senior Management Salaries is required, this reconciliation is not part of the audited financial statements. The template for the reconciliation will be provided separately, please submit the reconciliation to Cara Smith in the Regional Accountability Branch, Saskatchewan Health by May 18, 2007. Role of Provincial Auditor Each RHA is required to appoint an auditor under section 57 of The Act. The Provincial Auditor intends to fulfill his responsibilities as the Legislative Assembly's auditor by being involved in RHAs’ audits and relying on the work and reports of the RHAs’ appointed auditors. In general terms, this will include participation of senior staff of the Provincial Audit Office in audit planning, resolving key issues, and agreeing on auditor's reports. January 2007 10 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDICIES APPENDICES January 2007 11 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 1 Appendix 1: Audit Planning Schedule January 2007 12 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 1 AUDIT PLANNING SCHEDULE Financial Statement Approval 1 1 Appointed Auditor provides audit planning to Provincial Auditor for review 2 3 Provincial Auditor provides comments/written agreement on audit planning The Provincial Auditor meets with RHA Board and Audit Committee 4 RHA submits unaudited financial statements to Health (for initial format review), Appointed Auditor, and to the Provincial Auditor (Due to Health by May 1, 2007) RHA submits Summary Financial Statement consolidation schedules to Provincial Comptroller and to the Provincial Auditor (Due by May 1, 2007) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Health provides initial comments on the format of the unaudited financial statements Planned Completion Date Upon request May 1, 2007 To be determined by Health (based on #4) RHA submits final draft audited financial statements including the auditor’s report to Health for format approval Appointed Auditor provides final draft audited financial statements and audit working papers to Provincial Auditor Health provides written final format approval To be determined by Health (based on #8) Provincial Auditor provides comments/written agreement on draft audited financial statements (after Health’s format approval) Board of Regional Health Authority approves final statements2 Appointed Auditor signs off on the financial statements and issues statements to the RHA (after Health’s format approval and Provincial Auditor’s review) RHA submits audited financial statements and auditor’s report to Saskatchewan Health and Provincial Auditor Approval of other Audit Reports 3 Appointed Auditor, submits draft audit reports to the Provincial Auditor for the RHA, affiliates and prescribed health care organizations Provincial Auditor provides written agreement to Appointed Auditor on draft audit reports Appointed Auditor issues the audit reports to the Authority Appointed Auditor submits signed reports to Health and Provincial Auditor (due by June 29, 2007) Provincial Auditor prepares a memorandum of audit observation for discussion with Appointed Auditor and Management Provincial Auditor submits the chapter to the RHA and Health September 30, 2007 1 Saskatchewan Finance requires audited financial statements by May 1, 2007 for Summary Financial Statement purposes. Board approval could be received prior to the appointed auditor signing the auditor’s report, this is left to the discretion of the Board and management. 3 Internal control opinion (ICO), legislative compliance opinion (LCO) and certain specific matters to be reported to the Provincial Auditor. 2 January 2007 13 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 2 Appendix 2: Financial Reporting of Health Care Organizations January 2007 14 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 2 FINANCIAL REPORTING OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS The CICA Handbook section 4450 deals with the reporting of control, significant influence, and economic interest for other related entities in financial statements of a not-for-profit organization such as a RHA. The following discussion includes the Departments position that RHAs have significant economic interest or significant influence over affiliates and economic interest in fundraising foundations. If the RHA is considering a change to accounting treatment for an affiliate or HCO based on control, the Department and the Provincial Comptroller must be notified. The Department requires financial reporting beyond what is recommended in the CICA Handbook for significant influence. Section 55 (1) (b) in the Act says, “a financial statement showing the business of the regional health authority for the preceding fiscal year in any form that may be required by the minister”. The 2006-07 financial statements will give users a better understanding of the total cost of all health care services in the Health Region and ultimately in the Province of Saskatchewan. Affiliates RHA’s are required, per section 34 of the Act, to enter into funding agreements with HCOs. This section of the Act was proclaimed in June 2004. Joint service management agreements and affiliation agreements currently exist. Such agreements, depending on their terms and conditions, may result in a RHA having significant economic interest or significant influence over an affiliate for financial reporting purposes. Section 38 of the Act gives the RHA the ability to affect the strategic, operating, investing, and financing activities of the affiliate. An example of the required disclosures for affiliates are shown in Appendix 4, notes 2 and 9 b) ii) and iii). Other Health Care Organizations A RHA may have an economic interest in another organization. For example, the RHA may contract with a not-for-profit organization for a specific set of services but does not through law or a contract have the ability to determine the strategic operating, investing and financing activities of the other organization. The Department requires disclosure in accordance with the CICA Handbook section 4450.45 for organizations with whom the RHA has an economic interest. Further, the Department requires disclosure of the grant funding to each organization. An example of the required disclosures for community based organizations and third parties is shown in Appendix 4, Notes 2 and 9 b) i). Foundations A RHA may have one or more Foundations raising money for it. By the very nature of the fund raising activities, the RHA will have at least an economic interest in the Foundation. If a Foundation is only able to raise funds and transfer them exclusively to the RHA, the economic interest may be so significant that the RHA may have control over the Foundation, even without the ability to appoint the majority of the Foundation’s board. The Department requires appropriate disclosure in accordance with the CICA Handbook section 4450 depending on the level of economic interest the January 2007 15 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 2 RHA has over the Foundation. An example of the required disclosures for fund raising foundations is shown in Appendix 4, Notes 2 and 9 b) iv). CICA Handbook Section 4450: .02 (b) Control of an entity is the continuing power to determine its strategic operating, investing, and financing policies without the co-operation of others. Control .04 Strategic operating, investing and financing policies establish the basis for the conduct of an entity’s operations and the deployment of its resources... .05 One organization is presumed to control another entity when it has the right to appoint the majority of the voting members of the other entity’s board of directors... .06 In the absence of the right to appoint the majority of the voting members of another not-for profit organization’s board of directors, the reporting organization would consider the characteristics of its relationship with the other organization to determine if any indicators of control are present. Possible indicators of control are: .13 (a) a significant economic interest in the other organization (see paragraphs 4450.10 -.12 for a discussion of economic interest); (b) provisions in the other organization’s charter or bylaws that cannot be changed without the reporting organization’s consent and that limit the other organization to activities that provide future economic benefits to the reporting organization; or (c) the other organization’s purpose is integrated with that of the reporting organization so that the two organizations have common or complementary objectives. Government and other entities that provide resources to not-for-profit organizations may have some influence over such organizations by virtue of the fact that funding may be withdrawn if the funder disagrees with the funded organization’s strategic policies. The fact that an organization depends on the reporting organization for resources is not by itself an indication of control or significant influence for purposes of this Section. …In cases where the reporting organization itself is economically dependent on particular resource providers, this fact would be clear from the disclosure of contributions by major source…Section 4410. Significant Influence .09 In situations where it is concluded that control does not exist, an organization may be able to exercise significant influence over the strategic operating, financing, and investing activities of another entity. Factors that may indicate that the reporting organization has significant influence over another entity would include representation on the board of directors, the existence of an economic interest, participation in policy-making processes, material inter- January 2007 16 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 2 entity transactions, or interchange of managerial personnel. A temporary ability to affect the other entity’s strategic policies would not be considered significant influence for purposes of this Section. Disclosure of significantly influenced not-for-profit organizations .40 When the reporting organization has a significant influence in another not-for-profit organization, the following should be disclosed: (a) a description of the relationship with the significantly influenced organization; (b) a clear and concise description of the significantly influenced organization’s purpose, its intended community of service, its status under income tax legislation and its legal form; and (c) the nature and extent of any economic interest that the reporting organization has in the significantly influenced organization. Economic Interest Control .07 In some cases, the presence of a single indicator of control is sufficient for the organization to conclude that control exists. For example, whether or not an organization has an economic interest in another organization is an important characteristic of its relationship with the other organization. The significance of economic interest as an indicator of control can vary. If an organization is only able to raise funds and transfer them exclusively to the reporting organization, the economic interest may be so significant that the reporting organization may have control over the other organization, even without the ability to appoint the majority of the other organization’s board of directors. A less significant economic interest would have less impact on the question of whether or not control exists. 