IntroDUcInG ProxImIty AwArEnESS & AnALytIcS

Motorola Solutions Confidential
and analytics
Proximity Awareness & Analytics Module Sales Guide
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Motorola Solutions Confidential
Table of Contents
THE EMERGENCE OF THE MOBILE CONSUMER.....................................................................................................................................3
Location based SERVICES – A DEFINITION........................................................................................................................................3
CONTEXT MAKES ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES MORE EFFECTIVE........................................................................................................4
INTRODUCING Proximity Awareness & ANALYTICS ...............................................................................................................................6
SOLUTION OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................................................................................6
SOLUTION ARCHITECTURE......................................................................................................................................................................7
HOW IT WORKS.......................................................................................................................................................................................7
SOLUTION FUNCTIONALITY.....................................................................................................................................................................8
KEY MESSAGING............................................................................................................................................................................................10
25-WORD DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................................................10
50- WORD DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................................................10
100-WORD DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................................10
VALUE PROPOSITION.............................................................................................................................................................................10
KEY DIFFERENTIATORS...................................................................................................................................................................................11
COMPETITIVE POSITIONING...........................................................................................................................................................................12
KEY COMPETITORS................................................................................................................................................................................12
SECONDARY COMPETITORS.................................................................................................................................................................12
GENERAL SOLUTION DIFFERENTIATORS...............................................................................................................................................12
COMPETITOR SPECIFIC DIFFERENTIATION............................................................................................................................................12
MOTOROLA LOCATION TRACKING SWOT ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................14
TARGETING OPPORTUNITIES.........................................................................................................................................................................15
Qualifying questions.......................................................................................................................................................................15
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)........................................................................................................................................................16
KEY RESOURCES.............................................................................................................................................................................................19
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Motorola Solutions Confidential
Consumers today are among the most well connected in history. With the emergence of ubiquitous wireless networks and mobile
device adoption continuing unabated, just about everyone is reachable via a communications or data network. Globally, there are an
estimated 5.2 billion active mobile phone accounts and the number continues to grow. Now, the next generation of wireless devices,
smartphones and tablets holds the promise of providing even greater functionality to the mobile user. By 2012, an estimated 57% of
professionals will use a smartphone or tablet as their primary computing device.
The growth of smartphones and tablets has also coincided with another phenomenon, the growth of the mobile application. With
widespread consumer acceptance of mobile applications, hundreds of millions of consumers around the world now take it for granted
that they can have access to information anywhere and at anytime.
The new mobile consumer uses their device to discover, compare, record, share, and communicate information about products and
services and over time has come to regard “the network” as something that is always available and applications as tools that heighten
personalization – in short today’s consumer uses their mobile platforms to consume information at a time and place of their choosing.
This perfect mix of devices, applications, and consumer attitudes has created an opportunity for the emergence of a whole new class
of services, location based services which provide users with useful information or capability based on knowledge of place and context.
These services offer tremendous potential for increasing customer engagement and more critically for improving the success rate of
engagement strategies. The technologies which support location services are just emerging. Motorola’s Proximity Awareness &
Analytics solution is at the vanguard of this transformation and will provide enterprises, retailers in particular, with the tools they
need to implement strategies aimed at improving loyalty and conversions by providing insight on customer behavior and enabling
greater in-store engagement and customer service.
Wikipedia defines a location based service (LBS) as “an information or entertainment service, accessible with mobile devices through
the mobile network and utilizing the ability to make use of the geographical position of the mobile device.”
Location based services have emerged as a powerful tool for reaching consumers because they offer information based on context.
Well known location based services like Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook check-in, Google check-in, and Gowalla use GPS technology to
associate a user with a particular location. With the user’s location, the application can provide relevant crowd-sourced information,
including reviews, advice and commercial offers that the user may find valuable.
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Research on consumers has long-established that they have greater receptivity to information if they find it relevant to them. Context
– where you are and what you are doing – plays an important role in determining relevance. Enterprises, especially retailers, recognize
that smart devices offer an opportunity to connect with customers in a personal way. The question is, what is the best way to do so?
Proximity Awareness & Analytics offers an answer to that question. By identifying where a device is and adding information on who
the owner/user of the device might be, a procation awareness and analytics application provides the insight required to take action.
