STRATEGIES & Sk1LLS AT A GLANCE Read to Find Out Some k id s ow n a business. What skil ls d o t hey use? How are t hese sk il ls the same? Ho w are they d ifferent? Comprehen si on • Strateg y: Ana lyze Text Structure • Skill: Compare and Contrast Vocabulary • hobby, id entified. owner Vocabulary Strategy • Thesauru s: Antonym s CONTENT-AREA VOCABULARY Words related to econom ics and bu si ness (see glossary) CONTENT STANDARDS Social Studies • Eco no mics Word count: 873*'" Cove r: 0 '9"01 Vi,jo~e"Y !mog... ",o. ogrophy CrW il$: I: C Squofed S.udiosIGe!ly Image. 1: Tom S,.woft/Corbi._ lI. AP Image._ S: C SQ,uared 5'"d;osIG .."y Image •. 6: l.S. Web",.,/Chocolo',. form 7: Neal S.aUo<dlChocolo.e facTory. 8: C Squa,ed Sludi~Tly hooge •. ": M,ehoel NewmonIPhotoEd" 12: Think Computer Corporation, 15: Denni, M acOonoldJAlomy, 16: Pholod,<C/G<>ny Image •. 17: Coral and Megen Brinon, 19 Digital Vi'ior.IGeny Image< 20 : Morionnt C",,'~<. 21: Ari,,1 SktlltylCorbi, , TIN! McGraw HII/ (""'p<lm~' • Macmillan/McGraw-Hili ~ubl i .hed by Macmillan/McCraw_Hil i, 01 McGrow·Hili Educo' ion. a di.i, ien 01 The McGraw-H ili Compan'e •. Inc .. Two Penn Plaza. New York, New York 10121, Copyright 0 by The McGfow_Hili Compon ie •. I"c. All right. fe!oef.ed. No po" of .hl< publica.ion may be r~p r oduced Or dlStr ibu.ed in any l o'm Or by any m~on« Or ",o.ed in a da'aba.e or retrieyal .y",,,m, wilhou. 'he prier wr"'en con.en! of The McCfaw-H ili Componie •• Inc., induding, bu. no! limiled '0, nelwor k "0' age Of t m n>mio<ion, Or broadco.! for d,,'anct lemnin!!_ Printed in the Un,ted Stor,,< 0/ Am"rica 2 31/5 67B9 WEU 1"1312 ~ " The ta!al word caunl i. ba.ed on wo,d. in Ihe run,,,ng lexr and head,ng. only Numera l. and wafd. in cop.ion<, label<, d iagrams, chert" and "debar. ar~ nO' Included w o by r k Laura Shallop Introduction .......................... 2 Chapter 1 A Hobby Grows ................ . ...... 4 Chapter 2 Kids Have Great Ideas . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 8 Chapter 3 Kids Love Their Work ....... . .. . ..... 12 Chapter 4 Kids Make a Difference ..... . .. . . ..... 17 Conclusion .... ...................... . 21 Glossary . ............................ 22 Index .................... . .. . .. . ..... 23 Comprehension Check .... . .. . .. . ..... 24 Introduction You need a job when yo u g row up. How will you know wh ich job to p ick? You can learn about jobs now. Many people work fo r others. Some people have their own business. This is how t hey make money. They do not wo rk f or oth er people. It is hard to be a business owner. This means you work fo r you rself. You need a t hing to sell. Or you can do something f o r others. Many kids start a business. You can, too. 2 You can write a book to sell. You can sell things on the Web. Your business can make money to help people. This boy owns a b usi ness. Chapter 1 A Hobby Grows Kenny Kirkpatrick had a hobby. A hobby IS a fun activity. Kenny made things out of wood. Kenny read about a way to make pens . He made a pen . It was fun. Kenny started a business. His business was called Ken's Pens. Kenny was 13. Kenny sells his pens. He pays $5 to make a pen. He sells the pen for $25. Kenny makes $20. He has money left over. This money is ca lled profit. Kenny makes wood pens. Crysta l Ann Ramous loved to arrange fl owers. She put the fl owers together to look nice. People li ked her flowers. Then people gave Crystal money for her flowers. But Crysta l was on ly 13 years o ld. She had to lea rn about business . Crysta l went to a camp ca lled BizCamp. She learned to write a business plan. A business plan helps people learn how to run a business. Crystal arranges flowers . s Elise and Evan have a choco late business. A Kid Chocolate BuSiness Eli se Macmillan learned to make chocolate candy. Elise sold her candy when she was ten years old. Eli se started a business. She ca ll ed it Th e Chocolate Farm. Her brother Evan helped her. Elise and Evan made a Web site . They sold candy all over the wor ld! 6 Elise creates new ways to make her candy. Evan plans how to sell the candy. The Chocolate Farm earns more than $1 million a year! Elise and Evan were on television . 7 Chapter 2 KidS Have Great Ideas Erica Gluck loved pasta. She started a pasta business. Erica was seven years old. Erica talked to the owners of a pasta shop. She wanted to sell their pasta. Her parents helped her. Erica and her parents bought 120 packages of pasta. Th ey paid $1.25 for each package. They sold each package for $2.50. They made $1.25 profit on each package. pasta 8 Kid -Owned Businesses These are some kid businesses that earn the most money. • Computer • Internet • Food • Design • Sports Erica's Pasta is the name of Erica 's business. Her parents help her. They sell o li ve oil and bread on the Web. They sell books that explain how to cook w ith pasta. Erica and her dad write the books. 