1 Economic Interest .10 1 The reporting organization has an economic interest in another not-for-profit organization when the other organization holds resources for the benefit of the reporting organization. An economic interest also exists when the reporting organization is responsible for the other organization's liabilities. The following are possible indicators of economic interest: (a) The other organization solicits funds in the name of and with the expressed or implied approval of the reporting organization, and substantially all of the funds solicited are intended by the contributor or are otherwise required to be transferred to the reporting organization or used at its discretion or direction, (b) The reporting organization transfers significant resources to the other organization, whose resources are held for the benefit of the reporting organization, Section 4450 of the CICA Handbook provides definitions of significant influence in paragraph .09 and economic interest in paragraph .10. Disclosure requirements are set out in paragraphs .40 to .42 and .45, respectively. January 2007 17 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 2 (c) .12 The other organization is required to perform significant functions on behalf of the reporting organization that are integral to the reporting organization's achieving its objectives; or (d) The reporting organization guarantees significant liabilities of the other organization. In determining if an economic interest in another organization exists, the reporting organization would consider whether the other organization is required to transfer resources to or perform significant functions for the reporting organization. For example, externally imposed restrictions on the other organization's resources could create an economic interest. However, a funding relationship where the other organization is not obliged to provide resources to the reporting organization may not be considered an economic interest. Similarly, a situation where another organization holds fund raising events from time to time for the benefit of the reporting organization may not result in an economic interest. Disclosure of Economic Interest .45 When an organization has an economic interest in another not-for-profit organization over which it does not have control or significant influence, the nature and extent of this interest should be disclosed. .46 Information about the nature and extent of an economic interest will help financial statement users assess the reporting organization’s financial position by making them aware of resources from which that organization will benefit in the future and of the risks to which it may be exposed. If, for example, the economic interest takes the form of assets that will flow to the reporting organization, the amount of these assets and the purposes for which they are to be used would be disclosed. If the economic interest takes the form of an arrangement to solicit funds on behalf of the reporting organization, details of this arrangement would be disclosed. The extent to which the economic interest involves responsibility of the other organization’s liabilities would also be disclosed. Conclusion The RHAs will disclose economic interest and the amount of individual grant funding to a CBO and third party as shown in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) i). The Saskatoon Health Region will consolidate and disclose significant economic interest for St. Paul’s Hospital, which it has a joint service management agreement as shown in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) ii). Sunrise Health Region will combine the financial statements of its affiliates based on CICA HB 1600.05 and 4450.19. The Department and the Provincial Comptroller must be notified if the RHA is considering a change to accounting treatment for an affiliate or HCO based on control. The RHAs will disclose significant influence of affiliates as shown in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) iii). The RHAs will disclose economic interest of fund raising foundations as shown in Appendix 4, Note 9 b) iv). As a courtesy, RHAs should inform the foundations that they plan to disclose their financial information. January 2007 18 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 3 Appendix 3: Restricted Fund Accounting January 2007 19 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 3 RESTRICTED FUND ACCOUNTING CICA Handbook The CICA Handbook’s accounting recommendations for not-for-profit organizations describe restricted fund accounting in Section 4410 as follows: .57 The restricted fund method is a specialized use of fund accounting. ...When an organization follows the restricted fund method, it presents a single general fund, or the total of all general funds and one or more restricted funds. The purpose of a restricted fund is to record the receipt and use of resources that are subject to restrictions. ...All revenue reported in a restricted fund is externally restricted. Resources transferred to a restricted ... fund as a result of the organization imposing internal restrictions would be recognized as inter fund transfers ... Saskatchewan Health recommends that RHAs use one unrestricted fund (the operating fund) and a maximum of two restricted funds (a capital fund and, if applicable, a pre-amalgamation/community generated trust fund). • Operating fund (unrestricted) - The operating fund reflects the primary operations of the RHA including revenues received for provision of health services from Saskatchewan Health General Revenue Fund, and billings to patients, clients, the federal government and other agencies for patient and client services. Other Revenue consists of donations, recoveries, and ancillary revenue. Other Provincial Revenue includes the subsidy received from Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) in respect of certain long-term care facilities. Expenses are for the delivery of health services and ancillary operations. • Capital fund (restricted) - The capital fund reflects the equity of the RHA in capital assets after taking into consideration any associated long-term debt. The capital fund includes revenues received from Saskatchewan Health - General Revenue Fund designated for the construction of capital projects and/or the acquisition of capital assets. The capital fund also includes donations designated for the acquisition of capital assets by the contributor. Expenses consist primarily of amortization of capital assets. The capital fund is to include mortgage related subsidies and payments. • Pre-amalgamation/community generated trust fund (restricted) - This fund will only apply where the RHA controls community generated funds transferred to the RHA in accordance with the pre-amalgamation agreements signed with the amalgamating health corporations. The fund reflects cash and investments initially accumulated by the former health corporations in the Region. These assets are accounted for separately and uses of the assets are subject to restrictions set out in the pre-amalgamation agreements. CICA Handbook Section 4410 - Recognition of restricted contributions • Reported in restricted funds .62 January 2007 Restricted contributions for which a corresponding restricted fund is presented should be recognized as revenue of that fund in the current period. 20 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 3 • Reported in the general (operating) fund . 65 Restricted contributions for which no corresponding restricted fund is presented should be recognized in the general fund in accordance with the deferral method. . 68 Unrestricted contributions should be recognized as revenue of the general fund in the current period. CICA Handbook Section 4410 - Definitions .02(b)(i) A restricted contribution is a contribution subject to externally imposed stipulations that specify the purpose for which the contributed asset is to be used. A contribution restricted for the purchase of a capital asset or a contribution of a capital asset itself is a type of restricted contribution. .02(e)(i) A restricted fund is a self-balancing set of accounts the elements of which are restricted or relate to the use of restricted resources. Only restricted contributions, ... and other externally restricted revenue would be reported as revenue in a restricted fund. Allocations of resources that result from the imposition of internal restrictions are recorded as interfund transfers to the restricted fund. January 2007 21 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Appendix 4: Regional Health Authority Financial Statements January 2007 22 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 ASSUMPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR SAMPLE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. The sample financial statements have been prepared under the following assumption: Assumption • 2. The RHA controls pre-amalgamated/community-generated trust funds transferred to the RHA under pre-amalgamation agreements with former health corporations. The sample financial statements include alternatives for Notes disclosure and presentation in specific circumstances as follows: Alternatives Note 2. Significant Accounting Policies • Part a) of this note illustrates disclosure required if the RHA has newly amalgamated organizations for the fiscal year being audited. • Part b) of this note illustrates disclosure of affiliates with and without joint service management agreements using significant economic interest and significant influence, and economic interest in CBO’s, third parties, and fund raising foundations. • Part d) iii) of this note illustrates disclosure required if the RHA controls community generated funds transferred to the RHA under terms of the preamalgamation agreements. Note 9. Related Parties This note includes related party transactions and disclosure of CBOs, third parties, affiliates, and foundations. January 2007 • Part a) discloses related party transactions. • Part b) i) discloses CBOs and third parties. • Part b) ii) discloses information about the RHAs that consolidate or combine the financial statements where they hold joint service management agreements with affiliates. • Part b) iii) discloses financial information about affiliates that are not consolidated or combined in the financial statements. • Part b) iv) discloses financial information about the foundations. 23 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Note 10. Comparative information This note illustrates alternatives for disclosure of changes to comparative information. • Alternative a) is used where there have been reclassifications to prior year’s numbers only. • Alternative b) is used where the RHA has amalgamated with additional healthcare organizations during the year. Note 16. Community Generated Funds • 3. This note illustrates disclosure of community-generated funds where a RHA does not have control but has administrative responsibility for administering the funds. Throughout the sample financial statements: ♦ explanatory or clarifying comments are indicated by use of a text box ♦ optional statement disclosure, notes, or portions of notes are indicated by use of an italics font. Templates for Sample Financial Statements, Schedules & Notes "Templates - FRG Stmts,Schedules & No January 2007 24 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 i) Statements Statement 1 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As at March 31, 2007 Restricted Funds Capital Community Fund Trust Fund Operating Fund ASSETS Current assets Cash and short-term investments (Statement 3) Accounts receivable Saskatchewan Health - General Revenue Fund Other Inventory Prepaid expenses $ 5,385,479 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Current liabilities Accounts payable Accrued salaries Vacation payable Mortgages payable – Current (Note 5) Deferred Revenue (Note 6) 4,320,632 $ 292,296 $ 9,998,407 Total 2006 (Note 10) $ 8,416,236 4,047 492,706 552,044 439,928 6,874,204 542,600 29,513 4,892,745 60,081 352,377 546,647 582,300 552,044 439,928 12,119,326 547,642 563,267 476,019 10,003,164 58,500 - 365,939 16,025,788 595,336 - 1,019,775 16,025,788 992,358 17,632,932 $ 6,932,704 $ 21,284,472 $ 947,713 $ 29,164,889 $ 28,628,454 $ 820,722 714,910 2,352,641 1,413,437 5,301,710 $ $ - $ $ Investments (Market $1,178,175; 2006 - $1,095,632) Capital assets (Note 3) Total Assets $ Total 2007 16,383 53,370 69,753 837,105 714,910 2,352,641 53,370 1,413,437 5,371,463 1,294,074 657,632 2,198,903 49,592 1,144,759 5,344,960 Long term liabilities Long Term Leases Payable Mortgages payable (Note 5) Total Liabilities 454,980 5,756,690 2,365,076 2,434,829 - 454,980 2,365,076 8,191,519 2,418,075 7,763,035 Fund Balances: Invested in capital assets Externally restricted (Schedule 3) Internally restricted (Schedule 4) Unrestricted Fund balances – (Statement 2) 1,176,014 1,176,014 13,607,342 16,906 717,599 4,507,796 18,849,643 947,713 947,713 13,607,342 964,619 717,599 5,683,810 20,973,370 15,165,265 915,176 710,728 4,074,250 20,865,419 6,932,704 $ 21,284,472 947,713 $ 29,164,889 $ 28,628,454 