Vol 2 Issue 26- 24th June 2013

Textile weekly
News that keeps you ahead
Volume 2 | Issue 26 | June-2013
Website: http://textileweekly.wordpress.com/
24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Business India
Fashion and clothing’s
Research & Innovations
Technical textile
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Business India
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Headlines- business India
Birlacril debuts new acrylic fibre innovations at Ludhiana
Indian cotton arrivals dipping, says ICA
KS Rao assumes charge as India’s new Textiles Minister
India to set up international coir expo-cum-sales centre
Uttar Pradesh seeks permission to grow Bt cotton
Century Rayon products get Oeko-Tex 100 certification
Cheaper Rupee And Bangladesh’s Troubles Cheer India’s Apparel Exporters
Indian Textile Minister Vows Increase Of Textile Exports
Tussle between traders and textile processors ends
Falling Re Makes The Going Tough For Apparel Retailers
Global Fabric Resource Centre To Come Up In Surat
Karnataka: Yadgir to get Textile Park
Cotton Traded Higher On Supply Concern
Garments Sector Targets 7% Growth This Year
SMEs in textile sector demands reduction in interest rates
Textile traders mull moving out of Hyderabad
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Birlacril debuts new acrylic fibre innovations at Ludhiana
The Acrylic Fibre Business of the Aditya Birla Group, organized its India Customer Meet event at Ludhiana on 5th June.
Headquartered in Thailand, the Acrylic Fibre Business of the Aditya Birla Group is the 5th largest manufacturer and 2nd largest
exporter of acrylic fibre in the world.
Their products are marketed under the brand name Birlacril, which is one of the top recognized acrylic fibre brands in the world
known for their quality, service and innovation.
The event was attended by over 100 guests which included industrialists, technocrats, senior professionals from textile trade,
designers and people from media.
Birlacril unveiled its portfolio of branded products, which were
truly a reflection of the innovation and diversity of the
offerings from the company. One of the special focus products
was Pilbloc.
This brand of fibre resists pilling, and gives the garments new
look, wash after wash and after repeated usage. The fibre is
manufactured using a special technology, which also gives a
very soft, cashmere touch to the garments. This fibre is very
suitable for school sweaters and fashion apparels. The hangtag
program of Pilbloc was launched last year, and has seen a good
A full range of garment trend collection was displayed at the event, under the theme Birlacril Fashion Trends AW 2014-15. The
collection aptly brought out the fashion diversity possible with the Birlacril range of fibre. For years, Birlacril has been trusted by
the fashion world.
Among the various other products, Radianza drew attention. This is a range of dyed fibre having a very high color uniformity
over large batch size.It is a Green Fibre because of it much lesser impact on the environment owning to lower energy and water
Since it is a dyed fibre, the spinners can avoid dyeing and hence lowers the propensity of pollution. This fibre has an interesting
application in making Daffodil type yarn, which till now was done in India with tow dyeing route; but with the introduction of
Radianza it is possible to make this type of yarn with a fibre route, with a much less environmental impact.
Other unique products were Warmos, which gives similar warmth, comfort and feel of Wool. Amicor the anti-microbial fibre –
which gives a long lasting, durable anti-bacterial and anti-fungal performance and Durashine the weather resistant fibre very
suitable for outdoor applications like awnings, car covers, etc.
The event was addressed by Mr. Thomas Varghese, CEO (Textiles, Overseas Spinning & Acrylic Fibre) and the guests were
welcomed by Mr. Ambrish Maheshwari, CEO (Acrylic Fibre Business). The senior management team from Thailand and Egypt
attended the event, showing the commitment of the business to the customers.
The guests found the event quite interactive and informative. They also praised the AW 2014-15 garment collection display. The
new products really gave them insight intothe product and design possibilities with the Birlacril range of products. [1.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Indian cotton arrivals dipping, says ICA
The arrivals are dwindling in most of the States and season seems to be coming to a close. Approximately 3 Crore 19 lakh bales
have arrived in the market as per trade sources. CCI seems to be the best source for good cotton especially in the Andhra
Pradesh region at the moment at around Rs.41,000/-Spot per candy.
Most of the North Mills are procuring from Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh due to their proximity from these centres to save lorry
freights while the South Mills are sourcing from CCI in Andhra Pradesh.
The Indian rupee has fallen to nearly Rs.59/- to a dollar
thereby making import of cotton unfeasable and export of
yarn an attractive proposition to the Textile Mills.
Monsoon which is main deciding factor for Farming
operations have begun on time and now spreads across
the arable areas.
Prospects of a normal monsoon are bright. Cotton seed
distribution is in progress. Mostly Bt seeds are in demand
by Farmers. Farmers group is also worried on the
increased cost of inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labour and the funds crunch. Demand for cotton lint is persisting.
Monsoon will decide the Farmers mood to decide the area.
Daily kappas (seed cotton) arrivals have dropped to approximately 1500 bales. Cotton sowing is almost complete in this region.
Prices for good quality J-34 R/g from Punjab is Rs.4170/- per maund spot, while in Haryana and Rajasthan good quality J-34 R/g is
priced at Rs.4070/- per maund spot. Bengal Desi S/g is quoted at Rs.3850/- per maund spot. Area sown by cotton is yet to be
assessed. Canal water is boon for irrigation in this belt. Monsoon predictions are favourable.
Daily cotton arrivals are approximately 8000 bales and arrival of rains in many parts of Gujarat are helpful for the Farmers to
prepare to sow cotton for the new season. Prices for good quality S-6 is Rs.39,800/-Spot per candy while good quality V-797 r/g
was priced at Rs.27,500/-Spot per candy. Saurashtra area experienced good rain.
Cotton seed sales are brisk. S.6 spot rates moved up from Rs.39,000 /cdy spot to Rs.40,500 /cdy spot from middle of this
fortnight, due to various factors like firm ICE Futures, Good demand from Southern Mills due to improved yarn Market
conditions, both in Local and Export (Due to devaluation of Rupee) and less arrival of kappas, from the beginning of this
Quality is the constraint at present in S.6, due to deterioration in both Staple length and Micronaire. V.797 prices were ruling at
around Rs.27,500 to Rs.28,000/cdy spot. In Gujarat, arrival of monsoon in proper time, did not have any impact on prices till
now, which usually, witness a bearish trend, due to factors mentioned above besides, lower crop estimated for the current
Daily kappas arrivals have dropped to 5000 bales approximately. Monsoon has set in many parts of coastal Maharashtra and
many parts of Marathwada and Khandesh. Some showers have been experienced in Vidharbh area too. Farmers may start
sowing for the new season shortly if nature supports in the same manner.
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Good quality Mech-1 of 29mm was priced at Rs.39,500/-Spot per candy. while low micronaire cotton was priced at Rs.37,000/Spot per candy. Farmers began their preparations also releasing their carry over stocks. Due to good rains, Farmers have option
to switch over to other crops like soya beans and macca over and above cotton.
Good quality Dch-32 was quoted at Rs.51,000/- Spot per candy while good bunny was priced at Rs.39,500/ -Spot. There has been
a few mild pre monsoon showers and if this continues it would be helpful to the Farmers to start the sowing for the coming
season. Land preparations are brisk as machine ploughing is more popular. Cotton area may not dwindle as per cotton experts.
In M.P DCH 32, rates started moving up from Rs.49,500/cdy to Rs.50,500 / candy spot from the beginning of this fortnight, due
to overall demand for quality lots. Bunny 29mm quality rates are also in the upward trend, in consonance with rates prevailing in
Maharashtra and Karnataka. Bunny rates moved up by Rs.500 to Rs.600 /cdy spot and ruling at Rs.39,500/cdy spot for 29mm
Monsoon has arrived in Andhra Pradesh and parts of Adilabad in the Northern side to Guntur in the Southern side have received
rainfall and Farmers may start sowing for the new season shortly if nature supports consistently. It is reported that sowing of
cotton may reduce this season as Farmers may shift to other crops.
Prices of good quality 29mm Bunny in Adilabad was Rs.39,500/-Spot while good quality CCI lots were being purchased by a lot of
South and local Mills at Rs.41,000/-Spot per candy. Andhra pradesh Govt. is working on the distribution prices of Cotton seeds to
ease the market sentiments and encourage seeds sale. Farmers are demanding for a rational approach along with
decentralization of quality seed distribution.
Parts of Karnataka bordering Goa and North Karnataka upto Bijapur and South Karnataka upto Mysore have received good
rainfall consistently and Farmers have started sowing for the new cotton season. In North Karnataka there is a drop of 10% in
sowings till now and may be compensated by good yield as some Farmers have shifted their sowing to Corn.
Areas like Bailhongal are in need of some more rains to help sowing for the new season. Parts of Raichur,Gulbarga and areas
bordering Andhra Pradesh have also received good rains and cotton seed sales have also gone up in this belt as many of the
areas here have canal irrigation from river Krishna and river Tungabhadra.
So a reasonable amount of rainfall can help Farmers to start sowing for the new season. Upper Krishna Project [UKP] project
areas of around 4 lakh acres have no moisture stress. Prices for good quality 30mm bunny stock lots is Rs.42,000/-Spot per
candy and good DCH-32 is quoted at Rs.52,000/-Spot per candy. Jayadhar was quoted at Rs.32,000/-Spot per candy.
Seed companies have reported an increase of 20% in sales of cotton seeds as many Farmers near Tirunelveli, Trichy due to lack
of water, have shifted to cotton. So it is a good sign for Mills in Tamilnadu as Farmers are slowly shifting to cotton due to natural
cirumstances as more cotton will be available to them locally and they can save in transportation costs.
If Farmers get good kappas prices like in the last two seasons, then they may consisently sow cotton in Tamilnadu. Seed cotton
arrivals are on in rice fallow districts of Thanjavur/Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam. Arrivals also on in Perambalur, Attur and
Konganapuram. Boothappadi, Andhiyur and Moolanur will start by month end. Insufficient rain in cotton tracts delays the
sowing. Ruling kappas prices are fair. Mills demand for cotton continued as power supply situation is improving.
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
The New York futures market after dropping to 81.5 cents per lbs seems to be bouncing back to around 86 cents. Approximately
18 lakh bales have been reported by trade sources to be booked for imports by Indian Textile Mills.
Only a part of the shipments have arrived and the remaining quantity may become unviable for the Indian Mills to import due to
the drastic fall in the rupee against the dollar. ICAC has projected a fall in area and cotton production at the Global level.
China also continued to release its cotton stock. In China also Cotton sowing area may dwindle and planting is almost over. U.S
acreage is also down by 30% in a decade. India may overtake Chinese position in cotton. Bangladesh also plans for buffer stock
in cotton to meet the steady demand. In Pakistan arrivals have begun. [2.]
KS Rao assumes charge as India’s new Textiles Minister
Mr. Kavuru Sambasiva Rao, a member of the Lok Sabha representing Eluru constituency in the Southern Indian state of Andhra
Pradesh has taken charge as the new Textiles Minister in the Indian Government.
Speaking to reporters soon after assuming charge, the new Textiles Minister said the current account deficit (CAD) is an area of
concern for the Indian economy, and the textile industry is one of the sectors where exports can be increased substantially.
“I am given to understand that our export in textiles is about US$ 34 billion
today, which I wish to make at least US$ 50 billion by the year end,” the
Minister said.
However, for the purpose, “We have to encourage skill development and
speak to all the industrialists, in particular to find out what exactly are their
problems, what type of support they require from the Government, and how
they will be able to increase the exports,” Mr. Rao said.
Mr. Rao also assured that the Ministry will do “everything possible to
provide employment in a big way to poor sections of the society, and
increase the exports in a big way and do justice to the cotton growers as well
as the handloom weavers.”
Terming skill development as paramount, Mr. Rao said, “When there are skills with the people of the country, the growth will go
up, the production will go up, the cost of production will come down, and then we will be able to compete in the international
On cotton prices, he said cotton farmers claim that they do not get fair price for their produce, and hence he would see how
their output per acre can be increased.
He also said that farmers should be allowed to export their produce directly, without the involvement of middlemen and
traders, whenever there is bumper crop.
The textile industry in India is the second largest employer, next only to the agricultural sector.
The US and the EU are India’s traditional export markets, which together import over 60 percent of India’s total textile and
apparel exports.
However, in view of the weak demand in these markets, Indian textile exporters are making efforts to boost their exports to
countries in Latin America and Africa, as well as Japan. [4.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
India to set up international coir expo-cum-sales centre
A coir village and an international exhibition-cum-sales centre is planned to be set up in the Alappuzzha city of Kerala state in
southern India, the state minister for Revenue and Coir, Adoor Prakash, has announced.
A company, similar to the Cochin International Airport Limited, will be formed to organize the coir village and manage its sales,
the Minister said at a press conference.
The project is planned in view of the improvement in sales of coirbased geotextiles in India. As part of the company, a coir
manufacturing unit will be set up with advanced machinery and
technology, and will be operational soon.
For the Rs. 240 million project, artisans and workers are already
provided with training for making handicrafts, bags and other
products using coir fibre.
The minister said that in order to support production of items in
the new coir manufacturing company, measures have already
been taken to increase the procurement of husk and to raise the
wages of the workers employed in this sector.
Meanwhile, the Coir Board of India has set a target of achieving Rs. 30 billion in sales turnover in the domestic market during the
12th Five-Year Plan (2012-17) period. [3.]
Uttar Pradesh seeks permission to grow Bt cotton
The North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) has requested the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) that falls under
the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), to allow trial and commercial production of genetically modified Bt cotton in
the state.
The agricultural department of Uttar Pradesh government has sent a letter to the
Ministry seeking permission, and the approval is expected soon, The Indian Express
According to the letter, the agricultural department will begin trial of Bt cotton in
the state-owned farms in the agriculture universities of Uttar Pradesh, once it
receives MoEF nod.
Once the approval is received, the state government is all set for trying out
cultivation of Bt cotton, said C P Srivastava, joint director at the UP agriculture department.
If the trials show favourable results, there are plans to commercially produce, he added.
It has been 10 years since Bt cotton was introduced in India, and now, almost 90 percent of the cotton cultivated in India is Bt
cotton. However, Uttar Pradesh has so far not experimented with growing Bt cotton.
It is now time for farmers in the state to avail the opportunity, said Raja Anand Singh, agriculture minister of Uttar Pradesh. [5.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Century Rayon products get Oeko-Tex 100 certification
While the Indian textile industry is an important component of the domestic economy, the global importance of the Indian
textile sector is steadily growing.
And individual companies are quite capable of achieving global success and distancing themselves from questionable working
conditions. Many products of the Indian fibre and yarn manufacturer Century Rayon meet the human ecology requirements of
OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
In 1954, Syt BK Birla laid the foundation for the current company in Shahad,
about 55 kilometres from Mumbai, the metropolitan area and capital of the
federal state Maharashtra.
In the beginning, production focused on rayon yarns for the clothing industry,
but in the 1960s new applications soon became available: Textile
reinforcement materials for the production of tyres for the automotive
industry – so-called cord fabrics – are still used in modern tyre manufacturing.
Today, Century Rayon use state-of-the-art machinery to produce special yarns
for technical sectors such as V-belts, fabrics for flexible tubing or fire-resistant fabrics. Beyond this, the company offers an
extensive collection of yarns for further processing into different types of fabrics for the clothing sector and the home textiles
With around 5,000 employees at two production units and many years of experience in yarn production, Century Rayon is one of
the leading providers in this industry sector.
First-rate quality and a pronounced customer focus play a vital role in the economic
success of the company. Shri..O R Chitlange, CEO, explains: “We have been
continuously focusing on quality and sustainability since the mid 1990s – we owe that
to our customers and our staff.”
The company has been certified to the requirements of the quality management
system ISO 9001-9008 since 1995 and the environmental management system of ISO
14001 has been implemented since 2007.
The OHSAS 18001 standard was also introduced in 2007 to form the basis for an
efficient health and safety management system. The globally accepted standard
focuses on personal safety, occupational health and safety as well as health prevention
for employees.
Century Rayon also take on special responsibilities where environmental protection and sustainability are concerned. The
company had the first items from their range certified according to OEKO-TEX Standard 100 as early as 2006.
The certified filament yarns meet the strict human ecology requirements of OEKO-TEX product category II for textiles worn
close to the skin. Shri..O R Chitlange is convinced that certifications are a guarantee for sustainable company success: “In
addition to perfect quality, it is almost compulsory today for products to be rated as safe with regard to harmful substances.”
The company has also been investing in steps for improving the environmental balance for some time now. This primarily
includes extensive measures for preventing or limiting harmful substances in production, compliance with limit values for
wastewater and waste air as well as optimised use of energy.
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
The installation of state-of-the-art, energy and water saving plants in different areas has led to enormous energy reductions in
the facilities. Processing water, for example, can be reused with the help of an in-house water treatment plant.
Shri.O R Chitlange is sure that the measures taken represent great added value for the company as well as for the customers:
“We are convinced that the future belongs to products from environmentally friendly production that have undergone testing
for harmful substances. And we have to permanently adjust to this.” [6.]
Cheaper Rupee And Bangladesh’s Troubles Cheer India’s Apparel Exporters
Exporters have shifted their focus to non-traditional markets like South America, Japan, New Zealand to increase exports
Apparel export of $17 billion is expected this financial year,
compared to $14 bn last year, say those in the trade.
A cheaper rupee will help. Exporters are hoping to capture
buyers who used to source apparel from Bangladesh. The latter,
currently the second largest apparel exporter in the world, has
seen several negative happenings which have highlighted the
poor working conditions of labour in the segment. These have
led to several foreign brands which had outsourced garment
making there to try and move away. Indian exporters are trying
to attract those foreign retailers to shift their sourcing to India.
