Sheet1 EMBU UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LIBRARY NEWLY ACQUIRED BOOKS TITLE AUTHOR Economics/ Business FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTING. PURCHASING AND SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT SIMPLIFIED. DIRECTORY OF IMPORNTANT WORLD HONEY SOURCES PURCHASING AND SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT SIMPLIFIED. STORE KEEPING AND STOCK CONTROL SIMPLIFIED. ADVANCED ECONOMIC THEORY Management and cost accounting Introduction to Business CORPORATE FINANCE. Principles and practice of marketing Project management QUANTITAVE TECHNIQUES. FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING. PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS FOR EAST AFRICA. Marketing management Accounting in business context. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Handbook of human resource management practice PURCHASING AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT. Management Accounting Principles and practice of marketing Elements of mathematical economics WANG`OMBE,DAVID K. SALEEMI,N.A. SALEEMI,N.A. SALEEMI,N.A. Dr . H.L. Ahuja Colin Drury Francis N. Kibera HILLIER,DAVID. David jobber K Nagarajan LUCEY,T. WARUINGI,B.CHEGE. WOOD,FRANK. Philip kotler Aidan berry I M PANDEY Michael armstrong,s JAIN,K.C. Lucey,Terry Jobber,David Mukras,M.S Education WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN. DATA PROCESSING AND TECHNOLOGY AN INTRODUCTION TO BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY. UNDERSTANDING POETRY. HISTORIA YA KISWAHILI. Quantitative techniques in management ILIEVA,EMILIA. DAVIES,NICHOLAS B. ALEMBI,EZEKIEL B. MASSAMBA,DAVID P.B. N D Vohra Page 1 Sheet1 Project management Essentials of oceanography WRITING RESEARCH PROPOSAL AND REPORT. AQUACULTURE PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. PRACTICAL STATISTICS FOR FIELD BIOLOGY. QUANTITAVE TECHNIQUES. HOW TO WRITE RESEARCH AND TERM PAPERS. MTALAA WA ISIMU FONETIKI,FONOLOJIA NA MOFOLOGIA YA KISWAHILI. Bees are wealth /Nyuki ni mali HIV AND AIDS THE PANDEMIC. Educational management EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT. Kiswahili past present and future horizons NADHARIA ZA UHAKIKI WA FASIHI. NADHARIA ZA UHAKIKI WA FASIHI. UFUNDISHAJI WA FASIHI. Science Education in the African Context AN INTRODUCTORY HISTORY OF EDUCATION. The sundance writer Interpersonal communication The writers world: essays Communication embracing difference Mbinu za mawasiliano kwa kiswahili Research papers THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE. THE PRINCE Business data Communication The compact bedford introduction to literature Writing with a purpose Foundation First : Sentences and Paragraphs Writing with a purpose Introduction to Education Psychology. A textbook of agricultural entomology / K Nagarajan Alan P. Trujillo OSO,WILLIS YUKO. TIDWELL,JAMES H. FOWLER,JIM. LUCEY,T. KAVULYA,JOSEPH M. MGULLU,RICHARD S. WANJAMA,LEAH NJAMBI. J.A OKUMBE. NYONGESA,BARASA J.M. Rocha chimerah WAFULA,R.M. WAFULA,R.M. NJOGU,KIMANI. Tsuma, Orren G.K. SIFUNA,DANIEL N. Mark Connelly Joseph A.Devito Gaetz, Lynne. Daniel M. Dunn N .O Ogechi William coyle YULE,GEORGE. MACHIAVIELLI`S NICCOLO. Shelly Cashman Serwatka Micheal Meyer TRIMMER Laurie G. kirszner TRIMMER Ingule, Frank O. NURSING MIMS` MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. Essentials clinical immunology IMMUNOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE. Introduction to nutrition and Metabolism Basic Virology BASIC AND CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY. GOERING,RICHARD V. John B.Zabriskie FRANK,STEVEN A. BC141 .H33 2001 Wagner, Edward K. KATZUNG,BERTRAM G. Page 2 Sheet1 Essentials clinical immunology John B.Zabriskie Sciences AN INTRODUCTION TO MARINE ECOLOGY. CROP INSECTS