Total Liabilities & Fund Balances *Investment in capital assets (in dollars): Capital assets Current portion of mortgage payable Mortgage payable $ $ $ $ 16,028,788 (53,370) (2,365,076) 13,607,342 This is for information purposes only to calculate the above (do not include this on the statement). January 2007 25 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Statement 2 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES For the Year Ended March 31, 2007 Operating Fund REVENUES Saskatchewan Health - General Other Provincial Federal Government Funding from other Provinces Special Funded Programs Patient Fees Out of Province (Reciprocal) Out of Country Donations Investment Ancillary Recoveries Other Fund Balances, beginning of year Interfund transfers (Note 14) Fund balances, end of year January 2007 Restricted Community Trust Fund Total 2007 2007 Budget 2007 2007 2006 (Note 10) $ 52,246,796 450,000 20,000 150,000 1,699,095 225,000 55,000 100,000 108,000 168,000 301,900 440,361 55,964,152 $ 52,387,149 432,088 23,178 150,000 1,689,045 214,562 49,055 112,720 365,283 161,733 318,425 851,234 56,754,472 $ 50,832,625 452,019 19,504 90,000 1,745,074 241,654 63,125 185,839 312,081 164,148 325,489 555,425 54,986,983 12,541,743 10,002,865 1,582,821 16,854,494 3,419,845 2,349,554 267,000 1,020,886 357,917 814,755 3,666,054 240,653 469,000 1,900,879 346,886 128,800 55,964,152 11,000,197 11,246,785 1,674,504 17,047,994 3,100,080 2,242,100 267,000 925,998 433,100 944,910 3,558,357 225,332 497,425 1,926,977 348,421 117,810 55,556,990 10,569,943 10,975,426 1,618,336 16,290,264 3,264,196 2,082,999 267,000 975,019 405,938 790,560 3,321,429 228,450 478,512 1,886,452 334,684 105,822 53,595,030 1,263,801 642,675 423,151 7,216 16,340 37,762 2,390,945 2,336 2,336 1,263,801 642,675 423,151 9,552 16,340 37,762 2,393,281 1,709,025 689,426 392,876 22,039 15,013 36,445 2,864,824 - 1,197,482 1,391,953 (1,138,974) 49,443 (1,089,531) (1,237,059) EXPENSES Province Wide Acute Care Services Acute Care Services Physician Compensation - Acute Supportive Care Services Home Based Service - Supportive Care Population Health Services Community Care Services Home Based Services - Acute & Palliative Primary Health Care Services Emergency Response Services Mental Health Services - Inpatient/Residential Addictions Services - Residential Physician Compensation - Community Program Support Services Special Funded Programs Ancillary Total Expenses (Schedule 1) Excess (Deficiency) of revenues over expenses Capital Fund 2007 $ 1,886,131 (1,907,599) $ 1,176,014 1,884,178 (1,390,000) $ 1,886,131 $ 966,818 146,168 132,572 6,413 1,251,971 18,081,018 1,907,599 $ 18,849,643 $ $ 51,779 51,779 898,270 947,713 $ Total 2006 (Note 10) 966,818 146,168 184,351 6,413 1,303,750 $ 18,979,288 1,907,599 $ 19,797,356 498,755 183,288 139,795 805,927 1,627,765 18,826,347 1,390,000 $ 18,979,288 26 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Statement 3 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW 1 For the Year Ended March 31, 2007 Operating Fund 2007 Restricted Fund Community Total Trust Fund 2007 Capital Fund 2006 Total 2006 (Note 10) Cash Provided by (used in): Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditure $ 1,197,482 Net change in non-cash working capital (Note 7) 513,419 Amortization of capital assets Investment income on long-term investments Gain/(loss) on disposal of capital assets 1,710,901 Purchase of capital assets Buildings/construction Equipment Proceeds on disposal of capital assets Buildings Equipment Purchase of long-term investment Repayment of debt (Note 10) Operating Activities Financing and Investing Activities $ 1,391,953 369,196 1,761,149 $ (1,138,974) (545,428) 2,349,662 (32,500) 632,760 - - (3,000) (3,000) $ 49,443 (24,277) (13,981) 11,185 $ (1,089,531) (569,705) 2,349,662 (46,481) 643,945 $ (1,237,059) 226,057 2,485,521 (29,546) 1,444,973 (696,733) (41,283) (2,336) (696,733) (43,619) (2,185,264) (365,856) (55,500) (55,500) 19,898 (718,118) (2,336) 19,898 (720,454) 1,482 (2,549,638) - - (49,221) - (49,221) (45,415) 1,707,901 1,705,649 (134,579) 8,849 (125,730) (1,150,080) Net increase (decrease) in cash & short term investments during the year Cash & short term investments, beginning of year Interfund transfers (Note 14) Cash & short term investments, end of year (Schedule 2) 5,585,177 (1,907,599) 5,269,528 (1,390,000) 2,547,612 1,907,599 283,447 - 2,831,059 1,907,599 2,591,139 1,390,000 $ 5,385,479 $ 5,585,177 $ 4,320,632 $ 292,296 $ 4,612,928 $ 2,831,059 Amounts in cash balances Cash & short term investments $ 5,385,479 $ 5,585,177 $ 4,320,632 $ 292,296 $ 4,612,928 $ 2,831,059 1 Statement is prepared on a fund accounting basis using the indirect method (see CICA paragraph 4400.48). January 2007 27 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes ii) Notes 1. Legislative Authority On August 1, 2002, the Legislative Assembly passed The Regional Health Services Act (The Act). The Act created the Regional Health Authorities for the purpose of governing the delivery of health services as well as establishing and governing Health Regions in the province of Saskatchewan. The ___Regional Health Authority was created by The Act and is responsible for the planning, organization, delivery, and evaluation of health services it is to provide within the geographic area known as the ___ Health Region, under section 27 of The Act. The ___ Regional Health Authority is a non-profit organization and is not subject to income and property taxes from the federal, provincial, and municipal levels of government. 2. Significant Accounting Policies These financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and include the following significant accounting policies. Point a) is only necessary if additional health care organizations were amalgamated with the RHA during the current fiscal year. a) Amalgamation of Organizations The Act and regulations under the Act assign the XX Regional Health Authority (RHA) the responsibility to co-ordinate and deliver certain institutional and community based health services. To meet this responsibility, certain health care organizations (HCOs) were amalgamated with the RHA. In the 2006-07 fiscal year, the following HCOs amalgamated with the RHA: (List names of HCOs amalgamated) b) Health Care Organizations i) The RHA has agreements with and grants funding to the following CBOs and third parties to provide health services: (List names of CBO’s and Third Party organizations) Note 9 b) i) provides disclosure of payments to CBOs and third parties. Include point ii) when there is a joint service management agreement with an affiliate and point iii) for agreement with an affiliate. January 2007 28 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes ii) The following affiliates are incorporated as follows (and are registered charities under The Income Tax Act): (List affiliate names and applicable Act) Choose one of the following options: the first one is for consolidated affiliates and the second for combined affiliates. In addition to an affiliate agreement, the RHA has a Joint Service Management Agreement with [name of affiliate]. (RHA should further disclose briefly the responsibilities of the joint service agreement). As a result, the financial statements of [name of affiliate] are consolidated with the financial statements of the RHA. Transactions and inter-organization balances between the RHA and [name of affiliate] are eliminated. Note 9 b) ii), provides supplementary information regarding the consolidated affiliate. or In addition to an affiliate agreement, the RHA has a Joint Service Management Agreement with [name of affiliate]. (RHA should further disclose briefly the responsibilities of the joint service agreement). As a result, the financial statements of [name of affiliate] are combined with the financial statements of the RHA. Transactions and inter-organization balances between the RHA and [name of affiliate] are eliminated. Note 9 b) ii), provides supplementary information regarding the combined affiliate. iii) The following affiliates are incorporated as follows (and are registered charities under The Income Tax Act): (List affiliate names and applicable Act) The RHA provides annual grant funding to these organizations for the delivery of health care services. Consequently, the RHA has disclosed certain financial information regarding these affiliates. These affiliates are not consolidated into the RHA financial statements. Alternatively, Note 9 b) iii) provides supplementary information on the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of the affiliates. January 2007 29 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes Include iv) if the RHA receives assets or funding for assets from a fund raising foundation. (These foundations would not have been subject to preamalgamation agreements between the RHA and former health corporations.) iv) The ABC Foundation (the Foundation) is incorporated under The Non-Profit Corporations Act and is a registered charity under The Income Tax Act. Under the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation, all funds raised by the Foundation after payments of reasonable expenses must be paid to the RHA (or must be used to purchase and transfer assets to the RHA, for the purpose to provide health care services.) Reference CICA 4450.06 and 4450.10-12 These financial statements do not include the financial activities of the foundation. Alternatively, Note 9 b) iv) provides supplementary information of the foundation. Or Include the following note disclosure if the foundation is controlled by the RHA. iv) The ABC Foundation (the Foundation) is incorporated under The Non-Profit Corporations Act and is a registered charity under The Income Tax Act. Under the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation, all funds raised by the Foundation after payments of reasonable expenses must be paid to the RHA (or, must be used to purchase and transfer assets to the RHA, for the purpose to provide health care services). Disclosure should include other relevant information about the agreement. The RHA has an agreement with the Foundation to fund raise exclusively and administer the funds for the RHA. The RHA provides financial support through an annual operating grant. These financial statements do not consolidate the financial activities of the foundation. Alternatively, Note 9 b) iv) provides supplementary information on the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of the foundation. d) Fund Accounting The accounts of the RHA are maintained in accordance with the restricted fund method of accounting for contributions. For financial reporting purposes, accounts with similar characteristics have been combined into the following major funds: January 2007 30 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes i) Operating Fund The operating fund reflects the primary operations of the RHA including revenues received for provision of health services from Saskatchewan Health - General Revenue Fund, and billings to patients, clients, the federal government and other agencies for patient and client services. Other revenue consists of donations, recoveries, and ancillary revenue. Expenses are for the delivery of health services. ii) Capital Fund The capital fund is a restricted fund that reflects the equity of the RHA in capital assets after taking into consideration any associated long-term debt. The capital fund includes revenues received from Saskatchewan Health - General Revenue Fund designated for construction of capital projects and/or the acquisition of capital assets. The capital fund also includes donations designated for capital purposes by the contributor. Expenses consist primarily of amortization of capital assets. The following note iii) only applies where the RHA controls communitygenerated funds transferred to the RHA in accordance with the preamalgamation agreements signed with the amalgamating health corporations. iii) Community Trust Fund The community trust fund is a restricted fund that reflects community generated assets transferred to the RHA in accordance with the pre-amalgamation agreements signed with the amalgamating health corporations. The assets include cash and investments initially accumulated