1--zr.tt iz fi.2A Urrt-rZ'{ (Q, lO-t vnut i3'? eq 44V r<(lz-t1. fl.'l to.'f- q-1 = -byq .!'t.y rgr.l " i<.3 fl\u vr< ry*4 out'{to&t AP Statistics Name: 4 n[orw,^Apr"O-a'(.f trwr-rdh-*t n-lt-r National Fuelsavercorporation manufacturesttrePlatinurn G-asaver, a devieethey claim.tnay increase Lr gasmitreageby22%o.." Herearethepercentchangesl" g* -ilr ug"ior l5 identicalvehicles, as presentedin oneof the company'sadvenisemeG: 48.3 46.9 46.8 44.6 402 ge.s 34.6 33.7 28.7 28.7 24.8 10.8 t0.4 6.9 -12.4 oLtk 1' consbuct andinterpret a90% confidenceintervalto estimatethe meanfuel savingsrn the populationof all suchvehicles.Follow the Inference Toolbox. hh,Jf{oci+i*-t" rrtz v'tt"'n?oriwus. iAq^sr*k^q& $. ,t-0{voL'c{rsef4rr'5 v\^o/alwti11-{1a4OWta{wd&\^ca-il{ '*[,,.'.{* tlrlro.,^)o*Qdp""b^d4 tiltL, -lp rvt"o,co-,lLn,n-,1."t} 6dr,*a -h y^oWtc A^,1 )ouoro&,e v^oS,-Ltg Jn",", s+ Ur,S,,,*4^'-dq)Aewp6^XA r^tro-rd& prod,,^cilwd;l[wln(Ioa'fi^s. +1., rpg-Utz*tDC} Not 3+-tal. Ar'i lot*t>l vo,yaso,,-t. wJt }\-tq/' - dk" t: Dl.r; ,t W, b^t +tu'rta(( ^o B,-ft.rrs ,-. n1or^,^f p^t*,bi Lq f ht'S r(tl.^ ts stnq,,-t-t I gv,J,lorfurt rr,u{,iorr--Trlwno-.(. - 3lr,owb( h,r Safe t^t'\ tTroitotnrus, i,. eLf71<Yaqsffh-lr Tfor*Lorr( 4 C^&y4-*i U 0Lovtrthn it u rwl<'-n'8,o'<- ---^6 L y:Ld - Nv^a.s*re*oq>hdlLd^MlaL'dLPr/dr'*-t @frt"[A d'(- t* rA*ft^sqvtftas ,^,U)P u:,n1Qorou,r,i&til' @ lO"luW{r'at-Qt-t-4'* ac+-l NIni.90 ulO.el-ultti 2. Explainwtat*90%oconfdence"meansinthissening.VLt/^'dz t: ZO,Uot I Uo_g At,n"fyvrl*vL> NV ns L orw,othod4't^^.t Ca4>furcs 10)" errr-+-l' l.AL {r^t pp^Uh; q0% vr,Lr.l.^rrt af- u/, yae;:fit- 9,.loa5 4 >i4e K fiyv\f1^.e grlt*{-hx_ 3. commenton themanufacturer's claimbasedon yourwork in ilt euestionl. Le,tl rot"tt-W*t-"n"frd"rrr'tCL;rt,Wlcru^:;-sur t,rtrv"L e-pfu.res ,X1"!-Fl% V,Jcrr!-. 6l.r,nr fioruu*, ilt dt*'+ lL,'anuoh-otharfuda.,;e<.,e,i( Nrinl"tVrri=suk>* ehu' *" */d_s Chapterl0 Quiz10.24 Quiz 10.2D AP Statistics Name: A very interestingareaof researchbeingdoneat SimonFraserUniversityin Canadais in bioremediation-theuseof living organismsto cleanup pollution.In a recentlyconductedexperiment, researchers usedfungi to degradehydrocarbons-theby-productsof incompletecombustionof fossil fuels.Theseby-productscancausecancer,andtheir accumulation in waterandsoil posesan environmentalhazard. In orderto be cost-effective, a minimumof 1.00micromoles/minute/gram of soil of a particular hydrocarbonmust be degraded.The researchers addedfungi andgrowthmedia(essent-ially sugar)to the soil andin 9 replicatesobtainedthe following degradation ratesmicromoles/min/g: 1.0 1.93 0.83 0.91 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.88 t.36 Someselectedoutputfrom JMP statisticalsoftwareappearsbelow: 1.242222 lMean j StdOev 0.403479 Sta frror Mean 0.134494 I 1- Give a point estimateof the degradationrate in the presenceof fungi. What is its estimated standarderror? Interpret the estimated standarderror. gillfi,t;tl ?V,Ll( = t.%tL fit;orunotnftw;x(1 1k,4"rl enor = 0.tgqf J\*'s i5 lt+ taf"ilrfrtL Xh,*ta"d.d^crir,Iti et +1-Lo(,\fvi bql q *t ilI eryb titq af q 2. Calculateand interpret a95Yo confidenceinterval for p . l. Lsllfi*tl+tt l^ $rubtui L' f r*cc dtT,4f)rcscnu *f eZtv f 5 uxv-ruown--- owskurt- rrq-9tl'?(. t;rrfr^r*Q 8P- !1turrv- q tuf(i^h, oy ,rLffl,g4hnuic1 -ft*fryul.tt+-,* g,cttrsU*, owt N lultrLTs -?lof thiw ftgh* t^At4r- l ^4t'+ -J qssurul- t tdlgu\tUrt 4',-Jr^ r c-p*' t-t-.6-5 ' r (i-,taz,l 5;) ?fl' uuA'et*t=9. l.L4z r 2.ev("#) 4 6 3. Basedupon the confidenceinterval, doesit appearthat the fungi have increasedthe rate of degradation?Be sure to explain the basisof your decision. h.^f bt Ornn 4L ftiJ'&inutaiS lrnrcnrw,@^/S ol Aoi.(:nAls h bL d4r'utrd , an;i- I i: i,. h^.r Ctr*Art^catty rtT*( ilV pYt*s;ht+ft*t ,tk.l.^.i hnv n{f ittru; fu-' chapter 10 Tlf,t g+ dqr^d-hn O euiz10.2D