“I think this year we will be able to achieve apparel export worth $17 bn,” said Rahul Mehta, president of The Clothing
Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI). He said this while addressing a media conference about the National Garment Fair,
beginning here from July 1.
Mehta’s optimism is reflected in the data for April and May, the first two months of the 2013-14 financial year. Total apparel
export was $2.3 bn, compared to $2 bn in the corresponding period last year.
Exporters have shifted focus to non-traditional markets such as South America, Japan and New Zealand and this ought to help
achieve a higher target. Also, China is moving away from labour-intensive industries, expanding the opportunity for Indian
apparel export.
In the home market, it is growth in tier-II and tier-III cities which will drive the industry’s expansion, as trends change and people
get more fashion-conscious, raising their dependence on readymade apparel.
The growth rate of branded apparel was zero in the past two years, due to the 10 per cent excise duty on the sector. This has
been removed and the industry is expected to grow six to seven per cent this year and 10-12 per cent next year. The women’s
segment is seen as having rapid growth potential.
“With input costs being on a rise, the depreciation in the rupee will help exporters, as our margins will go up by four to five per
cent,” said Premal Udani, chairman of the board of trustees of CMAI. [8.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Indian Textile Minister Vows Increase Of Textile Exports
Expressing concerns over the dwindling economy, India's new textile minister Wednesday vowed to increase textile exports of
the country from current USD 34 Billion to USD 50 billion by December this year.
"The current account deficit (CAD) is affecting the nation's economy. The textiles sector
is one sector where we can increase the exports substantially. I am given to understand
that our export in textiles is about USD 34 billion today, which I wish to make at least
USD 50 billion by year end," said new textiles minister K. S. Rao.
Speaking to the press, Rao assured the ministry will do "everything possible to provide
employment for the less fortunate and unemployed in the society, in addition to
increase exports and aid cotton growers as well as the handloom weavers." "We've to
encourage the skill development, and speak to all the industrialists in particular to find
out what exactly are their problems, what type of support they require from the
government and how they will be able to increase the exports. And that will solve the
problem of CAD also and the country will be out of woes," he added.
Stressing on the fact the skill development is paramount, Rao said that "when people of the country are skilled, growth will go
up, production will go up, the cost of production will come down, and then we will be able to compete in the international
market." He wished to "encourage providing people with skilled, preferably free of charge." [10.]
Tussle between traders and textile processors ends
SURAT: Bringing an end to a tussle going on in the textile market for the pickup of grey fabrics from the past one-and-a-halfmonth, transporters have agreed to accept the deliveries of grey fabrics bound to the textile dyeing and printing mills from
Sources said the delivery of grey fabrics was impacted following the tussle
between the textile traders and the textile processors over the issues like
parking, traffic jams and shortage of labourers from the past one-and-a-halfmonth.
Textile traders said that the transporters hired by the textile processors were
refusing to take the deliveries of grey fabrics from over 140 textile markets on
Ring Road and Salabatpura. However, an agreement has reached between the
processors and the traders for the smooth functioning of the industry.
Rajendra Upadhyay, president, Surat Grey-Finished delivery tempo contractors charitable association said, "We are happy that
the leaders of Federation of Surat Textile Traders Association (FOSTTA) have agreed to resolve the issues faced by the tempo
transporters in the market area. However, we have started taking the deliver of grey fabrics". [14.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Falling Re Makes The Going Tough For Apparel Retailers
Brands relying on international sourcing for apparels and accessories are in for tough times as rupee continues its downward
swing. Companies said that price rise on globally sourced products may have to be effected if the fall in rupee continues in the
long run.
In the immediate short-term, most retailers said they will absorb the costs. Retailers currently don’t have a hedging mechanism
and said they are looking to include one for future deals.
Rajive Ranjan, Managing Director, s.Oliver India, said, “Our margins
are on the downslide because of rupee’s continuous fluctuation. If
this continues, we will have to rethink our sourcing strategy and limit
sourcing.” The company currently imports about 80 per cent of its
Ranjan said that high-end jackets and apparels need specialised
fabrics which are difficult to procure from local vendors.
The rupee has been falling against the dollar since last two months.
“All the major Asian currencies were seen trading weaker against the
US dollar ahead of the FOMC meet which will last for two days. We maintain our bearish view on the rupee,” said Abhishek
Goenka, Founder and CEO, India Forex Advisors.
Ruchi Sally, Director, Elargir Solutions, said, “Big brands will not compromise on quality and sourcing will continue despite the
fall in rupee. Higher cash outgoes for retailers will have to be necessitated by a fresh round of price hike.”
Earlier retailers used to source four-five times a year. However, with many retailers having about 8-10 collections a year to
maintain the freshness in fashion, the sourcing cycle is also more frequent with little or no hedge mechanism. Retailers typically
carry about 60-90 days of inventory.
“We don’t have a hedge mechanism as rupee fluctuation is usually cyclic. However, if this continues over next six-seven months,
then companies may look at a price hike,” said Roasie Ahluwalia, of Genesis Luxury, which has brands such as Paul Smith,
Bottega Veneta, Italian label Etro, Armani, Canali, among others.
Anil Talreja, Partner, Deloitte Haskins and Sells, said that currently retail brands are adopting a wait-and-watch approach. “It is
too early to assess the impact for companies. However, they are looking at hedging their risks by having a Letter of Credit (LC)
with a bank to prevent rupee fluctuation.”
Ankur Bisen, V-P, Retail, Technopak, notes that high fashion categories which operate on smaller inventories will be forced to
look into the domestic market. “However, even this may take a while as establishing a new vendor base is a long-winding
process.” [11.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Global Fabric Resource Centre To Come Up In Surat
If all goes as per plan, the city is likely to house the first 'international fabric resource centre' having distinguished and
comprehensive collection of fabrics from around the world.
The Surat International Fabric Resource Centre, proposed by president of
Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI), Kamlesh Yagnik,
would be a one-stop-shop for the weavers and textile traders.
The centre will provide information on the composition and other technical
details about the fabrics and their market potential to the weavers, processors
and traders.
Though the city's MMF industry contributes to nation's 40 per cent of synthetic
fabric demand, the export of fabric is less at Rs 1,100 crore per annum. The MMF industry is decentralized and the weavers and
traders lack in the knowledge about the fabrics in fashion around the world.
"The work on setting up the international fabric museum has already begun. A team of experts from the industry has been
formed to source the fabrics used by the people around the world. These fabrics would then be displayed in the museum in
order to provide vital information to the weavers and traders on the fabrics in demand," said Kamlesh Yagnik, president, SGCCI.
"We will display the fabrics sourced from around the world along with their technical specifications, so that the weavers could
make similar kind of fabrics. This would help in boosting the overall fabric export from the city," added Yagnik.
Assuming office last week, Yagnik has taken a slew of initiatives for the development of the textile, diamond and agro sectors
and the climate change initiative for setting up Green Building Council in the city.
The SGhas decided to conduct a taskforce studies on the impact of Chinese companies capturing the diamond mining activities
in African countries, synthetic diamond threat on the world's biggest diamond cutting and polishing centre in Surat, textile
export enhancement from south Gujarat, etc.
"We have formed a taskforce team from the diamond industry to study the impact and submit its report within four months.
The study report would be submitted to the central and the state governments for their further actions," said Yagnik. [12.]
Karnataka: Yadgir to get Textile Park
A textile park of international standard will be set up in Yadgir district of Karnataka, according to a minister. Addressing
presspersons here on Saturday, Baburao Chinchanasur, Karnataka Minister for Textiles and Ports, said that around Rs 10,000
crore would be invested in this project.
Stating that the Nanjundappa Committee has identified Yadgir as the most backward region in the state, he said such an
investment would help in developing the region.
The Government is in possession of around 3,300 acres of land in Yadgir. Of this, 1,000 acres would be used for setting up Textile
Park in Yadgir, he said.
On the potential for such a park in Yadgir, he said many people in the neighbouring Raichur grow cotton. Such a park would help
improve the condition of cotton growers and weavers in the region, Chinchanasur said.
On the port sector, the Minister said that he held a discussion with the Karnataka Chief Minister recently on allocating funds to
the port sector in the Karnataka Budget. The Port Department has sought around Rs 50 crore in the budget, he said. [18.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Cotton Traded Higher On Supply Concern
Cotton price was improved on the back of decreasing supply and good demand of domestic mills. Moreover weak rupee position
may encourage export demand for short term.
Traders said that immediate supply concern and weak rupee were supporting domestic prices. Domestic supply position
remained tight due to higher exports and strong local consumption. Traders said that if rupee sustain at current levels further
export of 700,000-800,000 bales cannot be ruled out.
Gujarat Sankar-6 cotton was increased by Rs 300 to Rs 40,200-40,500 per candy of 356 kg. Kapas or raw cotton price was gained
by Rs 10-15 to 1,000-1,035 per 20 kg and gin delivery kapas was traded on Rs 1,035-1,050 per 20 kg.
About 6,000-7,000 bales cotton arrived in Gujarat and 20,000-22,000 bales arrived in India.
The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) sold 12,000 bales cotton through e-auction at Rs 40,400-42,000 per candy on June 20.
Cotton ready delivery quoted at Rs 4,250-4,315 per maund in Punjab, Rs 4,200-4,225 per maund in Haryana and Rs 4,230-4,240
Rajkot based cotton broker said that domestic mills buying is still continue and against it supply is not enough, as result price
was improved and it may gain further in next week too. [13.]
Garments Sector Targets 7% Growth This Year
The readymade garments industry, excluding exports, is set to double to Rs 4 lakh crore in the next five years with the removal
of excise duty and increased demand for branded garments.
According to Rahul Mehta, President of the Clothing Manufacturers Association (CMA) of India, the industry has started moving
in the positive trajectory after growth was stalled by the 10 per cent excise duty imposed last year.
The industry is now looking to target a growth of six to seven per cent this year,
and 10-12 per cent next year. The apparel market is estimated at Rs 200,000 crore,
with the unorganised sector accounting for Rs 110,000 crore, followed by
unstitched apparels such as dhoti and sarees amounting to Rs 50,000 crore. “Even
as demand appears buoyant, rising cotton and yarn prices and the shortage of
skilled labour pose a major challenge. Besides, the huge competition between
leading brands has led to a price war with over 65 per cent of merchandise being
sold at discounted prices as compared to 40 per cent earlier,” Mehta said in a
press conference.
In order to gauge the progress of the garment industry, the Association has come out with a quarterly CMA domestic apparel
index. With a base of 100, the index will capture the growth, investment trends and future plans of the top 50 brands.
Currently, said Mehta, the index is pegged at 118, indicating that the industry is 18 per cent positive on future growth.
Despite gloomy global markets, apparel exports have grown 15 per cent to $2.3 billion in the first two months of this fiscal.
Premal Udani, Chairman, Board of Trustees, CMA, said the government has set a target of $17 billion for this fiscal. [7.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
SMEs in textile sector demands reduction in interest rates
Perturbed by the high cost of production, the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the textile sector in Punjab are
demanding a reduction in interest rates offered by banks and financial institutions. In a letter to Prime Minister, Manmohan
Singh the SMEs requested to make funds available for the SME textile sector at seven per cent a year interest on the lines of
agriculture sector, enabling them to compete with overseas manufacturers who get funds much cheaper.
Further, this will help SME textile sector to grow in domestic and international
Speaking to Business Standard, Shawl Club(India) Amritsar, General Secretary, Piara
Lal Seth said," We have written a letter to the Prime Minister and has requested him
to make funds available to this sector at cheaper rate. Currently, the Textile Industry
in SME sector is presently facing much hardship to compete in global markets as well
as domestic markets. The main reason is the high rate of interest at 14 per cent per
annum being charged by banks and financial institutions which is highest in the world. The exports of textile are also falling year
by year due to basic high cost of production. Further more it may be noted that when RBI held its first meeting in Amritsar on
November 14, 2009 and the issue of interest rate for SME Textile sector at par with agriculture sector was taken up by
Confederation of Indian Industry and Shawl Club (India),Amritsar. Though it was principally agreed by Ministry of Finance,New
Delhi but was made applicable to Handloom sector only.'
"Compared to India, the rate of interest in China is maximum four per cent a year. Our neighbouring countries, Bangladesh,
Pakistan who are also coming very fast in manufacturing of textiles and offer funds at very normal charges by way of interest,"
he added.
He added, " It is pertinent to submit that State of Gujarat in their Industrial Policy for 2012 announced a interest subsidy of 7 per
cent to Textile Sector over and above TUF scheme to bring the interest rate at par with agriculture sector. In light of the above
facts we suggest that Central Government should take the initiative to compensate the states on the pattern of Jawahar Lal
Nehru Urban Development Scheme in respect of levy of property tax and other many schemes. The states who make policy of
interest subsidy for SME textile sector to bring interest rate at par with agriculture sector by compensated under central
schemes mentioned above. By taking these steps we are confident that SME sector in textile will definitely compete with Global
markets and also provide more employment avenues in the future.'
It is worth noting that The MSME sector contributes around 9 percent of GDP and accounts for around 45 per cent of the
manufacturing output and around 36 per cent of total value of the export.
It is worth to note that textile sector is the second largest employment provider segment next to agriculture sector needs
interest at par with agriculture. [16.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Textile traders mull moving out of Hyderabad
HYDERABAD: Prolonged tension over separate Telangana movement and increasing polarization in society is forcing traders
running the centuries-old textile industry in the Old City and other areas to move out in an effort to save their flagging business.
The wholesale textile business worth Rs 3,000 crore is a lifeline
for thousands of families who have traditionally been in this
trade for generations, but with both T-protests and communal
disturbances playing havoc with annual turnovers, the traders
say they have had enough.
Hyderabad for decades has been the key trading point in
textile, with bulk consignments being shipped to states like
Kerala and Orissa among others. But with every passing year,
losses are mounting and trade bodies estimate it at a
staggering 40 % this year. They have now asked the
government to give them land on the city outskirts.
"In our representation, we said that we need at least five acres of land for a market yard. The HMDA has asked us to pick from
locations in L B Nagar, Kukatpally or Srisailam road near ORR," Govind Agarwal, president of the Hyderabad Wholesale
Art Silk Cloth Merchants Association, told TOI. The prominent wholesale textile markets are located in Secunderabad
(Regimental Bazaar-James Street) and Old City (Rikabgunj, Patel Market, Madina, Pathargatti and Urdu Galli) along the
Charminar-Madina stretch. The growing population density of the city has also created logistics and parking issues in these
markets, and tired of waiting for things to improve, the trade body last week approached the HMDA with a representation for
allocation of land to set up a market yard on the outskirts. There are three other associations in the Old City which also share the
idea of moving out to an exclusive zone.
"We have faced a lot of losses due to bandhs. Problems such as space crunch are also mounting," said Sunil Agarwal of the
Hyderabad Cut Piece Cloth Merchants Association. "Traders are contemplating moving out," he agreed.
Some traders said even if a strike is called elsewhere in Hyderabad, the movement of good vehicles is affected and losses
immediately go up. The association is giving shape to detailed proposals now. "Initial proposals will be made for housing
businesses dealing in saree, suiting and shirting, matching material for women and readymade clothing," Govind said. Once
established outside, traders expect other markets to follow suit and a market yard to be developed in a year's time. [17.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Fashion & clothing’s
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Headlines- Fashion & clothing’s
Reliance to reinforce presence in fashion fabrics
Vimal awards its creative mandate to Scarecrow Communications
Retail sales continue to remain flat this year, says BCG study
Citrus: Expects to register 40 percent growth
Positive Q4 margins cheer denim players
Officer to launch denim brand ‘Outlook’ this July
Tbase eyes 30 to 40 percent growth ahead
Refuel Sports plans to launch its first EBO in Jabalpur
H&M, JD Sports and French luxury stocks
Numero Uno introduces denim tattoos in India
Jackie Shroff unveils More Mischief store in Dubai
Ted Baker conquers London Stock Exchange
Indian fashion designers on Barcode91
Titan’s Eye Plus charts out steady growth
Craftsvilla tapping fund raising options
Delhi brides lap up look-alike bridal wear
Monte Carlo unveils campaign for kids’ summer wear
Jade to add a showroom and bespoke studio
Carlin to host ‘Lingerie Workshop’ at Galleria Intima
CMAI’s 57th National Garment Fair takes off on July 1
ICONIC summer line offers bold geometric & floral prints
Allen Solly launches 14 eclectic shades in chinos & shirts
Kitex to explore new states for retail expansion
Reebok’s ‘Delta’ range offers functionality & durability
CMAI expects $17bn garment exports from India in 2013-14
Retailers want assurance on continuation of FDI Policy
Main Menu
24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Reliance to reinforce presence in fashion fabrics
In order to infuse life in its heritage textile brand, Vimal, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) will
reinforce its presence in the fashion and lifestyle sector of the country. It will cling unto the
fabric segment with a range of new offerings from the brand.
To create a unique place in the cluttered fabric environment of the country for Vimal, Mukesh
Ambani led RIL is refurbishing the entire brand by giving it a new look and roping a new creative
agency for the same purpose. “We are taking a new and fresh look in the area of fabrics which
comprises nearly 80 percent of the textile business. Since the apparel segment is going to take a
longer time to grow, it will be fabrics which will continue to be our mainstay,” said Mr. Anand
Parekh, President, Textile Divisions, RIL.