by the health corporations in the RHA from donations or municipal tax levies. These assets are accounted for separately and use of the assets is subject to restrictions set out in pre-amalgamation agreements between the RHA and the health corporations. e) Revenue Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue in the Operating Fund in the year received or receivable if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured. Restricted contributions related to general operations are recorded as deferred revenue and recognized as revenue of the Operating Fund in the year in which the related expenses are incurred. All other restricted contributions are recognized as revenue of the appropriate restricted fund in the year. January 2007 31 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes f) Capital Assets Capital assets are recorded at cost. Normal maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred. Capital assets, with a life exceeding one year, are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives as follows: Buildings Land improvements Equipment % range % range % range Donated capital assets are recorded at their fair value at the date of contribution (if fair value can be reasonably determined.) Transfers of capital assets from a related party are to be recorded at the asset carrying amounts. g) Inventory Inventory consists of general stores, pharmacy, laboratory, linen, and other. All inventories are valued at cost as determined on the first in, first out basis. h) Investments Investments are valued at the lower of cost or market. i) Pension Employees of the RHA participate in several multiemployer defined benefit pension plans or a defined contribution plan. The RHA follows defined contribution plan accounting for its participation in the plans. Accordingly, the RHA expenses all contributions it is required to make in the year. j) Measurement Uncertainty These financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. In the preparation of financial statements, management makes various estimates and assumptions in determining the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses and in the disclosure of commitments and contingencies. Changes in estimates and assumptions will occur based on the passage of time and the occurrence of certain future events. The changes will be reported in earnings in the period in which they become known. January 2007 32 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 3. Capital Assets Land Land Improvements Buildings Equipment Construction in progress 4. Cost 224,576 170,461 24,716,741 16,543,913 8,410 $ 41,664,101 $ March 31, 2007 Accumulated Amortization Net Book Value $ - $ 224,576 110,563 59,898 13,801,625 10,915,116 11,726,125 4,817,788 8,410 $ 25,638,313 $ 16,025,788 APPENDIX 4 Notes March 31, 2006 Net Book Value $ 224,576 46,466 11,556,243 5,805,647 $ 17,632,932 Commitments a) Capital Assets Acquisitions At March 31, 2007, commitments for acquisition of capital assets were $76,540 (2006 - $263,438). b) Operating Leases Minimum annual payments under operating leases on property and equipment over the next five years are as follows: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $ 113,745 113,745 113,745 113,745 113,745 c) Capital Leases 2008 Cost Equipment under capital lease Building under capital lease Total 326,000 441,000 767,000 Accumulated Amortization 130,400 176,400 306,800 2007 Net Carrying Amount Net Carrying Amount 195,600 264,600 460,200 260,800 308,700 569,500 The building and equipment are amortized on a straight-line basis over the economic life beginning in the year of acquisition. Minimum annual payments under capital leases on equipment and the building over the full lease term are as follows: Interest rate Expiry date 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 and subsequent Total minimum lease payments Amount representing interest Balance of the obligation Less current portion Long term portion January 2007 Equipment 5.3% 31-Mar-11 68,656 68,656 68,656 68,656 274,622 (13,822) 260,800 (68,656) 192,144 Building 4.0% 31-Mar-14 45,864 45,864 45,864 45,864 45,864 91,728 321,048 (12,348) 308,700 (45,864) 262,836 Total 114,520 114,520 114,520 114,520 45,864 91,728 595,670 (26,170) 569,500 (114,520) 454,980 Refer to CICA 3065.22-.26 33 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 5. APPENDIX 4 Notes Mortgages Payable (in dollars) Balance Outstanding Title of Issue Interest Rate Annual Repayment Terms 7.22% $105,409 principal & interest of which $24,356 is subsidized by SHC. Yielding an effective interest rate of 4.02%. Mortgage renewal date – June 1, 2011 2007 2006 $1,229,998 $1,261,502 6.88% $10,814 principal & interest. Mortgage renewal date – May 1, 2007 75,751 77,770 5.38% $19,292 principal & interest. Mortgage renewal date - June 1, 2005. 242,888 252,573 869,809 875,822 $2,418,446 $2,467,667 Deadwood and District Nursing Home Bank of Montreal, due June 1, 2018 Saskatchewan Pioneer Lodge CIBC, due May 1, 2018 Big District Centennial Lodge Town 1 Credit Union, due June 1, 2015 Golden Arches Home CMHC, due July 1, 2026 $110,375 principal & interest of which $53,576 is subsidized by SHC. Yielding an effective interest rate of 8.15 %. Mortgage renewal date - July 10.50% 1, 2006. Less: Current portion 53,370 49,592 $2,365,076 $2,418,075 For each of the mortgages, the RHA has pledged the related buildings of the special care homes as security. Principal repayments required in each of the next five years is estimated as follows: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 and subsequent $ 53,370 57,883 62,794 68,140 73,959 2,102,300 The RHA may have other types of long-term debt. For each debt issue follow disclosure set out above, i.e. specify: security, lender, term/maturity, interest rate, annual payment, annual mortgage subsidy [if applicable], security on the debt, and amount of debt outstanding for current year and previous year. Title of Issue: mortgages cannot be held by SHC, mortgages administered by SHC are ‘held’ by CMHC (see page 58 for further details) January 2007 34 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 6. APPENDIX 4 Notes Deferred Revenue Balance Beginning of Year Sask Health Initiatives Saskatchewan Health – General Revenue Fund $ Less Amount Recognized - $ Add Amount Received - $ Balance End of Year - $ - Health Improvement Initiatives 612,478 54,982 145,412 702,908 Work Place Wellness 251,346 53,415 23,145 221,076 Sask Health Initiative Sask Health Initiative Total Sask Health $ 863,824 $ 108,397 $ 168,557 $ 923,984 $ 280,935 $ 24,375 $ 232,893 $ 489,453 Non Sask Health Initiatives Initiative Initiative - - - Initiative - - - - Total Non Sask Health $ 280,935 $ 24,375 $ 232,893 $ 489,453 Total Deferred Revenue $ 1,144,759 $ 132,772 $ 401,450 $ 1,413,437 (Sentence removed, already stated in note 2e) The basis of the deferral needs to be disclosed. 7. Net Change in Non-cash Working Capital Operating Fund (Increase) Decrease in accounts receivable (Increase) Decrease in inventory (Increase) Decrease in prepaid expenses Increase (Decrease) in accounts payable Increase (Decrease) in accrued salaries Increase (Decrease) in vacation payable Increase (Decrease) in deferred revenue 8. 2007 $ (17,339) 11,223 36,091 3,750 57,278 153,738 268,678 $ 513,419 2006 $ 544,287 (8,297) 46,652 113,145 (600,123) 277,843 (4,311) $ 369,196 Capital Fund $ (539,689) (5,739) $ (545,428) Restricted Funds Community Total Trust Fund 2007 $ (24,277) $ (563,966) (5,739) $ (24,277) $ (569,705) Total 2006 $ 233,496 (7,439) $ 226,057 Patient and Resident Trust Accounts The RHA administers funds held in trust for patients and residents using the RHA’s facilities. The funds are held in separate accounts for the patients or residents at each facility. The total cash held in trust as at March 31, 2007 was $7,014 (2006 - $8,523). These amounts are not reflected in the financial statements. January 2007 35 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes Related Parties 1 9. These financial statements include transactions with related parties. The RHA is related to all Saskatchewan Crown Agencies such as departments, corporations, boards, and commissions under the common control of the Government of Saskatchewan. The RHA is also related to non-Crown enterprises that the Government jointly controls or significantly influences. In addition, the RHA is related to other non-Government organizations by virtue of its economic interest in these organizations. The following note ‘a)’ is required when all material related party transactions are adequately disclosed in the financial statements; therefore, they do not need to be disclosed separately in this note (adequate disclosure includes amounts due to or from related parties and the recorded amount of transactions by financial statement category). Consider the qualitative as well as quantitative characteristics of materiality when disclosing related party transactions. a) Related Party Transactions Transactions with these related parties are in the normal course of operations. Amounts due to or from and the recorded amounts of the transactions resulting from these transaction are included in the financial statements at the standard rates charged by those organizations and are settled on normal trade terms. The following paragraph is required if not all material related party transactions are disclosed in the financial statements. In this case, a table disclosing transactions not disclosed in the financial statements is required. When considering disclosure of related party transactions, the qualitative as well as quantitative characteristics of materiality should be considered. Transactions with these related parties are in the normal course of operations. Amounts due to or from and the recorded amounts of transactions resulting from these transactions are included in the financial statements and the table below. They are recorded at the standard rates charged by those organizations and are settled on normal trade terms. 1 RHAs need to ensure only significant/material related parties are disclosed in the financial statements and/or notes. For a listing of potential related parties refer to Appendix 8. Each RHA needs to assess its transactions to determine if other related parties should be disclosed. January 2007 36 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes 2006 Revenues Saskatchewan Housing Corp $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Related Party Revenue Expenditures Saskatchewan Energy Corp Related Party Expense Accounts Receivable SaskTel Related Party Receivable Prepaid Expenditures Workers Compensation Related Party Prepaid Accounts Payable SaskPower Corp. Related Party Payable In addition, the RHA pays Provincial Sales Tax to the Saskatchewan Department of Finance on all its taxable purchase. Taxes paid are recorded as part of the cost of those purchases. b) Health Care Organizations i) Community Based Organizations and Third Parties The RHA has also entered into agreements with CBOs and Third Parties to provide health services. These organizations receive operating funding from the RHA on a monthly basis in accordance with budget amounts approved annually. During the year, the RHA provided the following amounts to CBOs and Third Parties: (list organizations that receive grants) CBO Other Related Party (e.g. ambulance service) January 2007 2007 2006 $ 500,000 400,000 $ 500,000 350,000 $ 900,000 $ 850,000 37 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes ii) Affiliates with Joint Service Management Agreements The following note is required if the RHA has consolidated or combined an affiliate’s financial statements in the RHA’s financial statements, based on a joint service management agreement. This note assumes that the consolidated affiliates have similar accounting policies and report on the same year-end as the RHA. Disclosure of significant economic interest should be followed as noted in the CICA HB 4450.30-35. This note assumes these organizations have similar accounting policies and report on the same year-end as the RHA. Additionally, if an RHA has combined an affiliate’s financial statements in the RHA’s financial statements, based on a joint service management agreement then disclosure