Engineering Report Writing Module Workshop #1 Exercise #1: How

204: Technical Communication for Engineers
Engineering Report Writing Module
Workshop #1
Exercise #1: How to structure an engineering report using
appropriate sections
The material in this exercise is made up of a random ordering of sections in a short
engineering report.
The report gives a preliminary description of a fire that occurred in the organization
for which you work, the Dragon Powerboat Company. The fire started in the early
morning in one workroom (often known in a factory as a shop) and then spread to
the adjoining shop, causing toxic fumes to be released.
The Managing Director of the organization, Alan Lee, has asked you, a newly
graduated professional engineer, for a preliminary report to be delivered to him on
the same day. The full report will not be able to be prepared until all the
circumstances have been fully investigated by the appropriate authorities.
Your tasks
NOTE: Each report section on the following pages is demarcated from the next by a
solid line.
1. Devise a suitable heading for each section.
Make sure that the section headings are in accordance with the material given
in the Report Writing Cecil demonstration How to Put an Engineering Report
Together and in the ENGGEN 204 course handbook.
2. Devise a suitable figure number and title for the figure.
Make sure the figure number and title are placed in accordance with the
conventions for figures as in the Report Writing Cecil demonstration Content;
Figures and Tables; Numbering and in the ENGGEN 204 course handbook.
3. For the “middle section” of the report, you will need to devise your own
section heading.
4. After you have assigned headings to the sections, write down the order in
which they should appear. Then assign to each section the appropriate section
Make sure that the section order and numbers are in accordance with the
material given in as in the Report Writing Cecil demonstration Content;
Figures and Tables; Numbering and in the ENGGEN 204 course handbook.
5. Various sections of an engineering document have elements that characterize
that specific section. In this example, what are the features that distinguish
the Introduction from the summary material?
Write section heading here………………………………………………
Our current procedures for waste disposal and storage of solvents are not adequate.
The disposal and storage procedures need urgent revision to ensure they conform to the
relevant accepted safety standards.
Write section heading here………………………………………………
The fire started in Shop 1, which is used for lay-up in moulds of the boat hulls: Shop 2 is used for
final finishing. The two shops share a common wall.
The fire was first noticed at 7:45 am. It has been established that at 7.30 am, uncured epoxy resin
was disposed of in a waste container in Shop 1 (Figure 1). The heat generated by the resin set
light to the waste wood dust and plastic that half-filled the bin. Attempts by two of our personnel
to put out the fire at this point were unsuccessful, since its spread and the subsequent events
happened rapidly.
The fire caused a shelf over the waste container to collapse. Several five-litre cans of paint on the
shelf, together with open containers of solvent, fell into the fire, which then burnt down the wall.
MEKP container
Waste bin
Devise an appropriate figure
number and title for this figure.
The figure number and title
should be placed according to
the conventions given in
Handout #2.
Shop 2
Shop 1
The collapsing wall broke a large container of MEKP solvent, which was on the floor in Shop 2.
This released fumes; twelve people were affected. Initial concern was high. MEKP is harmful by
ingestion, inhalation and through skin contact. It may act as a tumorigen or as a systemic poison It
is very destructive of mucous membranes and is a severe irritant [1]. There was also concern that
the mixture of various fumes could have an unknown effect.
The actions taken were as follows:
1. All employees were immediately evacuated to the carpark upwind of the fumes.
2. The fire brigade was called. The fire had been completely extinguished by 8.30 am.
3. A hospital medical team was called.
The twelve affected people were taken to Middletown hospital; five of these are still being
treated. However, the hospital has confirmed that the condition of the affected people is not
serious, and that they will all be released after a day’s observation.
Write section side-heading here………………………………………………
This report describes this morning’s fire in Shops 1 and 2; it has been written at your request of
12.30 pm today. It covers the current knowledge of the causes of the fire and its consequences.
Since the full circumstances are not yet known, a full report will be available only after a full
investigation by the appropriate authorities.
Write section heading here………………………………………………
1. Safety data for methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, Dada Oxford Labs. Retrieved July 11, 2007
Write section heading here………………………………………………
This morning’s fire started in a waste container in Shop 1 as a result of the heat given out by
partially cured epoxy resin. Paint and solvent accelerated the fire, which then burnt down the wall
between Shops 1 and 2. This broke a container of MEPK solvent, the fumes of which affected 12
people. Five of those are still in hospital. However, the hospital has confirmed that their
condition is not serious, and that they will be released tomorrow. Preliminary conclusions are that
our practices for storage and waste disposal are unsafe and need urgent revision according to the
relevant accepted safety standards.
Preliminary report: Today’s fire and release of MEKP fumes in Shops 1 and 2
Prepared for Joseph Lee, Managing Director, Dragon Powerboat Company
(Your name) ………………………………………..
July 11, 200x