He added that the company intends to come up with several innovations in the area of fashion and value added fabrics. The new
creative agency will revive the brand’s value by putting fresh ideas to promote the brand in the fabrics category. “Every year we
try to do something extra in the fabric area and with a new agency we will also be unleashing a new campaign in the next 3-4
months with the launch of several types of fabrics in formal wear and fashion,” added Parekh.
According to the current market trends, the yester-year tailored
fabrics are highly in demand. The textile players have moved back to
the bespoke or customized model of tailored fabrics. Mr. Parekh feels
that fabrics segment has unexplored opportunities for tailoring in
areas of ethnic wear and jackets. Vimal is in plans to commence a
dedicated line of fabrics sub branded as “Fashion” fabrics for
producing ethnic wear, blazer and sportswear.
Vimal is also further planning to expand its store range. Currently, the
textile brand owns 20-exclusive stores, 1,700-franchise stores, out of
which 400 stores exclusively stock suiting, shirts, trousers and
accessories of Vimal. “Expanding through exclusive franchises has
been tough. Today, we have a presence across multi-brand retail
formats,” said Parekh. The company also imparts tailoring services at
all its stores, where the professionals are trained by experts from Italy.
“With the demand for tailored clothing on the rise, Reliance is rebuilding Vimal with renewed focus and trying to make
acomeback in the fabric segment,” said Saloni Nagia, President, Technopak. [75.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Vimal awards its creative mandate to Scarecrow Communications
After inviting a multi-agency pitch, the suiting-shirting brand from Reliance Industries Limited has awarded the creative
mandate to Scarecrow Communications. The account size is pegged at Rs 25-30 crore.
Reliance Industries' textile brand 'Only Vimal' has awarded its creative mandate to Scarecrow
Communications after a multi-agency pitch. The Mumbai office of Scarecrow Communications
will handle the account.
The account size is pegged at Rs 25-30 crore.
The creative mandate for the brand was earlier managed by Grey Worldwide for several years.
Speaking on the win, Manish Bhatt, founder director, Scarecrow Communications, says, "It is a
very close to heart brand for RIL and in the past, the company had done a lot of aggressive
branding for it. But, for many years, its focus had diverted towards several other projects. So it
wanted to rebuild the brand and reach to the masses again."
He adds that the campaign will include all types of media support and will aggressively promote the brand. RIL aims to
familiarise the younger audiences with the brand.
Though the first campaign will be rolled out in a couple of months, Bhatt did not divulge any details about it.
Scarecrow Communications has offices in Mumbai and Delhi and works with several brands such as ITC, Danone Narang,
Reliance Digital, Anchor Panasonic, Capital First, Emami and many others.
“It is interesting and challenging to reposition a strong Indian lifestyle brand in a scenario where Indians are constantly
upgrading their lifestyles and global lifestyle brands are trying to penetrate the Indian Market,” added Scarecrow founder
director Arunava (Joy) Sengupta.
Scarecrow Communication founder and director Raghu Bhat said, “Winning the Only Vimal account is a definite landmark in the
journey of Scarecrow. It is a brand we have grown up with and the task of re-launching it is a responsibility we shall do our best
to live up to. We are thankful to the Vimal management for having reposed so much faith in a young agency like ours.”
Officials have confirmed that the agency is working on the plans for TVCs.
Vimal is the textile brand from Reliance Industries Limited that was launched by late Dhirubhai Ambani. The fabrics for the brand
were first rolled out from the Naroda Manufacturing Division located near Ahmedabad, Gujarat. RIL produces up to 20 million
metres of fabric every year and exports it to nearly 58 countries. Vimal has exclusive stores in 11 cities. [19.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Retail sales continue to remain flat this year, says BCG study
Retailers expect flat sales this year on the back of low consumer sentiment and a tight credit market, says Boston Consulting
Group (BCG) in a report titled ‘Winning with Uncertainty’. To win in the face of these challenges, retailers need to build agility
into their business model, the report says.
Low consumer sentiment
Abheek Singhi, Partner at Boston Consulting Group,
said in a press statement, the real challenge was not
the increase but the volatility in input prices. “Inflation
has seen wild swings with the wholesale price based
(WPI) index settling at levels as low as 4.89 percent in
April after seeing highs of six-seven percent over the
last year. Consumer sentiment has been a conundrum.
Our global trading-up, trading- down survey indicates
that while 38 percent of Indian consumers want to
trade up (much higher than US and EU consumers at 13
percent and 16 percent respectively) about 30 percent
want to trade down,” Singhi added.
According to the BCG survey covering executives of
leading FMCG and retail companies in India, 54 percent of the respondents said the volatility in raw material prices would
remain a challenge for the industry, while 50 percent expected challenges due to rising competition over the next five years. The
report says organised retail in India is at an inflection point – there is a healthy revenue growth of 25 percent CAGR over the last
five years. However, organized retail contributes to less than 10 percent of overall sales across multiple categories.
Uncertainties of organized retail market
Organised retail faces uncertainty and challenges both on the revenue side and the cost side, the report says. On the revenue
side, there is demand uncertainty due to inflation-driven consumer reluctance to spend. Cost Price Index (CPI) too has reduced
substantially standing at 10.24 percent for the month of April, according to the BCG report. This is a swing from CPI at 12.06
percent and 11.44 percent for February and March respectively.
The report says retailers need to build agility in their offer design through dynamic value proposition, assortment and pricing
decisions as well as robust mechanisms to experiment across store formats and channels with minimal loss. “Retailers would
also need to build execution agility through flexible sourcing (more direct and local), dynamic supply chain management, lean
store operations and efficient working capital management,” the report added. [21.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Citrus: Expects to register 40 percent growth
Expecting the festive season to be positive for business, Hitesh Jain, Director Aryan Clothing Company says, “The economy may
be slow but buying will pick up during Ramzan and Diwali. Festive buying will never stop. Summer was average, so we are hoping
for a positive season ahead.” The company has registered 30 to 35 percent growth in bookings and looking at an overall growth
of 40 percent.
Positive about winter bookings
Citrus was launched in 2001 aimed at men in the age bracket 18
to 60 years. The company has four factories and has already
started winter bookings in Punjab, J&K and Himachal Pradesh.
“They are humming along nicely. Since we are a new brand there,
we have got a positive response. We have just completed our
Chennai bookings. We are a strong brand in Kerala,” adds Jain.
The target mainly is A category family stores. The brand is
retailed through 450 MBOs and wants to enter Gujarat next.
Brand collections & what’s new
The brand collection includes high fashion casual trousers with belts and lots of accessories. “In shirts, we have linen and a lot of
party wear and casual shirts with detailings. We will have denims probably by summer of 2014. These will be subtle fashion. We
will have low waist narrow fit and a semi comfort fit denims between Rs 1,095 to Rs 1,500,” tells Jain.
For winter ‘13, the brand’s casual trousers have used only mill-made fabrics. “We have used Chinese fabrics, fancy colours. We
make 25 percent overdyes apart from pastel and bright and earthy shades. This season coloured trousers are in—rust, browns,
gold, khakis. In shirts, we play with accessories, detailing on plackets, trim fabrics and checks. Right now prints are also in apart
from party wear fabrics,” Jain sums up. [22.]
Positive Q4 margins cheer denim players
Despite over supply in the market, denim fabric manufacturing firms have shown
considerable rise in margins for the fourth quarter of the fiscal ended 2012-13. The
denim industry, led by Arvind, Aarvee Denims & Exports, KG Denim and Nandan
Exim among others, saw bottomline increase manifold in Q4 of FY '13. Industry
experts have attributed the positivity to growth in domestic market, drop in raw
material prices along with success of value added products.
Though exports are still suffering, the domestic market saw growth as far as denim
fabric and finished goods is concerned. Even the demand for denims grew in rural areas too. And despite competing scenario,
top denim makers’ foray into functional and value added denim products further helped the growth of the category.
On the other hand, on the fashion retail side, citing low consumer demand for denims, and also in the face of stiff competition
from non-denim quarters — trousers, chinos, cargos — denim brands including Levis, Lee, Wrangler and others are a worried lot
and putting in efforts to scale up the low denim consumption in India. In the pipeline are plans to ramp up retail presence, sell
denims on EMIs or even sell non-denim apparel within stores to boost walk-ins. [27.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Officer to launch denim brand ‘Outlook’ this July
Expecting positive results from the forthcoming season, popular apparel brand Officer is looking at expanding its reach to newer
regions. Highlighting their plans, Asif Iqbal Memon, Director, Officer Fashion Craft says, “Expectations are very high for the
season. The last two months have been good because the marriage season went off well. I expect to grow by 20 percent. We are
all over India except Gujarat, Chattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh. Maybe in
2013 we will cover these places. Currently we have about 1,500 MBOs and
on an average, every year we add about 100 MBOs. We may have our own
EBOs in 2014.”
Officer was launched in 1990 targeted at the upper middle class consumer
between 25 to 45 years. “We understand the tastes of an area and offer
personalised services. We have direct interaction with dealers. Big
corporates are not directly in touch with their dealers. And there is an
obvious price difference. We offer a similar quality and finish but their
pricing is far above ours,” Memon says explaining the brand’s USP.
Officer is looking to expand to newer regions
The brand’s formal and semi-casual shirts range under the brand portfolio
is priced between Rs 595 to Rs 1,095. Trousers cost between Rs 595 to Rs
1,195. “We are launching denims in July under the brand Outlook. The
target audience is 18 to 35. We have gone into denim because the casual
trend is picking up. Denims will be priced from Rs 795 to Rs 1,595. We will
have both fashion and basic denim in comfort fit and narrow fit. We will
introduce denim in 100 different styles, colours and patterns. Plans are
also afoot to add casual shirts in the near future,” explains Memon.
For A/W 2013, Officer shirts are mostly slim fit in a combination of dark
and bright tones having different types of collars. Semi casuals have broader checks and darker shades. Most of the fabrics used
are 100 percent cotton. Trousers have bright festival colours and the fabrics have a touch of sheen. [23.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Tbase eyes 30 to 40 percent growth ahead
Eyeing a growth of 30 to 40 percent from the season ahead, men’s brand Tbase is also planning to go all out with its retail
expansion plans. Rishi Chhabria, Director, In Leather elaborates, “This season we have finished 55 to 60 percent of our bookings.
And looking at the booking scenario, there would be a growth of around 30 to 40 percent. The season has been promising and
we are also trying to get into the online space from Autumn/Winter.”
Tbase's retail expansion within this year
The group has been in the garment trade since 1982. It was
into exports of leather apparels and then it got into the
domestic market with textiles in 1999-2000. “We are now
present in 400 MBOs. We are also in Shoppers Stop, Lifestyle
and Globus. The brand is in Punjab, North East, Chhatisgarh,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Jharkhand, West Bengal,
Himachal, Chandigarh, UP, Uttaranchal, MP, Maharashtra,
Goa, Haryana. The Northeast is the biggest market for us. We
don’t have a presence in Gujarat, Orissa, Andhra, Bihar and
Rajasthan but will cover two of these markets within this
financial year,” explains Chhabria.
Adding further, he says, “We will partner with online
retailers and have four EBOs one each in Bangalore, Mysore,
Siliguri, Pune. I plan three more by March 2014. Right now,
EBOs are 350 to 450 square feet but going ahead we want
EBOs to be 500 to 600 square feet in area. Our EBOs are a
mix of franchisee and company-owned.”
Season’s offerings
The brand caters to the casual segment with T-shirts, sweat
shirts, jackets, sweaters, and shirts as well as bottom wear
like shorts, cargo pants, chinos and three-fourth pants. It
may also have accessories after a year. Highlighting the range for Autumn/Winter 2013, Chhabria says, “We have a vibrant
colour range of sweaters, sweat shirts and jackets. For shirts and T-shirts we have colorful non-stylised basics with regular prints.
We make jackets and sleeveless vests in polyfil. About 40 percent of the jacket collection is in cotton. All our cotton garments
are washed. Sweat shirts have moved from basics to hoodies. We have played with melanges this season. Chinos are in a big
As for changes the brand has witnessed over the years, Chhabria says, “The entire non-denim bottom range has seen a surge in
demand. Demand for sweaters and sweat shirts has grown gradually at 20 to 25 percent a year. Demand for jackets has been
much higher. Among shirts, T-shirts and bottom wear, I have seen the maximum growth in my bottom wear category followed
by shirts.” [24.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Refuel Sports plans to launch its first EBO in Jabalpur
Refuel Sports, the brand from Reliable Clothing Company, is looking at 35 to 40 percent growth from the forthcoming season.
“Bookings are going to be very good since for the last few months the market has not been good. We are very positive about the
season ahead,” says Sushil Garg, Director, Reliable Clothing Company.
The company has been in the the garment industry for the last 16 years and the Refuel Sports brand was launched in 2009. Even
though they faced initial challenges of building a good team, now it has established a strong base.
Rufel Sports plans ahead
The brand is present in 600 MBOs across Madhya
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu,
Kerala, Kolkata, North East, Chhatisgarh and
Maharashtra. “We are now looking at Rajasthan and
Orissa. We may go there next season. We are also
planning to launch our own EBOs in a month. The
first company-owned store will be opened in Jabalpur
over an area of 300 square foot,” explains Garg.
New offerings
The brand offers casual shirts and basic denims in the
price bracket of Rs 899 to Rs 1,499. Elaborating on
the range, Garg says, “We make basic 10.5 ounce denim and silky denim with stretch. We make basic denim in indigo. Denim fits
are regular. In casual shirts, we have plain colours. In plains we have oxford, khakis, twill and satin. We also have a variety of
poplin and chambray.”
For the forthcoming A/W 2013, the brand is offering 70 percent collection of solids, whereas checks and stripes are 30 percent.
“Checks are small and medium and stripes are bright and multi-coloured,” adds Garg.
Talking about the changes the brand has witnessed along its journey, Garg says, “Earlier, we used to make typical casual shirts
but now casual means 100 percent cotton with a party wear look. The look and design are party wear. It looks sober and decent
and the feel of the fabric will be casual.” [25.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
H&M, JD Sports and French luxury stocks
Markets closed mixed Wednesday, after European stocks turned lower ahead of a keenly
anticipated decision on US monetary policy and a speech from Federal Reserve (FED)
Chairman Ben Bernanke. Corporate main news was led by H&M, JD Sports and Hermès
and LVMH.
While Asian markets traded at low, with the Hong Kong listed stocks finished 1.13 percent
lower on Wednesday, hit by reports that property tax trials will be launched in China this
year in a bid to cap soaring prices. The benchmark Hang Seng Index lost 238.99 points to a
close of 20,986.89. Meanwhile, Chinese stocks also closed down 0.73 percent, with the
Shanghai Composite Index on the front foot for losses with a drop of 15.84 points to 2,143.45 on turnover of 67.1 billion yuan
(Rs 6,522 crores).
In Europe, main actors were H&M, JD Sports and French luxury titans Hermès and LVMH, involved a new screw turn for the
ownership of the former.
Hennes & Mauritz AB shares put in a strong performance despite the Swedish fashion retailer reporting second-quarter net
profit that fell more than analysts had expected. “This quarter has been marked by substantial negative currency translation
effects, which have had a negative impact on both sales and profits in Swedish crown. Sales in local currencies increased by 5
percent,” summarized the fashion group financial state its CEO, Karl-Johan Persson. “Although sales remained strong in Asia,
overall sales were not satisfactory mainly due to the continued challenging situation for the fashion retail industry as well as
unfavourable weather in March and a couple of weeks into April in many of our big markets,” he added.
Meanwhile, British athletic apparel chain JD Sports has closed more than 120 stores
as part of plans to cut the estate down to about 80 Blacks and 60 Millets outlets. Its
recently acquired outdoors divisions have weighted the group's performance and this
news also dragged JD’s shares.
Trading in its core UK and Irish sports shops remains “robust”, with like-for-like sales
up 7 percent. Noteworthy that these figures now include Irish sports chain Champion,
which JD acquired in 2011. Meanwhile its fashion brands Bank and Scotts suffered a 5
percent drop in like-for-like sales during the period.
Nevertheless and as reported by ‘Proactive Investors’, JD Sports (LON:JD.) is worth
browsing, says Bethany Hocking at Investec. She highlighted the strong showing from the sports retail division, which helped
offset weaker sales from fashion and outdoor. “The core business is performing well and the sector discount remains
significant,” she said.
Elsewhere, Hermès has yet again accused conglomerate LVMH, this time of carrying out the “most important fraud in the history
of the French stock market'' in a court filing, as quoted in the ‘Les Echos’ newspaper on Wednesday. LVMH has built this holding
up to 22.6 percent prompting Hermès to accuse LVMH of surreptitiously trying to add the Birkin handbags manufacturer to the
luxury's group's portfolio of brands. In its accusation at a French business court, Hermès accuses LVMH of using highly complex
financial instruments set up by top French banks that enabled it to conceal its buying spree from French regulators. [26.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Numero Uno introduces denim tattoos in India
Numero Uno has introduced the concept of denim tattoos in the Indian market that gives consumers an opportunity to
customise and personalise their favourite jeans. Keeping in mind that every individual owning a pair of denims loves indulging in
doodling designs over it, denim tattoos are insync with Numero Uno’s current campaign ‘Be the NU You’.
