Approved Abbreviations Person or Place Resident condition Medication MOH = Ministry of Health BP = Blood pressure O = orally DHB = District Health Board TPR= Temp Pulse Respirations PRN = as needed GP = General Practitioner or Doctor PR = pulse rate AC = before food GNS = Gerontology Nurse Specialist HR = heart rate PC = after food RN = Registered Nurse RR = respiration rate PR = per rectal EN = Enrolled Nurse BO = Bowels open IM = intramuscular C/G = Care Giver NPU = Has Passed Urine Mane = morning S/W = Support Worker HNPU = Has not passed urine Nocte = night O/T = Occupational Therapist BSL = Blood Sugar level Bd = twice daily D/T = Diversional Therapist BM = Bowel motion Tds = 3 x daily SLT = Speech Language Therapist BNO = bowels not opened Qid = 6 hourly NHI = National Health Index No W/C = wheel chair Qqh = every four hours WINZ = Work & Income NZ FBC = fluid balance chart Stat = at once / immediately NASC = Needs Assessment [sometimes full blood count] > = greater than IDDM =Insulin independent diabetic mellitus CXR = chest X-ray < = less than NDDM = Non-insulin dependent diabetic mellitus UTI = urine infection Ung = ointment SOB = short of breath # [nof] = fracture [neck of femur] CD = Controlled drug SOBE = short of breath on exertion CORD = chronic obstruction airway disease SL = Sub lingual [under the C/O = complaint of ie: (no c/o pain) CHF = Congestive Heart failure tongue] NFO = no further orders HF = Heart failure Gt [gutta] = drops NFR = Not for Resuscitation PVD = peripheral vascular disease mg = milligram MI – myocardial infarction (heart attack) CVA = Cardiac vascular disease ml = millilitre od = daily x 1 Please use ONLY approved abbreviations. If a commonly used abbreviation is not on the list please suggest it at Staff or Service Review Meeting for approval and we will add it.