9 A Kid Tech Business Ty rone Gray star ted a business . He was 15. He ca lled his business TMCP Printing Services. The business was in his home. Ty rone identified, o r found ou t , ways to make his business g row. He made a Web site about his business. He e-m ai ls information t o people. Tyrone 's business can print things. 10 (hapter 3 KidS Love Their Work Aaron Greenspan loves co mputers. He lea rn ed how to f ix compu ters. People paid Aaron to f ix th eir compute r s. Aaro n was 15. He started a business ca lled Think Computer. -----...- • _.----," I - Aaron has a Web site. The Web si te te lls people abou t his wo rk . Pankaj Arora loves computers, too. He took apart old computers. Then he learned how to fix computers. Pankaj does not wa nt to make a lot of money. He works on compute rs because he loves to do it. Aaron started Think Computer when he was 15. 13 A Kid Forming Business Kelsey Deaton had a fun idea. She wanted t o cu t a maze in t o her fa mil y's fi eld of co rn . A maze is a group of co nnec ted path s. People could pay to go into the maze. Then they wou ld f ind a way out. Kelsey learned about mazes. She asked her friends questions. Th e answer s helped Kelsey decide what to do. How to Start A Business 1. Think before you act. Ask your friends and family questions. 2. Read about similar businesses. Learn the skills you need. 3 . Keep going! 4 . Be patient. 14 Kelsey made her maze on 8 acres (3 hectares) of the fie ld . She called it Deaton's Corn Maze. She sold 1,000 tickets. Kelsey made money! Thi s field of co rn has a maze. l'indin,; Workers Travis Keith Bruce loves to fi sh. Travis had an idea for a hobby. He grew worms to catch fish. Travis decided to make money. He started the T K. Worm Factory. Travis needed help. He asked a friend to he lp. They make a good team. worm s ~ ~ ~ ?S ;;S ;S ~ 16 ..= ..'"' r r r (hapter 4 KidS Make a Difference Many kids want to help others. These kids make money. They give the money to people who need help. Megan Britton was 11. She sold th ings f rom her home. She made money. She used the money to help people. How Megan Helped Kids 1. Some kids got a free lunch at school. There was no school in summer. The kids needed food in summer. 2. Megan wanted to make $200. 3. Megan made a plan. 4. Megan sold food, books, and other objects. People gave her things to sell. 5. Megan made $3,100! These kids worked on a recycling project. They helped make $1,320. 18 Just Do Somethiu,; Bryan Condy wanted people to recycle . He asked Do Something for help. Do Something is a group that helps people make things better. Bryan had a recycling event at his school. He wrote scenes about recycling. Kids acted out the scenes. People loved it! People started to recycle! Kid Businesses Are Everywhere J an ine Licare and A islin Li v ingston e live near a rainforest. Th ey live in Costa Rica. Janine and Aislin started Ki ds Savin g the Rainforest (KSTR). They were nine yea rs old. KSTR tells w hy rainforests are important. Janine an d Ais lin sell art at th eir store. The m o n ey he lps save th e rai nfo rest. Many animals live in the rainforest . 20 ConcluSion What business can you start? Can you walk a dog? Can you teach someone about computers? Find someone who needs something. Read and find out about you r business idea. Make a plan. Work hard . Start your own business! Glossary business plan ideas for how to start a company (page 5) profit the money a business makes after buying things it needs (page 4) 22 Index BizCamp, 5 business plan, 5 computer, 9, 72-73, 27 Do Something, 79 farming business, 14-15 food business, 6-9 hobby, 4 printing, 7O-lJ rainforest. 20 recycling, 78-79 23 Comprehension Check Summarize Reread Chapters 1 and 2. Use th e chart t o compare information. W h at are the benefits of running your own bus iness? What makes owning a business difficult? Use thi s information to summarize the book. Think and Compare 1. Which businesses do you think are the most successful ? Use information fro m th e text to support your answer. (Compare and Contrast) 2. What business can you start? Why is your business a good idea? (Synthesize) 3. Why is it impo rtant for people to start businesses? W hat businesses are the most important? (Evaluate) 24 \.\tetOCY ActiVities Listing Ideas for a Business Work with a partner. Write a list of ideas for businesses. First list things you like to do. I like .0 _______ From Hobby to Business Work with a partner. Use the Internet to find information about your favorite hobby, Discuss the information with a partner. Can you turn your hobby into a business? How can you do it?