Denim Tattoos come as a relief to those fashion forward youth who
would not mind flaunting a tattoo but would not like to bear the
pain that it brings along... Others, who get bored with their existing
tattoos, but cannot replace them, or add more tattoos because of
the limited space on the skin... Even some others who repent
having a tattoo which doesn’t go well in a professional or
traditional environment. With the Nano Tattoo Machine, an
initiative from Jeanologia, Spain brought to India by Numero Uno,
people now can freely think of getting a design of their choice,
permanently tattooed on their favorite pair of jeans.
Talking about the innovative concept, Alex Penandes, Marketing
Manager, Jeanologia said, “We are experts in the laser technology
and we decided to adapt this technology into smaller compact machines in order to facilitate retail interactions”.
Added Narinder Singh, MD, Numero Uno, “We wanted to use this NU innovation to give a NU experience to our customers so we
got the NANO machine. This machine is going to travel to as many locations and stores as possible to give this experience to the
NU the customers. This is only the first of such interactions NU is starting to take on at retail and customer levels.” [43.]
Jackie Shroff unveils More Mischief store in Dubai
More Mischief, India's renowned designer and bespoke menswear brand
launched its first international store at the Boulevard, Jumeirah Emirates Towers
in Dubai. 'More Mischief' for men is a renowned designer apparel and
accessories brand that has branches in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad and
The brand also specialises in customised and bespoke tailoring for discerning
and stylish men for whom fit, form and fabric matter the most in any garments
they wear. It offers sophisticated men the entire range of clothing which ranges
from business suits to cocktail wear to semi formals, formals and wedding wear.
Apart from this, they also offer hand-crafted shoes and belts to give the imageconscious man a complete look that suits his personality.
Deepak Shah is the driving force behind More Mischief. His love affair with
fashion design began ever since he was a child. He would buy his own fabrics
and get his designs executed through the local tailor. Shah’s business sense combined with his talent for design, soon saw him
set up his own label – Colours and its success led to the launch of More Mischief. [31.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Ted Baker conquers London Stock Exchange
Shares in British fashion retailer Ted Baker reached a record high Thursday after international expansion drove a better than
expected spring performance. The retailer is celebrating 25 years in the trade more in fashion than ever, leading both the
trading floor and the high street.
Ted Baker has reported a 32.7 percent leapt in sales in the 20 weeks to 15 June
on a yearly basis and mainly boosted by foreign markets. Ted Baker has grown
its international footprint since the start of the year by opening concessions in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Tokyo
alongside shops in Shanghai, Adelaide, Beirut and Kuwait.
"We are continuing to invest in developing the Ted Baker brand internationally and have been encouraged by the reaction to the
brand and the collections in our new markets," summarised a proud Ray Kelvin, founder and chief executive at the preppy
British brand.
Ted Baker stock led the gains on Thursday in London, as it soared 16 percent, adding a final 230 pence and closing the session at
a record high of 17 pounds. Shares in the company have risen 63 percent in the last year.
Panmure Gordon has raised its target price for Ted Baker from 1,411 pence to 1,571 pence after the British fashion group's
better-than-expected first quarter, but has kept its 'hold' rating on the stock.
On a separate note, production levels among UK manufacturers were flat in the three months to June, disappointing
expectations of strong growth, according to the latest industrial trends survey from the CBI and as broadly covered by national
Export orders reached a historic low (- 22 percent) since January, with small and medium sized companies struggling the most.
Indian fashion designers on Barcode91
Barcode91, a leading e-commerce website specializing in ethnic saris, lenghas, bridal outfits, kurtis and jewelry accessories, has
added Bollywood and international designer wear to its exhaustive collection. Now a user can buy a Neeta Lulla lehnega or a
Sabyasachi sari or even a Ritu Beri outfit from Barcode91.
With all kinds of prints, patterns, embellishments and colours, there is something
for every woman on the website. After bringing designers like Satya Paul, Harpreet
Narula and Rasika Chawla’s designs to its shoppers, the website has now added
select pieces from Neeta Lulla, Ritu Beri, Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Manish
Malhotra’s prêt collection.
Barcode91 has also launched a unique services related to fashion. With features like Skype video chat, express shipping,
attractive discounts, customization and stitching along with display of exclusive collection, shopping has been made easy by the
platform. A variety of Pakistani Salwar Kameezes, Indian saris, Anarkali salwar kameezes, kurtis, lengha cholis, lehenga sarees
and designer salwar kameezes are on display. Also, to complement this wonderful collection, a variety of accessories such as
potlis, handbags, sets, earrings, bangles and bracelets are also on display. [30.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Titan’s Eye Plus charts out steady growth
With an innovative approach to selling eyewear in India, relatively young brand Titan Eye Plus from Titan Industries, plans to
convert a functional product into a style accessory. Selling its eyewear at exclusive outlets, its same store sales grew by 40
percent in 2012-13 (over 2011-12).
When Titan had entered the eyewear segment in 2007, the market was not very organised. Some national level players were
already active in this space and Titan had to be unique and differentiate from others to make a mark. Being a part of the Tata
Group, which has a group-level Innovation Forum that facilitates a bi-annual program called Challenges Worth Solving (CWS), it
became easy for the company to make a mark in this space.
It invited ideas from Tata managers through the CWS programme for innovative ideas and received 427 of them in response to
this challenge. One of these ideas was to have an online, do-it-yourself eye-testing that the consumer could administer. As a
result, in August last year, the company introduced
'Vision Check', a comprehensive self-administered
online vision test, a first by an optical retail chain in the
Eye Plus’ parent is the fourth most-valued company in
the 100-billion dollars (Rs 5,66,900 crores) turnover
Tata Group. Titan Industries reported a 14.3 percent growth in revenue at Rs 10,213 crores in 2012-13, with jewelry and watches
contributing Rs 8,108 crores and Rs 1,675 crores respectively. The other segments of the company that include eyewear (both
Fastrack and Titan Eye Plus) and precision engineering businesses, contributed Rs 414 crores. [34.]
Craftsvilla tapping fund raising options
Online marketplace, Craftsvilla that specializes in Indian products is in talks with
various fund houses to raise 3 to 5 million dollars (Rs 17 to Rs 29 crores) as a part
of its first round funding. The funds raised would be utilised into marketing and
branding initiatives.
The company that specializes in selling fashion jewellery, saris, salwar suits and
Indian handicrafts bagged seed funding of 1.5 million dollars (Rs 8.7 crores) from
Nexus Venture Partners among others in 2011. The company has partnered with
4,000 sellers that include artisans, housewives and designers who display their
wares on the site.
Craftsvilla charges a flat 15 percent commission on every product sold through its site. Till date one lakh customers have bought
products from the company, with three-fourth of the transactions happening out of India. The average bill size is Rs 1,500. In
terms of revenue contributors, nearly 50 percent is accounted by jewellery with saris and salwar suits contributing 25 percent to
the revenues. [29.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Delhi brides lap up look-alike bridal wear
The bylanes of New Delhi’s Chandni Chowk are proving to be a respite for to be
brides, looking for that perfect designer lehenga or outfit at affordable prices.
All they have to do is, carry a magazine copy having bridal design of their
favourite designer …From Sabyasachi to JJ Valaya… the craftsmen at the
boutiques located there create an exact replica of the designer pieces.
And the best part of this business is the boutique runners are mostly fashion
designers or alumni of design school, who often attend couture shows and keep
track of the latest trends. What’s more, these shops source their raw materials
from the same place where designers get theirs. That’s not all. These boutique
owners also have a tie-up with fashion photographers, who get zoomed-in
shots during fashion shows else such shots are easily available online, which
makes it easier for them while shopping for raw materials.
Once the designs are acquired, these stores have in-house tailors who work on
perfecting the replicas. So if a designer piece by Sabyasachi Mukherjee costs
around Rs 2.25 to 8 lakh or a Manish Malhotra costs around 5 lakh or more, at
these local stores they cost anywhere between Rs 50,000 to Rs 80,000.
Of course these collections are never put on display on the racks or mannequins. Most shops even have a separate floor for
these bridals or a separate store for them so that only when a customer asks for a specific piece or design, the collection is
shown to them. Utmost care is taken to ensure that no pictures are taken to avoid getting the designs distributed and copied
further. [35.]
Monte Carlo unveils campaign for kids’ summer wear
Keeping in mind that the 8-12 year old boys and girls belonging to today’s generation spend most of their time indoors, unlike in
the past when children waited for the evening to play outdoor games, Monte Carlo has unveiled its latest campaign calling these
kids out to play. Based on the theme ‘Come Out-door’, the campaign showcases how exciting and colourful clothing can inspire
kids to come outdoors and relish simple thrills of outdoor activities and fun with
The marketing activities for this campaign include: large-scale television
commercial, print ads, billboards, digital campaign and activation at the Monte Carlo distribution channel. The video shoot for
the ‘Tween’ Monte Carlo summer apparel ad campaign took place on the beautiful location at the outskirts of Mumbai. Dreamy
sense of outdoor fun as well as the great sunny shoot days all contributed to wonderful results that present the new collection
through a magical journey of experiences.
Conceptualized by Communifix, the TVC captures how exciting apparel triggers a bunch of tween friends to gang up and chase to
capture a falling kite. While the kite unfortunately falls into the sea, the kids still cease the moment and are elated to jump into
the water, because for them the joy of outdoors is not a destination, but the journey. [28.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Jade to add a showroom and bespoke studio
Launched in 2008 by Karishma Swali and Monica Shah, Jade, a boutique on
Mumbai’s Pedder Road is known for its bridal wear range. The duo has now
plans to expand Jade’s presence by including a bespoke studio and a prêt-àporter showroom to cater to the ever-increasing demand for their bridal wear.
The expansion plans include adding two new locations, a new range of
accessories and a complete revamp of their original offerings. So the focus
would also shift to dressing up women attending weddings apart from the
brides themselves. While the month of April saw the launch of Innana, their
new label for Western occasion and cocktail wear, at a boutique in Kemps
Corner, next on cards if a 5,000 square foot bespoke wedding studio at Lower
Parel’s Peninsula Business Park, scheduled for August. The existing Pedder
Road outlet will stock a wider range of Indian ready-to-wear collections and a
new selection of separates.
Swali, a graduate of the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai,
and Shah, an interior design alumnus of Rachana Sansad, Mumbai, with a
fashion design certificate from the Central Saint Martins College of Arts and
Design, London, UK, started off designing for the family business. Founded in
1984, the Shahs’ Chanakya International has four factories and an office in
Bologna, Italy, which supplies embroidery, accessories and garments to some of Europe’s top high-fashion houses.
Jade was founded as a label for Indian and Western wear, and the flagship boutique offers two different collections. The
designers soon realised the potential of bridal wear business. Since then three distinct lines are launched at their annual bridal
preview every August, each created for specific rituals and parties: Vermilion for pheras featuring bright reds, oranges and pinks;
Kalash with metallic styles for pre-wedding functions like mehndi and sangeet; Jewel for gem-encrusted lehngas for receptions.
In the next few months, the duo would also introduce a new range of separates, including a wider range of sari blouses, corsets,
jackets, kurtas and dhoti pants and shoes and bags made in Italy. [36.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Carlin to host ‘Lingerie Workshop’ at Galleria Intima
Carlin International, a French-based trend forecasting company will be conducting a 2-day exclusive seminar regarding upcoming
trends in the intimate apparel industry and brand building through design innovation at Galleria Intima 2013 - India’s Largest
Sourcing Fair for Intimate Apparel Professionals.
The event will be held on 23rd August and 24th August 2013
at Grand Hyatt, Goa.
These creative coaching seminars will be conducted by David
Landart, Asia Sales Director of Carlin International and his
team. David Landart has more than 15 years on experience in
international textile and fashion industry, having honed a
deep understanding and knowledge of Asian manufacturers,
brands difficulties and challenges, paralleled with western
buyers’ requirements.
David and his team will also be designing the ‘Trends Boutique’ – an exclusive spot for select exhibitors to feature their most
contemporary creations. Trends Boutique is where most designers and merchandiser will flock around and get inspired.
Carlin International is renowned globally and stands as one of the top trend publishers with 66 years of trend predicting
experience. On day one at Galleria Intima 2013, Carlin International would conduct a seminar on ‘Importance of Design in
Growing your Brand’, while sharing their experience of many years in design and advertising.
Remarks David Landart, “With the increasing Indian woman’s fashion exposure and awareness, it means that local brands will
have to invest into genuine brand building and work on creative strategy, work on an increasing number of well-designed
products and change their products renewal rate policy, educate their market through better communication tools and retail
concepts in order to enhance products added values.
"That has been the case everywhere in emerging markets in the past. This seminar will try to guide business and management
people on how to generate strong ROI from trends and design investments, at the same time how designers can use trends with
regards to new product developments.”
On Day Two, the trend forecasting company will share valuable information and
insight on existing trend information with regards to the lingerie industry, at the
same time offering a peek into the future trends for the industry in the year 2014,
with respect to trends in designs, styles, looks, colour schemes, prints etc.
Four themes will be reflected at the Trends 2014 forum: Complicity, Exuberance,
Confidential and Sensitive. This seminar aims to help attending guests from intimate
apparel manufacturing and supply end to gather and apply trend knowledge to
develop products that respond in tandem with the consumer needs and aspirations.
Commenting on Carlin’s association with Galleira Intima 2013, Yusuf Dohadwala, CEO
of Intimate Apparel Association of India (IAAI) notes, “I think this is one of the biggest highlights this year at Galleria Intima. The
Indian Intimate Apparel Industry will witness such extensive knowledge on Design & Trends for the first time that too from the
perspective of World Experts.”
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Trend Forecasting in Intimate Apparel business is a crucial source of knowledge and insight. Carlin International has conducted
such sessions across the world, bringing to the intimate apparel industry valuable insight and lingerie trend alerts in order to
empower it with up-to-date information and expectations of the industry as well as its consumers.
This is within the purview of the industry players and lends a helping hand for planning, developing and marketing products that
best suit the market aspirations at the time.
“I believe Galleria Intima shall become in the future a one-stop service for creative solutions. Creativity is truly what is missing in
India at the time being but creative brands will emerge, very much in tune with fashion increasing its influence in terms of
Fabrics sourcing, Designs / Trends and Retail solutions,” comments Landart.
Online registration for Galleria Intima 2013 is now open
About Galleria Intima 2013:
Galleria Intima is India’s Largest Sourcing Fair for Intimate Apparel Professionals. Now in its second year, the exhibition draws
many Indian and international participants, including industry players from USA, Sri Lanka, Austria, China, Indonesia, Turkey,
Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Thailand, and Italy.
This two day congregation seeks to bridge a communication platform between intimate apparel manufacturers, suppliers and
brand marketers, so as to uphold best practices in the industry. The exhibition will be held on 23rd and 24th August 2013 in Goa
at Grand Hyatt; and aspiring participants can solicit enrolment via online registration. [38.]
CMAI’s 57th National Garment Fair takes off on July 1
The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) is celebrating its golden jubilee this year. And to commemorate it, CMAI
is organizing India’s largest apparel trade show ‘The 57th National Garment Fair’ from July 1 to 3, 2013 at the Bombay Exhibition
Centre, Mumbai. The fair will have well-known names in the business including brands, retailers, wholesalers, agents and
distributors. The USP of the last two fairs, the business networking sessions will continue this year as well. The fair will be
inaugurated by Zora Chatterjee, Secretary (Textiles).
Commenting on the preparations, Rahul Mehta, President-CMAI says the fair will be spread over around 3.75 lakh square foot
and will have 589 stalls displaying over 640 brands. About 35,000 retailers from all across India are expected to visit this B2B
event. After a gap of three years, CMAI will be organizing fashion shows during the fair.
During its golden jubilee year, CMAI will undertake various trade and social responsibilities. In May CMAI had organized a
‘Fashion Retail Summit’ in Mumbai as a part of this celebration. It also launched ‘CMAI’s Domestic Apparel Retail Index’ to
monitor the health of the garment industry. Presently, the index, with a quarterly indicator, has the involvement of 50 brands
and expects to grow to up to 200 brands, who would share their data with CMAI to capture the trends in the Industry.
With ‘Size India’, another upcoming project, CMAI hopes to measure more than three lakh Indians to come up with a standard
Indian sizing in the next few years. Also a project named ‘Sparsh’ is being launched to educate its members and expose them to
be responsible and socially aware about manufacturing practices. The association has also invested heavily on advertising on a
‘child-free labour’ campaign in last the 12 months. [32.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
ICONIC summer line offers bold geometric & floral prints
Be summer ready as fashion and lifestyle destination ICONIC launches its
summer collection which takes you on a global expedition featuring key trends
like pastels, floral and nautical among others.
With Retro being influenced by the 60’s, the collection sees the use of vibrant
colours, bold geometric and floral prints.
Taking the form of A-line dress or a full circle skirt key pieces also include
embellished jackets and blouses. Embrace the return of polka dots and pastels
like mint green, pink dogwood and pale banana.
Fluid and relaxed shapes of shift dresses and soft tailored blazers come in handy for a last minute luncheon with the girls and
can be overlayed with florals and organza’s which provide a unique concept to any outfit.
Don’t forget the season’s biggest trend of colour blocking, black and white accessories, every fashionista must-have! Bright
ceramics also make a statement through necklaces and earrings while pearls and milky stone hint at a very feminine story in
pastel palettes
Men embrace the authentic sailor look as the heritage nautical trend is taken a notch higher with the addition of bright colors
such as vibrant blue and alert orange. If you’re aiming for a laid-back resort look, the perfect ensemble includes chino shorts or
pants with a rope belt, stripe tee and a relaxed blazer.
Head over to ICONIC and shop from the Summer collection that is bound to
inspire. Sport ‘Fashion Different’ and be fashion savvy in your own special way.