That action could be to push a greeting to the device owner. It could be to send a special offer or coupon to a known device holder
with a known pattern of behavior. Or it could be sending an associate to assist the owner of a device, standing located in a specially
designated zone.
For retailers, Motorola’s Proximity Awareness & Analytics offer some very clear benefits:
• Offer opportunity for direct, real-time communication based on place and context (customer entering store; customer standing in
food section; high-value customer in shoe section).
• Opportunity to influence the customer in a more targeted way.
• Opportunity to build loyalty by offering a more personalized in-store experience.
• Opportunity to make better use of in-store resources to compete with other retail channels such as mobile web.
• Opportunity to integrate channel strategies, for example complement mobile channel capability with in store browsing or real time
search for out of stock items that may be available online or at another location.
Improve marketing effectiveness by improving conversions. Direct contact in-store will lead to greater conversion than a strategy
like sending email which is never opened or acted on. (Fast fact – 87% of top retailers sent at least one promotional e-mail on Cyber
Monday. A large proportion of this email ends up being discarded or ends up in spam folders – source: Responsys).
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• Wireless data usage is growing fast.
-- 5.2B mobile phone subscribers worldwide1
-- 298M of the 1.3B mobile phones sold globally in 2010 were smartphones.2
-- By 2015, 95% of the mobile handsets shipped in the US will be Wi-Fi enabled.3
-- By 2015,150 million users in the US will have Wi-Fi enabled handsets.4
• Wi-Fi infrastructure is becoming ubiquitous.
-- According to a study conducted by research firm Informa and commissioned by the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), a
telecom industry lobby, the number of Wi-Fi hotspots will reach 5.8 million worldwide by 2015, and mobile data traffic is
estimated to exceed 16.8 million terabytes by 2014.
-- 45% of enterprises in North America have deployed a WLAN.
-- By 2011, 25% of North America big box and anchor tenant retailers will offer free in-store Wi-Fi access to shoppers.5
-- Shoppers who use a mobile device in-store are 6% more likely to make an in-store purchase.6
-- Retailers looking for ways to strengthen relationships with customers and to improve customer service
-- Recent Aberdeen Survey (March 2011) 57% of large business respondents expressed a need for business intelligence to
address “consumer expectation of a personalized shopping experience.”7
• Mobile retail solutions are gaining traction.
-- The total number of consumers who accessed some type of retail content on their mobile device in a given month jumped 74%
year-over-over to 13 million (as of June 2010).5
-- Of the 13 million, over 6.5 million accessed retail content on their mobile device one to three times per month, 4.2 million at
least once a week, and 2.2 million consumers accessed some form of retail content on their mobile device almost every day.8
• Location based services are entering the mainstream.
-- 30% of online adults in the US said they were aware of the location application category in 2011 – up from 16% in 2010.9
-- Location based services to grow from $2.8B in 2010 to $10.3B in 2015.10
• Opportunity being driven by:
-- Convergence of devices.
-- Infrastructure being in place.
-- Consumer comfort with connecting up to technology.
Enterprise demand for some way to differentiate. Tomi T Ahonen, Communities-Dominate Blog Post, All the Numbers, All the
Facts on Mobile the Trillion-Dollar Industry. Why is Google saying: Put your Best People on Mobile? February 17, 2011
Ahonen, February 17, 2011
Deloitte 2011 TMT Predictions, January 2011
State of Industry Report,, September 2010
Opportunity for Business Intelligence Enhancements in Retail, Aberdeen, October 2011
Millenial Media, S.M.A.R.T Report, April, 2011
Pyramid Research, Location based Service Market Forecast, 2011-2015
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Awareness & ANALYTICS
The Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics suite delivers Wi-Fi based proximity awareness and analytics capabilities enabled
on the AirDefense Services platform, Motorola’s industry leading solution for WLAN network service management. With the Proximity
Awareness & Analytics module, WLAN network operators can enable real-time customer engagement based on information about
Wi-Fi enabled devices collected using exiting WLAN infrastructure. The solution combines data collected from WLAN access points
and sensors to support presence services, Wi-Fi analytics, RTLS-based locationing, and historical location analysis. By applying
sophisticated correlation tools, visualizations, and reporting, the module provides users with actionable information to support more
effective customer engagement.
The platform also incorporates an open API architecture allowing third party applications to use the analytical data gathered from
the system. This creates a vendor-agnostic environment supporting a location based services ecosystem with the Motorola proximity
awareness module at its core.
