Student Information Sheet / Outline of Course of Study
School: Resurrection Catholic Secondary School
Department: French
Program Head: M. Ingoldsby
Ministry Document: The Ontario Curriculum French as a Second Language
Course Title: Core French
Course Type: Applied
Grade: 9
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Grade 8 French
Course Code: FSF1PI
Teacher: S. Paola, E. McCullough │ Email:;│Date: September 7, 2011
Course Description: This course emphasizes the concurrent development of oral communication, reading, and writing
skills, using a broad-based theme such as the media. Students will enhance their ability to understand and speak French
through conversations, discussions, and presentations. They will also read short stories, articles, poems, and songs, and write
brief descriptions, letters, dialogues, and invitations.
Resources and replacement costs: Reader Le hockey pour toujours $13.50
Les vêtements
La nourriture
Le hockey
SUMMATIVE EVALUATION -- At the end of every unit there will be a
unit test, an oral presentation and a written project
Final evaluation
Final evaluation: 30% of the final grade (portfolio, exam (listening, reading,
written), performance/interview and/or culminating activities)
Course work 70% of the final grade according to the following breakdowns:
• Knowledge and understanding 25%
• Communication 25%
• Thinking and Inquiry 25%
• Application 25%
Students with incomplete summative evaluations and/or culminating activities in the course and/or those not achieving the
credit at the end of the semester will be required to attend a credit rescue period during the examination schedule to
complete and demonstrate overall or missing expectations for the course. Students completing all culminating activities and
achieving Level 1 standing at the end of the semester will not be required to attend the two hour credit recovery time
scheduled during the examination schedule.
School, Department and Classroom Policies: The following policies apply to this course.
If a student is absent on the day of his/her presentation, the expectation from the assignment will be deemed
not to have been met. The group must still present on the assigned day.
All assignments are due on the specified date. Extenuating circumstances must be discussed with the teacher
in advance. See Board’s Assessment and Evaluation policy:
Regular homework assignments are due the next class, unless otherwise indicated. When a homework
assignment is collected for correction and evaluation, students will receive an “incomplete” if it is not
handed in at the time of collection.
Students are responsible for requesting extra help.
Students are responsible for the care of the texts, and full replacement costs if lost or damaged.
Student who plagiarizes (submits work other than own for credit including internet translations) is subject to
provisions in Board’s Assessment and Evaluation policy:
Students are responsible for knowing and remembering these policies and the policies outlined in the Student
Agenda. Failure to do so will NOT exempt students from the consequences.
To the Student and Parent(s) or Guardian(S):
We have read and understood this Student Information Sheet/Outline of Course Study. (please sign)
Date: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________