Back with a bang, Lebanese designer Aiisha Ramadan introduces her ready-towear summer capsule collection of 6 pieces across ICONIC stores.
With a constant fervor towards blending romance and fashion, the collection
reflects the true moods of the season while highlighting key trends too.
Transporting you to the world of sunshine and rainbows, glitter and glamour,
the range comprises of colorful and flowy silhouettes combined with sparkle
and shine. Lace makes a comeback with detailing’s that are conservative, yet
suitably festive.
Take a trip down the yellow brick road with Alice in Wonderland inspired pieces
and if you’re willing to bare it all, give the one-shoulder dress a shot!
ICONIC represents a unique spirit, making it different to any other fashion store
in the market. It is a destination where fashion, innovation and lifestyle meet and offer ‘Fashion Different’ for men, women and
ICONIC offers fashion apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty, gifts all under one roof ensuring there is always something for
everyone. Part of the Landmark Group, ICONIC is for the young at heart who is stylish, trendy and out-going. [39.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Allen Solly launches 14 eclectic shades in chinos & shirts
What's spring without a big hit of colour? The spring/summer season has
traditionally provided the platform to demonstrate a wider, more vibrant
colour palette than that of the duller, drearier winter months.
Allen Solly, the brand that introduced Friday Dressing to Indian consumers
now launches Colour Lab with 14 eclectic shades in Chinos & Shirts for men
and Denims for women never seen here before!
Fashion can actually be fun. The world of style globally is seeing a strong
color trend and that thought led Allen Solly to build the Colour Lab. And
what you get is a never before seen range of 14 colours for Men and
Women both.
Colour Lab allows choice to integrate colours into your casual looks via a
coloured shirt, chino or a denim. Choose a tone that is strong enough to
provide a pop of colour and an injection of panache.
“Colour is integral to Allen Solly. We introduced Colour in early 1990s to
Indian consumers and have ever since been known very strongly for it.
Color-lab is a fashion innovation that makes our consumers look good and feel good about themselves. We hope to inspire
people to try these and make their days exciting and lively”, says Sooraj Bhat, Brand Head, Allen Solly.
About Allen Solly:
Allen Solly created ripples in the Indian market by releasing new rules in corporate dress code. It trashed whites and greys
thereby making the corporate world a colourful and vibrant place.
Originating from the large portfolio of international brands of Coats Viyella – UK, Allen Solly truly has been the brand that
transformed the way people dressed by bringing in its concept of Relaxed Formal Wear to India – bold and bright colours,
concepts and patterns. [40.]
Kitex to explore new states for retail expansion
Eight months after the announcement of Kitex Garments’ decision to abandon its Rs 262 crores expansion plans in Kerala, the
company has said that owing to the ‘unsafe business atmosphere in the state’ it does not have further plans to invest in the
state. The company is planning to invest up to RS 500 crores, half of that amount in the first phase, for its expansion plans by
2015. It is looking at states like Gujarat and Tamil Nadu for expansion. Kitex is even mulling opportunities in China and Sri Lanka
but not in Kerala.
In September last year, Kitex had given up its plans to invest Rs 262 crores in Kerala, owing to alleged political issues. The
apparel park project would have provided employment to around 4,000 people. The company is not going to set up the plant
anywhere in Kerala, as it feels that the business environment is right for the business. Issues like power disruption are posing as
major hurdles.
Kitex Garments has a turnover of Rs 700 crores and employs around 8,000 people. The company is the third largest infant
garment manufacturer in the world and has a production capacity of 6.5 lakh garments per day, with plans of scaling up to 11
lakh in two years. [44.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Reebok’s ‘Delta’ range offers functionality & durability
The leading fitness brand, Reebok, truly understands your body needs whilst
you are training to get a fit body. When one is training to achieve a set goal,
the last thing one wants is for their clothing to distract them.
After an extensive research Reebok introduces its Delta collection built with
versatility, functionality and durability, to meet the demands of training by
adapting to the way an individual naturally moves. The three side of the logo
of Delta collection represents physical, mental and social transformation that
comes from a fit lifestyle.
The Reebok Delta Collection is born from function and infused with style, for
those who want to get the most out of their training. The range incorporates
stretch fabrics to provide freedom of movement and engineered construction
to minimize friction, all of which are produced with our Play technologies, to
keep your body comfortable in all conditions.
It’s unique PlayDry technology wicks moisture away from the skin, helping the
body to stay cool and dry. The flat lock seams are incorporated to maximize
the movement and reduce irritation when you are focusing on giving your
best at the workout session.
To offer a full range of motion, the men’s Power Reps Graphic Tee is designed with a single jersey stretch knit, while the
women’s Long Bra Tops and Graphic Tees use a super-soft poly spandex construction with 4-way stretch. The Board Short,
inspired by the fashion aesthetics of the surfing industry, yet modified to meet the needs of the most strenuous workout
movements. The Speedwick Short is developed with a stretch knit and inner leg gussets to help enhance mobility.
“At Reebok we want to allow people to focus solely on their workout so they can concentrate on achieving their training goals,”
said Somdeb Basu, Brand Director at Reebok India. “The Reebok Delta Collection is designed so that it can adapt to any workout
movement, eliminating all factors that may hinder performance through the clothing you are wearing.”
Reebok aims to change the way people perceive, define and experience fitness. Reebok is constantly evolving its product to
empower people to pursue a more engaging form of fitness, embrace their passions and get physically, mentally and socially fit
for life.
About Reebok India
Reebok India has a pan–India presence with 500 exclusive franchise stores. Reebok has a 1000 member strong instructor alliance
in India. Reebok’s innovative footwear technologies like Easytone, Zigtech and RealFlex have set a new benchmark in the
industry. In recent times, Reebok has partnered with CrossFit - the revolutionary strength and conditioning program, to change
the way people around the world perceive, define and experience fitness.
Reebok has an 8 yearlong partnership with ICC and is the official outfitter for 3 IPL teams- Royal Challengers Bangalore, Chennai
Super Kings and Kolkata Knight Riders. Reebok also supports athletes in tennis and is the official outfitter for Force India Formula
one team. Reebok has an impressive list of brand ambassadors including the likes of Captain MS Dhoni, Gautam Gambhir,
Unmukt Chand and hockey majors Sandeep Singh and Sardar Singh amongst others. [41.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
CMAI expects $17bn garment exports from India in 2013-14
India’s garment exports are likely to increase to US$ 17 billion this fiscal,
compared to US$ 14 billion exports made during 2012-13, according to Clothing
Manufacturers’ Association of India (CMAI).
Speaking at a press conference to announce the National Garment Fair that is
to be held from July 1, CMAI president Rahul Mehta said India will be able to
achieve apparel export worth US$ 17 billion this fiscal year.
In the first two months of financial year 2013-14, India exported apparel worth
US$ 2.3 billion, registering a 15 percent growth compared to US$ 2 billion exports made during the corresponding period of last
Mr. Mehta said India’s apparel industry has showing positive growth, after a year of stagnation, mainly on account of the
imposition of the 10 percent excise duty last year.
The recent depreciation of the Indian rupee vis-à-vis other currencies, the happenings in Bangladesh, and high production cost in
China are factors favouring Indian garment exporters.
In recent years, Indian garment exporters have shifted their focus to non-traditional markets in Latin America and other regions,
which also favours a boost in exports.
However, rising cotton and yarn prices and lack of availability of skilled labour are among the problems currently faced by the
Indian garment industry, Mr. Mehta said.
India’s clothing industry is targeting a growth of six to seven percent this year, and 10-12 percent next year, he added.
The rising demand for readymade garments in Tier-II and Tier-III cities is one of the reasons that will drive India’s garment
India’s domestic apparel market is estimated at Rs. 2,000 billion, with the unorganized sector accounting for more than half of
the market. With the removal of the excise duty coupled with a growing demand for branded garments, India’s apparel industry
is expecting to grow to Rs. 4,000 billion by 2018.
Separately, CMAI has launched a quarterly domestic apparel index to gauge the progress of the industry. The index aims to
capture the growth, investment and future plans of the top 50 brands.
At present, the index is 118, which means the garment industry is 18 percent optimistic on future growth prospects. [45.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Retailers want assurance on continuation of FDI Policy
Some global multi-brand retailers have sought an assurance from the Indian Government that any change of governments both
at the Centre and in the states would not result in reversal of the foreign direct investment (FDI) Policy.
Retailers like Walmart and Tesco have sought the clarification before they
decide on investing in India, says an Economic Times report quoting PTI.
An internal note of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)
said some potential foreign investors have discussed their plans for investing
in multi-brand retail trading (MBRT) in India, however, they need to address
certain apprehensions raised by their Boards before taking the decisions.
One of the major issues raised by Walmart and Tesco relates to the
continuation of the FDI policy for MBRT, even if there is any change in
Government at the Central level.
They have also sought a clarification whether states, which have at present
given nod for opening of front-end stores in their territory, can opt out at a later date.
The queries assume importance as general elections are due in India next year.
The Indian Government allowed up to 51 percent FDI in MBRT last year. But so far, only 11 Indian states have given green signal
to allow foreign retailers to open stores in their territories.
Earlier this month, the DIPP issued some clarifications pertaining to 30 percent sourcing from small and medium enterprises, and
50 percent investment in back-end infrastructure, in response to queries by global retailers.
Walmart already has 50:50 cash-and-carry joint venture with India’s Bharti Group, while Tesco is in partnership with Tata Group.
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Research & innovations
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Headlines- Research & innovations
New wristband for blood pressure monitoring
Body Temperature Textile Charges Phone
3 The Bloody Beetroots glowing mask
4 Ökolys wins Techtextil agrotextile award
5 Aria thermal insulation - made of air
6 Cygnet Tex-Web high-precision tension control unit
7 Phoseon to exhibit UV LED curing solutions at FESPA
8 New Tencel ePower sustainable solution
9 Karl Mayer displays products for technical textiles sector
10 Coloursmith launches new lab coater
11 Freudenberg displays innovative products at Techtextil
12 Klopman unveils performance workwear fabrics at Techtextil
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
New wristband for blood pressure monitoring
The company STBL Medical Research AG has developed a
device that can be worn on the wrist and records the blood
pressure continuously. The measurement is carried out by
several sensors which simultaneously measure the contact
pressure, pulse and blood flow on the surface of the skin in
the vicinity of the wrist.
The new sensor designed as an alternative to the pressure
cuffs and invasive monitoring involving a catheter inserted
into the artery, is as big as a wristwatch.
Michael Tschudin, co-founder of STBL, commented: "This
measuring device can be used for medical purposes, for
example as a precaution for high-risk patients or for
treating high blood pressure, but also as a blood pressure
and heart rate monitor for leisure activities and sports as
well as for monitoring fitness in high-level sports."
Increased measuring accuracy
One of the challenges for the engineers was the pressure of the device on the skin that changes constantly, meaning that highly
sensitive correctional measurements are necessary.
Empa's Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics sought a
solution to this problem within the scope of a CTI project. A
sensor made from piezo-resistive fibres in the wristband
measures the contact pressure of the device on the skin.
Changes in signal strength due to slippage or muscle tension
could lead to incorrect measurements. It is these changes
that the Empa sensor registers – enabling the measurements
to be corrected accordingly.
The fibre is electrically conductive, it detects any movement
or change in pressure, converts this into an electrical signal
and transmits this to the measuring device. This enables the
measuring accuracy of the ‘blood pressure watch’ to be
increased by more than 70%.
"Four years ago, we produced the first prototype," said Doctor Frank Clemens of Empa's Laboratory for High Performance
Ceramics. Since then, relevant tests have confirmed the functionality of the sensors. Empa is now working flat out to integrate
the piezo-sensor into the device in a way that is not only more attractive; it should also be easy to install without too much
effort. Possible methods include glueing, laminating or weaving it in.
Emergency assistance on your wrist
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. Empa decided to address the potential demand for
continuous measurement devices, which could provide additional safety margins. Those would enable emergency measures to
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be taken before something serious happened, due to the system’s ability to record and analyse an increased pressure wave that
may be followed by a heart attack of stroke.
According to Professor Thomas Luscher, director of the Clinic for Cardiology at the University Hospital Zurich and co-founder of
STBL, explained some of the advantages that constant measurement offers: "It gives us the opportunity to record blood pressure
in the patient's natural environment. The patient is not limited in terms of his freedom of movement."
Comfortable and affordable
Clinical trials are currently under way. The first measurements have already been taken in parallel with a catheter procedure.
The product should initially be supplied in two versions – a medical monitoring device and a ‘slimmed down’ version for leisure
use by sportsmen and women and ordinary people.
"The sensor will be cheaper than the existing 24-hour monitoring devices, such as those currently used in hospitals", Tschudin
confirmed. Such devices cost up to 6,000 Swiss francs, meanwhile the ‘blood pressure watch’ cost about ten times less. [64.]
Body Temperature Textile Charges Phone
The mad scramble for spare chargers and outlets could soon be over, thanks to Vodafone’s Power Pocket Charger.
Phones can now be charged via body heat, using a technology that can be woven into a sleeping bag or clothes pocket.
Developed by the University of Southampton’s Electronics and Computer Science Department, the application uses
thermocouples, which are pairs of thermoelectric material that are small and flexible enough to stitch into fabric. Print enough
of them, connect them together, attach a plug and you have yourself a charging station in the back of your pants.
The technology takes advantage of the temperature difference
between the inside and outside layer of clothing (or sleeping bag).
“One side of that is cold and the other is hot, and when you get a flow
of heat through it you can create a voltage and a current,” Stephen
Beeby, professor of electronic systems at the University of
Southampton, said in a statement. “Voltage and current together
equals electrical power.”
The material is making its debut this weekend at the Isle of Wight music
festival. So right around the time you’ve realized you can’t find your
charger, head on over to the Vodafone tent, slip into a sleeping bag and charge your phone up. Heck, you might want to take a
nap. After all, the festival lineup is more than a snooze.
Assuming the inside of the sleeping bag is normal body temperature, the fabric provides a good amount of juice. “Eight hours in
the sleeping bag, roughly speaking, will provide 24 minutes of talk time and 11 hours of standby time.”
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The Bloody Beetroots glowing mask
English fashion house CuteCircuit has designed a new spectacular Mask for DJ Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo, known as the Bloody
Controlled wirelessly using CuteCircuit’s Q Software, the new high tech mask has its original Venom shape, however it lights up
making the show more dramatic.
‘The Mask’
Booldy Beetroots is used as a pseudonym by Sir Bob
Cornelius Rifo, an Italian electro house and dance-punk
music producer, DJ and photographer.
The artist is well-known for the black Venom mask he
wears during performances.
Innovation and design
Inspired by the need of the Bloody Beetroots to interact with the audience in a more direct way, the mask features the latest
advances in wearable technology design.
The new skintight and ultrathin mask’s fabric includes LEDs eyes able to glow in multiple patterns matching the DJ eclectic
performance. Hundreds of LEDs that flash and sparkle following the rhythm of the music.
Fashion and technology
Using technologically advanced, ethical and clean manufacturing processes, the company guarantees that the technology used
in the garments is 100% RoHS compliant, which means that no hazardous substances are present in the products and that they
are free from lead and mercury as well, and are safe to wear.
The textiles used are also Oeko Tex certified, this means that they have been tested for safety and manufactured without
harmful materials.
Headquartered in London, the company has been working with the wearable technology since its launch in 2004.
A leader in interactive fashion, CuteCircuit has introduced many ideas to the fashion world by integrating new beauty and
functionality through the use of smart textiles and micro-electronics., ringing the first-ever technologically infused casual wear
to major fashion retailers. [65.]
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Ökolys wins Techtextil agrotextile award
With its innovative agrotextile Ökolys, Beaulieu Technical Textiles has received the international Techtextil Innovation Award in
the category ‘New Applications’ at the Award Ceremony of the Techtextil in Frankfurt last week.
This award is an Innovation Prize from Techtextil trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens for outstanding developments
in the range of new technical textiles.
Ökolys is an innovation in environmentally friendly weed control within landscape gardening, forestry and agriculture. It is a
groundcover based on two biopolymers – one biodegradable and one compostable, ensuring the important weed control for
young plants, which is crucial in their first three years of life.
After the functional period of three years, Ökolys fragments, then biodegrades and finally becomes food for the protected
plant. End-of-life of Ökolys is no longer an issue: after its period of use, it returns into the organic chain, closing the carbon
Unique and innovative
According to Beaulieu, Ökolys is by far the most ecological choice for weed control and is certified ‘OK compost’, which assures
the biodegradability as well as the compostability of the groundcover, according to the European Norm on Compostability.
“This product is a unique biodegradable and compostable woven landscape fabric developed for environmental friendly weed
control within application areas of landscape gardening, forestry and agriculture. The winners have taken full advantage of new
renewable biobased fibres in order to achieve the desired properties. Beaulieu Technical Textiles contributes with Ökolys to the
creation of an innovative and sustainable textile industry,” said the International jury of the Techtextil & Avantex Innovation
Prize 2013.
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Beaulieu Technical Textiles
Beaulieu Technical Textiles is an established leader and driving force in the market of technical textiles. Its dedicated line-up of
benchmark products is engineered to provide a tailored and high-tech response to present and future trends and demands.
Beaulieu Technical Textiles claims to embody the cutting edge in the customer-oriented and market-specific production of
polymer textiles. Aiming to be an expert in the fields of agriculture, geotextiles, carpet backings, industrial packaging, and
construction, it covers different markets and applications. [67.]
