Circ le Time 1 Oral Language • To help children understand the fingerplay, My Family Fingerplay children the words and motions • Teach for the fingerplay “My Family.” the fingerplay, and count the • Repeat number of people in the family. Ask 91 02 4 Un au tho rize d re p ro duct ion o r distribu tion of any materia l or p ro g r amm ing con ten ts co nt ai ne d o is 0- th 43 -3 n 9 Songs and Fingerplays “My Family” p. 9 children to tell how many people are in their own families. Have them focus on immediate family members. Have children tell whether a brother or sister is older or younger than they are. kp ISB N dis ibi US A ro h and a n c A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d M a nufa STIC ctur OLA ed SCH in t he ted rad 3 by a re t Scho lastic I ssociated logos and designs eg nc rr op /o yri nd gh sa t© ark 200 em CD Track #13 tr m pi ed la er tio ist ad em ar ks of Sc ho las tic Inc p 200 3b yS ch ola sti cI nc Co Syllables in My Name the first name of one of the • Pronounce children in the classroom, syllable by syllable. Clap the syllables while saying the name aloud. Then, invite children to clap and say the name along with you. Ask children how many parts, or syllables, they hear. help them recognize syllables, have • To children place a finger beneath their chins. Explain that they can tell it is a new syllable if they feel their chin drop. with other children’s names • Repeat until children have caught on. Then, ask children to clap and count the syllables in their own names. Point out how many syllables are in each child’s name. Oral Segmentation 32 WEEK 1 • H o m e a n d F a m i l y draw an outline of a house with a stickfigure family inside it. Touch and name the members of the family—mother, father, sister, and brother. • As you say and perform the fingerplay, point to the picture of the family member. Have the children repeat each line in English with you. Phonological Awareness • If the name-clapping game is difficult, practice by building up one syllable at a time. Invite children to clap along with you as you say one-syllable words such as ball or Ling. Add another syllable, to form two-syllable words like finger or Marco. Graduate to three-syllable words. • Ask children to clap and count the syllables in their names. Help them notice their chins dropping as they enunciate each syllable. Observing Children Daily Work • How are children connecting the fingers that represent each family member with fingerplay about their families? Do they know how many people are in their own families? • Are children able to clap out the syllables in their names? La hora d e l a rue d a 1 Vocabulary -3 91 01 6 Un au tho rize d re p ro duct ion o r distribu tion of any materia l or p ro g r amm ing con ten ts co nt ain ed o th 43 9 Canciones y juegos con las manos “Mi familia”, pág. 9 n kp ISB N dis 0- is A ro h ibi ted SCH OLA STIC and a ssociated logos and designs a CD Pista #13 rr op yri d/o gh an t© rks CD-ROM Activities tr ad m pi ed la er tio ist nc eg em ar ks of Sc ho las tic Inc p 200 3b yS ch ola sti cI nc Co You’ll find vocabulary activities related to this theme on the Usborne’s Animated First Thousand Words CD-ROM. ma 200 ade 3 by re t r Scho lastic I in their names? How are they clapping and counting the syllables? niños cuántas personas hay en sus familias. Dígales que se limiten a sus familiares inmediatos. Pregúnteles si sus hermanos o hermanas son mayores o menores que ellos. US • Are children actively listening for syllables el juego y cuente el número de • Repita personas en la familia. Pregunte a los he • Can children count the people in their families? How do they relate the concept of older and younger to their siblings? in t motions of the fingerplay? “Mi familia”. re d • How are children connecting the words and a los niños las palabras y los • Enseñe movimientos del juego con las manos factu Observing Children Juego con las manos “Mi familia” n c A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d M a nu Words for family members: mother father sister brother Las sílabas de mi nombre el nombre de uno de los • Pronuncie niños, sílaba por sílaba, y dé una Pre-K Guidelines Language and Early Literacy 1.b Listens for different purposes 1.c Understands and follows simple oral directions 3.c Refines and extends understanding of known words 3.f Increases listening vocabulary and begins to develop vocabulary of names and phrases in English (ESL) 5.d Begins to break words into syllables or claps along with each syllable in a phrase palmada por cada una de ellas. Luego, anime a los niños a repetir el nombre mientras dan las palmadas. Pregúnteles cuántas partes o sílabas escuchan. reconocer las sílabas, pídales que • Para coloquen un dedo debajo de la barbilla. Explíqueles que, en muchos casos, cada vez que la barbilla toque el dedo empieza una nueva sílaba. la actividad con otros nombres • Repita hasta que los niños se hayan familiarizado con el ejercicio. Luego, pídales que cuenten con palmadas las sílabas de sus nombres. Señale cuántas sílabas tiene cada nombre. Segmentación oral L a c a s a y l a f a m i l i a • SEMANA 1 33