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The Proximity Awareness & Analytics suite is a software application which runs on a central appliance server. Current customers
with AirDefense Appliances or NX9500 platforms can enable the module on the appliance by purchasing a software license. New
customers will have the option of licensing the software for use on either the ADSP appliance or the Motorola NX9500.
Data for analysis is collected using a combination of sensors and the same access points which provide WLAN services in the customer
environment. An open API allows sharing of information with external support systems and with the system console, which provides the
user with a wide range of reporting and data visualization options. While the application is centralized and supports enterprise-wide
data collection and management, reporting and active engagement with customer or associate Wi-Fi devices can be conducted at the
level of individual locations. A representation of the solution appears below.
Figure 1. Proximity Awareness & Analytics Solution Architecture
RF-intelligent map of the facility is loaded into the system appliance or NX9500 branch office platform.
Map includes knowledge of the physical environment (e.g., walls, doors), and can be used to understand RF propagation
characteristics of Wi-Fi signals strength within the facility.
Motorola Wi-Fi radios in the facility detect transmitting Wi-Fi devices (e.g., employee devices, customer Wi-Fi-enabled smart
phones, access points, etc.).
Received Signal Strength (RSSI) at each radio for the detected wireless device is measured.
Radios relay this information back to the centralized application.
The centralized application compares the measured RSSI values at each radio physical location against the RF-intelligent heat
Possible locations for the detected device are determined, correlated with the map.
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Tracking continues for the device as it moves, with prior knowledge of its location used to better refine its current location (i.e.,
location determination can become more accurate over time).
Additional information on the infrastructure environment and devices detected is used to support Wi-Fi analytics and historic
location analysis functionality.
10. Proximity awareness and analytics data is shared with third party location based service applications via API.
Figure 2. Proximity Awareness use of physical environment and Wi-Fi strength data for analytics functions
The Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution provides supports engagement by enabling four key functions: Presence,
Wi-Fi Analytics, Locationing, and Historic Location Analysis. A description of each of the functions follows.
The Presence function supports identification of Wi-Fi devices using the sensors in the target environment. Presence allows the system
user to prepare for arrival of the subject device in the target environment. Detection of devices is automatic and alerts the system that a
device has been detected on site or in the facility. The presence function also supports the push of information using the API to external
systems and applications which may use the information to trigger additional actions. Motorola Presence is engineered for quick setup
and does not require any information regarding the physical environment of the store or facility.
The presence function enables:
• Awareness of customer on site or near-by
• Detection of customers in parking lot before they enter the store
• Rule based information push
• Product suggestions
• Coupons
• Offers or suggestions based on customer profile
The Wi-Fi Analytics function supports the development of insights into customer behavior and the development of actions or strategies
to improve key metrics such as satisfaction and conversion rates. With Wi-Fi analytics, operators can examine facility-specific data or
aggregate information on a wide range of information including:
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Customer visits – tracked by operator applied designations
Customer dwell times in a store or location within- store
For repeat visitors – time last seen
Offers sent to devices
The Wi-Fi Analytics capability enables capabilities including:
Identification of high value customers
Quantification of customers with Wi-Fi enabled devices
Understand of customer profile and behavior in store
In-store asset analysis
Delivery of store-level analytics directly to store manger
Analysis of offer effectiveness based on analysis of offer statistics and conversion rates
The Locationing function supports real-time tracking of Wi-Fi targets based on the Real-Time Locating System standard (RTLS). This
capability allows solution operator to resolve the position of a target device to within a radius of three meters. The system will also
track the target and, with additional information such as the physical layout of a facility, will enable the operator to support enhanced
engagement based on defined boundaries, device profiles and behaviors. Real-life applications of the capability include:
• Virtual boundaries can be established around physical areas of interest.
• As devices enter or leave these areas, notifications can be triggered by the system.
Prioritized Device Tracking:
• Customizable device type tagging
• Tracking prioritization and action based on device type
• Filter and analyze data based on device type
Wi-Fi Device Inventory:
• Devices flagged as “immobile” or “stay on premises” can trigger notifications when moved
The optional use of digital video analytics from Motorola partner Nearbuy Communications can increase the resolution of the
locationing capability from three meters to approximately one meter, allowing shelf-level information in a retail environment.