Aria thermal insulation - made of air
Leading Italian producer of thermal insulation for apparel and sleeping bags Thermore has introduced Thermore Aria, the latest
line of avant-garde Thermore products.
With the presentation of its new product range, Thermore revives its slogan ‘Search inside, discover Thermore’, seeing it as a
pertinent and essential concept in an age when an outward appearance seems to be more important than the invisible yet
important qualities of the product.
Thermore Aria
Made of 98% air, the new thermal padding is voluminous and light. It is
suitable for contemporary garments like ultra-light down and packable
down jackets.
Thermore Aria uses certified Oeko-Tex raw materials. Test results
showed that the product is non-allergenic, highly breathable and nontoxic. It also proved it to be free of PFOA and PFOS (perfluorooctanoic
acid and sulfonate), non-organic chemical substances recently
denounced by Greenpeace as being dangerous for humans and highly
These invisible qualities, which are difficult to judge are according to Thermore, are fundamental and to be noticed once the
garments are worn.
Thermore innovations
Thermore innovations are referred to by Thermore as having a unique capacity to satisfy widely disparate needs, from sports
and tech garments to the fashion and trendy.
Among the main featured defying the products are ultra-lightness, their capacity to regulate body temperature and to do away
with uncomfortable and unsightly traditional thermal insulation, to allow total freedom of movement and maximum thermal
protection. [66.]
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Cygnet Tex-Web high-precision tension control unit
Creel specialist Cygnet Tex-Web introduced its new, highprecision mechanical tension control technology at Techtextil
2013 in Frankfurt last week.
Targeting high-end processors of composite materials with its
latest offering, the company expanded its Flatline range of
creel tensioning controls.
“We have designed our new system in collaboration with our
customers and in line with the industry’s increasing demands
for exceptional quality products, to deliver unparalleled levels of tension control and consistency from tow to tow, using a
brilliantly intuitive yet simple technology,” said Rich Wakeley, Cygnet Tex-Web’s Carbon Fibre project manager.
Quickly adjustable
The mechanical system is assembled at Cygnet Tex-Web’s UK facility, which means it can be installed quickly and simply with no
need for calibration. The unit can be bought as part of a new-build creel or as an upgrade to existing creels without requiring
significant modification or rework.
The technology allows the creel framework to be simplified and the central tension control mechanism to be removed, while
retaining full global tension adjustment.
The system’s internal components are fully enclosed and protected from debris contamination, therefore reducing the need for
maintenance. An intuitive operator-friendly HMI interface also makes tension adjustment simple and allows the operator to
focus on other elements of the process.
“Accurate and repeatable tension control is fundamental in defining the quality of the end product and a creel that offers this
level of performance is indispensable,” Wakeley explained. [68.]
Phoseon to exhibit UV LED curing solutions at FESPA
FESPA 2013 will see the continuing evolution of UV LED curing solutions from Phoseon for UV
printing applications. The exhibit (stand B50N) will highlight Phoseon’s UV LED products ideal for the
printing industry.
Stop by the stand to learn more about the FireJet FJ200 12W/cm2 air-cooled UV LED curing family
along with a wide array of other UV curing solutions. Find out what UV LED curing products meet
your application requirements.
While bringing the three-tiered benefits of UV LED curing (advanced capabilities, operating
economics, and environmental advantages), Phoseon’s products add additional capability with superior performance, integrated
control, and outstanding reliability for customer’s tough curing environments.
FESPA 2013 (June 25-29) is the largest focused event for the wide format print industry; encompassing the very latest equipment
and consumables in digital printing, screen printing, industrial and garment decoration at the award winning ExCel London
Exhibition Centre.[70.]
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New Tencel ePower sustainable solution
Tencel ePower, is Lenzing’s innovative sustainable solution for EDLC applications, and the Austrian company expects it to
revolutionise the double-layer capacitor industry.
The latest innovative Tencel solutions in the fields of energy storage, power and substrate density will be showcased at the
fourth European Advanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC) held in Strasbourg from 24-28 June 2013.
Wolfgang Plasser, vice president and general manager Business Unit Nonwoven Fibres, said: “Lenzing is proud to announce a
further innovative Tencel development. The technical segment is particularly important to us. Our innovation focus is on futureoriented technologies, and we are continually striving to expand our product portfolio in this direction.”
The event will examine the advanced battery market with a focus on the activities and needs of European automakers.
Botanic fibre Tencel
As Lenzing fibres are made from wood, they
are naturally absorbent and pure. Lenzing says
these properties make them ideally suited for
numerous nonwoven applications including
technical end-uses.
During its appearance in Strasbourg, Lenzing
will focus on the botanic fibre Tencel enhancing
the performance of electrical separators in advanced electrical applications. Most high-capacity energy storage devices contain
separators with the main purpose of optimising ion transport.
Refined Tencel supports this task. The micro-fibrillar structure prevents short circuits and failures whilst improving capacity and
performance in advanced technical applications.
Tencel ePower
Lenzing will also present the latest Tencel ePower, a sustainable solution targeted at the new energy market for use in
electrodes in high performance capacitors.
The technology behind this is based on a combination of Tencel fibres from Lenzing and the proprietary technology of
Nanocarbons LLC, Fort Lauderdale.
A new pilot line for activated carbon for electric double-layer capacitors (EDLC) derived from high purity Tencel has been built
and is sampling for pre-market development. Exceptionally high capacitance values are obtained from a unique tailored
structure based upon Tencel. The superior purity of Tencel ePower is the basis for enhanced stability and operating life of EDLC
“With the name Tencel ePower we aim to capture both the electric and ecologic components of this latest innovation,”
commented Chris Potter, sales director Nonwoven Fibres Technical Applications.
“After extensive development our new pilot line for activated carbon is operational. We believe that Tencel ePower will
accelerate the development of high performance capacitors increasingly used in electric and hybrid vehicles which are key to the
successful transport systems of tomorrow.” [69.]
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Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Karl Mayer displays products for technical textiles sector
KARL MAYER was showcasing its products at this year’s Techtextil with the aim of creating a real experience.
This textile machinery builder, which is based in Obertshausen, was exhibiting as an expert technical partner in the development
of innovative products and wanted its visitors to actually experience this – as they lingered for a while in room elements made
from warp-knitted, sound-absorbing spacer textiles or when examining stretch shading textiles which adapt dynamically to suit
the light conditions.
Warp-knitted spacer textiles – a new chapter in the perennial story
The acoustic spacer textiles reduced noise levels considerably. They
contained light strips and diodes, and were shaped to create futuristic room
structures – a textile solution for reducing noise levels, which made many
manufacturers curious, including many who were not already customers of
The product manager, Michael Kieren, had many conversations with
manufacturers of building shells, engineering firms and universities, and discussed the many possible uses of 3D warp-knitted
“Our concept for using functional 3D warp-knitted textiles in applications other than their normal use as padding/cushioning
impressed the visitors to our stand,” was the assessment of this textile expert. “We were able to discuss projects with some
manufacturers, for whom we are likely to act as networkers and consultants in future.” Ideas for taking the use of spacer textiles
even further as insulating materials were also discussed in detail.
With their enormous functional potential, spacer textiles were one of the focal points of interest for visitors to the fair, who
found plenty of information on this subject on KARL MAYER’s stand. This textile machinery producer builds high-speed, doublebar raschel machines for producing spacer textiles and is also experienced in the field of textile development.
Warp-knitted textiles are as diverse as their end-uses
Many in-depth discussions were also held on the large number of two-dimensional textiles produced on KARL MAYER’s tricot
and raschel machines. The visitors were on the look out for fabrics for use in functional clothing or seat covers, as well as for
textiles for use in shading applications, privacy screens, the medical sector and car interiors – to mention just a few of the
applications discussed.
The enquiries demonstrated a high level of technical expertise. Furthermore, a great many enquiries came from visitors who had
had no connection with KARL MAYER until then. The textile developer, Rainer Baier, estimated that 60% of the discussions held
were with new contacts. A great pioneering spirit and a feeling of optimism could be detected in the conversations.
“Everyone is looking for something special, for the right level of know-how and the right technical solution for their own
particular requirements,” explained Rainer Baier. There are many new ideas that are just waiting for the right warp-knitted
textile to come along – and many of them have already been put into practice.
Weft-inserted warp-knitted textiles in a new light
One example of successful product development in conjunction with partners is the stretch sun-screening textile, OMBRA-DLS.
This warp-knitted, grid-like textile combines stretch warp yarns with tape yarns, which are inserted by a magazine weft system,
and can be adjusted specifically to suit the amount of solar or thermal radiation impinging on the textile.
The result is a constant light diffusion and climate management. This innovative textile was presented by the partners involved
in the project, Elasol and Penn Textile Solutions, on KARL MAYER’s stand at Techtextil and attracted a great deal of attention.
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“There is more interest in OMBRA-DLS than we expected,” explained Markus Regenstein, the managing director of Penn Textile
Solutions. “We are looking for global distribution channels and partners, and were able to make some promising new contacts in
this respect.” Enquiries came mainly from South America, India, Europe and China.
“The discussions also generated new concepts for new applications, such as incorporating lighting effects in interior design,”
explained Leo Jasper, Elasol’s managing director, who was pleased with the excellent feedback.
His opinion was also shared by Axel Wintermeyer, the sales director at KARL MAYER MALIMO, who brought the production
machine – a raschel machine with magazine weft-insertion - and the know-how of his company to bear in the project and who
was especially pleased that KARL MAYER was seen by many visitors as being an innovative partner in developing new ideas.
“The visitors were impressed by the concept of our partnership,” he said when summing up his assessment of the fair. In
addition to OMBRA-DLS, the visitors were, of course, also interested in the many conventional applications of weft-inserted
warp-knitted textiles. Examples of the main ones were as coating/backing substrates, geotextiles and nets. Enquiries about these
came mainly from existing customers and were, for the most part, extremely specific.
Warp preparation – ready for the increased demand
The success of KARL MAYER at Techtextil was complemented by the positive assessment by the Warp Preparation Business Unit.
“Footfall on our stand was very high and we had many interesting conversations. We also conducted many specific
negotiations,” explained the regional sales manager, Michael Schaaf.
The discussions showed that the range of technical textiles had increased again – a trend that KAR MAYER is able to cater for
with the performance features of its high-tech warp preparation machines. The Opt-O-Matic sectional warping machine in
particular can offer exactly what customers need for challenging applications, i.e. high efficiency, productivity and flexibility.
For example, glass, basalt and carbon can beprocessed on the Opt-O-Matic, as can monofilaments. “Our many years of
experience in the technical sector means that we are expert partners to our clients. We were able to demonstrate this yet again
at this year’s fair,” was the feedback from the sales team in the Warp Preparation Business Unit. [72.]
Coloursmith launches new lab coater
The Coloursmith Lab Coater been specifically developed to simulate the same blade coating conditions seen in the majority of
production environments. The machine creates a sample which is approximately 300mm in width and a maximum length of
800mm providing the convenience to take at least 3 standard sample swatches from the same coating trial.
This is a significant advantage over other systems on the market
today, as is the relative ease of use, compact footprint and lower
price when compared on a ‘like for like’ basis with other systems.
The base unit is capable of simulating standard water base coatings of the blade over precision roller or blade in air techniques
and comes compete with a simple crush calender and 3 KW drying facility to dry and cure the coatings. A crushing calendar
maybe used if applying foamed compounds i.e. if simulating certain “blackout” fabric coatings.
The machine can be provided as a bench mounted unit or as a unit supported on a dedicated frame. It is provided with all its
own controls for coating and drying locate. The coating machine can be set up very quickly, is easy to operate and is supplied
with an operating and maintenance manual. [71.]
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Freudenberg displays innovative products at Techtextil
At the Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main from June 11 – 13, 2013 (Hall 3.1, Stand F3.11), Freudenberg Nonwovens presented new
product solutions from six market segments: Apparel and Footwear, Building Interiors, Automotive Interiors, Energy, Medical
and Specialities.
One highlight was the international press conference where the company premiered the new generation Vildona Airliner 2.0 for
waterproof and breathable shoe soles and uppers.
During the international press conference for the specialist media which took place on the first day of the trade fair Bruce Olson,
CEO of the Freudenberg Nonwovens Business Group, outlined the new strategic orientation of the company belonging to the
Freudenberg Group.
In keeping with its motto “The Solution Engineers – Wherever you are”, Freudenberg Nonwovens presented its broad spectrum
of product innovations in all market segments, from the latest generation of Viledon battery separators and the steady stream
of new applications for Evolon microfilament technology to the new Vildona Airliner 2.0 in the footwear industry.
Megatrends such as urbanization and energy storage motivate and drive developers at Freudenberg Nonwovens. Dr. Christoph
Weber, Head of Separator R&D Department at Freudenberg Nonwovens, presented the company’s solutions for highperformance batteries in the shape of the latest development in separators for Lithium-ion batteries: “This is an ultrathin
nonwoven with a special surface coating which outperforms conventional separator materials especially in terms of thermal and
mechanical stability. These Vildeon separators provide the needed improvements in battery technology that play a key role in
the safety, reliability and service life of large Lithium-ion batteries for emerging mobile and stationary applications.”
12 years after Evolon microfilament technology was launched, Freudenberg Nonwovens is investing some €5 million in
expanding production capacity at the plant in Colmar, France. From the end of October production will be raised to 3,000
tonnes/year. Jean-François Kerhault, Business Section Manager Evolon , presented the numerous applications and versatile
properties of Evolon at the press conference.
Evolon is a revolutionary chemical free fabric for anti allergy bedding, the microfilament structure provides outstanding cleaning
and lint free properties which makes Evolon a perfect cloth for high-tech wiping, the scratch free characteristics of the fabric
offer the best surface protection for the transport of sensitive parts like for example in the automotive or electronic industry.
The latest applications relate to LCD wet wipes, sport & bath towels or eco-friendly printing media; banners at the exhibition
booth provided a good demonstration of Evolon’s performance as a printing substrate. Evolon ’s features can be enhanced by all
traditional textile finishing processes.
With 300 times more breathability than conventional membranes, Vildona Airliner 2.0 has exceeded all expectations as a shoe
insole. The technology is based on a substrate, in this case a spunlace nonwoven, in which a superabsorbent polymer is
anchored using a chemical reaction.
At the same time as Techtextil was taking place, an agreement to cooperate with a leading Turkish brand Greyder, as an addition
to the existing technology partnership with the Deichmann Group, was concluded. And that is just the beginning: “Other major
brands are also extremely interested in this revolutionary shoe technology,” Simon Browne, who is responsible for the shoe
business in Europe, said.
Freudenberg Nonwovens gives priority to a dialogue with customers. That was confirmed by excellent attendance at the
exhibition booth. “An intensive dialogue with customers from all world market regions is the key to our success. This
comprehensive exchange generates a succession of new solutions,” Bruce Olson, CEO Freudenberg Nonwovens, commented.
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Klopman unveils performance workwear fabrics at Techtextil
Techtextil 2013 sees the launch of synergo, the first range of high performance workwear fabrics developed as a joint project by
fabric experts and market leaders Klopman International and schoeller-works, a division of Schoeller Textil AG. Both partners are
delighted to present the range at Techtextil in Frankfurt (Klopman International – stand 3.1 E78, Schoeller Textil AG With an
emphasis on function, protection and comfort, synergo offers a new dimension in fabric for today’s world at work.
Designed to satisfy a multitude of functional requirements, the range combines a choice of unique features for the most
demanding end-use applications within the workwear, corporatewear and PPE sector, including uniforms, military and police
clothing. Synergo fabrics include stretch, soft-shell and laminated options as well as specific developments for use as
reinforcements, all enhanced with a selection of additional specialised finishing technologies such as 3XDRY, ecorepel,
NanoSphere and coldblack.
Complimentary strengths
Holger Beule, Sales Director of Klopman International, is delighted about the opportunities the cooperation presents: ”synergo
is a powerful range. It perfectly complements our existing fabric portfolios and offers a package of solutions for the most varied
end-use applications. The name synergo reflects the synergy of strength“. Antonio A. Gatti, Business Manager of schoellerworks, adds:”With synergo we are bringing together the combined knowledge of two strong partners. As we are facing the
challenge of increasing standards and requirements in the working world, Synergo provides solutions with accredited safety.
“Stretch fabrics including soft-shells, are one of the highlights of synergo. Depending on the end-user requirements, customers
can choose between natural stretch options, stretch provided by the use of EME (LYCRA T400 fibre from INVISTA), or 2- and 4way stretch fabrics using high quality elastane yarns. All are constructed for lasting fit and comfort, based on extremely durable
stretch, outstanding wash and wear properties as well as a high level of breathability and excellent moisture management.
Bonded soft-shell options are ideal for use in jackets as well as in trousers.
For highest levels of protection
Synergo multipro fabrics offer highest levels of EN accredited protection for workers in multi-risk areas who are often exposed
to several hazards at a time, e.g. from heat and flame or uncontrolled discharge from static build-up. This is where inherently
flame retardant fibres or flame retardant finishes offer reliable protection and wearer safety.
High visibility options certified to EN 471 are also available for extra safety in low-light conditions or other risk areas. For
multifunctional comfort, customers can choose from a selection of specialised finishing technologies such as 3XDRY, the
moisture management system, or NanoSphere, offering highest levels of repellency to water and heavy soiling. ecorepel offers a
fluorocarbon-free alternative among water repellent finishes. In addition, coldblack contributes to superior wearer comfort by
providing durable protection against heat and harmful UV rays in direct sunlight.