of significant influence and combined statements should follow CICA HB 4450.40. This note assumes that the combined affiliates have similar accounting policies and report on the same year-end as the RHA. The Act makes the RHA responsible for the delivery of health services in its region including the health services provided by privately owned affiliates. The Act requires affiliates to conduct their affairs and activities in a manner that is consistent with, and that reflects, the health goals and objectives established by the RHA. Further, the RHA provides most of the affiliates funding. Accordingly, the RHA has significant economic interest (significant influence) in the affiliate(s) and has the ability to determine (affect) the strategic operating, investing, and financing activities of the affiliates. The RHA consolidated (combined) financial statements include the accounts of St. Elsewhere Health Centre and Sandhills Hospital based on the Joint Service Management Agreement held with each of the two organizations. iii) Affiliates The following note is required to show the RHA has disclosed certain financial information pertaining to other organizations because of affiliation agreements. This note assumes these organizations have similar accounting policies and report on the same year-end as the RHA. The Act makes the RHA responsible for the delivery of health services in its region including the health services provided by privately owned affiliates. The Act requires affiliates to conduct their affairs and activities in a manner that is consistent with, and that reflects, the health goals and objectives established by the RHA. The RHA exercises significant influence over affiliates by virtue of its material interentity transactions. There is also an interchange of managerial personnel, provision of human resource and finance/administrative functions with some affiliates. The following presentation discloses the amount of funds granted to each affiliate: January 2007 38 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Notes ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 2007 (list affiliates that receive grants) Affiliate 1 Affiliate 2 2006 $ 1,500,000 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 3,250,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 4,750,000 In the following information, if current year information is not available, then use prior year financial information and note disclose any significant activity occurring in the 2006-07 fiscal year Saskatchewan Health requires additional reporting in the following financial summaries of the affiliate entities for the years ended March 31, for 2007 and 2006. Total 2007 Balance Sheet Assets Net Capital Assets Total Assets Total 2006 $ 1,234,000 2,706,000 $ 1,112,000 2,514,000 $ 3,940,000 $ 3,626,000 $ 3,339,000 601,000 3,940,000 $ 3,050,000 576,000 3,626,000 Total Liabilities Total Net Assets (Fund Balances) Results of Operations RHA Grant Other Revenue $ Total Revenue 3,500,000 1,500,000 5,000,000 Total Expenses $ 4,050,000 925,000 4,975,000 $ 3,900,000 965,000 4,965,000 $ 25,000 $ 35,000 Salaries & Benefits Other Expenses* Excess Revenue over Expenses $ 3,750,000 1,250,000 5,000,000 * Other Expenses includes amortization of $105,421 (2006 - $102,354) Cash Flows Cash from Operations Cash used in Financing Activities Cash used in Investing Activities* Increase in cash $ 50,000 (10,000) (9,000) $ 75,000 (15,000) (8,000) $ 31,000 $ 52,000 * Cash used in Investing Activities includes capital purchases of $7,800 (2006 - $6,841) January 2007 39 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes iv) Fund Raising Foundations The following note disclosure is required if the RHA has economic interest in the fundraising foundations. Fund raising efforts are undertaken through a non-profit business corporation known as the ABC Foundation (the Foundation). The XX RHA has an economic interest in the Foundation. In accordance with donor-imposed restrictions, $10,000 (2006 - $7,500) of the foundation’s net assets must be used to purchase specialized equipment. The foundation’s total expenses include contributions of $73,748 (2006 - $138,263) to the RHA. OR The following note disclosure is required if the RHA has control of the fundraising foundations. XX RHA (RHA) controls ABC Foundation (the Foundation) by virtue of an agreement and for the period set to expire on [date]. The Foundation raises funds from the residents and from the communities in the XX RHA. The Foundation has not been consolidated in the RHA’s financial statements. Financial statements of the Foundation are available upon request. Financial summaries of the unconsolidated entity for the years ended March 31, 2007 and 2006 are as follows: ABC Foundation Balance Sheet Total Assets $ Total Liabilities Total Net Assets (Fund Balances)* $ 2007 20,050 500 19,550 20,050 $ $ 2006 21,000 1,500 19,500 21,000 * In accordance with donor-imposed restrictions, $10,000 (2006 - $7,500) of the foundation’s net assets must be used to purchase specialized equipment. Results of Operations RHA Operating Grant Other Revenues Total revenues Total expenses* Excess of revenue over expenses $ 2007 $ 25,000 75,500 100,500 100,000 500 2006 $ 25,000 125,000 $ 150,000 149,000 $ 1,000 * Total expenses include contributions of $73,748 (2006 - $138,263) to the RHA and amortization of $5,500 (2006 - $5,100). January 2007 40 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 2007 Cash flows Cash from operations Cash used in financing and investing activities* APPENDIX 4 Notes 2006 $ 7,000 (9,000) $ 9,000 (8,000) (Decrease) increase in cash $ (2,000) $ 1,000 * Investing activities includes capital purchases of $2,500 (2006 - $3,000) 10. Comparative Information a) Certain 2005-06 balances have been reclassified to conform to the current year’s presentation. Choose option b) if the Board amalgamated with HCOs during the year other than the amalgamation into the region. b) As described in Note 2a), the RHA amalgamated with [number] additional healthcare organizations during the year. By aggregating the financial statements of the controlled organization with those of the reporting organization, the assets, liabilities, and results of operations of the HCOs are included in the financial statements for the 2006 fiscal year. As a result, the 2006 comparative figures are restated as follows: 2006 As Previously Recorded $28,115,208 Restatement $513,246 2006 As Restated $28,628,454 7,000,887 762,148 7,763,035 - Operating fund 2,543,254 (659,076) 1,884,178 - Restricted funds 18,931,543 (105,196) 18,826,347 - Operating fund 1,678,526 207,605 1,886,131 - Restricted funds 19,435,795 (456,507) 18,979,288 Revenues 54,135,999 2,478,749 56,614,748 Expenses 54,496,475 1,963,379 56,459,854 (360,476) 515,370 154,894 Assets Liabilities Fund balances, beginning of year Fund balances, end of year Excess of revenue over expenses January 2007 41 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 11. APPENDIX 4 Notes Pension Plan Employees of the RHA participate in one of the following pension plans: 1. Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan (SHEPP)- This is jointly governed by a board of eight trustees. Four of the trustees are appointed by the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) (a related party) and four of the trustees are appointed by Saskatchewan’s health care unions (CUPE, SUN, SEIU, SGEU, RWDSU, and HSAS). SHEPP is a multiemployer defined benefit plan, which came into effect December 31, 2002. (Prior to December 31, 2002, this plan was formerly the SAHO Retirement Plan and governed by the SAHO Board of Directors). 2. Public Service Superannuation Plan (a related party) - This is also a defined benefit plan and is the responsibility of the Province of Saskatchewan. 3. Public Employees’ Pension Plan (a related party) - This is a defined contribution plan and is the responsibility of the Province of Saskatchewan. The RHA's financial obligation to the plans is limited to making required payments to match amounts contributed by employees for current services. Pension expense for the year amounted to $1,159,818 (2006 - $1,098,313) and is included in benefits in Schedule 1. The RHA also needs to disclose a description of the nature and effect of any significant change during the period affecting the comparability of the expenses – such as a change in the rate of employer contributions. Effective [date], contribution rates are as follows: xx% (xx% - 2006) of pensionable earnings up to the yearly maximum pensionable earnings (CPP) plus xx% (xx% - 2006) of pensionable earnings above the yearly maximum pensionable earnings (CPP). 12. Budget The RHA Board approved the 2006-07 budget plan on [date]. 13. Financial Instruments a) Significant terms and conditions There are no significant terms and conditions related to financial instruments classified as current assets or current liabilities that may affect the amount, timing, and certainty of January 2007 42 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 APPENDIX 4 Notes future cash flows. Significant terms and conditions for the other financial instruments are disclosed separately in these financial statements. b) Credit risk The RHA is exposed to credit risk from the potential non-payment of accounts receivable. The majority of the RHA’s receivables are from Saskatchewan Health General Revenue Fund, Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board, health insurance companies or other Provinces. Therefore, the credit risk is minimal. If a RHA does have significant concentrations of credit risk with respect to other receivables, make the disclosure here. c) Fair value The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instrument: • • • The carrying amounts of these financial instruments approximate fair value due to their immediate or short-term nature. cash and short-term investments accounts receivable accounts payable accrued salaries and vacation payable For investments, the fair value is considered to approximate quoted market values. The fair value of mortgages payable before the repayment required within one year, is $2,660,709 (2006 - $2,712,303) and is determined using discounted cash flow analysis based on current incremental borrowing rates for similar borrowing arrangements. d) Short-term Borrowing/Operating Line-of-credit Short-term borrowings are secured by ____ and bearing interest at an interest rate of x%, which is due on demand. Total interest paid on the short-term borrowings in 2007 was $x (2006 - $x). The RHA has a line-of-credit limit of $x (2006 - $x) with an interest charged at x% which is re-negotiated annually. The line-of-credit is secured by _____. Total interest paid on the line-of-credit in 2007 was $x (2006 - $x). This line-of-credit was approved by the Minister on [date]. January 2007 43 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 14. APPENDIX 4 Notes Interfund Transfers Each year the RHA transfers amounts between its funds for various purposes. These include funding capital asset purchases, and reassigning fund balances to support certain activities. 2007 Operating Fund Building renovations Capital asset purchases SHC reserves Mortgage payments Other 15. $ (1,190,000) (717,599) $ (1,907,599) Capital Fund $ 1,190,000 717,599 $ 1,907,599 2006 Community Trust Fund $ $ - Operating Fund $ (1,390,000) $ (1,390,000) Capital Fund $ 1,390,000 $ 1,390,000 Community Trust Fund $ $ - Volunteer Services The following note is only required if the RHA has received significant volunteer services. The operations of the RHA utilize services of many volunteers. Because of the difficulty in determining the fair market value of these donated services, the value of these donated services is not recognized in the financial statements. 16. Community Generated Funds These financial statements have been prepared using the example whereby preamalgamation agreements between the RHA and the former health corporations allow the RHA to control former community generated funds. The substance of other preamalgamation agreements may result in other required accounting treatment for the community-generated funds. One example follows: • In this example the RHA does not control the community generated funds but is responsible for administering the funds as trustee. Under the terms of the pre-amalgamation agreement, the RHA has agreed to hold community generated assets in trust. The Board established a separate fund for the assets of each trust. Health corporations formerly held these assets before amalgamating with the Board. The assets are interest bearing with the interest credited to the trust balance. The Board presently administers $x,xxx,xxx (2006 - $x,xxx,xxx) under these agreements. The assets are not property of the RHA and are therefore not included as part of the assets of the Board. January 2007 44 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at March 31, 2007 • APPENDIX 4 Notes If additional trust funds were established during the year, the following sentence should be added to the previous paragraph. During the year, the RHA received and transferred to community generated funds and registered foundations trust monies of $xx,xxx (2006 - $xx,xxx). Following is the status of the trust funds at March 31, 2007: Each trust fund has a "Trust Advisory Committee" which is appointed by the various towns, villages, hamlets, and rural municipalities served by the pre-amalgamation agency. The trust funds are for the benefit of the ratepayers of the various municipalities and shall be used for health related purposes. The committees have the power to establish rules and procedures and the majority decision of the committees shall be binding upon the RHA with respect to any use of the trust fund. 17. Subsequent Events Enter any that are applicable - for example, a facility closed or converted after yearend, but before the audit report date. (If the pension rate does not change until after March 2007, then include it as a subsequent event.) January 2007 45 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 iii) Schedules Schedule 1 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF CONSOLIDATED EXPENSES BY OBJECT For the Year Ended March 31, 2007 Budget 2007 Operating: Board costs Compensation - Benefits Compensation - Salaries Diagnostic imaging supplies Drugs Food Grants to ambulance services Grants to third parties Housekeeping and laundry supplies Information technology contracts Insurance Interest Laboratory supplies Medical and surgical supplies Medical remuneration and benefits Office supplies and other office costs Other Other referred out services Professional fees Prosthetics Purchased services Rent/lease costs Repairs and maintenance Service contracts Travel Utilities $ $ Restricted: Amortization Loss/(Gain) on disposal of fixed assets Other 82,500 4,650,122 27,913,975 384,400 1,175,225 615,240 675,000 11,790,000 704,600 24,800 77,000 200,000 432,100 1,085,500 1,790,200 300,000 555,800 87,000 150,000 195,000 305,600 1,150,050 240,500 590,000 789,540 55,964,152 $ $ $ $ January 2007 Actual 2007 Actual 2006 82,727 4,515,241 27,835,423 375,138 1,103,245 611,411 676,134 11,810,490 702,111 21,354 77,460 196,394 428,232 1,079,354 1,763,070 296,391 546,159 81,457 134,659 198,452 307,619 1,093,248 234,895 588,233 798,093 55,556,990 77,534 3,795,465 27,312,295 341,984 1,095,135 621,842 577,234 11,490,247 691,938 18,345 74,610 200,007 407,130 1,111,669 1,722,673 261,306 479,888 86,524 153,129 185,347 302,838 1,051,294 201,498 587,777 747,321 53,595,030 2,349,662 43,619 2,393,281 $ $ $ $ 2,485,521 379,303 2,864,824 46 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Schedule 2 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENTS For the Year Ended March 31, 2007 Amount Maturity Effective Rate Coupon Rate 07/15/2006 09/30/2006 4.67% 5.67% ----- 07/12/2009 11/15/2009 12/01/2009 10/10/2010 04/15/2014 8.00% 7.35% 6.50% 7.80% 9.20% 10.00% ----9.80% 11.20% 01/27/2009 10.25% Restricted Investments* Cash and Short Term Chequing and Savings: Deadwood Credit Union Town 1 CIBC $ $ Term Deposits: Town 1 CIBC Town 2 Bank of Montreal Total Cash & Short Term Investments $ 4,549,580 19,188 4,568,768 $ 16,160 28,000 44,160 $ 4,612,928 $ $ 103,436 200,000 200,000 100,000 357,839 961,275 $ 5,574,203 $ 5,385,479 5,385,479 Long Term Ontario Hydro Coupon Sunlife Trust, GIC North American Trust, GIC Canada Savings Bond Province of Saskatchewan Total Long Term Investments Total Restricted Investments Unrestricted Investments Cash and Short Term Chequing and Savings - Royal Bank Other Other Total Cash & Short Term Investments $ Long Term Province of Saskatchewan Other Other Total Long Term Investments $ $ 58,500 58,500 Total Unrestricted Investments $ 5,443,979 Total Investments $ 11,018,182 Restricted & Unrestricted Totals Total Cash & Short Term Total Long Term Total Investments $ $ $ 8.00% 9,998,407 1,019,775 11,018,182 * Restricted Investments consist of: • Community generated funds transferred to the RHA and held in the Community Trust Fund (Schedule 3); and • Replacement reserves maintained under mortgage agreements with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and/or Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (an agency of the Department of Community Resources and Employment) (SHC) held in the Capital Fund (Schedule 4). January 2007 47 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Schedule 3 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF CONSOLIDATED EXTERNALLY RESTRICTED FUNDS For the Year Ended March 31, 2007 COMMUNITY TRUST FUND EQUITY Trust Name Deadwood Health Centre Investment & Balance Other Balance End Beginning of Revenue Donation Expenses Withdrawals of Year Year $ 63,822 $ 3,335 $ - $ (0) $ (0) $ 67,157 Big District Centennial Lodge 12,341 Valley Area Trust Deadwood and District Nursing Home Total Community Trust Fund $ 171 - - - 12,512 95,329 5,269 - - - 100,598 726,778 43,004 - (2,336) - 767,446 898,270 $ 51,779 $ - $ (2,336) $ (0) $ 947,713 CAPITAL FUND Balance Beginning of Investment & Capital Grant Year Other Income Funding Transfer to Investment in Capital Asset Fund Balance Expenses Balance End of Year SHC Big District Centennial Lodge $ Golden Arches Home Other Total SHC $ 6,003 $ - $ - $ 4,512 - - - - - - $ - $ 10,515 $ (0) $ (0) $ 6,003 - - 4,512 - - - (0) $ (0) $ 10,515 - OTHER Saskatchewan Pioneer Lodge $ 6,391 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,391 Other - - Other - - Total Other $ 6,391 $ - $ - $ Total Capital Fund $ 16,906 $ - $ - $ TOTAL EXTERNALLY RESTRICTED FUNDS $ 915,176 $ January 2007 51,779 $ - $ - $ (0) $ (2,336) $ - $ 6,391 (0) $ 16,906 (0) $ 964,619 48 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Schedule 4 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF CONSOLIDATED INTERNALLY RESTRICTED FUND BALANCES For the Year Ended March 31, 2007 Balance, beginning of year Investment income allcoated Annual allocation from unrestricted fund Transfer to unrestricted fund (expenses) Transfer to investment in capital asset fund balance Balance, end of year Capital SHC Replacement Reserves Deadwood and District Nursing Home Saskatchewan Pioneer Lodge Golden Arches Home Total SHC Other Internally Restricted Funds Big District Centennial Lodge Total Capital $105,411 148,619 123,358 $377,388 $6,660 8,290 6,610 $21,560 $14,833 12,000 $26,833 $0 333,340 $0 (41,522) $126,904 168,909 129,968 $425,781 $710,728 $21,560 $26,833 $0 ($41,522) 291,818 0 $717,599 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 Operating Other Internally Restricted Funds New Building asdfasdf New Building Total Operating Total Internally Restricted Funds $710,728 $21,560 $26,833 $0 ($41,522) $717,599 The RHA is required to maintain certain replacement reserves as a condition of receiving subsidy assistance from Saskatchewan Housing Corporation. The above schedule shows the changes in these reserve balances during the year. January 2007 49 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 4 Schedule 5 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULES OF BOARD MEMBER REMUNERATION for the year ended March 31, 2007 TRAVEL AND TRAVEL TIME SUSTENANCE RETAINER PER DIEM EXPENSES EXPENSES RHA MEMBERS TOTAL - - - OTHER EXPENSES - CPP 2007 TOTAL 2006 TOTAL - - - SENIOR MANAGEMENT SALARIES, BENEFITS, ALLOWANCES, AND SEVERANCE for the year ended March 31, 2007 2007 - - - Salaries1 Senior Employees John Smith, CEO Benefits and Allowances2 $ - $ 2006 Severance Amount Sub-total $ - $ Total - $ Paul Smith, CFO Jane Brown, VP Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Salaries, Benefits and Allowances $ $ - Severance $ $ Total - $ $ - (1) Salaries include regular base pay, overtime, honoraria, sick leave, vacation leave and merit or performance pay, lump sum payments, and any other direct cash remuneration. (2) Benefits and allowances include the employers share of all employee benefits and contributions. This includes car allowance, education and training, professional membership fees, other fees, and relocation costs. Senior Employees include: the CEO; an employee performing senior management functions who reports directly to the regional health authority, or the CEO, or an employee performing senior management functions who reports directly to the CEO; a person performing senior management functions whose services are engaged on a contract basis or a fee-for-service basis and who reports directly to any person mentioned above. Severance is the total severance awarded. January 2007 50 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 5 Appendix 5: Reports to Submit to Saskatchewan Health January 2007 51 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 5 ABC REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY REPORTS TO SUBMIT TO SASKATCHEWAN HEALTH Please send reports to the following address: Saskatchewan Health C/O Planning & Financial Compliance Analyst RAB, Saskatchewan Health 3rd Floor T.C. Douglas Building 3475 Albert Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 6X6 Report Name Date to be Submitted in 2007 Audited Financial Statements & Dept. of Finance Consolidation Schedules (see page 2 for further details) May 1 General Revenue Fund Reconciliation May 1 CEO Salary Reconciliation May 18 Final Audited Financial Statements May 18 Health Care Organization Audited Financial Statements, Internal Control and Legislative Compliance Opinion for Affiliates, and Extendicare Audited Financial Information June 8 Draft Annual Report and final electronic Payee Disclosure List June 15 RHA Internal Control Opinion, Appendix 6 June 29 RHA Legislative Compliance Opinion, Appendix 6 June 29 Final Annual Report and Payee Disclosure List (for tabled version) July 16 SHC – Audited Financial Statements & Schedules of Revenue and Expense (to PFC Analyst) September 3 CMDB Flat File September 15 Note: RHAs are responsible for gathering and submitting HCO audited financial statements to the Department of Health. January 2007 52 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 6 Appendix 6: Audit Reports January 2007 53 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 6 1. Financial Control Systems Report Standard wording for the expression of an opinion on an internal control system To: [ ___ Regional Health Authority] I have audited [RHA name]'s control as of [date] to express an opinion as to the effectiveness of its control related to the following objectives. • • • To safeguard public resources. That is, to ensure its assets are not lost or used inappropriately; to ensure it does not inappropriately incur obligations; to establish a financial plan for the purposes of achieving its financial goals; and to monitor and react to its progress towards the objectives established in its financial plan. To prepare reliable financial statements. To conduct its activities following laws, regulations and policies related to financial reporting, safeguarding public resources, revenue raising, spending, borrowing, and investing. I used the control framework developed by The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) to make my judgements about the effectiveness of [RHA name]'s control. I did not audit certain aspects of control concerning the effectiveness, economy, and efficiency of certain management decision-making processes. The CICA defines control as comprising those elements of an organization that, taken together, support people in the achievement of the organization’s objectives. Control is effective to the extent that it provides reasonable