The Historic Location Analysis function supports trend analysis. By allowing the operator to review the path of a single device or
multiple devices over time, information regarding device behavior in the target environment can be analyzed to improve product
positioning, facility layout and preferred facility navigation. With the sophisticated data collection, analysis and forensics capability of
the appliance, operators have tremendous flexibility to select any time period, apply filters based on customer profiles and focus on very
specific targets as required. Extensive reporting and visualization tools support the analysis function.
The Historic Location Analysis Function enables capabilities including:
Store manager views of frequently visited locations in store
Mapping of store environment based on based on customer value or profiles
Location based product promotion
Identification of high-traffic areas or congestion points
Tracking of paths taken by a single customer or defined set of customers
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Motorola Solutions Confidential
Our Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution uses existing WLAN networks to drive customer engagement and associate
productivity by enabling highly personalized indoor location based services.
Motorola Solutions’ Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution allows enterprises to detect and analyze location information from
Wi-Fi devices. With an open-interface supporting two-way information exchange with third-party applications and support for secure
communication, the solution enables real-time, personalized customer engagement using location based services which add value,
improve service and build loyalty.
Motorola Solutions’ Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution allows enterprises to detect, analyze, and act on location information
from Wi-Fi devices. Built on our industry-leading WLAN network services platform, the proximity awareness software suite leverages
centralized WLAN architecture, best-in-class RF analysis, strong forensics capabilities, and visualization technologies to generate
analytics which support strategies focused on improving in-store engagement and conversions.
Our solution enables four key functions:
Presence – identifies customer proximity
Wi-Fi Analytics – provides insight into customer behavior
Locationing – allows target zone definition
Historic Location Analysis – supports trend analysis
An open API architecture shares analytics data with third-party applications creating a vendor-agnostic environment for development
and delivery of location based services which add value, improve service and build loyalty.
For C-Level Retail Executives focused on:
• Enhancing customer engagement and loyalty
• Improving sales and profitability
• Improving insight for decision making
Motorola offers:
• A Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution designed to support delivery of real-time, mobility-based loyalty programs as well
as data collection, analysis and visualization to provide actionable data for improving the effectiveness of store operations activities
which impact customer engagement and conversion.
Built on Motorola’s industry leading AirDefense Services Platform and leveraging:
Motorola’s expert wireless/ mobility knowledge
Best in class RF analysis and forensics capabilities
Extensive experience and knowledge in event correlation and analysis
Best in class visualization technology
Market leading AP and sensor technologies
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• Proximity Awareness & Analytics delivers store-level performance data as well as aggregate-level data.
• With this capability, we are delivering a functioning locationing technology, not just a promise (reference Aruba 2011
• Our focus on Wi-Fi devices, dynamic actionable information and rich-historical analysis separates us from vendors with
RFID locationing solutions better suited to tracking inventory.
• Enhanced performance with Motorola WiNG5 network, converged branch office platform (NX9500) integration and
services provides strong differentiation for a Motorola solution story.
• Open API establishes Motorola as a strong enabler of the location based services application ecosystem and improves
our positioning as a solutions provider versus a point solution provider.
• Wi-Fi based proximity awareness information provides a more compelling alternative for indoor environments where
GPS based positioning solutions cannot provide detail. This improves opportunity for personalization based on physical
• Ours is a vendor-agnostic solution that operates in multi-vendor WLAN environments.
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Aruba Networks
Nokia Siemens
• Euclid (analytics)
• Infrastructure Independent Solutions – Google, Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook, Gowalla, Skyhook
• Sonic Notify, Shopkick – uses bits of audio code to deliver messages, ads and more to smartphones
• Software solution utilizes existing Motorola APs and sensors. No network overlay required for Motorola Infrastructure.
• Built on industry leading RF expertise, the Proximity Awareness & Analytics module leverages the best of ADSP – centralized architecture,
best in class RF analysis, forensics capabilities, and visualization technologies.
• Supported in multi-vendor WLAN environments (Requires overlay sensor deployment)
• For customers with Motorola sensors, tight integration and Radioshare technology provide higher levels of performance than available
with non Motorola APs
• Motorola Managed Services options
• Open API
• The addition of the location and analytics module to WLAN portfolio further differentiates it from wireless security competitors like
Cisco, Aruba, and AirTight. Those vendors cannot match our range of functionality – security, assurance, management and now proximity
awareness and analytics – from a centralized network services platform.
• Motorola has strong retail segment position, focus, expertise and credibility solving retail problems, a major point of differentiation
versus Cisco.
• Cisco locationing solution focused more on inventory applications. Requires Cisco APs and controllers.
• Motorola solution focused on consumer devices.
• Motorola has broader focus. Includes Wi-Fi Analytics as well as Historic Location Analysis.
• Motorola API supports third party applications and development.
• Motorola integration with high resolution offers option for high-definition resolution which Cisco cannot match.
• For customers using Motorola Solutions WiNG5 Access point, Motorola’s RadioShare technology improves performance of the solution ,
offering faster tracking, and offers greater flexibility by utilizing information from all AP radios – both sensor and access point – to improve
asset utilization.
• Motorola Lifecycle Services
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Motorola Solutions Confidential
• Motorola has strong retail segment position, focus, expertise and credibility solving retail problems, a major point of differentiation versus
• Motorola has broader focus. Includes Wi-Fi Analytics as well as Historic Location Analysis.
• Motorola API supports third party applications and development.
• Aruba Location Tracking solution focuses on dense sensor grid requiring additional investment. Motorola capabilities which leverage data
collected from infrastructure APs to supplement information from sensors offers a more elegant architectural solution.
• For customers using Motorola Solutions WiNG5 Access point, Motorola’s RadioShare technology improves performance of the solution ,
offering faster tracking, and offers greater flexibility by utilizing information from all AP radios – both sensor and access point – to improve
asset utilization.
• Nokia Siemens location tracking solution will be based on Bluetooth technology and will require deployment of an overlay network to
support. Motorola Solutions leverages existing WLAN infrastructure to provide comprehensive presence, location tracking, historical
location analysis and Wi-Fi analytics functionality.
• Motorola has strong retail segment position, focus, expertise, and credibility solving retail problems which is a major point of
differentiation versus Nokia-Siemens.
• Well-established company with good market recognition in location tracking space. Motorola advantages over Ekahau include:
-- More comprehensive offering – Presence, Location Tracking, Historic Location Analysis, Wi-Fi Analytics.
-- Leverages existing WLAN. Does not require additional purpose-built devices.
-- Extension of existing WLAN Network services capability – Location tracking is an additional capability which can be enabled as part
of a broader WLAN solution.
-- Motorola has strong retail segment position, focus, expertise and credibility solving retail problems which is a major point of
differentiation versus Ekahau.
• The infrastructure independent competitors are focused more on applications, many of which would be complementary with Motorola’s
vision of providing location information and analytics to third party applications.
• Motorola Solutions focus on the retail segment and WLAN networks provide a level of specificity which allows us to uniquely address the
needs of our customers in that space.
• Motorola Solutions Proximity Awareness & Analytics allows our target customers to exercise a level of control over their
• Location based services and the indoor-locationing functionality allows for greater levels of personalization than possible with the
infrastructure-independent providers.
• Motorola Solutions Proximity Awareness & Analytics is a self-standing element of an integrated system which also supports security,
assurance and management of WLANS giving the enterprise an opportunity to leverage expertise within and focus accountability on a
single organization within its operations team.
• Sonic Notify and Shopkick are using audio codes to deliver messages to smartphones. They have established some traction with consumer
packaged goods companies seeking options to promote their products. Their solution also requires deployment of overlay infrastructure
and focuses more on presence. The additional capabilities of location tracking, historical location analysis and Wi-Fi analytics differentiate
the Motorola solution.
• Motorola API supports third party applications and development.
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MOTOROLA Proximity Awareness & Analytics SWOT ANALYSIS
• Lack of reputation as analytics provider
• Lack of experience / alignment with target decision makers f or
analytics services and retail loyalty programs
Recognized mobility domain expertise
Motorola reputation; strong retail customer relationships
Recognized technology leadership in WLAN and f orensics
Robust tools (LiveRF, LAN Planner) support LBS/analytics of fering
Support f or multi-vendor network environments
Solution leverages partner capability and APIs to give customers
f lexibility and greater implementation choice
• Established positions in security , inf rastructure management and WLAN
inf rastructure can be expanded to LBS and analytics
• Retail interest in and adoption of analytics solution is on the rise
• Prolif eration of wireless devices create opportunity f or solutions to
• Privacy related issues may impact implementation
• Internal customer initiatives may present obstacles to 3rd party
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Qualifying questions
• Are you familiar with location based services?