Profile Klopman International
Klopman International, established in 1968, has gained a wealth of experience and expertise in fabric manufacturing, dyeing and
finishing, based on continuous investment into state-of-the-art technology. Today, Klopman is Europe’s leading manufacturer of
polyester/cotton and cotton fabrics as well as special blends for the image workwear, protectivewear and corporatewear
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24th June 2013
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Technical textile
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Headlines- technical textile
Techtextil & Texprocess set new records
TenCate and Fokker sign long-term supply agreement
Owens Corning builds $130M glass nonwovens facility
Fresh impetus for Europe’s textile rental sector
Dutch extend TAPAS composites consortium
Carbon fibre JV targets consumer electronics
ThyssenKrupp starts carbon composites production plant
Polymer Group to build new facility in China
DLR & NLR sign joint advanced composites development deal
BNP Media acquires Converting Influence
EDANA’S medical committee presents at AFISO
Nexcelle’s thrust reverser for jet engines at Paris show
IFAI opens registrations for Specialty Fabrics Expo
TenCate & TAPAS partner on new Airbus collaboration
Canadian Light joins composite materials researchers group
3A Composites Core Materials offers customized solutions
Flame retardant industry to see demand rise 5.6%
18 Suominen increases flushable wipes capacity
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Techtextil & Texprocess set new records
Around 40,000 visitors from 113 countries attended Techtextil and Texprocess trade fair duo last week to find out about the
latest innovations and trends. A total of 1,652 exhibitors from 56 nations presented their latest products and innovations.
“Techtextil and Texprocess have once again set new records,” said Detlef
Braun, member of the executive board of Messe Frankfurt, commenting
on the results of the textile trade-fair double. “With an increase of 15%
compared to the previous events, the two leading trade fairs confirmed
the worldwide significance of technical textiles and textile-processing
machinery”, he added.
The events focusing on technical textiles combined various aspects of the
industry from light to very heavy materials – from functional garments,
via car seats and safety belts, to aircraft interiors.
For the 15th time, Techtextil underscored its position as the premium
international event for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector. From
11 to 13 June, 1,322 exhibitors from 48 countries presented their futureoriented products from research and industry.
Techtextil brought together all areas of application and product groups
from the technical-textiles sector to create an innovation platform
unrivalled worldwide.
The second Texprocess consolidated its position as the leading
international trade fair for textile processing with 330 exhibitors from 38
countries who presented their high-tech solutions and thus demonstrated the innovative potential of the sector.
Presenting machines and processes, as well as IT and logistics solutions, for the textile and apparel industries, Texprocess covers
all stages of the textile-processing chain with a comprehensive product spectrum stretching from design and cutting, via sewing,
joining, embroidery and knitting, to finishing and textile printing.
“Exhibitors and visitors from all segments were enthusiastic about the future-oriented concept of Techtextil and Texprocess. In
particular, the descriptive application examples to be seen at the two events confirmed the innovative character of our
exhibitors”, said Detlef Braun. “The results in 2011 were excellent and the fact that we have been able to improve on them so
clearly underscores the successful strategy of our trade-fair double.”
The high degree of visitor satisfaction reflects the great quality of the two trade fairs, the internationality of which also increased
with a total of 22,000 visitors from outside Germany attending them.
After Germany, the top visitor nations and regions are Italy, France, Turkey, Great Britain, Switzerland and East Europe, including
the Russian Federation, Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania. [46.]
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TenCate and Fokker sign long-term supply agreement
TenCate Advanced Composites and Fokker Aerostructures have signed a long-term agreement to provide TenCate thermoplastic
composite materials for the construction of several aircraft components by Fokker Aerostructures for the international
aerospace industry, at yesterday’s Paris Air Show.
The agreement covers the supply of continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic
laminates and a range of semipreg composite materials that are used in
commercial, regional and military aircraft built by OEM's like Airbus, Boeing,
Gulfstream, Dassault and AgustaWestland.
Advantages of the application of these light-weight composites are, among
others, the saving of kerosene and the ability to produce large volumes in
Long-term supply
This agreement is an important step forward for the close cooperation between TenCate Advanced Composites and Fokker
Frank Meurs, group director of TenCate Advanced Composites, explained: “The new agreement emphasises the success of our
advanced thermoplastic composites in general, and in particular of our productive relationship with Fokker within the innovative
Dutch aerospace industry.”
“This agreement also underlines the continuation of our close partnership since the early 1990s for the supply of thermoplastic
composite materials, designed for the part production of Fokker Aerostructures for the international aerospace industry.”
Working together
Both companies are partners within the Thermoplastic Affordable Primary Aircraft Structure (TAPAS) consortium, consisting of
eight Dutch companies and institutes from the aviation industry under the leadership of Airbus.
A new fuselage panel for Airbus, made of thermoplastic composite from TenCate Advanced Composites and produced by Airbus,
Fokker Aerostructures and other TAPAS partners, was presented at the Paris Air Show yesterday, where the Dutch Economic
Affairs Minister Henk Kamp signed a letter of intent extending the TAPAS consortium. [47.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Owens Corning builds $130M glass nonwovens facility
Owens Corning, a global producer of glass fibre reinforcements for composite systems and residential and commercial building
materials, has announced a $130 million investment in North America to expand its global glass nonwovens business. The new
facility will house a state-of-the-art manufacturing line, coating capability, and research and development activities and include
future expansion options.
“There is a limited supply of glass nonwoven products serving the
global building materials market today. As projections for long term
growth are optimistic, our customers have been eagerly waiting for
Owens Corning to offer more of our unique products and solutions
to support and accelerate their growth. This new investment
further leverages our integrated position as a glass fibre and glass
non-woven supplier, and will complement existing non-woven
facilities in North America and Europe to ensure we remain the
global leader in glass non-woven technology,” commented Owens
Corning Group President Arnaud Genis.
The North American facility will use Owens Corning glass fibres
supplied from existing facilities and will specialize in high quality
glass nonwoven applications including wall covering, ceiling and
flooring, specialty insulation, gypsum, and automotive products. The location of the new facility has been narrowed to several
states, with the final determination based on the proximity to customers, availability of talent, infrastructure and natural
resources, and a favourable business environment. Final site selection is expected to be completed in the near future.
Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2013, Owens Corning had sales of $5.2 billion in 2012 and employs 15,000 employees in 27
countries on five continents. The Owens Corning Composite Solutions Business delivers a broad range of reinforcement products
that provide lightweight alternatives to steel, wood and aluminium, thereby reducing weight and improving energy efficiency.
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Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Fresh impetus for Europe’s textile rental sector
The European Textile Services Association held a conference in Berlin, from 28-29 May, where it announced a launch of its new
website. The event billed as an impulse generator and idea forum saw 115 industry leaders coming together for an intensive
exchange of ideas.
"The two-day ETSA member conference is by now a firm date in the calendar of leading providers of textile rental services and
their suppliers. Quality lectures and interesting discussions time and again ensure fresh impetus for Europe's textile rental
services industry that equips us for the future," summarises Christina Ritzer, the owner of Bardusch (Ettlingen) and chair of ETSA.
The new site, www.textile-services.eu, is a business focused communication tool. It is designed to profile the textile services
industry, focus on key messages through words and visuals and provide easy navigation to key information about our business
and the many professional end users that benefit from our services.
It is also expected to communicate the commitments textile service providers make to corporate responsibility and
environmental sustainability.
Common interests
The leading European textile rental services firms, their
key suppliers and the national textile service associations
are all affiliated to the ETSA.
This community of joint interests is a platform for
information, the exchange of ideas and networking for
decision-makers and the management of member firms
and is actively dedicated to the interests of the industry.
It acts as the organiser of the member conference that is
held every two years.
Perceptible changes
Demand for rented work apparel and protective clothing, hotel linen, as well as washroom services and textiles is decreasing
alongside declining domestic production, dropping incomes and an increase in unemployment rates.
In order to keep track of economic and political changes and to discuss their repercussions on textile services and their supply
industry, the programme of lectures at the member conference was characterised by worldwide political and economic
Towards the future
The former editor-in-chief of the business and finance newspaper Handelsblatt, Bernd Ziesemer, and Dr Linda Yueh, a professor
at Oxford University and the London Business School, spoke about global and national trends at an economic and political level.
On the basis of his many years of economic and political observations, Mr Ziesemer forecast the beginnings of an economic
downturn in Germany, which in the view of Dr Yueh can be countered through increased productivity and an expansion into
emerging nations like China.
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Based in Brussels, the European Textile Services Association was established as a non-profit trade association for the European
textile rental services industry in 1994. Amongst the main tasks of ETSA is the promotion of textile services as well as the
consistent and continued development of the sustainability principles entrenched within the industry.
Its members include rental service businesses specialising in renting out work apparel and protective clothing, hotel, hospital
and surgical linen, floor mats, as well as washroom textiles and services at an international level, as well as their key suppliers
and national associations. [49.]
Dutch extend TAPAS composites consortium
Dutch Economic Affairs Minister Henk Kamp has signed a letter of intent
extending the Thermoplastic Affordable Primary Aircraft Structure (TAPAS)
consortium, which consists of eight Dutch companies and institutes from the
aviation industry, at the Paris Air Show in France, yesterday.
A new fuselage panel for Airbus, the leading French aircraft manufacturer,
made of thermoplastic composite from TenCate Advanced Composites and
produced by Airbus, Fokker Aerostructures and other TAPAS partners, was also
introduced at the show.
The companies and institutes forming TAPAS have been working with Airbus on
technological innovations for aviation industry in the fields of design, material,
production and assembly technologies since 2009, supported by the Dutch
Ministry of Economic Affairs and other parties.
Under the leadership of Airbus, the partners recently produced a
demonstration model of a fuselage panel for passenger aircraft. The
technological process was characterised by press forming, welding and coconsolidating the thermoplastic composite into a double-curved fuselage panel,
including welded omega stringers and butt-jointed T-stringers.
Pioneering technology
It is the first time that such a large-scale fuselage panel has been made of thermoplastic composite.
According to TenCate, this advanced material is a prime contender for selection as the material for the entire fuselage of future
aircraft, due to its unique properties, such as high stiffness, fire safety and excellent processability.
Future plans
The letter of intent to be signed by Minister Kamp aims to extend the existing research agreement of the TAPAS consortium and
focuses on the continuing development of thermoplastic composites for wing and tail applications, for support structures for
engines, and for fuselages.
TAPAS 2 will be the successor of TAPAS 1, which was initiated with the aim of expanding the development of thermoplastic
composites for Airbus aircraft design and bringing these materials to a higher technology readiness level. [50.]
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Carbon fibre JV targets consumer electronics
German headquartered carbon fibre group SGL and Korea’s Samsung have announced the establishment of a strategic
partnership for carbon fibre composite materials with the foundation of a Marketing & Sales joint venture. The joint venture
partners, Samsung Petrochemical and SGL Group, will each hold a 50% share and the primary objective of the cooperation is to
develop new industrial and electronic applications with carbon composite materials for Samsung and the Korean market. The
joint venture will operate under the name Samsung SGL Carbon Composite Materials.
According to a press statement this morning, the cooperation is expected to provide a stable long-term supply of carbon fibre
materials for Samsung and promote its use in various Samsung products and applications such as consumer electronics, medical
devices and engineering applications. Carbon fibre materials from SGL Group will be preferred by the joint venture company and
in the medium term, the new company will aim for business expansion over the rest of Asia.
Juergen Koehler, member of the Board of Management
of SGL Group commented: “In this partnership with
Samsung, we combine our strengths and promote the
use of carbon fibre materials in fast growing markets
such as digital media. Carbon fibre materials play an
increasingly important role in the material substitution
process towards lighter products. Our joint venture
underlines our strategy to enter new markets and
develop innovative applications for our highperformance materials. We are proud to partner with
Yoosung Chung, President & CEO of Samsung Petrochemical said: “Our long-term cooperation with SGL Group will ensure the
exclusive supply of carbon fibre composite materials to Samsung. We selected SGL Group as partner due to the company’s
unique expertise along the entire value chain from carbon fibres to CFRP components. Lightweight materials have become an
important factor not only in industrial applications but also the consumer end markets such as digital media. This partnership
will position Samsung as a leading player in the development and application of carbon fibre-based products.”
Both companies will combine their core competencies in this marketing and sales joint venture. SGL Group contributes its knowhow in high performance carbon fibre-based materials and Samsung will share its experiences from particular application
development with the its affiliates, which is expected to allow the company to successfully meet the requirements of new
industrial products and solutions.
Following the signing of the joint venture contract, which took place today in Seoul, the closing of the transaction is scheduled
for July, pending regulatory approvals. Operations of the joint venture are scheduled to begin immediately thereafter. The joint
venture will be headquartered in Ulsan/South Korea, at a Samsung Petrochemical facility and the office of the Marketing & Sales
joint venture will be located in Seoul/South Korea.
The joint venture targets applications in the markets for electronic products, wind blades, pressure vessels, automotive and
household appliances in the Far East. The carbon fibre market is expected to grow sharply in Korea and China by over 20% per
year in the coming years. Currently the Korean market focuses on prepreg and sportive goods but in the future the market is to
be expanded to a wider range of industries like wind energy, electronics, automotives and others. [52.]
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ThyssenKrupp starts carbon composites production plant
ThyssenKrupp is concentrating its activities in carbon fiber reinforced plastics at Kesselsdorf near Dresden. Stanislaw Tillich,
Premier of the Free State of Saxony, and Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Exe
cutive Board Chairman of ThyssenKrupp AG, officially inaugurated the Tech Center Carbon Composites and the ThyssenKrupp
Carbon Components GmbH production plant. While the TechCenter's task is to support carbon composite projects throughout
the Group, ThyssenKrupp Carbon Components will focus on the development and production of vehicle components such as
lightweight carbon wheels.
"Our TechCenter stands for increased research and development, investment
future technologies and greater cooperation with leading universities and
institutions. ThyssenKrupp Carbon Components, for example, is a joint venture with a spin-off of Dresden University," says Dr.
Heinrich Hiesinger.
"We see the technological advantages and growing market potential of fiber reinforced plastics. As a technology group with
strong materials expertise, ThyssenKrupp has a lot to offer in this field."
State Premier Stanislaw Tillich sees above all opportunities for Dresden as a business location: "Our research funding is having
an effect. ThyssenKrupp setting up shop in Dresden is proof that by focusing support on science and research the Free State of
Saxony is creating attractive conditions for businesses."
Lightweight design is a central issue today. In areas such as aircraft construction, shipbuilding, general industry and wind
turbines, the use of carbon fiber reinforced plastics is playing an increasingly important role. In the auto sector this trend is
reinforced by emissions and fuel economy standards.
For ThyssenKrupp numerous promising applications are opening up, e.g. multi-material designs in combination with innovative
steel solutions, automation and tool technology, and lightweight vehicle components. With carbon wheels alone, weight savings
of 30 to 50 percent are possible compared with conventional light alloy wheels.
ThyssenKrupp has over 150,000 employees in around 80 countries working with passion and expertise to develop solutions for
sustainable progress. Their skills and commitment are the basis of our success. In fiscal year 2011/2012 ThyssenKrupp generated
sales of €40 billion.
Innovations and technical progress are key factors in managing global growth and using finite resources in a sustainable way.
With our engineering expertise in the areas of “Material”, “Mechanical” and “Plant”, we enable our customers to gain an edge in
the global market and manufacture innovative products in a cost and resource efficient way. [54.]
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Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Polymer Group to build new facility in China
Polymer Group, Inc. (PGI) announced that it will invest in a strategic site in Nanhai, China that will enable the company to
expand its manufacturing capacity for high quality nonwoven products for the global hygiene and healthcare markets it serves.
PGI's investment in a state-of-the-art facility in Nanhai will also increase its capacity to produce advanced chemical bond
products for hygiene applications to meet the growing needs of key customers in the region. PGI has operated in Nanhai for over
15 years. This investment will enable the company to continue to support growth through this strategic location.
The new Nanhai facility will replace one the company has operated since the late 1990s. PGI also operates a state-of-the-art
plant in Suzhou, China that serves the healthcare and hygiene markets. Its most recent investment in the Suzhou facility was
completed in mid 2013.
PGI has been instrumental in leading the growth of the nonwovens industry into China,
through early entry in the region and investment in a proprietary manufacturing platform.
company will continue to expand its manufacturing footprint as it serves the growth and
innovation needs of its customers.
"PGI is committed to continued growth and market leadership in the hygiene and healthcare markets we serve globally," said
PGI CEO, Veronica (Ronee) M. Hagen. "Market growth remains strong in Asia for our nonwoven materials and expanding our
manufacturing capacity through the Nanhai facility is just one example of our plans to meet our customers' needs well into the
The company's Nanhai facility will combine the benefits of PGI's current and new manufacturing technologies and is expected to
be complete by the first half of 2016, with no disruptions to customers.
PGI's investment will be supported by The Nanhai District People's Government, a key partner to PGI in its successful operation
in the region.
PGI is a global, technology-driven developer, producer and marketer of engineered materials, and one of the world's leading
producers of nonwovens. With the broadest range of process technologies in the nonwovens industry, PGI is a global supplier to
leading consumer and industrial product manufacturers. The company operates 13 manufacturing and converting facilities in 9
countries throughout the world. [55.]
DLR & NLR sign joint advanced composites development deal
At the Paris Air Show, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the National
Aerospace Laboratory of the Netherlands (NLR) will sign a Cooperation
Agreement in the field of Fiber Reinforced Composites.