assurance that the organization will achieve its objectives. [RHA name]'s management is responsible for effective control related to the objectives described above. My responsibility is to express an opinion on the effectiveness of control based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with standards for assurance engagements established by the CICA. Those standards require that I plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to effectiveness of [RHA name]’s control related to the objectives stated above. An audit includes obtaining an understanding of the significant risks related to these objectives, the key control elements and control activities to manage these risks and examining, on a test basis, evidence relating to control. Control can provide only reasonable and not absolute assurance of achieving objectives reliably for the following reasons. There are inherent limitations in control including judgement in decision-making, human error, collusion to circumvent control activities and management overriding control. Cost/benefit decisions are made when designing control in organizations. Because control can be expected to provide only reasonable assurance and not absolute assurance, the objectives referred to above may not be achieved reliably. Also, projections of any evaluation of control to future periods are subject to the risk that control may become ineffective because of changes in internal and external conditions, or that the degree of compliance with control activities may deteriorate. In my opinion, based on the limitations noted above, [RHA name]’s control was effective, in all material respects, to meet the objectives stated above as of [Year-end] based on the CICA criteria of control framework (except as follows:) [If control is not effective, describe the risk or weakness, and indicate which objective is affected. The report should state whether the weaknesses resulted from the absence of control procedures or the degree of compliance with them.] Regina, Saskatchewan [Date] January 2007 [Name] [Title] 54 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 6 2. Compliance with Legislative and Related Authorities Report Standard wording for the expression of an opinion on compliance with specified authorities. To: ___ Regional Health Authority We have made an examination to determine whether [RHA Name] complied with the provisions of the following legislative and related authorities pertaining to its financial reporting, safeguarding public resources, spending, revenue raising, borrowing and investing activities during the year ended [Year End]: (List all legislative and related authorities covered by this report.) (The Provincial Auditor’s audit package lists all legislative and related authorities to be covered by this report.) Our examination was made in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the [RHA Name] has complied, in all significant respects, with the provisions of the aforementioned legislative and related authorities during the year ended [Year End]. (The report should provide adequate explanation with respect to any reservation contained in the opinion together with, if relevant and practicable, the monetary effect.) City, Province Date January 2007 Firm Name 55 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Appendix 7: SHC Reporting Requirements January 2007 56 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Continuity The information in this appendix replaces a memorandum issued by the Department of Health to the Chief Executive Officers of District Health Boards, on December 14, 1994 (PDF file attached at end of this appendix). Transfer of Administrative Responsibility - Social Housing Agreement The Social Housing Agreement signed by Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), which took effect January 1, 1997, provided for the transfer of financial and administrative responsibility of certain housing programs from CMHC to SHC. • Subsidy assistance provided to the sponsors of certain health care facilities (in accordance with project-specific operating agreements) is now paid monthly by SHC. • Sponsors of certain health care facilities obtained long-term mortgage financing from CMHC. SHC is responsible for administration of the mortgages, on CMHC’s behalf. • RHAs and affiliates that continue to operate as separate legal entities are accountable to SHC for the financial administration of those facilities that receive subsidy assistance from the Corporation and/or obtained mortgage financing from CMHC. Prior to 1997, the accountability relationship was with CMHC (for facilities developed under section 26 or 27 of the National Housing Act, and certain facilities developed under section 95 of the National Housing Act), or SHC (for other facilities developed under section 95 of the National Housing Act). SHC Year-End Reporting Requirements RHAs and affiliates that operate facilities in which SHC or CMHC has a financial interest are required to submit the following financial reports, to meet terms and conditions of project operating agreements: • a copy of the audited financial statements, which will be submitted by Health directly to SHC. The statements shall include audited information in regard to replacement reserve transactions and account balances, as explained below; • a Schedule of Revenue and Expenses (Schedule 1) for each facility that receives subsidy assistance from SHC, or that obtained mortgage financing from CMHC, prepared in accordance with the template of Schedule 1 in this appendix (applicable to RHAs, only). Send this schedule to the PFC analyst (Cara Smith) in the Regional Accountability Branch by September 1, 2007. The Chief Financial Officer, on behalf of the RHA, should sign Schedule 1 for each facility. If expenses as reported in Schedule 1 include allocations of costs that are common to two or more facilities, the basis for allocation should be explained and the expenses allocated should be identified. January 2007 57 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Replacement Reserve Accounts The subsidy assistance SHC provides in respect of certain health care facilities includes an allocation that is specifically for use in funding a replacement reserve, as provided for in the project operating agreement. The main purpose for establishing a replacement reserve is to provide for replacement of costly building components when required, and to reduce fluctuation in annual operating requirements resulting from such replacements. Replacement reserve funds are to be used only for the cost of replacing items of a capital nature, as listed in Schedule 2, Eligible Replacement Reserve Elements, of this appendix. Expenses reported on Schedule 1 (for each facility that receives subsidy assistance from SHC) should include the replacement reserve allocation, and should exclude amounts spent from the reserve funds during the reporting period. Audited financial statements for RHAs and affiliates that receive subsidy assistance from SHC should reference the SHC Replacement Reserves. They must include a note to the financial statements that provides information showing the continuity of the reserve balances from one fiscal year-end to the next (i.e., current allocations, interest earned and amounts expended must be reported in the note). Unexpended replacement reserve funds are to be held in an interest bearing bank account or financial instrument(s). Interest earned thereon is to be credited to the replacement reserve account. RHAs that administer replacement reserve funds in respect of multiple facilities may pool the funds for investment purposes. However, replacement reserve balances and the transactions affecting the account balance for each facility must be shown separately in the note to the audited financial statements. Schedule 3 of this appendix sets forth the annual replacement reserve allocation for each facility that has been amalgamated into a RHA structure. Schedule 3 also sets forth the recommended maximum amount for the accumulated replacement reserve balance for each facility, equal to ten times the annual allocation. Annual replacement reserve allocations for each facility are to be at least equal to the previous year’s allocation, until the recommended maximum amount has accumulated. Proposed Conversion of, Renovations to, or Demolition of Health Care Facilities RHAs or affiliates that are considering conversion of, renovations to, or demolition of a facility in which SHC or CMHC has a financial interest must obtain approval from SHC before proceeding. A proposal to reduce the number of subsidized (Social Housing) beds/units in a facility could require a change of the amount of subsidy assistance provided by SHC, or a change to the existing CMHC mortgage. RHAs or affiliates that are considering the integration of health care facilities with housing projects owned by SHC (i.e., properties managed by a local housing authority) should contact Mr. Tim Gross, Director of Affordable Housing Programs at (306) 787-7311. January 2007 58 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Contact Persons at SHC RHAs and affiliates that have questions relating to facilities in which SHC or CMHC has a financial interest should contact the following: Regional Health Authority & affiliates Sun Country RHA Five Hills RHA Cypress RHA Regina Qu’appelle RHA Sunrise RHA Ms. Myrna Mikkonen Property Administrator, Affordable Housing 6th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue REGINA, Saskatchewan S4P 3V7 Tel. (306) 787-1952 Fax (306) 787-0137 e-mail: Regional Health Authority & affiliates Saskatoon RHA Heartland RHA Kelsey Trail RHA Prince Albert Parkland RHA Prairie North RHA Ms. Terri Steen* Program Administrator, Affordable Housing 9th Floor, 122 3rd Avenue North SASKATOON, Saskatchewan S7K 2H6 Tel. (306) 933-8463 Fax (306 933-8411 e-mail: Mortgage Administration (all facilities) Ms. Cathy Yasinowski Manager, Mortgage & Loan Administration 5th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue REGINA, Saskatchewan S4P 3V7 Tel. (306) 787-8743 Fax (306) 787-0137 e-mail: * Terri Steen is currently on secondment. Please contact Myrna Mikkonen in her absence. Appendix 7 CMHC Reporting.pdf January 2007 59 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Schedule 1 Sample (Submit to Health separately, do not include in Financial Statements) SCHEDULE OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE Regional Health Authority Project Name: SHC Account No.: Project Location: Year Ending: Revenue $ Department of Health Provincial Funding Special Care Home Resident Fees Dietary Recoveries GST Rebate Day Program Fees Rental Income from Rental Units Subsidy – Saskatchewan Housing Corporation Other Income (please specify) - TOTAL REVENUE $ - $ - Expenses Property Taxes Insurance Utilities Janitorial Costs Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Labour Grounds Material Waste/Snow Removal Housekeeping $ $ - - Maintenance Costs Building Exterior Building Interior Building Labour Heating/Ventilation/Plumbing Electrical System Repairs Elevators Painting - Replacement Reserve Allocation Administration (Maximum of 12% of expenses excluding P & I and health related costs) Amortization (Actual principal and interest payments on the mortgage) Health Related Costs (Salaries, benefits, etc.) All Resident Care All Dietary All Laundry All Activities and Recreation Portion of Administration Portion of Housekeeping - - - Other Expenses (please specify) TOTAL EXPENSES OPERATING SURPLUS/DEFICIT - Signature: ___________________________ Chief Financial Officer Date: ____________________________ January 2007 60 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Schedule 2 Eligible Replacement Reserve Elements Roofs Complete replacement of roof cover (shingles, tar and felt membrane, etc). Plumbing and Heating Replacement of furnace or major heating system components, boiler, hot water heater, plumbing fixtures (bathtub, shower, sink, toilet, drain, stack, pump). Electrical Major rewiring, moving/replacement of panels, replacement of distribution transformer, etc. due to obsolescence or for safety purposes. Fire Protection Sprinkler system replacement, emergency lighting replacement. Cooling System Replacement