OF NORTHEAST AFRICA- SOUTHWEST ASIA / POPULATION ECOLOGY. MODERN ECONOMIC THEORY. HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN KENYA. ADVANCED HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. AN INTRODUCTION TO MARINE ECOLOGY. Essentials of oceanography EPIDEMIOLOGY COMPUTER SCIENCE PRACTICAL STATISTICS FOR FIELD BIOLOGY. Modern project management ADVANCED ECONOMIC THEORY POPULATION ECOLOGY. AGRICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY IN THE TROPICS / Using and understanding mathematics:a quantitative reasoning Technical communication Tim Berners-lee and the development of the world wide web Solid state theory Agribusiness: Principles of management Fundamentals of solar astronomy Plant breeding Introduction real analysis Mathematical analysis Macroeconomic theory and policy Vector Analysis :mathematics and physics THE IMPACT OF PEST MANAGEMENT ON BEES AND POLLINATION Vector Analysis :mathematics and physics Finite Mathematics English: intermediate language skills B Mathematics methods for elementary and middle school teachers Video basics An introduction to genetic analysis The state of food and agriculture 2000 Learn microsoft visual J++ 6.0 now. Television critical methods and application QUEEN REARING : BIOLOGICAL BASIS AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION/ Intermediate Algebra for college student Page 3 BARNES,R.S.K. BEGON,MICHAEL. DEWETT,K.K. SIFUNA,DANIEL N. GUPTA,S.C. BARNES,R.S.K. Alan P. Trujillo GORDIS, LEON. FOWLER,JIM. R.C Mishra Dr . H.L. Ahuja BEGON,MICHAEL. BENNETT,Jeffrey Markel.Mike Ann Gaines David D. Van fleet Arvind Bhatnagar M.D Hayward Manfred stoll Tom M. Apostol. Richard G. Lipsey Waner, Stefan. K12 Hatfield, Mary M. Zettl, Herbert. Lavett, Diane K. FAO of the united Nation Jinguji, Daniel J. Jeremy G.Bulter Allen R.Anger Sheet1 Differential equations with mathematica Statistics General, Organic, and bioogical chemistry. Chemistry: The science in context Practical biochemistry principles and techniques Fundamentals of geophysics Methods of statistical physics An introduction to probabillity and inductive logic An introduction to the environmental physics of soil,water and watershed Statistical mechanics. Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics. Designing and conducting health surveys: a comprehensive guide. Advanced Topic in Forensis DNA Typing: Methodology The Evolution of Darwinism : selection, adaptation, and progress in evolutionary biology. The solid earth Digital Electronics : Principles, Devices and Applications The physiology of fishes Strategic management Tropical stream ecology. Science Education in the African Context Functional Analysis Mbinu za mawasiliano kwa kiswahili FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS Solid state physics Classical electrodynamics Galaxies in the universe :An introduction Digital logic design Principles of Biochemistry. Basic Electronics : solid state Bacteria physiology and metabolism Digital electronics Kelvin R. Coombes Murray r. Spiegel Stoker, H. Stephen. Gilbert, Thomas R. Keith Wilson William lowrie Tomoyasu Tanaka Ian Hacking Calvin Rose Pathria, R.K. Geyi, Wen. Aday, Lu Ann Butler, John M. Shanahan,Timothy. C.M.R .Fowler Maini, Anil K. David H. Evans. Frank T. Rothaermel. David dudgeon. Tsuma, Orren G.K. Jain, Pawan K. N .O Ogechi JEARL, WALKER Hilary D. Brewster John David Jackson Linda s. sparke Brian holdsworth Cox, Michael M. Theraja, B. L. Byung Hong kim Hilary.d.Brewstew Motivational/Novels/Biography WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? POWER PLAY The years of lyndon Johnson Pope John Paul ll A Biography THINK BIG. THE SINS OF FATHER. UNTIL THE END OF TIME BOLLES,RICHARD N. STEEL , DANIELLE ROBERT A. CARO Greenwood biographies CARSON,BEN. ARCHER,JEFFREY. STEEL,DANIELLE Page 4