Goal of the cooperation is to more efficiently develop methods for the
design, development and production of light-weight structures for the
aerospace and transport sectors, this in order to contribute to the
reduction of fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions.
From research to prototype
Within this agreement DLR and NLR will jointly undertake precompetitive research projects, execute third party contracts and
allow reciprocal use of facilities and general infrastructure around the area of manufacturing techniques for fibre reinforced
composites and simulation techniques. Both partners own and operate extensive facilities for the development of composite
structures by tape laying or fiber placement and resin infusion.
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Focus of the cooperation will be in the areas of automated fibre placement/tape laying techniques, robot assisted
manufacturing processes, heating techniques and process monitoring, resin transfer moulding and virtual manufacturing.
DLR and NLR do have a long standing partner relationship. Major cooperation activities are in the German-Dutch Wind Tunnels
(DNW) and AT-One, the ATM Research Alliance. [56.]
BNP Media acquires Converting Influence
BNP Media has announced the purchase of Converting Influence and the live annual event Converters Expo, which takes place
March 13, 2014 in Green Bay, Wisconsin at the Lambeau Atrium.
The digital newsletter and 7th annual Expo brings together converters and packagers of paper, film and nonwovens with buyers,
specialists and suppliers.
According to Randy Green, Group Publisher for BNP Media, “The acquisition of
Converting Influence.com and Converters Expo, both headquartered in Green
Bay, Wisconsin, complements our industry segment involvement, including some
50 industry magazines and expertise in hosting 30+ annual trade shows.
"These two properties will give BNP a stronger presence into the converting
world where many products and developments originate. In addition, we are
pleased to retain its founder and director Susan Stansbury who will work with
BNP to focus on the continued growth of converting, flexible packaging and allied
groups participating in the Converters Expo.”
“This is a win-win for our group and for BNP, with its strong national contacts and history of hosting events similar to our annual
Converters Expo,” said Stansbury. “We expect the transition to be seamless, along with a new boost by BNP to grow the
Converters Expo in a faster, stronger way.”
In addition, says Stansbury, “There will be immediate benefits as early as the March 2014 Converters Expo where we anticipate
more participation than ever before at Lambeau Atrium in Green Bay.”
BNP Events Director, Scott Wolters who will be responsible for the integration of the new acquisition says, “Converters Expo fits
very nice strategically into our diversified packaging events group and with our strong industry partnerships, this event will
quickly rise to an even higher level.
"The Expo and digital magazine will be managed by our Packaging Strategies group and aligns itself nicely with Flexible Packaging
magazine and allows us to become an even stronger marketplace leader.”
About BNP Media
BNP Media, one of the country’s leading business-to-business media companies serving industry professionals across 50+
industries through magazines, custom media, e-newsletters, website conferences, events and market research.
BNP media has been serving multiple industries with leading business-to-business publications since 1926. They are committed
to helping industry professionals succeed in business by providing superior information through industry expertise. [53.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
EDANA’S medical committee presents at AFISO
MEDECO, the committee representing the Medical nonwovens and related industries, had the opportunity to give a
presentation during the congress organised by AFISO, the French association of nurses in Belgium founded in 1986 for nurses
working in operating rooms.
Presented by Sophie Litt (RKW) and Tim Galekop (Ahlstrom), and with support from Geert Driessen (3M), members of the
association’s Medical Nonwovens committee, the presentation aimed to share information about the current single-use medical
market, explaining the standards which regulate this market and expounding the importance of using single-use drapes and
gowns during surgical procedures, not only for the safety of the patients but also for that of the staff.
During the presentation, information about the collaboration with EORNA (the European Operating Room Nurses Association)
was also shared. Examples were given including the education on infection control from the “Join the Fight” campaign, and the
survey undertaken at the EORNA congress in Lisbon. The survey was
realized by MEDECO with the aim to get feedback from the final users of
surgical drapes and gowns.
“Feedback from the audience of medical professionals was very positive,
specific mention was made about their appreciation of the effort made by the industry to be closer to the users of medical
gowns and drapes, sharing education and information” said Sophie Litt, Chair of the EDANA Medeco Marketing Committee.
The single-use nature of medical nonwovens/laminates guarantees that drapes and gowns will always perform to the product
specific EN13795 and other relevant standards in terms of barrier properties and strength, thus reducing risk of contamination.
Each time a single use product are used they have not been used before which through quality control guarantees quality and
performance to EN 13795. As a consequence, they will help to protect patients and medical staff from the pain and cost of
The performance of single-use surgical drapes and gowns is proven to be reliable and consistent and validated according to
requirements for safe use set by CEN. Patients and medical staff have the certainty that the drapes and gowns will fully perform
in terms of barrier effectiveness, microbial cleanliness consistency, linting, comfort, and safety.
The risks of cross-contamination or loss of performance of the material, as can be the case with reusable products after multiple
uses, laundering and sterilisation cycles, are removed. [57.]
Nexcelle’s thrust reverser for jet engines at Paris show
An innovative thrust reverser concept developed by Nexcelle for new Integrated Propulsion Systems (IPS) is being shown for the
first time at a major international aerospace event during this week's Paris Air Show - exhibited by Safran (Aircelle), which is one
of its two parent companies.
This thrust reverser configuration was validated using the full-scale PANACHE (Pylon And Nacelle Advanced Configuration for
High Efficiency) demonstrator - which received the 2013 Safran corporate Innovation Grand Prize, and is featured on Safran's
Paris Air Show display at Le Bourget Airport (Hall 2A, Stand 232).
"It is highly appropriate that PANACHE is making its public debut at the world's no. 1 aviation event," said Nexcelle President
Huntley Myrie. "This is a further recognition of all the teams from Nexcelle's parent companies - Safran (Aircelle) and GE Aviation
- that were involved in validating this advanced thrust reverser configuration and bringing it to successful testing."
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Key elements of Nexcelle's advanced thrust reverser configuration include a one-piece composite O-Duct, which replaces the
two-piece "D" doors on a traditional thrust reverser.
It benefits from reduced weight, while also eliminating the D-doors' bifurcation in the flow-path - increasing the thrust reverser's
efficiency. The new kinematics, in which the entire O-Duct moves aftward to the
reverse thrust position, thereby eliminates the need for drag links in the secondary
Added to these advantages is the application of an electrical thrust reverser actuation system (ETRAS), with benefits that include
enhanced reliability, reduced weight, and improved maintainability.
PANACHE was selected for Safran's Innovation Grand Prize from 104 projects that had been evaluated from within the
corporation's own business units and as well as from suppliers.
Nexcelle was created in 2008, and has been selected to supply the nacelle systems for two major engine programs: the GE
PassportTM engine for Bombardier's Global 7000 and Global 8000 business aircraft; and CFM International's LEAP-1C integrated
propulsion system on the COMAC C919 airliner. The new thrust reverser configuration validated with Nexcelle's PANACHE
demonstrator will have its first application on the C919. [58.]
IFAI opens registrations for Specialty Fabrics Expo
The 2013 IFAI Specialty Fabrics Expo and Advanced Textiles Conference & Trade Show registration is open, representing the
broadest exposure to the specialty fabrics and advanced textiles industries.
This year brings exciting changes, including a co-location with the SGIA Expo (Specialty Graphic Imaging Association). Fabric
suppliers, fiber producers, weavers, roll goods, equipment and service providers, end-product manufacturers, and more are set
to converge at this one-of-a-kind conference Oct. 23-25, 2013 in Orlando, Fla.
Thousands of decision makers from all walks of the
industry supply chain and from 60 countries come to the
show each year in search of new suppliers or buyers, to
make purchasing decisions and network with industry
The 2013 trade event features a designated focus on the advanced textiles arena, with producers and service providers of
innovative textile technologies. Programming includes advanced textiles fundamentals, advances in modification of textile
surfaces, new developments and the latest in smart textiles and wearable technology.
The ShowStoppers Awards will highlight improved applications, revolutionary design and increased efficiency in textiles.
Additional programming focuses on niche industries and business-building sessions which round out the conference with a fullyfeatured educational component. See ifaiexpo.com for full schedule and details.
About IFAI
The Industrial Fabrics Association International is the world's leading and longest-running specialty fabrics trade organization
since 1912, with nearly 1,900 member companies located in 55 countries. IFAI publishes seven market-specific magazines and
organizes global industry events. [59.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
TenCate & TAPAS partner on new Airbus collaboration
At the Paris Air Show in France the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, Henk Kamp, is signing a letter of intent (LOI) for the
proposed extension of the Thermoplastic Affordable Primary Aircraft Structure consortium (TAPAS), in which eight Dutch
companies and institutes from the aviation industry have been working with Airbus on groundbreaking technological
innovations for aviation since 2009.
An innovative fuselage panel for Airbus, which is made of thermoplastic composite from TenCate Advanced Composites and
produced by Airbus, Fokker Aerostructures and other TAPAS partners, is also being unveiled at the Paris Air Show.
The companies and institutes forming the TAPAS consortium work closely with Airbus in the field of design and material,
production and assembly technologies, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs among others. Under the
leadership of Airbus, the partners recently produced a demonstration model of a fuselage panel for passenger aircraft.
The technological process was characterized by press forming,
welding and co-consolidating the thermoplastic composite into a
double-curved fuselage panel, including welded omega stringers and
butt-jointed T-stringers.
It is the first time that such a large-scale fuselage panel has been
made of thermoplastic composite. Thanks to its unique properties –
such as high stiffness, fire safety and excellent processability – this
advanced material is a prime contender for selection as the material
for the entire fuselage of future aircraft.
The LOI to be signed by Minister Kamp aims to extend the existing
research agreement of the TAPAS consortium and focuses on the
continuing development of thermoplastic composites for wing and
tail applications, for support structures for engines, and for fuselages.
TAPAS 2 will be the successor of TAPAS 1, which was initiated in 2009 with the aim of expanding the development of
thermoplastic composites for Airbus aircraft design and bringing these materials to a higher technology readiness level. [60.]
Canadian Light joins composite materials researchers group
Shining synchrotron light on questions facing the composites industry is the goal of an Agreement signed in Vancouver between
the Canadian Light Source (CLS) and the Composites Research Network (CRN).
The CRN is an initiative of the University of British Columbia (UBC) in collaboration with academia and industry partners, which
supports the composites industry in Western Canada and beyond. It was launched in January 2012 with a $9.8 million
investment from Western Economic Diversification Canada.
Clustered into geographical nodes, CRN lead participants include UBC-Vancouver and Okanagan, the University of Victoria, the
Composites Innovation Centre in Winnipeg, and now the CLS in Saskatoon.
“We’re very excited about the research opportunities that will come from this agreement,” says Jeffrey Cutler, CLS Director of
Industrial Science. “Our scientists are doing leading science in applying synchrotron techniques to the composite materials’
sector. We look forward to partnering our capabilities with CRN’s expertise and experience, to benefit Canadian industry.”
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The only synchrotron in Canada, the CLS will add unique research capabilities and knowledge to the network, and will help to
make available materials and knowledge for the development of next generation composite materials for the aerospace,
manufacturing, automotive, agriculture, and recreational vehicles sectors.
With an initial emphasis on the stress in composite structures caused by the manufacturing process, the CLS will bring unique
insight into improving composite structure mechanical properties.
“We are delighted to partner with the CLS. They will add a key element to our network, not only with state-of-the-art
synchrotron technology, but also by helping us to build new connections with researchers from a variety of institutions and
industry in Saskatchewan,” says Anoush Poursartip, Director of CRN. “This collaboration will be of enormous benefit, not only to
us, but to the entire composites sector.”
About the Canadian Light Source:
The Canadian Light Source is Canada’s national centre for synchrotron research and a
global centre of excellence in synchrotron science and its applications. Located on the
University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon, the CLS has hosted 3,300 researchers from academic institutions, government,
and industry from 10 provinces and territories; delivered over 26,000 experimental shifts; received over 6,600 user visits; and
provided a scientific service critical in over 1,000 scientific publications, since beginning operations in 2005. [61.]
3A Composites Core Materials offers customized solutions
With the extended certification for its latest product innovations in structural core materials and interior panels based on balsa
veneer, 3A Composites Core Materials broadens its position as market leader even further.
Based on its extensive resources of around 10.000 hectares of balsa plantations in Ecuador, the global player now offers more
solutions that are customized to the market.
Balsa combines unique characteristics such as strength and stiffness, which is in demand for
sandwich constructions in numerous markets, from wind rotor blades to construction applications
(e.g. BALTEK SBC).
With its customer-oriented market strategy 3A Composites thus consistently continued the
development of and investment in the industrialization of different balsa manufactures both in
Ecuador and Sins, Switzerland. Structural core materials and interior panels based on balsa veneer
are an important material for existing and new markets, such as marine applications as well as
furniture and architectural interiors.
For 3A Composites, the commitment to sustainability is equally important for innovation and continuous improvement. Owning
the entire balsa product cycle from seedling to finished material, 3A Composites can guarantee unrivalled process and quality
controls both by itself and in cooperation with the independent FSC organization.
Roman Thomassin, CEO of 3A Composites Division Core Materials states: “Our customers can truly rely on our drive for
improvements – for their own benefits. FSC`s certification of our location in Sins is the result of our consequent improvement
strategy of relevant processes. Being - and remaining - a reliable partner is the top priority of our business.”
About 3A Composites Core Materials
3A Composites Core Materials is a global organizational unit within 3A Composites, with operations in Europe, North America,
South America, India and China. The branded products AIREX and BALTEK have pioneered the sandwich technology for almost
70 years. Fabricators use these core materials to make innovative, lightweight sandwich structures for the wind energy, marine
and transportation markets as well as other industrial applications. [62.]
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Flame retardant industry to see demand rise 5.6%
There has been a lot of new development with flame retardants recently with the upheaval over the chemical’s effect on the
health of people and their pets. While new cases are being pushed to ban certain flame retardants from the market, the
importance of the purpose of flame retardants still remains a concern.
Flame retardants are commonly used in textiles to reduce the likelihood of spreading a flame. While many materials without a
retardant melt and spread quickly to other flammable materials during a fire, a flame retardant fabric would make that process
less likely.
Annual fire records from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of
the Department of Homeland Security claim over 2,500 people die and 12,600
people are injured from fires. Fires are also costing more than $7.3 billion in
damages. It’s clear why flame retardant chemicals are important not only for the
protection of assets, but also people’s lives.
In a recent press release posted on the American Chemical Society Press Room,
researchers stated that upholstery furniture and mattresses not coated with a
flame retardant, and made of polyurethane materials, are some of the first
things to ignite in 17,000 fires per year which are causing the death, injury, and
cost tolls.
FEMA posts on its website the dangers of rapid fire spreading. In two minutes, an
ignited mattress can spread in a home to a life threatening degree. In only five
minutes, the entire home could be in flames. This is an especially intimidating statistic for families with small children or pets.
In 2007, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission passed the 2007 Federal Mattress Flammability Standard. This standard
enforced that mattresses manufactured after 2007 are at or above a set performance standard for the amount of heat released
if the mattress caught fire. The standard was said to prevent 270 deaths and over 1,300 injuries.
The US Navy also took notice of the hazards of flammable materials. According to an article posted at the end of May 2013 via
ABC News, the Navy plans to implement flame-resistant uniforms for their sailors. The Navy is reinstating the standard after
terminating it back in 1996 due to poor wearability and high cost. After a study proved how flammable the current uniforms
truly are, the Navy admirals supported the change. The implementation is set to occur over a three year period.
As reported by Freedonia Group, the flame retardant industry is planned to see a demand increase of 5.6% each year through
2016. Part of this increase is in response to the recovery of the economy. With construction, housing, and US automotive
industry upturns, the need for flame resistant materials will increase due to these industries’ demands for the products.
Internationally, developing nations are also understanding the importance of fire safety regulation and increasingly utilizing
flame resistant products in their new construction and development efforts.
With current health hazard concerns, the spotlight has been put on bromine and chlorine free flame retardants. As demand in
general increases, so do opportunities for alternative flame retardants. While the market is dominated by the brominated and
chlorinated retardants, many are starting to look at alternatives to reduce health risks. [63.]
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24th June 2013
Textile Weekly-News that keeps you ahead
Suominen increases flushable wipes capacity
Suominen, a leader in nonwovens for wipes, is to invest approximately
EUR 2.5 million in the capacity expansion at one of its assets at the
Windsor Locks plant in Connecticut, USA. The investment increases
Suominen’s capacity to produce value added nonwovens products,
particularly for the growing segment of flushable products.
“We have decided to proceed with this investment in order to be able to
answer to our customers’ increasing demand. We will further strengthen
our position in the wipes market, and particularly in this market
segment, and the investment will expand the production capacity of our
proprietary Hydraspun Substrate technology”, says Jean-Marie Becker,
Executive Vice President of Suominen Nonwovens.
“The investment highlights our commitment to the wipes market and is
in keeping with our strategy to further increase the share of value added
products in Suominen’s portfolio”, adds Nina Kopola, President and CEO
of Suominen Corporation.
The investment is aimed to increase the production capacity of
Suominen’s Hydraspun Substrates - Hydraspun Dispersible Substrate is a
product defined as flushable as defined by industry guidelines developed
by INDA and EDANA, the industry associations.
The market for flushable products is growing in many regions across the globe and Suominen is, by implementing this
investment, addressing both the current and future demand.
Suominen supplies its industrial and retail customers with nonwovens, wet wipes and flexible packaging for use in consumer
products worldwide. The company employs approximately 1200 people in Europe and in the United States. [51.]
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