of major components. Chimney Replacement of chimney. Appliances Replacement of shelter related fixed equipment, included in the original capital cost of the project. Examples are fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, central vacuum systems, etc. Floor Covering Replacement of floor coverings. Doors Replacement of exterior doors, frames. Concrete/Asphalt Drives/Walks/Floors Replacement Grounds and Maintenance Equipment Items that were included in the original capital cost of the project such as lawn mowers, tractors, snow blowers, etc. Windows Replacement of windows and frames. Siding Complete replacement. Kitchen Cabinets Complete replacement. Elevator Replacement of major components. PLEASE NOTE – While the above components are recognized as eligible items, good quality and properly maintained materials could last the life of the structure. January 2007 61 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 Schedule 3 CYPRESS REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Gull Lake Leader Mankota Maple Creek Herbert Gull Lake & District Special Care (15010130) Western Senior Citizens Home (15010112) Prairie View Health Centre (19010105) Cypress Lodge (15010103) Herbert Nursing Home (19010079) TOTALS ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $9,600 $7,644 --$11,450 $10,234 $28,694 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $96,000 $76,440 --$114,500 $102,340 $286,940 FIVE HILLS REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Assiniboia Central Butte Moose Jaw Ross Payant Nursing Home (15020062) Regency Manor (19010078) Pioneers Housing Association (15420011) Pioneers Housing Association (15420132) TOTALS ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $23,866 $7,650 $12,000 $14,833 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $238,660 $76,500 $120,000 $148,330 $58,349 $583,490 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $4,069 $2,035 $8,789 $9,390 $17,925 --$7,400 $5,637 $14,432 $4,400 $22,488 --$4,800 $5,527 $20,000 $12,425 $7,900 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $40,690 $20,350 $87,890 $93,900 $179,250 --$74,000 $56,370 $144,320 $44,000 $224,880 --$48,000 $55,270 $200,000 $124,250 $79,000 $147,217 $1,472,170 HEARTLAND REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Biggar Diamond Lodge (15050068) Diamond Lodge (15050123) Diamond Lodge (19050053) Arm River Housing Corp. (15040065) Prairie View Lodge (19040069) Dinsmore & District Health Centre (19010095) Elrose & District Health Centre (82008801) Jubilee Lodge (15010064) Jubilee Lodge (19010100) Buena Vista Lodge (15050118) Heritage Manor (19010068) Lucky Lake & District Health Centre (19010101) Outlook & District Pioneer Home (15070067) Outlook & District Pioneer Home (19070084) Rosetown & District Health Centre (15010069) Unimac Pioneer Lodge (15050076) Wilkie & District Nursing Home (19050045) Davidson Dinsmore Elrose Eston Kerrobert Kindersley Lucky Lake Outlook Rosetown Unity Wilkie TOTALS January 2007 62 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 KELSEY TRAIL REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Arborfield Carrot River Hudson Bay Arborfield Special Care Home (19060076) Pasquia Special Care Home (15060108) Hudson Bay Health Care Facility (15060090) Hudson Bay Health Care Facility (15060105) Kelvindell Lodge (15040151) Kelvindell Lodge (19040058) Nirvana Pioneer Villa (15060125) Pineview Lodge (15060093) Pineview Lodge (19060037) Pineview Lodge (82008802) Red Deer Nursing Home (15060094) Red Deer Nursing Home (82009001) Rose Valley & District Special Care (19060086) St. Brieux Special Care Home (82009002) Sasko Park Lodge (15060106) Tisdale & District Housing Co. Ltd. (19060029) Kelvington Melfort Nipawin Porcupine Plain Rose Valley St. Brieux Tisdale TOTALS ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $9,915 $5,800 $1,080 $4,000 $6,183 $1,860 $12,000 $4,822 $3,062 $3,370 --$2,294 --$7,750 $4,320 $18,000 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $99,150 $58,000 $10,800 $40,000 $61,830 $18,600 $120,000 $48,220 $30,620 $33,700 --$22,940 --$77,500 $43,200 $180,000 $104,456 $1,044,560 PRINCE ALBERT PARKLAND REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Big River Birch Hills Canwood Hafford Kinistino Lakewood Lodge (19060073) Birch Hills & District Nursing Home (19060049) Whispering Pine Place (19060026) Hafford & District Nursing Home (15050163) Jubilee Lodge (15060040) Jubilee Lodge (19060067) Wheatland Lodge (82008901) Leoville & District Continuing Care (19050025) Pineview Terrace (15430041) Herb Bassett Home (19430048) Rabbit Lake Integrated Facility (19050088) Parkland Terrace Special Care (15060152) Idylwild Senior Citizen Lodge (19050056) Leask Leoville Prince Albert Rabbit Lake Shellbrook Spiritwood TOTALS January 2007 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $9,100 $5,075 $8,235 $4,250 $7,755 $17,600 $7,750 --$8,466 $49,740 --$7,707 $10,000 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $91,000 $50,750 $82,350 $42,500 $77,550 $176,000 $77,500 --$84,660 $497,400 --$77,070 $100,000 $135,678 $1,356,780 63 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 PRAIRIE NORTH REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Cutknife Goodsoil Lloydminster Meadow Lake Cutknife & District Special Care Home (19050094) L. Gervais Memorial Health Centre (19050093) Lloydminster & District Senior Lodge (19050072) Northland Pioneer Lodge (15050100) Northland Pioneer Lodge (19050091) River Heights Lodge (15050099) River Heights Lodge (15050149) Lakeland Lodge (15050137) Turtle River Nursing Home (15050147) North Battleford St. Walburg Turtleford ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $9,340 $4,500 $13,000 $8,500 $11,023 $7,170 $8,565 $6,500 $5,400 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $93,400 $45,000 $130,000 $85,000 $110,230 $71,700 $85,650 $65,000 $54,000 $73,998 $739,980 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $10,800 $9,405 $9,980 $22,850 $9,000 $8,503 $3,076 $15,400 $7,750 $7,700 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $108,000 $94,050 $99,800 $228,500 $90,000 $85,030 $30,760 $154,000 $77,500 $77,000 $104,464 $1,044,640 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $5,830 $8,623 --$8,000 $7,926 $7,856 --$13,913 $52,148 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $58,300 $86,230 --$80,000 $79,260 $78,560 --$139,130 $521,480 TOTALS REGINA QU’APPELLE REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Balcarres Broadview Fort Qu’Appelle Parkland Lodge (15080115) Broadview & District Centennial Home (19030060) Echo Lodge (15080048) Echo Lodge (19080107) Grenfell & District Pioneer Home (15030032) Golden Prairie Home (15080109) Golden Prairie Home (19080083) Eastern Saskatchewan Pioneer Lodge (15030087) Raymore & District Special Care Home (82009101) Whitewood & District Nursing Home (19030077) Grenfell Indian Head Moosomin Raymore Whitewood TOTALS SASKATOON REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Cudworth Lanigan Nokomis Wadena Watrous Watson Wynyard Humboldt Cudworth Nursing Home (15040097) Central Parkland Lodge (15040122) Puffer Special Care Home (19040087) Pleasant View Care Home (82008803) Manitou Lodge (15040119) Quill Plains Centennial Lodge (15040078) Golden Acres (15040081) St. Mary’s Villa (15040138) TOTALS January 2007 64 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 7 SUN COUNTRY REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Bengough Carlyle Estevan Fillmore Gainsborough Kipling Lampman Redvers Stoughton Wawota Weyburn Bengough Health Centre (15020056) Moose Mountain Lodge Co. (15020127) Estevan Regional Nursing Home (15020059) Fillmore Union Health Centre (19020109) Gainsborough & Area Health Center (19020106) Willowdale Lodge Care Home (15020088) Lampman Community Health Centre (19020096) Redvers Centennial Haven (15020058) Newhope Pioneer Lodge (19020082) Wawota & District Special Care Home (19020080) Weyburn & District Special Care Home (15020055) Weyburn & District Special Care Home (19020064) TOTALS ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $6,540 $8,235 $15,500 ----$6,500 --$6,000 $10,000 $7,745 $23,728 $21,240 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $65,400 $82,350 $155,000 ----$65,000 --$60,000 $100,000 $77,450 $237,280 $212,400 $105,488 $1,054,880 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT $14,254 $5,406 $13,000 $6,067 $11,590 $5,573 $6,000 $6,000 $5,600 $14,596 $10,288 $3,355 $6,000 $6,000 $7,500 $9,300 $9,300 $8,000 --$21,504 $13,011 TOTAL REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENT $142,540 $54,060 $130,000 $60,670 $115,900 $55,730 $60,000 $60,000 $56,000 $145,960 $102,880 $33,550 $60,000 $60,000 $75,000 $93,000 $93,000 $80,000 --$215,040 $130,110 $191,992 $1,919,920 SUNRISE REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY LOCATION FACILITY NAME & SHC ACCOUNT NUMBER Canora Gateway Lodge (15030104) Gateway Lodge (19030039) Centennial Special Care Home (15030085) Centennial Special Care Home (19030110) Jubilee Home (15030080) Jubilee Home (19030099) Gateway Lodge (19030021) Gateway Lodge (19030041) Ituna & District Pioneer Lodge (15030116) Kamsack Nursing Home (19030032) Centennial Special Care Home (15030128) Centennial Special Care Home (19030097) Gateway Lodge (19030020) Gateway Lodge (19030040) Preeceville Lions Housing (15030077) Preeceville Lions Housing (15030079) Preeceville Lions Housing (19030061) Lakeside Manor Care Home (19030098) Heritage Special Care Home (19030027) Yorkton & District Nursing Home (15030082) Yorkton & District Nursing Home (19030019) Esterhazy Foam Lake Invermay Ituna Kamsack Langenburg Norquay Preeceville Saltcoats Theodore Yorkton TOTALS January 2007 65 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 8 Appendix 8: Related Party Listing January 2007 66 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 8 Departments and Secretariats Department of Community Resources and Employment Department of Corrections and Public Safety Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation Department of Environment Department of Finance Department of Government Relations and Aboriginal Affairs Department of Health Department of Justice Department of Learning Department of Property Management Northern Affairs Colleges and Universities Carlton Trail Regional College Cumberland Regional College Cypress Hills Regional College North West Regional College Northlands College Parkland Regional College Prairie West Regional College Southeast Regional College University of Regina University of Saskatchewan CIC Crown Corporation, Other Crown Corporations, and Other Crown Agencies Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan Health Quality Council Public Employees Pension Plan Public Service Superannuation Board SAHO Core Dental Plan SAHO Disability Income Plans SAHO Enhanced Dental Plans SAHO Extended Health Care Plans SAHO Group Life Insurance Plan Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation Saskatchewan Health Information Network Corporation (Saskatchewan Health Information Solutions Centre) Saskatchewan Health Employees Pension Plan (SHEPP) Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Saskatchewan Housing Corporation & controlled Housing Authorities Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Saskatchewan Power Corporation Saskatchewan Telecommunications (includes SaskTel Mobility) Saskatchewan Transportation Company SaskEnergy Incorporated SGI Canada Insurance Services Ltd. January 2007 67 Financial Reporting Guide 2006-07 Saskatchewan Health APPENDIX 8 St. Louis Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centre Uranium City Hospital, Board of Governors Workers' Compensation Board Special Purpose and Trust Funds Public Employees Deferred Salary Leave Fund Public Employees Dental Fund Public Employees Disability Income Fund Public Employees Group Life Insurance Fund Public Guardian and Trustee of Saskatchewan Other Organizations Athabasca Health Authority Designated Health Affiliates & Health Care Organizations Regional Health Authorities The above-related party listing is not a comprehensive list; therefore, if there are transactions with other government agencies not specifically listed above also include them. January 2007 68