Presentation by Alessandro Rigoni Directe r Commercial, Directeur Commercial Nestlé S Suisse isse Distribution Strategy of Nestlé Suisse Monday, November 29, 14.15-16.00 17.15-18.45 h, h, Postponed to Dec. 20, Room E120 A140 Room Consumer good manufacturers like Nestlé have very valuable and trusted brands in different product areas. To reach the consumer, different distribution channels are used, including wholesalers and retailers. Given the relevance of retailers for the manufacturers’ sales success, cooperation ti h has b become a very iimportant t t element l t off the th di distribution t ib ti strategy. t t Nestlé with headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland, is today the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness company. Nestlé Suisse is responsible for operations in Switzerland. Mr. Rigoni will explain the distribution system of Nestlé Suisse and the different cooperative concepts in the distribution strategy. Guests are welcome! Chair for International Management – Liebherr / Richemont Endowed Chair