• Have you considered the potential of location based services as a catalyst for improving customer engagement, associate productivity and
asset management in your retail environment?
• Are you faced with competitive threats from peer companies who are using location based services?
• Have you thought about how your existing enterprise mobility infrastructure could be used to further increase the performance of your
business by increasing customer engagement?
• Are you currently exploring options for improving the competitiveness of your brick and mortar stores relative to mobile channel
competitors (online stores)?
• Are you looking for ways to more closely tie your mobile channel initiatives to your brick and mortar initiatives?
• Are you interested in learning more about how analytics collected from your mobile infrastructure and from Wi-Fi devices in your Do you
currently operate a WLAN infrastructure?
• Are you familiar with options for using WLAN infrastructure to support location based services?
• What is your current strategy for managing your WLAN and device infrastructure?
• Do you currently have plans to use tracking technology to improve customer engagement or associate productivity?
• Do you have a strategy in place for delivery of location based services?
• Are you currently working with a third-party or pursuing internal development to deliver location based services?
-- What type of services are you considering?
-- Have you identified a source of locationing information to support the service?
• Do you have the technical skill, tools and process structure to effectively manage your wireless enterprise infrastructure?
• Do you have the skills and knowledge to develop and implement a location based service strategy?
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What is a location based service?
A location based service is an information or entertainment service, accessed via a mobile device, that uses knowledge of the
geographical position of the mobile device. Some common location based services include personalized weather applications and
social media recommendation engines such as Foursquare and Yelp.
What is proximity awareness?
Proximity awareness refers to a method for identifying the position of a device. For proximity awareness based on Wi-Fi, a network
capable of identifying a Wi-Fi signal can apply any one of a number of algorithms to pinpoint the location of the device. Different
approaches provide varying levels of accuracy. The Motorola solution utilizes a real-time locationing system (RTLS) algorithm
determines where a device (e.g. smartphone or mobile computer) is based on measurements of received signal strength (RSS) from
sensors located in the environment being sampled.
Why is Motorola offering proximity awareness?
Motorola Solutions is responding to demand from its customers, particularly those in the retail segment, who are seeking
new opportunities for customer engagement and who view mobile devices like smartphones as an excellent platform for more
personalized customer interaction. With its industry-leading capabilities as a tool for WLAN service management, adding proximity
awareness and ensuring its integration with existing security, management and assurance functions.
What is Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics
The Proximity Awareness & Analytics is a software application which delivers Wi-Fi based proximity awareness and analytics
capabilities enabled on the platform, Motorola’s industry leading solution for WLAN network service management. With Proximity
Awareness & Analytics, enterprises can detect, analyze, and act on location information from Wi-Fi devices. The solution uses
data collected from existing WLAN infrastructure (AP’s and sensors) to enables four key functions:
-- Presence – identifies customer proximity
-- Wi-Fi Analytics – provides insight into customer behavior based on patterns of Wi-Fi usage
-- Locationing – allows target zone definition
-- Historic Location Analysis – supports trend analysis based on forensic RF analysis
What type of customer would this functionality appeal to and why?
Proximity awareness and analytics would be of value to any company that is looking for a way to increase customer engagement
or associate productivity with location based services. For retailers, location based services are widely viewed as an option for
improving brick-and-mortar store performance in the face of competition from mobile channels (web, etc.).
How will customers use this functionality?
The potential for this functionality is limited only by the imagination of customers and application developers. The data on
customer location and comprehensive analytics that the solution can provide can be used in any application where knowledge of
how Wi-Fi devices move around a local area supports a value-added service.
What types of applications are supported by Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics?
Some examples of applications that could be supported by Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics include messaging,
couponing, customer portal, concierge services, targeted advertising, shopping tools, facility maps, product locator, resource finder,
auto alerts, store pickup, contests/promotions and asset location.
Does Motorola offer any location based service applications?
Motorola will offer location based service applications as part of its solution portfolio aimed at meeting the needs of customers in
the retail sector. These applications will be offered independent of the Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution but will make use
of the functionality enabled by it.
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Do I need to buy the entire Motorola Suite to get Proximity Awareness & Analytics?
The Proximity Awareness & Analytics suite can be purchased independent of the rest of the WLAN tools suite.
