Mythology Slide Show

Gallery of Gods Assignment
Task: Create and present a slideshow describing your deity/hero. You should use Google Slides.
(You will share the final product with me at
Your student Google account is the same as your student computer login with at the end (the
password will be mm/dd/yyyy if you haven’t used it before)
eg school login= 12345mac becomes gafe account = password Jan 25, 2000 =
Google “google slides” then sign in with your school google login.
For easy access your GAFE (google) account at school look on the E-Z Find portion of your account
(where the internet icon is located) for “GAFE Login”
1. Create an identity slideshow for your god/goddess/hero (6-8 slides)
2. Include items such as appearance, family members, powers, symbols, what they are known for, a brief
retelling of a myth they are associated with. (1 slide each) (also look at the helpful hints below)
3. Also include a one sentence statement that sums up your character.
4. The last slide should contain a list of your sources and web site you found the information.
You will have to give a presentation to the class based on a description of your characters (less than 5
minutes / presentation).
*Try to be creative. Tell us something interesting that happened to your character or a fact that might make
him/her memorable.
The marks for this assignment will come from your slideshow, as well as your presentation. The
presentation portion will be marked on the quality of your summary sentence as well as your
creativity. Quality information will also factor into the final mark.
Helpful Hints:
 Think about your character’s best traits
 Recall stories that reveal important things about your character
 Make comparisons that the audience can relate to
 Consider the reason your god/goddess/hero is important
 Discuss physical characteristics, mannerisms, and personality traits
*****Cut-and-Paste of information is not acceptable. You must rewrite information in your own
words. Only the images may be pasted in (use a webpage reference for the image) ******
Presentations will begin on Tuesday, December 9, 2014