BOLSAS Y MERCADOS ESPAÑOLES, SISTEMAS DE NEGOCIACIÓN, S.A. Operation Instruction 17/2015 TRADING OF SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS OF VOUSSE CORP,S.A., ON THE GROWTH COMPANY SEGMENT OF THE MERCADO ALTERNATIVO BURSÁTIL (MAB) The subscription rights on the shares of VOUSSE CORP, S.A. with Spanish Codification Agency value code no.ES0676406921, will be traded on the Growth Company Segment of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil under code (VOU.D), from 3 September 2015 to 9 September 2015, both inclusive. The aforementioned securities will be traded in accordance with the rules for trading subscription rights on shares of growth companies on the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil contained in Circular 2/2011, of 8 June. 1. Trading period The period envisaged for trading subscription rights on the shares of, VOUSSE CORP, S.A will run from 3 September 2015 to 9 September 2015, both inclusive. 2. Measures applicable at the start of trading subscription rights on the shares of VOUSSE CORP,S.A. In view of the circumstances surrounding the start of trading subscription rights on the shares of VOUSSE CORP, S.A. the Supervisory Committee of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil will apply the following measures: 1.- Take the theoretical value of the subscription right as the reference price for establishing the first price, whereby the minimum price of each right is €0,01, in accordance with that established in aforementioned Circular 2/2011. 2.- In accordance with section 2.1 of aforementioned Circular 2/2011, the minimum price change will be set at € 0,001 3.- The subscription rights will have a static range of 500%. 1 BOLSAS Y MERCADOS ESPAÑOLES, SISTEMAS DE NEGOCIACIÓN, S.A. 4.- The rights will be traded in an opening auction, an open market period, a closing auction and a special operations period. The opening auction will begin at 8:30am and will end at 12:00am. This timeframe for this security may be changed if necessary up until the time warranted by the market situation, whereby the extension and end of the period must be announced sufficiently in advanced. If so warranted by market circumstances, the Supervisory Committee of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil may take any measures necessary to facilitate normal operations of supply and demand. 3. Other measures applicable to trading subscription rights on the shares of VOUSSE CORP, S.A. In accordance with section 2 of Circular 7/2010, of 4 January, regarding Rules for Trading Shares of Growth Companies on the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil, the purchase and sale orders that are entered in the market and that are greater than €300,000 will require express double confirmation from the operator. Similarly, in accordance with the last paragraph of section 2 of the aforementioned Circular, the intermediary must obtain authorisation from the market supervisory body for sale orders greater than €3 million, for the purpose of confirming the existence and availability of a securities balance that is sufficient to settle the order. The cash amount per order for external applications, based on which validation will be requested by an authorised operator, will be set at €100,000. Madrid, 1st September 2015 The Managing Director Jesús González Nieto-Márquez The English translation is for the convenience of English-speaking readers. However, only the Spanish text has anylegal value. Consequently, the translation may not be relied upon to sustain any legal claim, nor should it be used asthe basis of any legal opinion Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Sistemas de Negociacion, S.A. , expressly disclaims all liability for any inaccuracy herein. 2