Waterloo Catholic District School Board SCIENCE STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET (CONDENSED) SPH3U School: Monsignor Doyle C.S.S. Course Title: Physics, Grade 11 Credit: 1.0 Course Type: University Prerequisite: SNC2D Course Description: This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism. They will enhance their scientific investigation skills as they test laws of physics. In addition, they will analyse the interrelationships between physics and technology, and consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment. Students taking junior Essential/Applied Science courses and the senior Workplace courses will be required to write a 76 minute exam (along with possible additional earlier culminating activities). All other Science courses (both junior and senior) will be required to write a two hour examination. Students who have incomplete summative evaluations and/or culminating activities in the course and/or those not achieving the credit at the end of the semester will be required to attend a credit rescue period during the examination schedule to complete and demonstrate overall or missing expectations for the course or prepare for alternate remediation. Course Breakdown & Assessment and Evaluation Strategies Unit Title / Description Unit 1 Assessment & Evaluation Strategies Learning Skills & Work Habits Kinematics Unit 2 Energy and Society Unit 3 Waves and Sound Unit 4 Forces Unit 5 Electricity and Magnetism Final Evaluation Final Evaluation Activities (Practical and Written component) For all units, the W.C.D.S.B.’s Assessment for Learning Teachers Resource Grade 9-12 will be used as a source for different assessment strategies, including: Reflection Observation Conferencing Portfolios Performance Assessment Paper and Pencil Tests Responsibility Organization Independent Work Collaboration Initiative Self-Regulation E-Excellent G-Good, S-Satisfactory N-Needs Improvement Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Student achievement of the learning expectations will be evaluated according to the following breakdowns: CATEGORIES OF TERM EVALUATION (%) KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND VALUES FINAL EVALUATION ACTIVITY (%) Knowledge / Understanding Thinking / Inquiry Communication Application / Making Connections 35 30 20 15 35 30 20 15 BREAKDOWN OF FINAL MARK 70 % 30 % School, Department and Classroom Policies: For authentic assessment and timely feedback students need to submit assignments on time. Late and Missed assignments will be dealt with according to the WCDSB Secondary A & E policy, APC017, available on our board website Board Policy (APC017) If a student is achieving a Level 1, or below, they need to seek supports available to them through Math Help, Credit Rescue, or Teacher Appointments outside of class time. Plagiarized work and cheating will be dealt with according to the WCDSB A & E Policy Board Policy (APC017) Learning Resources: The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12 – Science 2008– Policy Document Course material will be made available on the school board’s ClassNet website at: http://classnet.wcdsb.ca/ Nelson Physics 11, Hirsch et. al., Nelson Thomson Publ. 2002 (www.nelson.com) Replacement Cost : $100 PLEASE PRINT AND COMPLETE THIS PORTION. KEEP THE SIGNED S.I.S. IN THE FRONT OF YOUR NOTEBOOK We have read and understood this Student Information Sheet: Course Code: SPH3U Subject: Grade 11 University Physics Student: Parent/Guardian: Date: Date: