Roll Noa .............o......... [TotalNo.of pages: 02 TotalNo.of Questions : 081 M. Tech. (Sem. - 3'o) ARTIFICIAL INTE LLIGENCE SIIBJECTCODE : CS- 510 PaperID : [E06961 Note : Pleasefill subjectcodeand paper ID on OMRI Time : 03 Hours Instruction to Candidates: Attempt any Five questions. Alt questionscarryequalmarks. yo u. co m l) 2) Maximum Marks : loo ' QI) (a) What arethe differencesbetweeninfolmed searchanduninformedsearch? Discussany two methodsfor eachtype of search. s4 (b) Solvethe following blocksworld problemusingbestfirst searchmethods. Definethe globalheuristicfunctionused: B A DC ub je ct A C D Goal state lls Start state B .a Q2) (a) Explain all weak and strong slot and filler structuresused in Artificial intelligenceto representknowledge. w w (b) Assumethe following facts:Convertthe following axioms into clauses andanswerthe questionusing resolution:"What food doesAna eat?" w (i) Mary likes all kinds of food. (ii) Pizza is a food. (iii) Apple is a food. (i") Anything anyoneeat is a food. (v) Ana eatseverythingMary eats. R-834 nTo. Q3) (a) What arevarioustypesof learning?Explain with examples. (b) What do you understandby genetic algorithms?Explain various operationswhich canbe performedin geneticalgorithms. Q4) (a) Define the statespacefor waterjug problem,traveling salesmanproblem and8 - puzzleproblem.Arc theiruniversepredictable?Are theseproblems and ignorable?Justiff your answer. decomposable (b) Solvethe crypt arithmeticpuzzle:LOGIC + LOGIC : PROLOG. yo u. co m QS) (a) What is artificial intelligence?Give examplesof any3 problemssolved in artificialintelligence. (b) What areintelligentagents?Explain their importance. s4 Q6) Write a note onFuzry logic. How do it usesprobabilisticreasoning?Define a fuzzy set to define an old person. ub je ct Q7) Write a note on planningand actingin real world. Explain importantstepsin planningwith an example. Q8) Write note on the following: (a) Perceptionin AI. lls (b) Probabilisticreasoning. .a (c) ReinforcementlearninginAI. w w w (d) Adversarialsearch. R-834 tllt 2