What type of infrastructure do I need in place to support Proximity Awareness & Analytics?
The Proximity Awareness & Analytics function utilizes information gathered from a network of WLAN access points and sensors.
An existing WLAN infrastructure, supplemented by an overlay sensor network will support the functionality.
Will I need to upgrade my Wireless LAN to support Motorola Proximity Awareness?
There is no requirement for a WLAN upgrade to support Motorola’s Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution. However, current
WLAN equipment density and infrastructure asset positioning may impact achievable location tracking accuracy and rate of data
collection. In addition, there will be performance advantages (related to rate of data collection) in an all Motorola environment but
the vendor agnostic solution will operate in any 802.11 environment.
Do my customers need to do anything special to support this functionality?
There are no special requirements outside of installing the software and RSSI data collection network that will prevent a customer
with a WLAN from supporting this functionality.
How precise is the Motorola locationing system?
The Motorola locationing system will initially be available in two versions. The standard version of the locationing system is
able to resolve position of a Wi-Fi device with an achievable resolution of five meters. The high-definition version of the system,
which supplements sensor and AP information with data from a digital camera network, will allow resolution down to one meter.
Accuracy will vary depending on the current design and layout of the WLAN and other network infrastructure elements.
What is the difference between standard and high-definition locationing?
Motorola standard definition locationing uses WLAN sensors and APs to establish location of a Wi-Fi device with an achievable
resolution of five meters. Motorola ADSP high-definition locationing uses additional information from a network of digital cameras
to achieve resolution to within one meter.
Is there a limit to the number of devices that can be tracked at any given time?
The exact number of devices that the system will track at one time is dependent on the size of the specific appliance. Consult the
appliance data sheet for specific capacity.
Does Proximity Awareness interfere with any of the other Motorola functionality?
Motorola’s Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution can be deployed as a self-standing element of the software suite. The
solution is a fully integrated element of the Motorola WLAN offering and can operate independently or seamlessly with any of the
other functions – Security & Compliance, Network Assurance and Infrastructure Management.
Does Motorola have any partners for this offer?
Motorola is working on forming partnerships to deliver applications that use the proximity and analytics data.
Is the Motorola Proximity Awareness system compatible with RFID technology?
The Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics solution uses Wi-Fi frequencies to identify and track devices of interest.
The solution can coexist with RFID technologies.
What type of analytics information will I get from the system?
The Wi-Fi analytics module will provide a wide range of information based on data collected about the RF environment of the
target location. Some of the information included is Customer visits – tracked by operator applied designations, Customer dwell
times in a store or location within-store, for repeat visitors – time last seen, and offers sent to devices.
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Motorola Solutions Confidential
Are there any Mot on Mot Advantages?
There are two key advantages associated with deploying Motorola Proximity Awareness & Analytics in a Motorola
WLAN network.
-- Motorola RadioShare which can be enabled on all Motorola WiNG5 access points improves cost to performance ratio of
Motorola’s WLAN solutions. Tight integration of the WiNG5/ADSP delivers better security, assurance and management
performance than traditional networks with fewer AP radios.
-- A Motorola WLAN network collects more information on Wi-Fi devices in the target environment and shares it more quickly
with the Motorola Solutions Proximity Awareness module. This improves the precision of the locationing function and by
extension improves the potential responsiveness of applications using the locationing data.
What is RTLS?
A Real Time Locating System (RTLS) is local positioning system capable of identifying the presence of tagged devices (Wi-Fi
signatures in this case). The system uses a set of locating devices (APs and sensors in this case) to determine the location of the
tags. RTLS systems determine position but do not usually provide information on direction or speed. Motorola Solutions’ Proximity
Awareness & Analytics solution extends the basic RTLS functionality with additional data from access points (cameras in the case
of the high resolution option) historical patterns and maps of the target environment to add predictive information on path. Rapid
data refresh allows the Motorola solution to provide better real-time positioning than competitor solutions.
What is geo-fencing?
Geo-fencing is the application of a virtual boundary to a physical location. By defining a geo-fence, defined actions can be applied
based on where a person or, in the case of location tracking, where a Wi-Fi device is relative to the geo-fence. In practical terms,
a shopper entering a specified area could be engaged with a greeting or receive an offer they may find of value based on their
Proximity Awareness & Analytics Module Sales Guide
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